Apollo 11

  • Thread starter Fasheeryfo
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Horizontal grow! first time training a plant from the beginning stages.. any advice would be great, so far I just keep giving all the branches a little push down and tied the top shoots down so they grown out instead of up. Does diesel even like being trained? I think it's an ECSD clone, my friend got it a long time ago and said he paid a lot of money for it. He gave it to me for free so it's not like he was trying to upsell me.

the second picture down from the outdoor ones is taken at my eye level and I'm 6'1 so they aren't giants but doing pretty well for no nutes.

a few notes on the outside plants, the beds are pro mix (the orange bags) and Dr. Earth home grown potting soil mixed together... the pots are all dr. earth. I haven't given these any nutrients at all except about 3 days ago I topdressed everything with the dr. earth bud and bloom booster. There is a net thrown over both beds and I went around and pulled all the heads through and stretched the plants out to where I wanted them, and tied some of the lead branches off some 6' bamboo stakes. I haven't topped any of the plants in the beds, haven't even cleaned the bottoms off but I'm doing that soon.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Sounds like you got your training going fine. It all about opening the plant up and letting some of the middle branches grow out. I really haven't seen too many plants that respond poorly to LST or ScROG styles of growing, they put very little stress of on the plants and require little to no recovery time.


Alright thanks again, I'm going on vacation for a week so I will see the plants even less, hoping my friend takes care of them while I am gone, he should only be watering everything with regular water so it should be OK. I will only feed the budding ones a few more (maybe 1 or 2) times with the seaweed/liquid concentrate mixture then pure water... maybe I won't even do the feed anymore and just flush it out til I harvest them, these are on somewhere between day 23 and day 28 after i flipped... I don't remember the exact day oh the things you learn along the way. My next grow is going to be on a tight schedule and watched closely from the beginning. I am probably going to keep the one sour diesel that I trained and donate the rest to someone, and donate the rest of the vegging plants to someone as well, I have too much going on and I don't even care about the majority of them because they haven't had optimal conditions growing, they haven't had proper nutes.. I have no idea what the genetics are, and I want to get into breeding. I'll come back with lots of pictures when I get back in a week, til then I'll probably just be posting around the forums. peace and thanks for the help so far
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Sounds like you need a calendar. It really does help, and its a quick way to take notes. Honestly my best advice is to get yourself settled into your new set-up, get it dialed in then work on big projects. While breeding sounds like a lot of fun it really is more than just chucking pollen on a bunch of plants. I am sure I am not telling you anything new, but I just see so many people of late who want to get into "breeding", but all they are doing is getting some top named clones, reversing one and chucking pollen on a bunch of their plants, then selling the seeds. If you are breeding for yourself I say rock it, but otherwise just relax and do your thing. Best of luck, enjoy the vacation.


so weird to see them 1 week later with no updates in between. Nothing died, the diesels really shot up, the one that was ahead and I've been training has a crazy canopy

the rest aren't looking as good, just starting to shoot up a little not worth a pic.
the outdoor ones are looking great, a few 7 footers I top fed these with Dr. Earth bloom blaster last week that's the only nutes they have gotten.

some shots of the bloom tent

and now I found some pictures from last years grow these are the purple phenos I was talking about, there were about 15 of them, not all purple... Some of these are mothers of the current grow I have going on. Although these pics are all one plant.
Photo 2
Photo 1


p.s. the purple plant from last years grow was pure durban poison seeds, from bag from a friend of a friend type thing, they have been growing it for years at least 5 outdoor.


Well these plants are a hybrid of some stuff I threw out in the woods last year my friend still can't remember what the clones were but he thinks they are either afghani kush or some other kush, and queen. Since he is positive on the queen, and I am positive the males were all pure durban poison, and some of the females were durban poison as well, I am going to call this stuff Halfrican Queen. Peace! the buds have already grown a bunch since my last pics but lights were off so I didn't take any pictures.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Get up some pictures!!! I like the name, Halfrican Queen.


Holy spider mites Batman! Kicking myself in the ass for not keeping my shit sterile and going from room to room of different set ups. Getting a bomb called the Beethoven supposedly set it off and they are gone overnight with no harm to the plants even during flower


pulling these in about 2 weeks.. spider mites got in there the rest don't seem to be affected (yet)

the diesel clones are responding well to LST here is the one that shot off above the rest.

my hand is like 8"x8"

here are 2 more that are starting to catch up, one is just starting to re-veg (on the right) and there's another one that's smaller than these 2.. Five total


Unknown farmer
i think you can use some 90% iso to kill mites while in flower....ive seen now a couple people on the farm use it...i had some mites and i used some dr earth stuff that seemed to do the trick..errrr bugs piss me of bro,,i feel for you


i think you can use some 90% iso to kill mites while in flower....ive seen now a couple people on the farm use it...i had some mites and i used some dr earth stuff that seemed to do the trick..errrr bugs piss me of bro,,i feel for you
Thanks for the pointer man, I will look into it! They are pesky little buggers, I've dealt with them in the past just not this late into flowering, one is ready to pull the other five need another week or two I may pull them a little early and just make some BHO with it all... I'm not sure yet, I don't like smoking this strain very much I'm so sick of it :p This was just a time filler until I got my new place (still in the works) so I'm not too concerned with the outcome of it. I have 5 sour diesel clones a friend gave me, and 5 Cannaventure seeds (ECSD clone x Alien Kush f2) that I can't wait to pop.

Now for some pictures! taken Friday with a nikon D50
where's waldo?
DSC 0607
DSC 0622
DSC 0623
DSC 0624
DSC 0636
DSC 0639


Unknown farmer
hey brother i was wrong about the 90%....its 70% ..sorry for the wrong info on yhat
your tent is filling in nicely bro :D


I went in to chop one plant down, ended up taking them all. The hairs were all a lot more brown than I thought and they matured even more in the two days.. I think because they got dried out :x however the calyxs where filled out nicely.. I didn't have a scope to check them out but it's OK for this run

There was only one that I felt was too early but oh well, if it doesn't smoke good it's going to honey oil. I'll post some pics when they are done drying. Only 9 hangers for 6 plants... When I went out to Norcal it was like 10 hangers per branch :( gotta start somewhere!

Outdoor girls are next.

THEN I will be sterilizing the tent, throwing the 5 sour diesel clones in there to veg some more, and flipping the rest of my other veg room. pics soon


well I was up til about 2 AM clipping all these into smaller pieces into brown bags. with the dehumidifier in the tent they dried really fast (too fast honestly) they are pretty much ready to trim up I started trimming and got 1 and 3/4 plants done and so far have 80 g's dried so almost 3 oz. I then moved my 5 sour diesel clones into the tent after a thorough cleaning with a pesticide my boss gave me that we use at the greenhouses. then turned the lights off on the girls in the veg room... giving them 36 hours of darkness then putting them outside, If they don't finish before it gets too cold I will pull them back inside and finish them out there.

I also had some friends over and made some BHO... This is the outcome with no vac purge. I'll put some pics up of the nuuugz tomorrow. and the plants but for now the BHO it tastes nice, I think it still needs to be purged more what do you think
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Fasheery, for a few small harvests I dried my bud with the leaves all intact, but I stopped after realizing that it nearly doubled my trim time. I now do all my trimming during harvest, it is much easier to trim without accidentally snipping into the buds. Plus I find I get more scissor hash that way too, and I love me some scissor hash. May I ask why you trim your buds after the leaves dry?

As for your BHO it looks good to me, but then again I am far from an expert on BHO. I am a bit more partial to water extracted hash or dry sieve.


Fasheery, for a few small harvests I dried my bud with the leaves all intact, but I stopped after realizing that it nearly doubled my trim time. I now do all my trimming during harvest, it is much easier to trim without accidentally snipping into the buds. Plus I find I get more scissor hash that way too, and I love me some scissor hash. May I ask why you trim your buds after the leaves dry?

As for your BHO it looks good to me, but then again I am far from an expert on BHO. I am a bit more partial to water extracted hash or dry sieve.
I trim afterwards because that's the way I was taught. I grew for 6 months out in Norcal from june to nov. so I saw a lot of the process, and base most of what I do off of that even though it was a totally different setup. I'm not sure why they left the leaves on out there, I have heard from a few places that it is an important part of the drying process to let the buds soak up the moisture from the leaves.. I think the reason they left them on is because they paid their trimmers by the pound, and the trimming was the last part before it was weighed up, after the curing/drying process. I wasn't too worried about trimming time, I am a pretty quick trimmer... and I only got 6 oz. off these 6 plants, it averaged an oz. per plant but some got like 24g, another got 45 etc. I'm pretty happy, my buddys already took 5 of them off my hands so I am very happy with my outcome. I still have the outdoor ladies and the veg room which I just put those all outside too. I will post pictures soon, my internet wasn't working for a while
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

I trim afterwards because that's the way I was taught. I grew for 6 months out in Norcal from june to nov. so I saw a lot of the process, and base most of what I do off of that even though it was a totally different setup. I'm not sure why they left the leaves on out there, I have heard from a few places that it is an important part of the drying process to let the buds soak up the moisture from the leaves.. I think the reason they left them on is because they paid their trimmers by the pound, and the trimming was the last part before it was weighed up, after the curing/drying process. I wasn't too worried about trimming time, I am a pretty quick trimmer... and I only got 6 oz. off these 6 plants, it averaged an oz. per plant but some got like 24g, another got 45 etc. I'm pretty happy, my buddys already took 5 of them off my hands so I am very happy with my outcome. I still have the outdoor ladies and the veg room which I just put those all outside too. I will post pictures soon, my internet wasn't working for a while

I totally understand doing things the way you were taught, most of us do things the way we were taught. I had to teach myself to grow, so there was a lot of trial and error in what I have done. Like I said I did a few harvests with the leaves on, but moved away from that practice. The purpose of leaving the fan leaves on is to allow the buds to all dry evenly (I must interject an important point, you never want your buds to absorb moisture during the drying process; this is why it is important to actually understand what you are doing and not just do it). By leaving the leaves on they wrap around the buds and slow the process of water evaporating. Some people feel this slowed evaporation process allows some of the more subtle flavors in the buds to come through. If the grower(s) decide to leave large outdoor harvests in barns or other large structures to dry this process does make a bit more sense, it keeps the bugs off the buds and since there is less control over air flow in an open barn. Indoors we have control over air flow in the drying space, giving us more control over the drying process as a whole. As for paying the trimmers by weight, yes drying everything first would be cheaper for the growers, and to me that makes a lot of sense.

Personally I have found that trimming the buds before drying provides a few benefits. For one, I never found my buds to be more flavorful if I dried them with the leaves on, in fact I kind of always felt they actually kept the buds tasting a bit more green than when I trimmed the buds up before hand. As I mentioned before the trimming process is easier and quicker when the buds are trimmed fresh, and I get better scissor hash when trimming wet. And as I stated earlier, when drying indoors we have total control over the environment we are drying the buds in. If the buds are drying out too fast we can turn down fans, add a humidifier, or whatever it takes to add more moisture into the drying environment. This allows us the control over what flavor may or may not present themselves in the final product.

I am not trying to tell you how to do it, just presenting different ideas on how people handle the drying process. You should do whatever suits you best. It is good to hear you already have people who want your work; it feels good doesn't it? Here's to some good smoke.
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