Banana Manna?

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Premium Gardener
Anyone use this stuff? Do you like it? Does it work?



Search Registered Products
As of: 2/20/2012
Product Name: Banana Manna
OMRI Listed: No WSDA Organic Program Listed: No
Product Status Brand Name Waste Derived Pesticide
Registered Tropical Organics No No
Registrant: AGRO AMERICA INC - BELLEVUE, WA (425) 454-5731
Heavy Metals (in Parts Per Million)
Arsenic: < 1.9 Cadmium: < 0.19 Mercury: < 0.1 Lead: < 0.97 Nickel: < 1.9
Non Plant Food Ingredients
Humic Acid Indole3 Butyric Acid Naphthaleneacetic Acid Phosphorous Acid

Kelp Vitamin B1 Polyacrylamide Potting Mix

Other Ingredients Banana Extract 0.01%


Edit-in retrospect, I should have looked this up a long time ago.


where can one do product content searches like that?


Premium Gardener
Has anyone actually used it? Did it work?



Banana Manna works , not just as a flavor/aroma enhancer but also makes the trichs go BLING BLING ..

I did a side by side with & without it , on the vine I saw a pronounced difference , but once the smoke was dry - not so much

I like it because you can run it in hydro and don't haft to worry about plugging anything up , stuff reminds me of mouthwash


banana manna vs bud candy in an otherwise similar line-up (in this case AN and level 1 additives)? tend to stick with bud candy for the sake of continuity with the other products, and combined shipping haha


Premium Gardener
Sweet. Thanks for the replies!



I like to use banana manna weeks 7 and 8 of a 9 week cycle. Meds are better with it by a noticeable margin. Once you use it, and smoke more potent meds, you will not want to stop using it. You can have some side by side meds and every time you will pick the one that got the banana manna.

Several years ago I was like "whatever, I'm broke right now, it'll be fine without it".
It was not fine without it at all. I was bitter for 3 straight months.
Occasionally I was in a room with someone with better weed than me.
You know how much that pissed me off?
Never again. Always run the banana manna.
Now to reverse engineer it. I already have 2/3 of the ingredients. The other 1/3 I will sub with something else.

Bud Candy used to have mag sulfate(epsom)
But they changed it to mag nitrate.
Because they constantly revise their shit so your meds won't turn out the same unless you buy 8 or 10 products. They take this out of that and that out of this.
Remember when big bud had aminos?
Remember Barricade(potassium silicate) at .1 ml/gallon?
Rhino skin at 2 ml/gal.
They just sold you 5% of the silicate that they used to.

In all seriousness, folks, if you want to duplicate the old Bud Candy really really bad,
1. Take your old bud candy bottle with the goofy-ass cartoon on it (because companies that are serious about meds for sick people put cartoons on their shit)
2. Make Kool-aid in it.
3. Put some epsom salts in it.
4. Shake it up.
5. Pay too much for it.

Stoned in the 902, I got that from the Oregon Dept of Ag site.(the banana manna info, not the bud candy formula)
I will not buy agricultural products with cartoons on them.
Let me repeat the fact that I spend less than $200 a light a year for ferts and additives.


if i were running a lot of rez's, every year, consistantly, there is no doubt in my mind i'd take the time/effort to mix my own nutes. in fact, i'd enjoy it, it'd be like a hobby in itself.

the problem is, i run a very small rez, parts of the year, and the amount of time/effort/money to research and buy bulk raw salts to make my own nutrients doesn't seem worth it to me. making your ferts makes perfect sense if its cost-effecive, which it very much is so if one is using a lot of fertilizers in the amount of a year, and if one is doing this professionally and the bottom-line is a factor (which it is in every type of business) than i think you'd be foolish not to.

that being said, some people simply grow as a hobby, and buying small quantities of pre-mixed nutrients does the trick for them, and believe it or not it fills a certain corner in the good & services market. different strokes for different folks, and obviously a different corner of the same market (not everyone in the same market buys the same product for the same reasons!)

i don't care what's on the bottle, as long as it works. people like to rag on me for buying overpriced cartoony bottles, as if i've been suckered in by some ad campaign (there is no 'pot culture' where i live, and i don't read pot magazines or otherwise participate as being a "scenester" - therefore i've never ever seen an AN ad, and wouldn't know about their aggressive marketing if people on this forum weren't always talking about it haha).

ironically, i took chemistry in university (granted not related to agriculture or anything of the sort, but it all ties in), and there is nothing i about mixing my own salts that i don't grasp, as much as it doesn't appeal to me at this particular time. if i were doing this professionally, i'd be studying formulas today and mixing tomorrow, but i don't take my bottom line that serious (since growing for me is a hobby) and enjoy the service of premixed nutrients, and being Canadian, AN is local (i'm a big supporter of buying Canadian).

believe it or not, i also pay someone to cut my hair, instead of doing it myself (even though it costs no money in supplies!), i also often pay for overpriced food at restaurants, even though i could cook an equally good meal at home having bought raw ingredients for a fraction of the price. i guess i must be a glutton?

i understand why you mix your own salts, and how you fit into that demographic, yet you can't understand how people may fit into a different demographic than you, and would actually buy AN's products knowingly and fully-informed of it's contents, dilutions, and cost-effectiveness... interesting.

i do thank you for sharing your first hand experience with banana manna and bud candy though, it was informative and offered something to learn. now i know bud candy can be improved by epsom salts, and now i know that banna manna is comparably better than bud candy, thanks! now if only information could be shared without any hints of being condescending, and with a more accepting attitude of people who may see things different than one's self, or may actually be in a different situation than one's self.


The point he was trying to make is that AN is over priced and best at marketing rather than making plant nutrients. And most people that buy AN are not as informed as you might think about what they are buying and the non moral practices of the company. I think if they were FULLY informed about the contents of the products and how much BETTER and more effective "other" products were in comparison, they would be making a different choice. Just a thought.



well, if it's of any value, i have noticed that since i've joined this forum the average AN fanboy is a dumbass, so what you are saying makes sense haha.

i will never buy all of AN's products straight up. even for me some of it is just too ridiculous. rhino skin, voodoo juice, tarantula, etc are all good examples. more of their other additives, if i absolutely had to buy them, i'd buy the cheaper GreenLeaf nutrients products instead.

i'd have no problem with mixing my own fertilizers, and if i stay at this for a while longer, that's the route i'll eventually end up on. but for such a small amount, and as a temporary hold-over, i see no problem is paying $30 for a premixed set of base nutrients that'll last me a long while, and dropping $20 or so on a bottle or 2 of additives. buying bulk salts overseas would cost me that much on shipping, even if only ordering a couple small amounts.

it's the assumption that i must be some unknowing retard to use AN that irks me, some people here are so anti-AN that its as hard to take their opinion serious - just like the people here that are so pro-AN...

bad marketing, goofy packaging, diluted products, unknowing customers, iffy business practices, it sounds like McDonalds restaurant, and yet i still eat there sometimes haha!

peace fellas!


it has iba in it? im not an advanced whateverboy. they put out superior products period.. dont believe every non biased exp with an vs canna or gh and guess who murdered em? an.. i would never smoke iba grown buds. cloning gel/powder will will produce big frosty buds too. i aint tokin em tho.. and imo if u think an sucs your a broke hater, most of your top shelf in ca is grown with an. best growers i kno use an. an their results always are on point. go do sum research theres a billion movies of advanced outperforming. they have a money back garuntee for fuck sakes unknowing customers lol!!! yo where u come from riu? u a clown for real. other nute companys fear them bcuz of their superior labelling and market tactics ya thats it lol.


I am sorry that I came off like a dick, stoned in the 902. Or rather, a dick towards you.
I should have clarified that I was simply hating on AN and their practices, and their labeling.
I fully understand the value of premixed nutes for people.
I like the advocacy of more concentrated nutes like that greenlead company.
I have watched AN since 2004, watched their continuing dilution, formula changes, and bullshit.
They are not serious about helping sick people.
I was sick recently. Because of that, I have strong feelings about some things.
Sorry again, stoned in the 902, for sounding like a dick towards you.



Indole-3-butyric acid enhances the growth and development of food crops and ornamentals when applied to soil, cuttings, or leaves. Because it is similar in structure to naturally occurring substances and is used in tiny amounts, this plant growth regulator poses no known risks to humans or the environment.

Description of the Active Ingredient

Indole-3-butyric acid is a substance that is closely related in structure and function to a natural growth regulator found in plants. Indole-3-butyric acid is used on many crops and ornamentals to promote growth and development of roots, flowers and fruits, and to increase crop yields. Growers find it more effective and efficient than its natural counterpart because plants cannot break it down as quickly. No harm to humans or the environment is expected to result from use of indole-3-butyric acid.
Use Sites, Target Pests, and Application Methods
Use Sites: Many food and feed crops; ornamental turf and nursery plants

Uses: Growth enhancer to increase both yield and quality.

Application Methods: Applied to soil or plants as spray. Also used as a dip for cuttings.
Assessing Risks to Human Health

With the exception of certain workers, no harm is expected from use of indole-3-butyric acid. The active ingredient is not toxic to humans or other mammals. Furthermore, indole-3-butyric acid is effective at very low concentrations--often several orders of magnitude below 1%. It is applied at very low rates compared with most other pesticides. In animals, indole-3-butyric acid is rapidly broken down to a closely related, harmless chemical that occurs naturally in living organisms.

Eye irritation to certain workers is EPA' s only health concern for products containing indole-3-butyric acid. For products that may cause eye irritation, workers (such as mixers and applicators) are required to use protective eyewear, such as goggles, face shield, or safety glasses.
Assessing Risks to the Environment

No risks to the environment are expected from use of this active ingredient because 1) it does not harm animals or plants in the tiny amounts used, 2) it acts as a plant growth enhancer, 3) it does not persist in the environment, 4) it is closely related to naturally occurring substances.
Regulatory Information

Products containing indole-3-butyric acid were initially registered (licensed for sale and distribution) in 1960 for use on ornamental plant cuttings and transplants. As part of EPA' s ongoing review to ensure that pesticide products meet current standards, the chemical was reviewed and found eligible for reregistration in 1992. As of May 2000, there were more than 40 products containing indole-3-butyric acid as an active ingredient.


stonedinthe902 I don't think anyone here is trying to bash on you or AN for no reason. You fit into the demographic of possible shills[AN people trying to push products through bs posts(maybe that's y your here despite how you think you didn't fall for advertising cause of your area, this is the internet you can get hit by AN ad's anywhere in the world), you'll find that they do this type of lowly tactic and that is why you should never post some copy pasted AN stuff, or that you support them for reasons other than they grow some great shit and there's nothing of better value w/ equal convenience that you'll blindly ignore] and that imo is why you got some flack. Also doesn't help that you have low post count and we see u all excited about posting AN on non AN threads.

You seem overall new to this, so people will try to help you get best bang for buck, there's plenty of premixed nutes that aren't AN. If I lived in canada and a canadian company was ripping me off by diluting and changing things in bottles, I'd no longer support them. Or if another product of equal quality at 1/2 the price(aka reasonable) I'd switch brands. I started out w/ the whole house and garden lineup now I'm down to just base nute an additive, and the rest is off brand but better quality/lower priced. Eventually I will go down dankworths route and buy salts to mix and cut out HG cause they just recently did a unexplainable price hike on the base nutes.

TBH I carry an opposite bias, I try not to support companies that try too hard to get every nickel and dime from the hydro industry. I've always been a diy if possible, not always just to save money. I enjoy the whole journey of learning and it feels great when you do it yourself.


yeah I ask for advice relating to AN when I am using said products. I wouldn't ask for usage advice on products i don't have. if I was an AN rep why would I keep re-upping green leaf nutrients, and capulator's bennies (thats hundreds of dollars lost in AN equivalent products)?

I am new to this forum. I used to be a member on overgrow believe it or not. I have been out of the loop when it comes to things in the last 8 or 9 years, so yes I am catching up on all sorts of new-to-me information, but I am not "new to all of this".

thinking I must be some sort've rep with a hidden agenda, or a dumbass suckered in by pretty bottles to like AN, is the kind've attitude that boggles me. Yeah I have some AN products, I got them locally for a great (well below retail) price, very conveniently, and believe it or not they seem to be working great in comparison to similar other brands products that I have used. That's my opinion so shoot me! Will I still be using AN next time? Maybe a product or two, but as I've already stated in other threads I'll probably be experimenting with powdered concentrates instead.

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