1900PPMS-12hrs-weeks 3-8

  • Thread starter YoungDro
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I have 2 friends that have wasted 20 grand each i understand that issue.
I always make sure my bases are covered.
plus most money is equipment that should last, all other expenses include nutes, elec, and rent (covered)

I wish you luck, I don't believe that you can't do it I just don't wanna see you end up with some root rot because of 1 small mistake or killing your plants with this 12 hour 1900 ppm or who knows what else, for fuck sakes I wouldn't even go over 1.6 ec max in any system during flower with any strain unless the plants were showing clear signs of deficiencies. If plants are happy and green at 1 ec in veg why put em up any higher?

Ease into everything never just throw everything at em that you can find and think of. Im sure by the time the system is actually set up you will have more bases covered but don't expect anything. Ive lost $30,000 crops to random bullshit in the past and know growers that have been at it for 20 years that don't even have retirements planned and end up with lost crops almost financially ruining them. Shit happens.


I got nothin else to do but sit around and make sure I didnt forget to turn on feed pumps, I'f there's a failure i'm okay and hopefully it will be something I can fix/understand. I will try and try again. Mpb is the only way i want to go, seen the results and am impressed.


I got nothin else to do but sit around and make sure I didnt forget to turn on feed pumps, I'f there's a failure i'm okay and hopefully it will be something I can fix/understand. I will try and try again. Mpb is the only way i want to go, seen the results and am impressed.

Having a grow is alot like having a boss who will fire you if you don't show up for work 7 days a week 365 days a year. Youngdro are you prepared to deal with a broken AC with 10 lights running in the middle of the summer? or a broken exhaust fan? ;) Ever walk into a grow room hitting 120 degrees and 100% humidity? Small things like that happen. :pizza


Having a grow is alot like having a boss who will fire you if you don't show up for work 7 days a week 365 days a year. Youngdro are you prepared to deal with a broken AC with 10 lights running in the middle of the summer? or a broken exhaust fan? ;) Ever walk into a grow room hitting 120 degrees and 100% humidity? Small things like that happen. :pizza
More words of wisdom!:smoke


The only way to succeed Dro is to fail, good luck on your journey my brother. If I could help I would. Be prepared to fail but be prepared to learn as well and then be prepared to win and learn again. Best wishes.


ya im doin the best i can , gettin a Friedrich as they are reliable, my bro is a hvac guy and can fix it asap, im pretty sure i can fix it myself-im an engineer.
Also, if it caused crop failure oh well i got $$ for more advanced nutes, electric, and rent all day.
I dont understand im not askin for people to tell me shit can go wrong, im askin for advanced techniques on operating 100-130 gallons in my resevoir.
I will be following DD nutrient schedule

I wont even be getting home depot buckets cuz they are CRAP, why spend all this bread on a mpb grow and get cheap roughneck buckets? not very wise as you will be using more than 5 gallons in the buckets that DD reccomends. ok use more water if you want to let me know when you get 3 or 4 pounders vs. 1 and 2. also use a different strain that you dont know how to dial in yet. I'll be goin with the g13 --prized cuts.
I guess i pretty much know everythin i need to know and just need to get up and runnin then if i have any problems then ask for advice as for now everyone has there own way of operating this system and seems no one follows DDs advice truly and some do like COXIE and receives excelllent results.

How do you even know you will have the exact same g13 cut as DD, what if the cut you get is accustomed to a much lower feeding regime and you end up frying all your plants brown? Id take 1-2 lb plants of better quality over 3lb hashplants any day, one has value/demand the other I will sit on with 30%+ less value. Your trolling us arnt you lol Advanced Nutes all day oh lawd.


I wont even be getting home depot buckets cuz they are CRAP, why spend all this bread on a mpb grow and get cheap roughneck buckets? not very wise as you will be using more than 5 gallons in the buckets that DD reccomends. ok use more water if you want to let me know when you get 3 or 4 pounders vs. 1 and 2. also use a different strain that you dont know how to dial in yet. I'll be goin with the g13 --prized cuts.
I guess i pretty much know everythin i need to know and just need to get up and runnin then if i have any problems then ask for advice as for now everyone has there own way of operating this system and seems no one follows DDs advice truly and some do like COXIE and receives excelllent results.

Let me know when you get 3-4 lbers, I got a 20 spot you dissapear in two weeks never to bother us again. you are a know it all about nothing. Ill be waiting patiently for your thread


dude i probably wont have the same cut as him
the best i can do is use his prior knowledge of dialing in the nutrient schedule and plant spacing, veg time, etc. most people have no base to work off of. All am saying is im going to be following doubles to the T, and not coming up with my own ideas on how to change the design/setup/and operations of this system until i have it fully mastered.

Your an engineer and won't come up with your own ideas? Dialing in anything requires you to change things :headbang

You can't master a system without being able to change it. :mad0223:


hahaha wow dude wow

first you are going to drop 15 of your own money, now your getting some jerks to loan you the money. your an 21yr engineer whose been in prison and doesnt understand what ft head on a pump is. your friend owns city plumbing and heat but then you claim your brother is the hvac guy. you critcize others grows and you dont even have your own cash.

you know when you lie you have to have a good memory.

Im going to go ahead and troll stamp your ass right now. How about your next post is a pic of your room fully set up with your 4lb trees on 40in center


i meant to mention to you YD on the phone the other day. You cannot sell to dispensaries anymore unless you are one. So keep that in mind. It isn't worth the risk right now because they are going to tighten it all up.


Playing with Fire Son...
Don't talk about it be about it. I'm on my third grow and have had zero issues it takes working 7 days a week 365 days a year to pull a completly perfecet grow off, Its real easy to say I can do that until you have to get up at 500 am every morning and go to bed at Midnight,every day, every time I see some one claiming to be an Engineer it makes me laugh, those are the guys who talk a lot but never put up.So my point is stop making claims and start showing pictures. I will let my Grows speak for them self. Jack


I have mad respect for the work put into this, like firefighters lol

Cant expect to plant a seed and wakeup in the morning and i turn into money lol

I will find out Today if i can get $ for a 10 lighter, if i dont succeed my first harvest, i will do my best to try again.
I'm not an engineer im just good with my hands (my first language was sign language) I used to fight but don't any more, and I am enfatuated with the ingenuity put into this system as I dont like growing plants close together and actually this way is more efficient holding each and individual plant more responsible for doing the job.


Yea, this shit is hard work..

hahaha when I first started I was like "ohh man this is gonna be cake, just a few lights, a/c, pumps, fan, ect... and with a few hours a week worth of work I'll be pullings lbs in no time..." hahaha not even close!!!

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