The Great Amendment 64 Debate

  • Thread starter SoCoMMJ
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Everyone wants to 'tear the wall down', but sometimes you have to take baby steps. As I stated earlier, all the hooplah with 1284 will be similar with 64 per retail regulation, as it was with Amd 20. However you are now making it legal for ANYONE over 21 to possess one ounce or what was harvested off their plants. I think it won't be long before someone's proving their 20# came from three plants. I forsee year long veg cycles with this one.


Premium Member
The more individuals we can get to start using this plant more deregulation and ffreedom will follow. It will take time and Colorado may endure a short time of fed fucking. There is strength in numbers and its easier to hide in a crowed room than standing there all alone.

Agree C-man, but the govt is going to get involved no matter what. Todays govt doesn't offer offers oppression. We have come a long way since I took my first toke and there is still a long way to go. Try and get someone to take their first toke today!!!!

OK.... Iam off marching in my parade attire to the local elementry school to hand out joints at recess...


Interesting. Lot to take in. When it comes right down to it our system couldn't even convict OJ in a trial by his peers. How in the hell can we expect ourselves to make an intelligent decision when everything is so complicated.

How long will it be before the next opportunity comes up and who is to say it will be any better? WE NEED TO GET THIS DONE, I'M RUNNING OUT OF TIME. LOL


lol people are silly as shit. Vote Yes on 64 it will only get better. lol at anyone thinking it will some how get worse.

I remember starting a thread on here asking if the new dispensary model would cause prices to rise or fall. A great majority of people thought it would get more expensive, which it didn't. IMO, this is the last website that will offer unbiased opinions based on reason in this matter. Unfortunately, each side has too much invested to think rationally.


LOL at anyone worrying about another state and what they might do if you break a law there.... Here is a Pro tip.. Don't get caught in Oklahoma with Hash.

Its all about Colorado and all the things you can do here in this fucking paradise not some Nazi hell hole.

Take what you can get . All progress is good and eventually the entire system will break.
It will be perfect one day but it has to start some where. Just like MMJ.. who would have thought we would have all these dispensaries and the state making money off of Marijuana. just 6 years ago.. Progress. if you cant help get out of the way.


Yo trip any idea if theres a Quality control clause in prop thinking some of these spots are like 3.2 at grocery stores and convenience stores lol... but much love to the paradise we live in and hopefully it doesnt become that nazi hell hole...


Premium Member
LOL at anyone worrying about another state and what they might do if you break a law there.... Here is a Pro tip.. Don't get caught in Oklahoma with Hash.

Its all about Colorado and all the things you can do here in this fucking paradise not some Nazi hell hole.

Take what you can get . All progress is good and eventually the entire system will break.
It will be perfect one day but it has to start some where. Just like MMJ.. who would have thought we would have all these dispensaries and the state making money off of Marijuana. just 6 years ago.. Progress. if you cant help get out of the way.

Was pulled over and despite having nothing was still detained hassled and suspected because of Colo plates...Denied my rights when I told cop he cannot search. He laughed at me...

From what Ive seen, with 1 exception, from our friend Altimood, all these dispensaries who are making money off sick patients with shitty meds unregulated as far as safety and quality is just greed. Thats not what mmj should be about. Also if so many are making money how come most have shut down??.
Its called... Regulation!!!...more stupid laws will be passed after the fact just like mmj...Communities will ban, further restrict and tax...
The state is making money but fuck them, what good has it done us or the mmj program as a whole? Where did all the money go? More restrictions?
Could be progressing us all like sheep to the slaughter....
The only progress I see is big profits for the greedy state and the other select few behind the scenes...Ready to cash in


Premium Member
Was more fun when we hid in the busshes and smoked. Was stickin it to the man...
sky high

sky high

The state was completely "hands off" and gave the patients NO assistance or thought regarding MMJ until 1284 was cooked up and they figured out what drug dealing and the profit linked to it is all about. Let's not forget that these are THE SAME COCKSUCKERS who have been kicking in our doors over the last 30+ years... so if you lay WITH THEM...YOU ARE THEM.

The "retail" aspect of this Amendmant will never come about. The FED won't allow it.
The ONLY reason 1284/"the industry" here is being allowed to stand is the "medical" tag. Take that away...and none of this will fly/hold water.... no way.

should be interesting either way....


Regulation, bet. Do any of us that have lived in this country for any length of time think that anything NEW is not going to be regulated to death. Its another step in the road to independence. I agree 64 is not legalization it is most definitely regulation just like everything else in this country. We do not live in a free country we live in an increasingly oppressed country. But as long as our system holds open elections those seeking votes will follow the public majority in order to get those votes.

Colorado may feel the wrath of the feds for a while but if we pass 64 other states will soon follow and we will then be just another face in the crowd of this growing movement. We owe this opportunity to the country to take the next step in this long process. If we don't take this next step how long before we get another chance.

I believe there will always be an under ground market for marijuana just like whiskey is still made in stills in Kentucky. Regulation will ultimately cause the transaction price to rise at the dispensary level so the prices will adjust accordingly. What I mean is taxes, licensing and the cost of doing business will make the price go back up.

Time and the will of the people will eventually give more and more freedom to our beloved plant. I don't believe there is going to be a one step law introduced that will totally free marijuana in one vote. In the mean time HIDE and vote yes on 64.


The ONLY reason 1284/"the industry" here is being allowed to stand is the "medical" tag. Take that away...and none of this will fly/hold water.... no way.

should be interesting either way....

Yes, "medical" does belong in quotes... ;)
sky high

sky high

That's probably the saddest thing of all, dorje. Once the clowns came to play, it all became a sideshow. Those of us who were patients before the circus came SAW IT ALL COMING and even predicted the "industry" (greed) would fuck things up in posts right here on this very board... uhhhhummm....

64 will be the SAME shitshow...but worse. Another un-need and un-necessary "industry" born solely out of greed and tagged onto something that should be a really good thing for everyone on a PERSONAL level.



Do you think A64 could have an effect of legitimizing the medical use/business? Maybe act to remove the quotes?

I tend to think so, and I am curious what others think.


I know that this is off topic, and I apologize, but I need to try to get some info. Does anyone on here know of any non-dispensary caregivers in the Colorado Springs/Pueblo area? Any info would be great. Thanks.


When Amend 64 passes what is to become of the red-card status? If the redcard program is eliminated that would be a huge loss of revenue for the state.


When Amend 64 passes what is to become of the red-card status? If the redcard program is eliminated that would be a huge loss of revenue for the state.
Don't worry kolah there are great minds at work on this right now. You know as well as I do that regulation means taxation.
sky high

sky high

When Amend 64 passes what is to become of the red-card status? If the redcard program is eliminated that would be a huge loss of revenue for the state.

I tend to think the folks who were patients before the shitshow will remain patients after the kiddies jump ship to "blow it up legally".... I probably will since I'm re-upping/expiring this week and will only be a month into a new card when the election hits.

And from my understanding it would take a vote (I know kolah....I know...our vote is no good) of the People to nixx A20 from the State constitution....just as it was voted in. (which is unlikely IMO). More likely is that 1284 will fall after 64 passes....cus 1284 is NOT set in stone as an addendum/HB like A20 is. Ooops.....

My hope is that they dismantle 1284 and then 64 gets slammed by the Fed....who say the same thing they said about MMJ......grow it at home...we won't come.... go commercial...we will nail your ass.....

"and we just smiled and waved, sitting there on that sack of seeds..."
sky high

sky high

Ever been pulled over in Utah?
If this passes the cops there will love all the revenue they will get fineing and jailing folks with colo plates transporting any amount. Having any amount in system is a crime and if they find Mj also possible DUI....
They can also seize cash and vehicle.
After getting stopped there and searched no way will I travel through there again.....


yup.....with weed in the car and my kids.... Fuckin serious fun. @ the time I was seriously addicted to opiates and wasn't driving...(my late son was driving/speeding...LOL) the cop smelled "a skunky marijuana smell in your car" and from got interesting.

I first refused a search.....but what good does that do when they are still detaining you... (?)
Having had other friends who got pulled over/popped with weed/shrooms...I kinda had an idea what was gonna happen....which was that after you refuse...they simply call the dogs...who then point.....and then they have "cause" to search....

So I asked if I could go to the car and get something......and they followed....guns drawn.... FREAKED my kids out..... but there it was...... I reached in...and pulled my "kit" from under the seat that had my license/pipe/about a 1/2 z of weed in it...and handed it to em.

it was the first Med card they'd ever they had to 'talk to their supervisor"...and left me standing out in the 20mph wind @ 20 F for an coat.....sonbitches....

Even so...they threatened me with Felony Child Abuse charges and a 48 hours "detox" and told me how 'weed' makes the Indians around S. Utah 'crazy'..... but after tellin em I had my card (this was in 2006) only cus I was tryin to get off the opiates.... (I was shaking a bottle of about 150 oxys right in their faces as i was tellin em how addicted i was)... they "gave me a break" and >>only<< charged me with 'Possession of a controlled Substance" and Possession of Drug Paraphenalia".....which tallied up to $500 per ticket and loss of the "right" to drive in their lovely state for a year.... like I've ever been back to spend a dime....cocksuckers....

so yeah.....>>all<< of the folks from CO headin to powell will get stopped if this goes through... Glad ya know to stay away bro

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