Celtic's mrdizzle inspired run

  • Thread starter CelticEBE
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If you do a little bit of searching for hempy buckets, you will probably get a better explanation, but this is what I know about them.

The bottom 2" of your pot will be perlite or hydroton, then you drill a hole just above that and attach a bulkhead with a hose to it. When you water, or feed the bottom fills up with your nute solution, or water, so that there is always something available for your girls to drink.

I opted to NOT go this route, which means that I have to water more often since I am in a fairly high ratio of perlite to coco.

I didn't get any pics this weekend, but I will tonight. I decided to let the girls go a couple more days in veg as some of them were lagging behind the others. Gonna flip em tomorrow morning and the interesting times will begin. I feel like I need to rework my top feed a little as the sides of the buckets aren't really getting saturated that much. Its more so on the 17 gallon buckets than the 27's.

Let the GAMES BEGIN!!!!


Thanks Celtic, I read both of Mrdizzles journals. It seems he progressed from the Hempies in his first run "Mrdizzles dunkin his balls in some Hempie'z" to his latest run "Dizzle Booty Clappin on ya Grave" were he is running more perlite and doing a Drain to Waste system.

What confused me at first was the extra tote on the bottom. I see now that you are draining the run off into the lower tote and then pumping it out to waste.

Do plan on testing the run off to see what the plants need or desire?




I actually dont test the runoff. I have my portable ac tied in with the lower buckets so it wouldn't really be a true reading really. More of less I just keep an eye on my girls and look for any kind of deficiencies. Right now things look spot on.

I spoke with the owner of Heavy 16 today and per his recommendation I am going to cut my cal-mag a lot sooner. The Heavy 16 already has a lot of Calcium and Magnesium and the fact that I have a higher perlite to coco ratio, I shouldn't need as much.


Last day of Veg and things are looking good. Here are some pics.

pic 1: This is the Alien OG, I think I am going to trim a LOT of these two back. They are bushy as hell. All the leaves are fairly small, which leads me to believe that this plant will produce a LOT of small nugs. Hopefully cutting some of the growth will pump things up a bit on them.

pic 2: Apothecary OG's, a buddy ran this pheno in his garden and I was really impressed with the density and size of his nugs. The back half of these two will be stripped.

pic 3: Trainwrecks, these things are monsters! They are pushing the 4 foot mark as it is, and I think I am going to have to do something to keep the vertical growth down on these girls. I have another bucket with two trainwrecks in it and they are just as out of control as these girls are.

So now that we have Veg out of the way, let's see what these girls can do.

pic 4: Sour Kush's, the fan leaves and stalks on these two are...well....FREAKING HUGE!!! I have been moving this station around because it is surrounded by 4k. So far that has been a good decision because the node spacing is really tight. If I had just stuck it in the middle and let it ride I can imagine that it would have stretched out all over the place.

pic 5: Blackwater's, I only took a pic of one of the stations, there are 3 more. Some of the plants are lagging behind and I think it's from the transplant. There were a few plants that the roots got a little beat up when I transplanted because the medium was still a bit moist. I should have let it dry out a bit more before transplanting. Lesson learned. Regardless, huge fans, thick stems, and lots of tightly spaced nodes on these girls.

I washed out my rez really good. Oh, the bin liner idea didn't work out so well. The pumps want to suck the damn thing up when the water level gets low.

I think I need a bigger pump to feed the girls...that or else redo the top feed manifolds that I made. Right now I have a 1000 gph pump installed and it takes 7 minutes to feed them 15 gallons. I don't have so much of an issue with how long it takes, as I do that there isn't a lot of pressure and it seems as though the tubs aren't getting fully saturated. I may pick up another 1500 from home depot this weekend. I'm seriously considering buying stock in that damn place.
2011 08 08 23 09 15 252 Medium
2011 08 08 23 09 33 437 Medium
2011 08 08 23 09 50 539 Medium
2011 08 08 23 10 21 297 Medium
2011 08 08 23 10 59 279 Medium


Kush trees! Subscribed for what looks to be an awesome journal.


Celtic, how often are you watering? Are you flushing the nutes all the way until they drip out of the bottom each time. I'm just starting to flush my Sour Kush this week and I'm getting ready for the next grow and I'm planning on your soil mixture. Thanks.



I water 3 times a night. 9 gallons when lights come on. This gives me a little runoff. 4 hours later they get another 3 gallons and two hours after another 3 gallons. I mute for 6 days then flush with phed RO water. If I start noticing less runoff I just increase how much they get. Hope that helps you out brother.



You soak them lights on, 4 hours later-water, 2 hours later-water, and then you don't water for 6 hours. Lights go off, you water every 4 hours. Why the 6 hour gap in your watering cycle when the lights are on?

You are feeding your nutes cold? What temp?

When you do your feedings is there a benefit to getting run off every time you feed them?



I made a mistake in the info I gave you. This is how they get fed.

10pm (lights on) pump comes on for 2 minutes, which is 6 gallons of feed.
12am pump comes on for 1 minute which is 3 gallons of feed.
2am pump comes on for 1 minute which is 3 gallons of feed.
4am pump comes on for 1 minute which is 3 gallons of feed.

I space the feedings out so that the medium doesn't dry out, and there is always fresh nutes available to the roots. I have a tub hooked up to all my lower tubs that isn't covered. I can tell that I am getting runoff because the water level rises in it throughout the night. I just pump that out daily.

My ph stays really stable once I cut out the Algen Extract so I set it to 5.7 and for 3 days they get fed from my 50 gallon reservoir, ph might go up to 5.9. I mix up another batch of nutes and they get fed another 3 days, then I flush with phed RO water, then I mix up another batch of nutes for 3 days and so on and so on.

I have a cool coil and a resistat which keeps my reservoir at a stable 68 degrees and I keep a 600 gph pump inside of the reservoir to keep things circulating (FLOOMING).

I will update on Thursday, probably get some pics. Growth has been really impressive once I turned on the co2. I'm slowly backing the stations away from the light as some light bleaching has been occurring. I can see right now that I will be CRAWLING in the room before too long. Probably going to set up points in the ceiling for support strings before things get too overgrown in there. I'm going to thin things out a little Wednesday night...anything that looks like it won't really be getting any light. I'm not sure what to do with my Trainwrecks, as they have reached the 4' mark already. I may just cut em back a bit height wise. I hate to lose a top cola, but at this rate it won't be getting any light and would be a weak looking cola. Tree growers chime in here and let me know what you think.


Lookin good mate, definately goin well for ya 3rd run :) Do you ever have any problems auto-feeding with the coco? And do you get much run-off each water?

I grow in coco but just handwater because I have rent inspections every 12 weeks and its hard enough having to take everything down and hide it all let alone having to worry about plumbing and all the other shit that goes with auto watering.. But my lease is slowly coming to an end so gonna start looking for another place without inspections so I can set up a watering system to give me more time to show the girls love, dont know what medium ill be going with yet but I think I am in love with coco :D

Cant wait to see the flower show mate, ill definately be pulling up a chair, good luck for the rest, im sure you wont need it!


I gave a buddy who lives up in Butte County a couple of cuts of my Blackwater. This is what he has done with them....he is 6'2"

I hope I make it to the trim party on this one....


This is the second run I have had feeding set on auto like this. My last run I didn't have things set up that well to flush the medium and things got a bit over fertilized. Hopefully with the double tub setup I have eliminated that.

One week into flowering and so far so good. I may hit them with 3 days of phosphoload here pretty soon as they are all coming up on the 4 foot mark.

I'm not as "Sealed" as I would like to be, burning through propane a lot more than I thought I would. At least it's easy to walk down to the gas station and get it filled up. Lugging co2 tanks to the welding supply store every week was LAME.


Celtic, have you had great sucess with the phosphload? Did it increase yeild? I would think that stopping the vert. growth would also stop all the side branches from reaching up to the top. I would love to try it on some Sour Kush. It finished over 6'-6" indoors.



This is my first time using phosphoload. From what I understand it stops vertical growth but promotes lateral growth. Being in a vertical lighting environment I have an see a benefit for something like that. They are going to get a dose come Sunday.probably do a pic update mid next week at the end of week 2.


Hello Celtic, any updates on the grow. I'm chopping some sour kush this next week and I'm going to run a step up close to yours. Hoping to get an update soon. Thanks


Sorry guys...things have been rather hectic. I was up in the Bay Area for a little bit and then when I got back down here I helped a friend harvest. Things are moving right a long. Again....sorry for the crappy yellowish pics, when the buds start packing on some size and frost I will be sure to get my trusty cannon rebel into action.

The phospohoload seems to have stopped the stretch. I actually had to tie the trainwrecks back already. I bought some string the other day so as soon as I see branches drooping from bud weight I can start tying them to the cage. I also redid my distribution from a manifold to more of a ring so I could get more of an even saturation in my medium.

Already beginning to plan the next setup, which if all goes well will be in a small warehouse. I'm tired to tearing down every six months for alarm inspections!!!

Again...my apologies for the yellow pics.

Pic 1: Blackwater
Pic 2: Alien OG
Pic 3: Apothecary OG
Pic 4: Trainwreck
Pic 5: Sour Kush
Blackwater wk2
Alienog wk2
Apothecaryog wk2
Trainwreck wk2
Sourkush wk2


looking good bro, I like the way you have those half cages

next round of pics Id love to see a whole room shot

easier said then done i know but if you get behind the plants on the end, I reach as high as I can and angle the camera down and you can usually pull out some decent room shots


dizzle....I went with the half cages so I could get in and trim all the stuff that won't be getting light. I will get a whole room shot on the next batch of pics. It's thick in there for sure. I have to crawl on my hands and knees to get around in there. Buds are starting to fill out know and things are getting exciting for sure. The trainwreck has me really intrigued as it seems to be developing a bit faster than everything else. The Apothecary OG is definitely more suited to a horizontal grow. The Blackwater really likes the vertical lighting, as does the Sour Kush.
sticky icky

sticky icky

Supp killa evrythings lookin superb glad I cuaght this thread those are some monster fan leaves on those bitches and yur buddys outdoor looks bonkers hope evrythings great witcha!


lookn good there Celtic - yeh thats phosphoload used to be called 'SuperBud' its a PGR plant growth regulator, main active ingrediant is paclobutrazol - it does stop all verticle growth of the plant but i am not aware weather it then creates sideways branching.

From what i read on the PGR paclobutrazol, it will interfere with the flow of Gibberelins throughout the plant (a hormone responsible for much of the plants apical growth) But from what i have read on it that it stops all growth all togeather and within 3 days will induce flowering - dependant on when you use the product...

I plan to use PGR'S this coming coco grow, both paclo and chlormequat to try increase harvest, Im guna keep an eye on this grow as im quite keen to see how it harvests. I will be running a similar verticle light setup in a 3.2 x 3.2m room.

cheers all the best
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