Banana Manna?

  • Thread starter outwest
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Premium Gardener
Hey guys....found some info on this product.

Something else I couldn't find was whether or not such esters would have to be listed on...say...a fertilizer label? Why I say this is that I have always thought that the smell of almost all Botanicare products was the same general smell that is given off by Banana Manna. Anyone else notice this? The BM label states .001% Banana Extract. The Botanicare labels have no mention I can see of either an ester or banana extract or any other fragrance in the product....thus, the question.

It smells like witch hazel to me. You can find banana oil concentrate online. Wonder if it can somehow be diluted and used in the same context.



Premium Gardener
Hmmmm . . .so you think isoamyl acetate is in banana manna? After doing a little more digging, isoamyl acetate seems that it's not derived from banana, but rather just stinks like it, and is used as a banana flavoring for that reason. Thoughts?

El Cerebro

El Cerebro

Hmmmm . . .so you think isoamyl acetate is in banana manna? After doing a little more digging, isoamyl acetate seems that it's not derived from banana, but rather just stinks like it, and is used as a banana flavoring for that reason. Thoughts?

good catch :cool: but if i was gonna make a $ jug juice that contained a compound stinking of bananas, a natural source listed on the bottle might be a good trade-secret diversion. and after all, it's not like they're required to show an ingredient like banana extract, so why do they..

thcfarmer sleuthsquad, putem outa bidness


Premium Gardener
good catch :cool: but if i was gonna make a $ jug juice that contained a compound stinking of bananas, a natural source listed on the bottle might be a good trade-secret diversion. and after all, it's not like they're required to show an ingredient like banana extract, so why do they..

thcfarmer sleuthsquad, putem outa bidness

Well, there is documented proof that rotting fruits contain compounds that trigger essential oil production in other plants (methyl jasmonate). Can the same be said for isoamyl acetate, or is the connection being made because it smells like bananas? One thing is for sure, banana manna does not smell like bananas.

Isoamyl acetate, aka banana oil, smells so strongly of bananas it is used in testing kits for gas masks!



Im all for DIY and saving money.. but banana mana is relatively cheap and cost effective.. even for a 5 gal. Id rather just buy it and save myself some time instead of wasting cash and time attempting to achieve the same formulation with the same results.


Premium Gardener
hm ok, been so long since i've had any, just assumed it did. you sure? how old is yours?

Been through several bottles. Always smells the same, mor along the line of witch hazel or listerine, not bananas for sure.

El Cerebro

El Cerebro

so maybe it's witch hazel then? i'll drink a few swigs of each, compare and let you know. why you have to mess up my awesome theory like that anyway?

could just see if it floats, or burns like wood, then we'd be even wiser in the ways of science. aw fuck it, she's a witch just burn her..


Premium Gardener
so maybe it's witch hazel then? i'll drink a few swigs of each, compare and let you know. why you have to mess up my awesome theory like that anyway?

could just see if it floats, or burns like wood, then we'd be even wiser in the ways of science. aw fuck it, she's a witch just burn her..

I'm pretty sure it's witch hazel mixed with butter, syrup, and gluten free pancake batter. Should make drinking it a little more appealing for you. Please let us know if it increases your essentials oil production.

Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

its been almost a year on this one so i will go ahead and give it a nice little BUMP!

I remember this thread when it started and I still have yet to use BM! Anyways, i was digging through some "bookmarks" and i found this little gem. Its a good read, makes me want to learn more. Hoping any of the past contributors can relay some info of their trials of using Banana Manna in the past year. I havent heard much since.:cigar:Z
john martin

john martin

Bump! Just finally started using this and coco cat. Using it on last couple weeks of feed before flush.

One thing I noticed is that when foliar spraying the banana mana, it reallllly smells like bananas, unlike when drenching with it.


So how'd using it as a foliar work out? I can't seem to find much of anything pertaining to foliar applications other than that it can be done...


When i buy 3 strains from a local grower and they all smell like bananas. Is that Banana Manna? Or something else.

Lol just kidding,. You can easily tell Banana Manna contamination from Banana Bliss contamination. I mean fuuuck who can't smell a bag of Botanicare tainted bud from a mile away?

Puke city! Whoever says this sugar water contaminant product works is either a shill or a completely delusional placebo person. THESE PRODUCTS RUIN BUD AND NOTHING MORE! ITS SUGAR WEIGHT FOR FUCKS SAKE! The bud absorbs simple sugars and plant esters. Thats your weight. Thats your frost. Thats your "terps". 100% contamination.

Get over it and accept that you shouldn't be growing weed if you cant taste the fuckin Botanicare in every single one of your plants.

I hope everyone growing with this shit gets sued some day for clogging asthmatic diabetics lungs with burnt sugars!

If you like botanicare buds that taste like bowling alley shoe spray then have at it. But trying to sell that to sick people as medicine? You need your ass beat! Quit using the Monsanto bullshit! Wtd is wrong with you people! They are KILLING EVERYTHING NATURAL, ITS THEIR FUCKING AGENDA AND YOU IDIOTS ARE PLAYING ALONG WITH THIS FAKE ASS CHEMICAL BANANA WEED
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I don't have any experience with Banana Bliss, but I'm pretty sure senescence involves the translocation of stored sugars to the buds, thus, assuming everything you've said is correct, such a product would really just make up for harvesting while the plant is still green.

That said, none of this explains why things would smell like banana, so...
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