12/12 grow from seeds: what do you think?

  • Thread starter dutchman
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yeah, i imagine, it´s there anyway for who´s ment to read it :)

Maybe in some more recent post we can talk about it

green greets!


I'm going to be putting some in for a possible 12/12 from seed. They are in a prop now, still seedlings. Undecided what to do with them yet.
3 Firedog
6 Purple Dawg x Crystal Ship.
3 Guanabana (Amnesia x Widow)
6 of Cookie cut keeper (Welsh Cut named to keep sep from bros running cookies)


well, at the minute i only work with 12/12 so is the only one i recomend :)
still there are some variations, like the number of plants and size of the pots.

The way im getting amazing results, is starting the plants in a little 0,5 litter pot, and just raise them there for a couple of weeks or maximum till the pre-flower. If you let them 1 week more in the little pot is not gonna make any damage, but you get faster speed if you just wait till pre flower.

When this moment comes, i transplant them to ONE SINGLE HUGE POT! Here we go, this is the one :)

So yeah, I use one single huge container, that is about 600 lts of soil in a square meter for a 600w lamp. If you use a 600 and 400 side by side, you can join the 2 containers and get an extra line of plants in the middle that will receive light ftom both lamps.
This experiment as gaved me amazing results, and I think is to due to the plants are growing in a more similar way that they do in nature, wich is all together.

This allows the plants comunication and bio chemical interaction through the root system, just like in nature. This is great adavantage for them. They also get really big cause they have LOADS of space to root and spread. That´s why i DO NOT recomend this system for standard 18 hours grow. the plants would go to big to handle.

One other thing that happens in consequence of one pot grow is the concordance of the phenotype. They will look like clones.

So, in my opinion, dont stress your plants with anti natural 18 hour period light and dont trick them by telling them to create netabolism for growth when what you want is flowers :)

I don even use vegetation fert, I only use flower ones.
One is basic very dark strong smell organic matter shit loads. But only a 2-3-4 and never more than 1500 ppm on the last use of this fert, by General Hidro. This i work as my vegie one, so i give this one just to push them to the healthy green we know, and then i leave it.
I use loads of bacteria (they make a big diference) and enzyme, also important.
Then the other flower one is a more clean fert, with almost non organic matter and no smell, but with NPK of 1-20-17 from Atami. All organic,
And that´s it. The rest is all the bits and bobs, of humic acids and minerals and all those shits we all know.

A good Ryzothonic is very important. I use it till the flower starts.

So yeah, basicly its a resume on my experience. If you have any doubt or question just bring it on.

PS - if you are using different strains you will have different timmings on flowering and pre flower.
but the good of 12/12 is that you don´t have to worry with plant´s diferences, cause as some came out, some others come in.
And now if you use a proper TIME STACKING you can get up to 6 CROPS A YEAR!! :)
I also overwater (flush) them for 3 weeks!!
Clean Fert! High Taste! :)


Good connections to you all


Living dead girl
I'm going to be putting some in for a possible 12/12 from seed. They are in a prop now, still seedlings. Undecided what to do with them yet.
3 Firedog
6 Purple Dawg x Crystal Ship.
3 Guanabana (Amnesia x Widow)
6 of Cookie cut keeper (Welsh Cut named to keep sep from bros running cookies)
I want guanabana simply because that's what I was raised calling soursop. It's delicious! And the little black seeds make beautiful jewelry. Monkeys LOVE guanabana.


In the states we have to worry about plant counts. There are extremely harsh penalties for breaking the 1k mark for example.
A lot agree with you on low veg, high plant count being the most efficient but, you won't see them posting pictures or even
agreeing with you on public forum stateside.

36-50 clones per light vegged for 7-10 days in beds is hard to beat.


I want guanabana simply because that's what I was raised calling soursop. It's delicious! And the little black seeds make beautiful jewelry. Monkeys LOVE guanabana.

This was delicious too; Guanabana
20140105 212525


did you repeat the experience to confirm results?
Yes. I just finished a Rhino crack run with 15 different females. Two were standouts and the rest were good. No weak seeds this time. Only two had the look, smell, taste, yield and strenth. This was the third and final time growing all of them out.
That being said I have never done a 12/12 veg cycle indoors. A million different growers and a million different ways to grow.

JK Being


Yes. I just finished a Rhino crack run with 15 different females. Two were standouts and the rest were good. No weak seeds this time. Only two had the look, smell, taste, yield and strenth. This was the third and final time growing all of them out.
That being said I have never done a 12/12 veg cycle indoors. A million different growers and a million different ways to grow.

JK Being
yeah, allright, i thought you did it on 12/12. Anyway its good when you have good results.

For filter bad seeds and plants you just need selection. On my own crossings i allready launched 100 seeds just to select 6 plants :)
its not what i do all the time, but i allways try to select, even if is just a couple spear ones.

My quest is to search the most natural posible way of doing indoor, and get a huge help from nature and from the very plant DNA.

Any one can grow, only a few will understand it :)

Stay away from marketings of seed banks and fertelizers. Use them, do your readings, do your experiments, get your data, and then you will be able to really understand the plant.
Once you understand the plant, you can grow all varietys within theyr needs. But i trully recomend to stay with a strain for at least a year, to get some proper feedback.
If you keep changings, strains, ferts, soils, methods, lamps, cycles. You will never have "that" control on your grows, you´ll be trying and get lucky.
If you keep to one strain, a good one that you like, than you can start messing about all the other variants and get your data. By searching the best way you will understand the plants true needs and natural behavior. You will also see all diferences from a produt to another, from a timming to another.
I also recomend to try your ferts in different timmings and dosages. The manipulation or guidance you can give to your plants just by changing the timmings of the ferts its huge. So its better to have some control in these variables. I recom.

So, forget about what the seed/fert companies say, do your measures, on PH and EC so that you know what are you doing and giving to your plants. Some plants need more, some need less, if you dont control this variation, you never know what went different.
Even the same product from a different lot will give you diferent parts per million (EC) in your water, so that 1 ml per litter and blady bla story as no good in it if you wanna understand and control.

So we all can share a million different methods that all have worked in some past experience, but you only be abble to explain WHY, if you really understand the plants and you understand what are you doing with them.
In those WHY´s, there are many answers and not just for growing cannabis, but to grow any kind of plant.

So if you just wanna blag some smoke from a lamp once and a while forget all i said, but if you have the passion to understand, well, i hope it can help.

Good connections!

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