City of Long Beach shuts down all LB dispensaries

  • Thread starter 420Meds4Vets
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"directly linked to activities taking place in or near collective locations."

Nope, must have just been the trolling wind... :rolleyes:

420Meds look at the posts that the farm "liked" then look at your posts that no one liked. I think the community decides who is the troll.


I could give a fuck less if his troll friends back "staff" up...a gang of trolls doesn't make him less of one. Everyone knows how these cliques work.


Premium Gardener
While ignoring trolls:

From that story:
"Long Beach officials, however, said the inability to control the medical marijuana environment is what led to the ban"

"Mais couldn't provide crime statistics that law enforcement officials associate with Long Beach collectives.
However, Long Beach Police Department Deputy Chief William Blair, in a court declaration filed late last week, said that as of March 1, the LBPD has logged at least 170 calls for service directly linked to activities taking place in or near collective locations.
Of those incidents, 81 crime reports were taken, including 54 felonies and 27 misdemeanors, according to Blair."

"Although more recent accurate statistics have not yet been compiled, the City continues to experience significant serious criminal activity that can be directly related to the operation of storefront dispensaries. These crimes include, but are not limited to, illegal drug sales, armed robbery and burglaries," Blair wrote."

That's much more reasonable than jumping to the conclusion that they were paid to do it. :rolleyes:

In my opinion this is trumped up nonsense. All the same things can be said about liquor stores, and can be shown statistically.

baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I could give a fuck less if his troll friends back "staff" up...a gang of trolls doesn't make him less of one. Everyone knows how these cliques work.
You know out of my 1920 so odd posts, this is the only time I've trolled and it's for good reason. I don't give a shit about cliques and hardly follow one on here. I don't like to take it personal but with you, gladly!

I guess the military didn't do much of a job teaching you to question authority or read between the lines. Not surprising.


In my opinion this is trumped up nonsense. All the same things can be said about liquor stores, and can be shown statistically.
"in a court declaration filed late last week"

Do you have any PROOF that any of it is "trumped up?" While some of the crimes "near" collectives may not be related (since we don't know the details) but they could be related too. How do they trump up crimes that happen IN the collectives?

The point is, those official reasons are far more reasonable and believable than some mental midget conspiracy theory involving unmarked envelopes that has ZERO proof or reason.


Perhaps somebody might be able to get a copy of the declaration to get the details of those 81 crimes but I doubt any of us care enough to actually do that.


IMVHO theres more corruption inside the city hall then all of LB's Collectives put together. you know why Im in Long right? They "Eric Sund's" MMJ Program Director" opened the front door, grabbed me by the ear and said "better hurry up and submit plans! the clock is ticking" So 58 days later I got full final from Building, Fire, Mech, Elec, Plum, then they pulled this crap! Can you say Vested? Weve got 1 of 2 of the only existing C of O's in the entire city. Just give us our money back well leave so quick it will make your head spin! Its not like the city has any money for another 20 multi million dollar lawsuits.


IMVHO theres more corruption inside the city hall then all of LB's Collectives put together. you know why Im in Long right? They "Eric Sund's" MMJ Program Director" opened the front door, grabbed me by the ear and said "better hurry up and submit plans! the clock is ticking" So 58 days later I got full final from Building, Fire, Mech, Elec, Plum, then they pulled this crap! Can you say Vested? Weve got 1 of 2 of the only existing C of O's in the entire city. Just give us our money back well leave so quick it will make your head spin! Its not like the city has any money for another 20 multi million dollar lawsuits.
1) That's your opinion, and there may be some corruption, but do you have proof of corruption linked to closing the collectives like they have proof of crimes in and near collectives?

2) No, I have no idea why you're here. Should I know?

3) I've said from the start, I think their solution, to ban the clubs, is wrong. The troll and his suck-up friends are just mad because I don't buy the retarded "unmarked envelope" conspiracy theory. While mental midgets may want to deny that our own community hurts our cause, just the retarded trolling and flaming here should prove me right if you TRY to look at it from the point of view of those that we want to change their minds.

Imagine if you were on the fence, but still anti-MMJ, and you came *here* to look for info and saw how these angry paranoid children act. Would you run away feeling that the ban is good or change your mind? If you're honest you know that I'm right.


420 just for the record I know alot of LB shop owners, and have done Biz in LB on many levels, restaurants, construction, Collectives, the city of LB and its PD are all screwed up, nothing has rhyme or reason, LIke taking all our money and changing there mind as the last ck cleared, to letting a shop at the Beach stay open even thpugh the beach is considered a public park and 3 other lottery winners got fuked on there winning locations, to the video I posted, Id have to say this to you, that whatever the City of LB reports should be taken with a grain of dalt, most everything Ive witnessed first hand is complete chaos, BS and non professional, Ive seen council members completly flip there vote at the last possible second cause they were had by the balls on another unrelated issue! Corruption atts finest! Stay TUned!!!


its obvious to me you IN long Beach proper, and yes I know for a fact people got greased, in fact its being investigated as we speak by the FBI, Do I personally hold the PROOF? Nope!! but there are folks out there talking and they do! and yes I know folks that know things at city hall, and people in head positions over there that fill me in when its deemed important. And they all know that Robert Shannon has a hard on for marijuana, it wont be untill one of his grand children need it will he all of a sudden change his tune, this is not a free country, THis is not a Democracy, Its all a joke! and the higher ups are all laughing to the bank at our expense!


420 just for the record I know alot of LB shop owners, and have done Biz in LB on many levels, restaurants, construction, Collectives, the city of LB and its PD are all screwed up, nothing has rhyme or reason, LIke taking all our money and changing there mind as the last ck cleared, to letting a shop at the Beach stay open even thpugh the beach is considered a public park and 3 other lottery winners got fuked on there winning locations, to the video I posted, Id have to say this to you, that whatever the City of LB reports should be taken with a grain of dalt, most everything Ive witnessed first hand is complete chaos, BS and non professional, Ive seen council members completly flip there vote at the last possible second cause they were had by the balls on another unrelated issue! Corruption atts finest! Stay TUned!!!

I grew up here and I know that LB has issues, including the LBPD and city council, I've seen how things have been since the 60's and how they are today.

If you deny that many of the collectives and members of our own community have problems too, then you're simply in denial.

My point is still valid and you never answered the question:
Imagine if you were on the fence, but still anti-MMJ, and you came *here* to look for info and saw how these angry paranoid children act. Would you run away feeling that the ban is good or change your mind?


the angry children 420 are the folks at city hall, the PD, there all butt hurt dude! wake up, Cops get 45k a yr, How the fuk you gonna get a River pad and wave runner on that? So they do armed roberys at collectives, last one got them in deep shit, the one before 15k came up missing and 12 lbs, you d the fuking math bro!


"but there are folks out there talking and they do!"

People in here are doing a LOT of talking but I've still seen no proof.


I will repeat this one more time, the angry children that did'nt get there way all work at the City Bro! The 459'd about 2 mill dollars and then cried fowl on us!


Again, all talk no proof...

My point is still valid and you STILL never answered the question:
Imagine if you were on the fence, but still anti-MMJ, and you came *here* to look for info and saw how these angry paranoid children act. Would you run away feeling that the ban is good or change your mind?


Premium Gardener
"in a court declaration filed late last week"

Do you have any PROOF that any of it is "trumped up?" While some of the crimes "near" collectives may not be related (since we don't know the details) but they could be related too. How do they trump up crimes that happen IN the collectives?

The point is, those official reasons are far more reasonable and believable than some mental midget conspiracy theory involving unmarked envelopes that has ZERO proof or reason.

No. My days as magnum PI are long since done. Luckily I kept the Ferrari and the moustache. I did not keep any proof. Do you have PROOF. Verified and accurate? I prefer stoner conjecture, personally!



I see no angry children here so your Q's is invalid! If your asking if theres sound accurate data at the farm then I will say Hell Yes! if you ask me about LB and its public servants Id say corruption with a Capital C!!

Lets ask you a Q 420!

If you were hand walked thru city hall, paid 400k plus on ll your plans/Construction, Received a C of O to run and operate a Legal Marijuana Collective and no sooner then you opened your doors a Ban was on the table being disscussed, How would you feel about your city leadership, Morals and Dignity!

and with that Ill leave you to soak in your own misconceptions and your naive feeling about LB and its Leadership


No. My days as magnum PI are long since done. Luckily I kept the Ferrari and the moustache. I did not keep any proof. Do you have PROOF. Verified and accurate? I prefer stoner conjecture, personally!

I'm glad you kept the moustache but you make my point not yours. The LBPD submitted a declaration that is proof of what the CC is claiming. Even schwoop admits there have been murders related but intellectually dishonest people that are prone to conspiracy would rather believe "stoner conjecture" than reality.

How about you try to honestly answer the question that Schwoop has avoided so far:
Imagine if you were on the fence, but still anti-MMJ, and you came *here* to look for info and saw how these angry paranoid children act. Would you run away feeling that the ban is good or change your mind?

I know people don't like to look within and acknowledge internal problems, it's easier to blame the outside than the inside but if you deny that our own "people" hurt our cause, you're just not grounded in reality.

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