2kw SCROG with Blackberry Kush in Roots Coco 2nd Grow

  • Thread starter CelticEBE
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CelticEBE Thanks for the update on the customer service.
RMCG Thanks for the excellent info. Appreciate it, That is going to save me some $$


Well it looks like I am going to have to start doing some bondage on the girls. Things are gettin heavy and some of the branches are falling over and threatening to break. They are so damn sticky and stinky! It's hard to leave the room. I just get mesmerized. I took some pictures with my Cannon, I just have to run across the street and get the film developed.


I Love my Cannon Rebel!

Pic update. I used my Rebel on these and I am pretty pleased with the quality of the pictures. I can't wait to switch out the body on it though. Having film developed is a pain in the butt.

The 5th picture shows where some of the nugs got a bit burnt by over fertilization. I was pushing things way to hard last week. I apologized to the girls and have been taking it easier on them. Funny thing about it was that it wasn't the whole plant, just a few branches here and there. Maxing out at 1300ppm starting Sunday and I think I am going to stay at the same strength with my base nutes as this week, just ramp it up with the big bud a bit. Week 5 should prove to be interesting. I think I am going to need more string. I just love tying a bitch up.:rock


def sum good quality shots. i almost picked up the new rebel DSLR but got a canon instead. anyways great crop man shits lookin great.


Chillin' in the Shade...
Awesome garden and bud shots! Nice work CelticEBE... :cool


Thanks Boomer and Shady! I need to get a new camera and step into the digital age. My 80mm Macro is awesome though. Love that thing.

So I am in the beginning of wk 5 now, nutes are ramped up to 1300 and they are eating it all up with no signs of claw. After I flushed on Saturday night I gave them a bit of Great White with 1/4 strength Bud Candy. So far things are looking really good. My mentor was in town the other day and she gave me a thumbs up on things and also advised me to add another trellis as things are getting heavy and the weight is pulling a lot of branches down. Gonna get that in place tonight.

Did a bit of work on Sunday for an outdoor run. We dug out holes and mixed up some soil. Spent about 4 hours in the hot ass sun with my shirt off and I am a LOBSTER! Not sure what they hell I was thinking. I have pasty white skin. Probably start a journal for the outdoor run next week. Putting the BBK and some Goo out under the big HPS in the sky on Sunday. The girls in question are in the shade right now with a bit of supplemental lighting at night to keep em from triggering. Supplemental lighting will be continued when we put em in the ground. Gonna pull the supplemental light in September and look for an October harvest. Should be a fun project.


Great looking grow Celtic! A word of caution though. Watch out for mold with those high Rh levels, especially when those sick bird colas start getting heavy and leaning on neighbors! Other then that, you do some fine work!



Thanks! I am getting another trellis installed tonight to keep em from laying over anymore than they are. I tried doing it last night by myself and it was all but impossible. Also going to douse them with some SAFER's fungicide again soon. RH has been around 40 to 50% here lately.


I had a bit of a problem the other night. Went into the room to install the trellis and low and behold a lot of stems had fallen over. I managed to get the trellis in place and I taped up the stems that had bent. The buds are swelling bigtime now and I find it harder and harder to leave the room after I have fed them. I will post a pic update tomorrow.


Hang on, colas falling over cause theyre so fat is a problem? LOL! Just keep an eye out for any pesky mold or rot and cut it all out immediately. Cutting out a little is better then losing it all!



Right? I'm certainly not complaining about how this run is turning out. Just that it scared the hell out of me. I gave the girls a good dose of fungicide and since the second trellis has been installed they seem much happier.


The table is 4x8 and the room itself is about 7x10. It is a tight fit for sure. I have to crawl in some places! Love the screen name, I had a couple of Goldfish years back and I named them Cornelius and Dr Zaius.
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pic update

Day 41 into Flower. The girls are getting their SWELL on for sure. Can't wait to run this strain in an Undercurrent. Getting some new genetics here soon from my buddy at Cali Kush Seeds. Pure Kush and Banana Kush for sure.

Has anyone heard anything about Ra Organics? They claim to have a product that will give you the ability to pull seeds from bud without having a male present. If this is not just some snake oil shit this could change things for breeders bigtime! Imagine all the clone only strains out there right now that could be now used to properly create new genetics with. I hope someone here at the Farm knows something about this and can tell me more. Perhaps I should start a new thread about this.
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ladies lookin lush. gonna run the UC setup as well soon? def will be interesting to see how many people have converted to UC within this year. keep up the goodwork



I've had quite a few people try to talk me out of going to the UC, shop owners, fellow growers, but the proof is in the pudding to me. I know that when things go wrong with hydro...they go wrong quick. However I am of the mind that if you set it up right, have a chiller and keep a watchful eye on things.....you should be good.



I've had quite a few people try to talk me out of going to the UC, shop owners, fellow growers, but the proof is in the pudding to me. I know that when things go wrong with hydro...they go wrong quick. However I am of the mind that if you set it up right, have a chiller and keep a watchful eye on things.....you should be good.

have u talked with Dan @ UC yet? he will answer any questions/concerns about it.

one thing thats diff with the UC setup that im reading is u run half strentgh PPM. not like usual feeding schedles of 1000+ ppm
the reason from wat i understand is the water is always flowing and the plants get to uptake watever nutes they need whenever. nitetime flow is just to avoid stagnant water and drown out the roots.

but i do agree, get all proper equip the first round and do it rite. thats wats takin me so long to save that much funds.


Looking good man, do you have any osculating fans in there?


@ Boomer

Haven't spoken with him directly yet. I do know about the running things 1/2 strength. But I thought you were supposed to slowly ramp things up over time. The big thing people were warning me about was root rot. I have seen root rot in RDWC systems, but haven't seen anyone get it in a UC system. Regardless I will be moving into that territory and hopefully sooner than later. Not that I mind hand watering my girls, but that I see where it holds them back because I have to flush and water and nutes are not always available to them. If they drink up everything in the pot, then they have to wait on me.


Yes I have a 18" and a 16" fan on each side of the table. I have considered putting a small fan under the canopy but at this point I don't think it is really necessary.


@ Boomer

Haven't spoken with him directly yet. I do know about the running things 1/2 strength. But I thought you were supposed to slowly ramp things up over time. The big thing people were warning me about was root rot. I have seen root rot in RDWC systems, but haven't seen anyone get it in a UC system. Regardless I will be moving into that territory and hopefully sooner than later. Not that I mind hand watering my girls, but that I see where it holds them back because I have to flush and water and nutes are not always available to them. If they drink up everything in the pot, then they have to wait on me.

theoritically if the UC setup is ran the way its designed u shouldnt get root rot. the magdrive pump pushes massive water and airstones each bucket keep it bubbly with plenty of oxygen in the rhizosphere. im sure u saw jacks runthru and all healthy white roots.

but either way only time will tell as more peeps start up grow journals with the UC setups.

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