6k WHITE FIRE, and CHEM4 showdown!!!!!

  • Thread starter brotherlewrl
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at 23 days of flower! these ladies are starting to pack on the weight a bit. Gotta love the white fire. The Chemdog #4 are taken off too. I really cant wait till weeks 5-6 when they get huge!
Feb9 1
Feb9 2
Feb9 3
Feb9 4
Feb9 5
Feb9 7
Feb9 8
Feb9 9


Premium Member
Damn thats a lot dank in there. Looks really good Brother. You've got a nice foundation built so I expect some serious heavy weights in the near future!



Damn thats a lot dank in there. Looks really good Brother. You've got a nice foundation built so I expect some serious heavy weights in the near future!

we shall see buddy! ive yet to break 1.5 per light, hopefully this is the round, if not lets hope its dank!


Lolipop Genetics
yea brother..i wouldn't be too upset with 1.5 a light..not at all :) what do you have in this setup? are those 2 1000ws per table?


yea brother..i wouldn't be too upset with 1.5 a light..not at all :) what do you have in this setup? are those 2 1000ws per table?

hell no im not upset, if i could get that this time i will shit myself! ya i got 2 1k's over each 4x8, this seems to work the best, im thinking about getting the magnum xxxl's next round, we shall see what happens. I can for sure see some soft spots with these hoods, not the best light spread, but im not complaining too bad!


Funk Master!
Things r fillin' nice brother! Can't wait 2 see them @ 6 wks. Fat girls need luv 2! Lmao! Keep up the good work.


nothin but net! haha good thing for the trellis because those buds will be laying down soon.. dont be afraid to thin out the bottom and take off a few fan leaves for light penetration... 4" cubes work just as well as cubes with mats i am realizing.. you just have to give the plants better support and water more frequently.. rockwool really does support some major root growth.. but is a pain in the ass to dispose of. i have a homie who veg's this strain out in the big mommas and runs two plants per 4X8 tray. no joke. monsters!


nothin but net! haha good thing for the trellis because those buds will be laying down soon.. dont be afraid to thin out the bottom and take off a few fan leaves for light penetration... 4" cubes work just as well as cubes with mats i am realizing.. you just have to give the plants better support and water more frequently.. rockwool really does support some major root growth.. but is a pain in the ass to dispose of. i have a homie who veg's this strain out in the big mommas and runs two plants per 4X8 tray. no joke. monsters!

shit man i already did thin out the bottoms, i popcycled the fuck out of them, but they still are bushy as fuck. Im gonna have to go in there again and get rid of the fan leaves like you said, how long does this lady take? im thinking to just let her go 70-75 with the Chemdog #4's. Anyways homie ive never had a strain quite like this one before, you make dreams come true!!!!!


Chillin' in the Shade...
Fantastic progress and fine ladies! Keep up the great work brotherlewrl... :cool


Hey All, first post here.

I do 4x4x2" rockwool cubes 50-70 plants SOG in a 4x8' table with 2x1000W. I do a 5-7 day veg from small clones and plants end 25-36". My best is 0.9g/W. I have also tried larger 4x4x4" cubes side by side and saw no difference.

That being said, I struggle with salt build up and high pH (6.3-6.5) in cube, while giving 800ppm @.5conv and 5.5 pH. I do pre-soak the cubes but I think it's the green/black algae that covers the top of all cubes that causes my pH to rise.

I sample water from cube with a syringe to see where I am at. I find rockwool cubes hold so much water that I rarely need to flood more than once per day. I find that most of the time during flower 1 flood is too little and 2 floods is too much (cubes are soaked most of day) and having trouble dialing in the watering frequency.

I see advocates for larger cubes and coco mats and I am wondering what are the benefits vs straight cubes on tables? Logic tell me larger root mass = larger plant/buds, but I have not seen the benefits for small single cola SOG plants when did a side by side with larger cubes.

When do you decide that RW cube needs to be watered? When it's 50% of saturated weight, when it is just moist on the bottom, but otherwise dry?

Thanks farmers! I look forward to contributing to this forum.


Hey All, first post here.

I do 4x4x2" rockwool cubes 50-70 plants SOG in a 4x8' table with 2x1000W. I do a 5-7 day veg from small clones and plants end 25-36". My best is 0.9g/W. I have also tried larger 4x4x4" cubes side by side and saw no difference.

That being said, I struggle with salt build up and high pH (6.3-6.5) in cube, while giving 800ppm @.5conv and 5.5 pH. I do pre-soak the cubes but I think it's the green/black algae that covers the top of all cubes that causes my pH to rise.

I sample water from cube with a syringe to see where I am at. I find rockwool cubes hold so much water that I rarely need to flood more than once per day. I find that most of the time during flower 1 flood is too little and 2 floods is too much (cubes are soaked most of day) and having trouble dialing in the watering frequency.

I see advocates for larger cubes and coco mats and I am wondering what are the benefits vs straight cubes on tables? Logic tell me larger root mass = larger plant/buds, but I have not seen the benefits for small single cola SOG plants when did a side by side with larger cubes.

When do you decide that RW cube needs to be watered? When it's 50% of saturated weight, when it is just moist on the bottom, but otherwise dry?

Thanks farmers! I look forward to contributing to this forum.
Honestly i haVE only used the 6 inchers, i too have had trouble finind the happy medium for watering, however i also noticed that each strain absorbs water at a different speed. For example the Chemdog #4/s need to eat less frequent then my white fire's, i have found that the best for maximum root growth is to let the cube get around 70% dry, then i flood, im not saying to let them dry out completely, but make sure the air gets into the cubes, when the cubes are always saturated the root growth doesnt seem to be as strong. As the plant grows so does the uptake of water, hence watering maybe ever day as oppoessed to every other day at first. The most important thing is to have the roots expossed to moisture, thats where the coco mats help, having them keeps the bottom roots moist at almost all times! hope this helps!


so i came home and found a mite problem, I had a spider bomb so i used it. Now im looking at a lot of burnt white pistolls. Will this have a tradgic effect on the plants or should they recover in a couple days??? everything else looks pretty good. Im also noticing some yellowing of the fan leaves when im running the co2. I had this same problem last run. When the co2 is on i seem to get yellower fan leaves. Does this mean the plants arent getting enough nutes compared to co2?? anyways any help will be appreciated much!


30 days of flower! im gonna have to bomb them again or be at war for the rest of the grow, and i dont want that. How do they look for where they are at in flower, i hope to at least they start to bulk up here real soon!
Feb14 2
Feb14 3
Feb14 4
Feb14 5
Feb14 6


Azamax or Azatrol for mites. You should be able to save the grow. It's expensive, but totally worth every penny. I like to mix it with a little "CocoWet" for a spreader/sticker. Spray the shoite out of the plants right at lights-on, or lights-off, if you're not afraid of mold issues. I repeat in 3 days to kill new hatch.


Azamax or Azatrol for mites. You should be able to save the grow. It's expensive, but totally worth every penny. I like to mix it with a little "CocoWet" for a spreader/sticker. Spray the shoite out of the plants right at lights-on, or lights-off, if you're not afraid of mold issues. I repeat in 3 days to kill new hatch.

thank you much! i got ahold of some good stuff, gonna get wet 2morrow. ive got a sulfur burner thats gonna have to go on in here to help with pm"powder mold"


Funk Master!
That azamax works really good depending on how bad the mites r. Kill those fukn bugs brother! Girls r stackin up nice. U gonna run them 70 days?


hang a couple hot shot no pest strips for a day or 2..
they have always worked like a charm for me.
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