Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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I grew an autoflower that was called anvil and it was really dark purple but the leaves stayed green,it was a one gallon grow and it really never packed on the frost I was looking for to grow again. I think those leaves were just dying off from malnutrition, I grew it in a two gallon pot and I should’ve top dressed week three or four to re amend.

look at that, all properly labeled to avoid confusion 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😉
IMG 3056
IMG 3066


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I haven’t done LSD in a long ass time, but I used to do it damn near daily. Never had a bad trip on it. I think it’s a “relatively” dangerous drug in the sense that it’s impossible to say how a person’s genetics will respond to it. I’ve seen people go full schizophrenic that never came back, and others that took decades to fully come back. But I’ve definitely never seen anyone go insane from one trip, even if that one trip was a nightmare. So I would never tell a teenager NOT to take acid. Rather I would make sure they understood the potential consequences and to make sure to watch out for one another closely within their trip circle over time..

But basically what Captain said, nature wins every time. Shrooms have always been super hard on my stomach, even as tea. Same with peyote and San Pedro. If anyone knows how to counteract that shit, please god speak up!!

Otherwise, it’s pot and DMT for me, with occasional shrooms anyways.

i’ll just say i was part of a few lsd and shroom producers and always had great trips and experiences, the odd time doing unknown acid you get an odd buzz or “hangover” but nothing bad as far as i can remember hahaha
but with shrooms one of my last trips including acid was because i got sooo fucking high or a bad trip, not sure but it was something i didn’t want to experience again which if you known me back than you would of thought holy that must of been really scary,..
the first few hours were the time of my life than that was it, don’t remember much, there are pictures of that weekend but not posting!
what we all did that night i’m not sure but i know we stewed about a pound of shrooms in cut up fruit for hours than would drink and eat it,..
ah life was soo fun back than!!!!
And they walked away heroes in the morning.
Of what?

🦆 ask the omnipotent Rasta duck.
He knows. 😂


Or high as fuk watching Fritz the cat in the theatre with my homies let myself get into the movie and the cats were looking for the pigs and I stand up and yell out loud the pigs are under the car! Everyone laughed like crazy I was oh oh now I’m paranoid that everybody is watching me ahhhh it pays to have good friends let me tell ya


We used to paint ping pong balls fluorescent orange yellow etc. with only black lights on another swing and a miss now that was a tracer trip
We used to go to the gym on acid and play racketball. That shit will make you crack the fuck up laughing. It’s impossible to find the ball when the ball is everywhere all at once!!


Getting to that point where I always get issues. This go round I'm feeding soooooo much less, I have also not once looked at the ppfd readings and am only focusing on plant leaves. Also changed from a 7 day dry cycle to a 3 day dry cycle. Only concern there is no runoff and salt based nutes. But I did a 25% run off before flip and at week 3, planning on doing another at week 6. Went from a feed feed schedule during veg, to a feed water schedule first 3 weeks of flower, and now on a feed water water schedule.

Currently about day 33 of flower no issues yet.
IMG 20240314 104805869 HDR

I know I'm disappointed with the training also. 🤣😂 Have a good day everyone.


Getting to that point where I always get issues. This go round I'm feeding soooooo much less, I have also not once looked at the ppfd readings and am only focusing on plant leaves. Also changed from a 7 day dry cycle to a 3 day dry cycle. Only concern there is no runoff and salt based nutes. But I did a 25% run off before flip and at week 3, planning on doing another at week 6. Went from a feed feed schedule during veg, to a feed water schedule first 3 weeks of flower, and now on a feed water water schedule.

Currently about day 33 of flower no issues yet. View attachment 2135007
I know I'm disappointed with the training also. 🤣😂 Have a good day everyone.
Looks super healthy!!


My bad trip happened at 29. My one kinda narcissistic friend said something kinda rude and it just spiraled from there. At some point I sat there and unleashed on him about what a dick he has been over the years. And then at some point I wound up thinking him and this other friend were gonna kill me and bury me out back. They had to sit there and reassure me that was not the case.


Mk ultra was a government program headed up by the cia, it started with more of an emphasis on population control but quickly morphed into a study on mind control.
The dr running the mk ultra tests took the idea in front of a special closed door congressional hearing in which the appropriations committee slammed the door in the drs face, and shit the program down. This is where the cia really started to go off the books. They needed money to fund these things, and also securing black sites to run the Lad trials, reference things like the cocaine trade, the cia as well as the cartels were both the reason for the cocaine issue, and illegal weapons.
Reference Iran contra. So they get money, then they get access to what society deemed “the lowest of the low” prostitutes, mental patients of all types. Drug addicts and the like because if these people lost their minds or died, which plenty did, no one would miss them or ask any questions. the doses they were feeding people in the tests where fucking insane 3gram chunks of ld 25 and eventually ld 50. 😳 based on some of the finding the cia decided to test their theory on a small town In Northern Europe in which they spiked the water supply, and the entire town went crazy. People shooting and stabbing each other simply because our government is insane. So after that debacle another committee was appointed “mj-12” that was also responsible for shutting down project blue book, with investigation of the cia and what they at that point were alleged to have done. Funny thing is, they made the most noise about blue book,

Aliens or the possibility of was something they needed to get ahead of.

Mass hysteria and the church, mj-12 put the public focus on ufos, while mk ultra was swept under the rug.

But we do need to be aware, that the fucking cia is why the electric kool aid tests, Tim Leary, Ken Kesey and the pranksters and the dead happened the way it did.

People died. It is a crazy story man…..
Remember watching a documentary on that village messed up the things they did


Looks super healthy!!
They usually do at this point 😂🤣😂🤣. But this run I think I'm good. I think my past grow just been too much nutes. Changed a lot on this grow following guidance from this topic. So just kinda posting a few updates to hopefully not see it this time. They still look a little heavy on the nutes, I might be switching up to a feed water water water schedule, plants seem to need less and less nutes towards the end. Or maybe I'm just tripping..... Who knows. 🤣😂🤣


Intelligence - this is intelligence. You've seen octopuses and cuttle fish changing their color to suit surroundings, camouflage. Place cuttle fish on a checker board and it starts to look like a checker board.
Think about that. While on a bus a cuttlefish may not be the most chatty passenger but that is a different kind of high intelligence.


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idk what this is but seen him eating my plant this morning and tried to kill it and it dropped to the floor. Just now caught him climbing the wall. Only two little spots on two different leaves. Haven't seen more of them so I think that was the only one. (Fingers crossed.)
Damn.. looks like a museum beetle. They bite and latch onto people too


I ♥ fat colas
I always believe that it’s a pretty simple equation.

DMT and mushrooms are naturally occurring.
LSD is a chemical compound that we would never come across with out breaking down ergotamine and synthesizing it in a lab.

Nature wins every time man.

I stopped taking lsd because it makes me feel
“Robotic” and I usually would come away with a gnarly headache…..
Lsd is definitely different, shrooms are my fav of the 2. I feel like the biggest difference is control, LSD you know your tripping and feel good, shrooms you are along for the ride. DMT is on the bucket list 100% I have tripped on everything else from 2cb to dxm and everything in between. DXM 4th plateau is the most intense imo, if you haven't been there then 🤷‍♂️ if you know you know. Leave your body, live a life, come back type shit
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