Bagseed grow 1st. time in Coco & perlite

  • Thread starter SSgrower
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These gals are "Bolting", and drinking the rain water! I am trimming everyday. They seem to like the Dyna-Gro Bloom & FF Big Bioom w/ bat guano & earthworm castings,Cheers brothers! SS


These gals are "Bolting", and drinking the rain water! I am trimming everyday. They seem to like the Dyna-Gro Bloom & FF Big Bioom w/ bat guano & earthworm castings,Cheers brothers! SS

I 🤔 its my favorite time of the grow when they take off and really start to put it on! Almost grows like kudzu I swear, if I had enuff of it I could prob hear it growing 😆...well that part plus nice big buds are a plus 😍


Late start in veg pushed me to flower early, I am out of smoke so, trying for a Halloween testing,Lol. I hope I get two jars, if more I'll be suprized. Cheers Max & Sporty,SS


Yep the Goldleaf is the plant farthest left Chemistry. The bagseed on the far right is "Praying", Middle plant may be a Male but maybe not can't tell yet. No knuckles at the meristem branchs. Cheers Farm,SS


Weekend update: I am watching the middle plant as it may be a male. I have been "sober" 7 days tommorrow. Pandemic got me drinking more than I should have and I spun into a "Place" I'd never been after 40 years of drinking alcohol? Well I was so bad, drinking before Noon & wanting more thru the day so, I stopped "Cold Turkey" and for 6 days I've had trouble with sleep and itchy. Ran outta smoke & that did not help but I can see the other side now. Maybe it was destiny I got acquainted with the Farm? Picture of 7 days into flower today later when I wake them,Cheers everyone & thanks SS


Weekend update: I am watching the middle plant as it may be a male. I have been "sober" 7 days tommorrow. Pandemic got me drinking more than I should have and I spun into a "Place" I'd never been after 40 years of drinking alcohol? Well I was so bad, drinking before Noon & wanting more thru the day so, I stopped "Cold Turkey" and for 6 days I've had trouble with sleep and itchy. Ran outta smoke & that did not help but I can see the other side now. Maybe it was destiny I got acquainted with the Farm? Picture of 7 days into flower today later when I wake them,Cheers everyone & thanks SS

Pandemic dragged a lot of folk into the dark side, most are freed, but some are still trapped, we can only hold out a hand to them. Well done on spinning it round bro, your a Farmer now, so your never alone. 👍 Can't see any pics. 😁


Weekend update: I am watching the middle plant as it may be a male. I have been "sober" 7 days tommorrow. Pandemic got me drinking more than I should have and I spun into a "Place" I'd never been after 40 years of drinking alcohol? Well I was so bad, drinking before Noon & wanting more thru the day so, I stopped "Cold Turkey" and for 6 days I've had trouble with sleep and itchy. Ran outta smoke & that did not help but I can see the other side now. Maybe it was destiny I got acquainted with the Farm? Picture of 7 days into flower today later when I wake them,Cheers everyone & thanks SS

I'm sorry "that place" showed up again in your's a battle every day, some better than others. I am 4 years 3 months today from that beast that was 3/4 of a glass vodka, cpl ice cubes, splash of mix on repeat for 15 years straight every effin day. I had to stop cold turkey but I was really sick, liver less than 10% working ,Doc gave til me Dec in Aug of 18. I was not a big smoker when I drank, it always put me over the way to wasted line unless I was in my recliner lol.

I'm rooting for you man big time to kick it to the curb again for good...I Wish you the best!

I found this to be a very powerful message to remind me of how close I was and refer to it when I need a reminder!

“First the man takes the drink, then the drink takes the man.”​

First the man takes the drink then the drink takes the man


Weekend update: I am watching the middle plant as it may be a male. I have been "sober" 7 days tommorrow. Pandemic got me drinking more than I should have and I spun into a "Place" I'd never been after 40 years of drinking alcohol? Well I was so bad, drinking before Noon & wanting more thru the day so, I stopped "Cold Turkey" and for 6 days I've had trouble with sleep and itchy. Ran outta smoke & that did not help but I can see the other side now. Maybe it was destiny I got acquainted with the Farm? Picture of 7 days into flower today later when I wake them,Cheers everyone & thanks SS

1 year and 4 months later, 106 lbs later. I understand where you are and have been. Great work!



stay good brother, my girl lost her brother to drinking, i grew up with him and he was a potential NHL’er and he was next in line to own the golf course, but just couldn’t stop even when the doctor told him he only had maybe a year left.. he never ever smoked or ate junk just drank lots, at anytime of day..


Thanks for the words of encouragement. I drank for 40 years with no problem, occasional hang-over that was it, now after 2-3 years in pandemic mode I felt the "Beast in the bottle" just beer except Holidays I'd drink good Whisky, like Makers Mark or George Dickel. I searched my whole grow room and found Buds in shake curing in a Ziplock,Ha I found enough for three days or so,Lol! I feel better having a little smoke, so I watch MBGS outta Michigan & PCM pro cannabis & other educational shows on growing cannabis. I'll put up a pic of the Goldleaf later today guys they are 11 days into flower today, Cheers guys SS


Someday I'll let a few grow without topping,,,I have always topped...even any autos I've done...I need to be a rebel and not top a few indica plants maybe...see how it goes

SS....I tried to tag you about my new grow last week but it didn't it is

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