BP British Petroleum Disaster...

  • Thread starter TheCoolestMan
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Personally, why drill in the US? Lets waste everyone elses oil first, hahahahaha.

Then when we are last ones with reachable reserves, then we drill..

Merica' Fuck yea!


very capitalist idea capo i like it its coniving muhahahahahahahahaha


Easy to say that when Canada has easy to mine sand (not easy to refine, easy to mine) oil as opposed to oil reserves a mile deep..

But ... we were talking about the internet??

Edit - as an aside - the tar sands are barely being touched - much cheaper for us to drill as well.

Edit #2 - I see where your coming from now ...

My post stated:
"One might argue that Canada is over regulated, but our regulations also ensure that this will never happen here"

This was refering to ISP not oil ...
Sorry - my fault for steering the thread off topic


I'm beginning to feel that all these catastrophic occurrences are not exactly coincidental or accidental.
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event ā€“ like a
new Pearl Harbor."
That quote is from The Project for a New American Century's report on "Rebuilding America's Defenses"
This report was written in 2000 by a neo-conservative think tank a year before 9/11. A logical person would try and use deductive reasoning to ask what there is to be gained from creating disaster scenarios. What if they are being used to guage public reactions and perceptions so they can better formulate a plan to create a catastrophe where we welcome the government's declaration of martial law under the guise of protecting us. FEMA has been painted as our saving grace every time they declare a state of emergency, but people might not quite fully understand how far reaching FEMA's power when martial law is declared. -Keepz


That was a fucking cold hearted comment about haiti, like shit vato, 250,000+ people died in haiti, like shit man. We ALLOWED bp to go in and drill 100's of floating wells in our coast with little to no over-sight. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG TIIIIIIIIIIME difference.

its a shame that shit like that happens but thats part of life and bein an inhabitant of earth, i dont see how its cold hearted of me when all i said was that when something major happens in another counrty like haiti or those tsunamis in the east indies or anything like that all the bleeding heart liberals and humanitarians wanna get over there and spend millions of tax payers dollars to help them..fuck that..when katrina hit i didnt see the east indies help them, shit our own government didnt help them...and since BP never knocked on my door and asked me personally if it was ok to drill in the gulf i dont see how I allowed shit to happen.


I think it was completely done on purpose. Happy 4/20 anyone? Everything is done by the numbers in the occult tradition. April 20, 2010 was 121 years after the birth of Adolf Hitler and we all know (even non conspiracy people know) that 4/20 is prime time for disaster. Oklahoma, waco, gulf disaster now among them.

121 is 11 x 11

11 people killed, and I will double check but didn't Obama wait 33 days to make a statement?

Bottom line this was done on purpose, it will kill millions and here is the horse riding in to herald the apocalypse.

Want some proof? Just today I discovered that a book was written in 1903 called "Petroleum, petroleum." Written by a bavarian jewish man deeply into elite occult circles.

Link here

In 1903 he wrote this book about the gulf of mexico being sabotaged to release an unchecked flow of oil which reaches the atlantic and completely annihilates sea life. The author writes, "To assure priority of this prophecy, I state that the following novella has been written in 1903. Gustav Meyrink".

This has been the plan for at least 107 years, known to some who rule the world.
Oil above03


I'm beginning to feel that all these catastrophic occurrences are not exactly coincidental or accidental.
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event ā€“ like a
new Pearl Harbor."
That quote is from The Project for a New American Century's report on "Rebuilding America's Defenses"
This report was written in 2000 by a neo-conservative think tank a year before 9/11. A logical person would try and use deductive reasoning to ask what there is to be gained from creating disaster scenarios. What if they are being used to guage public reactions and perceptions so they can better formulate a plan to create a catastrophe where we welcome the government's declaration of martial law under the guise of protecting us. FEMA has been painted as our saving grace every time they declare a state of emergency, but people might not quite fully understand how far reaching FEMA's power when martial law is declared. -Keepz

speaking of that think tank the authors to that were and i shit you not are DICK CHENEY,DONALD RUMSFELD,COLIN POWELL CONDOLEEZA RICE,ROCKAFEELER,the architect CARL ROVE ,AND HENRY KISSINGER and a few more that was just off the top of my head watch out for there endgame GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT the ILLUMINATI are everywhere yet nowhere


fema is running concentration camps on us soil holding us citizens IN PLACES LIKE INDIANA/ALASKA THE DAKOTAS and FEMA has 1.5 MILLION FAMILY SIZED COFFINS ALONG THE INTERSTATE IN GEORGIA any one who dont believe me can goggle this and see for yourself


And if you think its beyond the federal government to place u.s. citizens into concentration camps... just look at all the japanese americans that were placed in camps during wwII with very little protest from the american public. -Keepz


All of this could have been avioded if BP would have had back-up plan when they built the rig instead of saving money by skimping on safety and quality of their equipment the whole ordeal would not have lasted more than 12 hours and not to mention probably saved the lives of thoses guys who died. Obama just let the situation get this far so he can justify not wanting to drill baby drill. i dont blame him because if shit like this can happen again its not worth it at least not to us (the citizens) because it us who lose all the billions when shit goes bad and when shit is going good they make all the billions


This thread has turned from fucking sad to fucking depressing.....I think I need a hug.
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Damn that's a bold statement to make. Where does acid rain come from? You must be one of those people who are convinced that acid rain comes from methane gas produced by cow farts.

Actually it comes from sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide which are both being expelled in large quantities by this disaster. They form with water vapor to create acid, just an FYI. This isnt IC Mag or RIU where you can run off at the mouth and not have anyone call you out bro. Your statement is ludacris to say the least.

Nah, i wasnt gunna but i am. Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide are only released through heat. So the burning off of the oil does release this, no question. However the oil that is actually in the water, will only release Hydrogen Sulfide after bacteria begin to break it down which yes also causes acid rain, but it has to be in very large quantities and it has to pollute the atmosphere to a certain point before that happens. The oil in the water itself wont get hot enough to release any gas, its the bacteria. The methane gases and other gases coming from the well so far haven't been accurately measured yet, so thats anyone's guess. The dispersant though are almost positively going to be able to turn to vapor and make its way into the atmosphere so once that gets concentrated enough its anyone's guess as to what will happen, people getting rained on by toxic dispersant im guessing. One fact is, at this point there hasnt been any literally zero acid rain, anywhere at all, when there is ill prolly just feel sad for the people going through it, instead of embarrassed i made a bad prediction. Maybe i was being too optimistic when i said there wont be acid rain, but shit vato cant we have a little golden lining somewhere in this shit storm happening. And ive never been a member of icmag, or RIU?, not sure what that is. Lets keep it civil, if not just a little bit more civil.
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

its a shame that shit like that happens but thats part of life and bein an inhabitant of earth, i dont see how its cold hearted of me when all i said was that when something major happens in another counrty like haiti or those tsunamis in the east indies or anything like that all the bleeding heart liberals and humanitarians wanna get over there and spend millions of tax payers dollars to help them..fuck that..when katrina hit i didnt see the east indies help them, shit our own government didnt help them...and since BP never knocked on my door and asked me personally if it was ok to drill in the gulf i dont see how I allowed shit to happen.

Your right we all have different opinions, we prolly wont ever see eye to eye on it. Maybe the humanitarian efforts didnt roll out as fast as in haiti, but there are truly TONS of business's on the coast donating more than you could imagine. The company i work for just donated close to a $100k in supplies and donations....I just dont think that this oil leak thats still under raps and has had so much effort towards telling people its fine, no big deal, that till recently people werent really sure how bad it was. The haiti earthquake killed 200,000 people that day, it leveled an entire city, it took weeks to even pile up all the dead bodys....I dont know man, i guess we just see things different. Everyone is entitled to there opinion though, that's a fact.


Nah, i wasnt gunna but i am. Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide are only released through heat. So the burning off of the oil does release this, no question. However the oil that is actually in the water, will only release Hydrogen Sulfide after bacteria begin to break it down which yes also causes acid rain, but it has to be in very large quantities and it has to pollute the atmosphere to a certain point before that happens. The oil in the water itself wont get hot enough to release any gas, its the bacteria. The methane gases and other gases coming from the well so far haven't been accurately measured yet, so thats anyone's guess. The dispersant though are almost positively going to be able to turn to vapor and make its way into the atmosphere so once that gets concentrated enough its anyone's guess as to what will happen, people getting rained on by toxic dispersant im guessing. One fact is, at this point there hasnt been any literally zero acid rain, anywhere at all, when there is ill prolly just feel sad for the people going through it, instead of embarrassed i made a bad prediction. Maybe i was being too optimistic when i said there wont be acid rain, but shit vato cant we have a little golden lining somewhere in this shit storm happening. And ive never been a member of icmag, or RIU?, not sure what that is. Lets keep it civil, if not just a little bit more civil.

no problem DWB, I just took some of your comments to heart because I have many family in friends in the Tampa area and in LA. I am trying to keep it optimistic also ...


why the hell are any of u even talking or wasting ur time talking about this??? this is not a chat site for world problems! stupid thread who ever made this!
Big Buddy

Big Buddy

why the hell are any of u even talking or wasting ur time talking about this??? this is not a chat site for world problems! stupid thread who ever made this!

Because if the world is dead, how are you gonna grow herb? This is a major issue that effects every single piece of existence, amd talking about it might make a few folks go try and do something about it. Unlike this, but you know, not talking about it has helped to far.



Premium Member
why the hell are any of u even talking or wasting ur time talking about this??? this is not a chat site for world problems! stupid thread who ever made this!

So if this is a stupid thread why did u get in? U must be more stupid than the thread. This is Smokers Lounge u fuking retard :mooning

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