California: Historic Vote On Cannabis Regulation To Take Place On Tuesday, January 12

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Rolln J

I admit I don't know the exact details of this bill. But I'm guessing 2 things will prevent this lost. First the gov't production, distribution and packaging regulations probably wont allow giant bushels of weed for sale on the side of highways. Second, look how corn is currently grown by giant agricultural companies. They drove the price down by creating super corn strains which yielded 300%-400% more per acre, which in turn flooded the market and forced family farms to close. Ultimately these farmers accepted buyouts or became caretakers of the farms their families owned for generations. Now corn is a commodity which has to be subsidized by our gov't. I predict the same will happen. Suitable land once used for food production will turn its focus on producing commercial grade weed. This land will be purchased and ravaged in the pursuit of corporate profits. The poorest cheapest laborers will be brought in to manage production. Ultimately, you might see farms similar to wineries catering to a more knowledgeable customer, with tours and tastings. But with little to stop this mass production and a demographic limited to just california adults (sure none of this weed will cross state lines lol), pot will lose almost all its value as a commodity which will undermine the potential taxes this gov't so desperately wants to raise. All in the pursuit of making a few extremely wealthy people richer under the false pretenses of helping our economy and the pseudo freedom to smoke.(which you already enjoy TAX FREE!)

Please correct me if I'm wrong or Im not seeing the bigger picture.

you make great points man - I always wondered how they will be able to justify taxing something $50 an oz if its not even worth $50...


excellent points made by you bro. this is something that is seriously going to fuck up everything we have worked so hard for. and all these "pot advocates" are just a bunch of fuckin idiots. they have no idea how this shit works..and they are fuckin politicians. i dont think this will pass because its not on a national level. it would still be considered illegal by the federal government. and we all know that they do what they want, and they make far to much money off of prosecuting for it.

lets hope that something will save our sacred plant.


Ok can somebody point me to the actual text of AB390. This is what i have found
AB 390

I can not find where it says mandatory jail time for minors in possession, a one ounce limit, or where it says the state will be growing weed.

Please help a guy out.


Still looking but..

Punishments for violations in actions against licensees that
are in substantial accord with those applicable to the regulation of
alcohol sales, including heavy penalties for permitting persons under
21 years of age to purchase these products and other appropriate
regulatory provisions concerning such matters as the time of sale,
deliveries, and signage. It is the intent of the people in enacting
this act that the regulation of marijuana sales be consistent with
the statutory guidance regarding alcohol sales in Chapter 16
(commencing with Section 25600), to the extent that consistency is

Seems to me they are saying, ok its like alcohol now..

Rolln J

richard lees tax and regulate proposition is the one that will stiffen the penalty for minors - not sb390


I disagree that the growers of Cali will be Effed off. First because, if Cali legalizes, then other states such as Oregon, Colorado, etc, will soon follow suit, and tourists would Love to ski or board in perfect Colorado powder after a fat blunt. Second, The Best growers in Cali are going to stay the best growers, even if the State hires growers. If the state looks for growers, then the best current growers may likely be hired by the state to grow for patients if they pass the piss test. Third, think about it: "Medicinal" marijuana. Wouldn't you like all your meds it to be more regulated in order that it be produced as safely and as potent as possible??

On the flip side though, is the corporate side of things. The seed companies like Monsanto and DOW have been itching like a kid with chicken pox to legally get their hands on Cannabis and its genes. Like I've said on another mmj site,(Lost has probly read - Wassup Mang!) if these companies decide to try to patent certain genes, we really will be fucked. Especially, then, if they introduce "suicide" genes in their cultivars. This, IMO, would devastate mmj genetics and breeding programs if peoples crops become contaminated with transgenic pollen. These transgenic plants (the males if left to flower), if grown outdoors, would make it nearly impossible to grow uncontaminated crops outdoors. This is were we have to take a firm stand. Who do we want in control of our medicine? My place is in the lab - I'm familiar with the tools that will detect the presence these "patented" genes. We need others in the legal/corporate sector to prevent this from happening in the first place.

Legalization is inevitable, imo. It's up to us in Cali to decide who gets affected most - and like always, it will be the poor - the majority - if we don't act up. How many are we going to allow to suffer?

--Also, it wasn't the super corn cultivars with increased yields that drove down food/corn prices. It was the development of synthetic fertilizers, after which, crop yields increased 100-400%. In actuallity, it was the subsidizing of US farmers by the feds to grow LESS FOOD PER ACRE, due to the effectiveness of the fertilization programs that led to the drop of food prices.

Most of the modern super corn is not of food grade anyway. It is used primarily to feed livestock or to produce corn syrup, fructose syrup and high-fructose corn syrup. Food grade corn is pretty expensive depending on your produce store. Sweet Corn is fuckin $4 for 6 cobs..WTF??!!

Lets all do more homework...I know I got mine cut out for me...


In response to urbanite's previous post....

-The more states that follow suit the better, if you work for a giant agricultural company with nationwide distribution, then yes more consumers= more profits congrats.
-Why would the best growers in cali want to work for the state vs themselves? The idea of working for the state sounds delightful....
-My medical marijuana is currently being screened for harmful contaminants and
potency levels (THX Harborside)
-They've patented genetically modified corn, not sure how weed would be different
-If legalization is inevitable, Im missing the benefits aside from the stoned tourists riding fresh powder bro :joint:
-It was the combination of fertilizer and super corn genetics that led to corn being subsidized.
-The reason super corn replaces every other conceivable product is because of the overwhelming abundance of the commodity not because high fructose corn syrup tastes better than sugar. The last time i checked high fructose corn syrup was being put in food. So, food grade not exactly, but your still eating it...mmmmm high fructose corn syrup mmmmmmm


The recriminalization of marijuana

I know Im blowin up this forum, but the more I read sections of rich lee's bill the more i poop my pants

g) prohibit and punish through civil fines or other remedies the possession, sale, possession for sale, cultivation, processing, or transportation of cannabis that was not obtained lawfully from a person pursuant to this section or section 11300;
-This is some sort of profound cultural shift in policy? Really? other remedies? like jail? Hey water boarding seems to be catching on.
'that was not obtained lawfully'- you forgot to include 'that was not obtained lawfully at a licensed or franchised oaksterdam facility owned by richard lee'

(c) in a criminal proceeding a person accused of violating a limitation in this Act shall have the right to an affirmative defense that the cannabis was reasonably related to his or her personal consumption.
-People facing criminal proceedings is what this bill is supposed to eliminate. Instead its creating a new class of criminals

Heres where it gets real fun...
((b) Every person 18 years of age or over who furnishes, administers, or gives, or offers to furnish, administer, or give, any marijuana to a minor 14 years of age or older shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a period of three, four, or five years.
(c) Every person 21 years of age or over who knowingly furnishes, administers, or gives, or offers to furnish, administer or give, any marijuana to a person aged 18 years or older, but younger than 21 years of age, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of up to six months and be fined up to $1,000 for each offense.
(d) In addition to the penalties above, any person who is licensed, permitted or authorized to perform any act pursuant to Section 11301, who while so licensed, permitted or authorized, negligently furnishes, administers, gives or sells, or offers to furnish, administer, give or sell, any marijuana to any person younger than 21 years of age shall not be permitted to own, operate, be employed by, assist or enter any licensed premises authorized under Section 11301 for a period of one year.

This is your idea of legalization and regulation Richard? How many times are the words prohibit, punish and imprison mentioned (you know I cant count that high)
Perhaps this bill should be renamed....
Your pulling some serious wool over the stoned eyes of california, for shame.

Rolln J

this is why if one is gonna pass this year I hope its sb390 - unfortunately I think richard lee's has a better chance of passing because that one is left up to the voters where 390 is up to the senate to pass - not likely on the first go round...

I posted this in another thread a long time ago - this is a statement by dennis peron he made after richard lee fired him...

but his belief it was a bad prop is why he was fired

Why I Oppose the “Tax & Regulate” Marijuana Initiative (by Dennis Peron)

Three Fatal Flaws

1. One ounce limit? 25 sq. foot per building garden size limit? Imagine a law to “tax and regulate” alcohol that only allows for possession of up to one bottle of wine imprisoning those who exceed that amount, be it two bottles or a small collection of choice vintages. These limits guarantee confusion, harassment and black marketeering forevermore. We don’t control alcohol by imposing a 25 sq. foot limit on grape vines. But one extra gram or sq. foot of pot means jail and even worse; this initiative specifies that if accused of having too much cannabis the burden of proof is on you, not the state.

2. Singling out those who want to use marijuana for a huge excise tax is just plain unfair. It maintains cannabis as the most expensive, blatantly overpriced product on the market thus forcing most people to choose cheaper, more dangerous drugs with huge externalized costs to society as a whole.

3. Sending teenagers to state prison for three years for pot is evil. This initiative mandates that 18, 19, and twenty year old minors serve three to seven year terms in California state prison for the crime of passing each other a joint or selling one another a small amount. Under this law if a 21 year old person passes a joint to a 20 year old he or she goes to county jail for six months. Likewise this measure has no exceptions for parents in their own homes from the “smoking cannabis in any space while minors are
present” prohibition. We don’t lock up parents for having a glass of wine with dinner and we certainly don’t tell the kids to leave the house for the purpose of consuming any other substance so why start with cannabis?

This initiative is bad for parents, students and ultimately the effort to get the state to stop ruining lives enforcing these draconian pot laws. Initiatives create permanent statutes. This one with its petty restrictions for personal users, prohibitive unfair taxes, and mandatory state prison sentences for teen agers need be nipped in the bud. We will campaign and vote against it should its proponents succeed in purchasing the necessary number of signatures to put it on the 2010 ballot. The tax revenue it will supposedly generate is a mere smokescreen for the kids it will regulate into three, five and seven year state prison sentences.

Perpetuating and increasing the hundred million plus tax dollars per year the state already spends policing this harmless plant is wrong yet that is exactly what this proposition does. Surely we can do better than this. How about just legalizing it, getting the state off pot to save lives and real money across the board? Please consider how you can help expose and defeat this misleading “tax and regulate” initiative.

Dennis Peron, Author of Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act of 1996.

3745 17th street, SFCA 94114 (415) 864 – 1961 [email protected]


im glad others see how fucked we ALL would be if these bullshit bills pass. it boils my blood that stuff like this is happening. and jokes like richard lee are at the forefront of the cannabis scene in the press, its a damn shame.


Nicely worded Mr. Peron, and nice (re)post rollin j... I once considered attending oaksterdam to increase my knowledge. I'm happy I saved my money and discovered this site instead. My boycott of oaksterdam begins now....


I agree Richard Lees bill is a piece of shit and I would never vote for it.


I'm on the east coast and my face went white reading about this possibility... I would be very surprised if the bill passes but if it does, it will affect prices everywhere.

One day soon legalization will come, and the only way I can picture it in our current corporatist economic system is lose/lose for both the consumer and the grower. I think it will take at least another decade. Right now there are so many other problems to work out, legalization on a national level will be low priority.


A Little Blowback for Tom Ammiano’s Bill to Legalize Marijuana Sales/Use in California

Ok this cracked me up, I like the part about 3600 people worldwide being a force to reckon with, plenty of great propaganda in this article. Especially how teens are increasingly becoming more addicted to marijuana. They neglect to mention of course the majority of these teens have been forced into 'treatment facilities' for petty possession charges to avoid criminal records and jail time. What a great place to introduce your kids to heroin and crack dealers btw. It just made laugh at the audacity. Enjoy...

Even though I don't support Ammiano's bill due to its many flaws, its hard to join ideological forces with these people.


I found this part of the bill interesting "This bill would remove marijuana and its derivatives from existing
statutes defining and regulating controlled substances. It would
instead legalize the possession, sale, cultivation, and other conduct
relating to marijuana and its derivatives by persons 21 years of age
and older, except as specified. It would set up a wholesale and
retail marijuana sales regulation program, including special fees to
fund drug abuse prevention programs, as specified, to commence after
regulations concerning the program have been issued, and federal law
permits possession and sale consistent with the program.

So does that mean that the bill would legalize marijuana in California, but no taxes or regulation program would be imposed until it was legal on the federal level? So everyone over 21 could grow, buy, sell and smoke without paying taxes on it or any regulations governing it? I wonder what the federal government would think about that. Welcome to the Wild West!


nah bro, its not happening.

the bill will not meet the assembly, therefore will not be voted on. end of story. the bill is dead.



I was hoping it didn't get through. Any idea when and what the next initiative will be?


Hey Sway,

Any additional info on your wolf cubs? They sound interesting. I can't PM right now because im >50 posts. If you PM me your e-mail I can e-mail you and hopefully get some pics of an adult as well as the cubs.


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