
  • Thread starter Kaiser Sose
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Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Blazer , My thought is to wait until I see that these clones in the clone machine take off. Then I will put at least three plants into flower.
Since I am a newbie, I want to make sure the clone machine works as described. As it stands I have 15 plants in veg at 4 different intervals about 3 weeks apart on each. I took the clones yesterday and I figure that by this saturday I should know if they took and rooted. I have said before that I am looking for athletes from now on. SO I will take 8 more clones for the machine next saturday and will thin the herd so to speak as I see who is growing and who is blowing. Growers will be fed and blowers will be dead!

Like I said then I will move the 3 largest into flower, maybe the 4 largest. Then I will keep 8 in veg. I will also keep 8 in the machine as long as I can to determine the athletes.

Alfonso- YES I AM!!! I thought you knew that... I am waiting for the wife to say "Either those plants go or I do" at which point I will hand her a stack of boxes... She blew up at me last nite at dinner. I was talking about the plants, she says" DO WE ALWAYS HAVE TO TALK ABOUT POT?" and stormed outta the room. When she came back I said "YES! You used to make me feel good, but now you don't at least the pot does!" LOL
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Ok so back on topic.

Question for the more experienced growers then me...

When cloning, after cutting and dipping in root gel,

should i place the clone into the net pot with neoprene ring alone
or with rockwool or rapid rooters in the net pots?

The reason I ask is my buddy said no rapid rooters or rockwool. He said he nor anyone he knows uses anything. The video I say on shows how to make the machine and they use rockwool in their netpots...(I have Rapid Rooters)
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

OK so one more question:

Should the clone machine have an airstone in it?

I am thinking no...not needed. Lotta action in the tub with all that water spraying around...
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose


The smell seaping out was due to the duct falling off one side of the inline fan. My buddy climbed into the rafters for me and found the clamp was defective and didn't tighten down like it should. He tightened as best he could and used, go figure, duct tape to re-attach it. If it's good enough for Nascar, and holding at 200 mph, it's good enough for me...

With in 10 mins the grow room and the rest of the adjoining area was smell free.Wife sniffed and approved. Kid (19) sniffed and approved, even in the grow room. Maybe I won't need a second fan. At least for now I will wait...

Glad this happened now rather then 3/4 into flower....

Holding onto the boxes though.....


KS was gone all day so just checking in now.I see you have been busy.Take it easy with the wife she will cope.LOL As for what you put your clones in it depends on what they are going to land up in for hydro I would go with the rock wool But not good for Mother Earth if soil I would use the rapid rooters. "Should the clone machine have an airstone in it?" Not sure what your clone machine looks like but my thinking is the more Air in your water the better.Duct Tape is one of my good friends works for all kind of things. So do you have a passive air intake to your grow area?What I am asking is how do you get air exchange in your room.Also do you have an air cooled hood for your light? And if you do how are you venting it? "Holding onto the boxes though..... " Put the boxes away LOL
sky high

sky high

Bare root them in a clone machine.....then plant them in rocks or dirt when they have legs.

Rockwool or rapids will keep the area near the stem TOO WET and you will more than likely see stem rot taking it's toll (turn grey and into mush) before you ever see roots.

"Duct" tape will last only till yer in flower (jus kidding). No..seriously...don't use regular duct tape. Go to home DePOT and head for the heating/ducting section and buy FOIL tape for ducts....that shit is balls on stuff for what we do.....doesn't come off when it is exposed to heat moisture/etc....

If he were still here/still in NM my son would be bangin away at it as I'm expecting you guys down there to take up the slack (like kaiser) and plant a few EXTRA in his name.

I know >>>I<<< am. ;-)

best of luck with the grow (and the wife)!

s h


Can't wait bro to see in go to flower.glad you found your aroma prob. Without having to buy or add a fan like sky said foil tape works wonders I do hvac so I've seen do some amazing stuff and lasts so anyone outhere needs help with hvac hit me up.keep it up!:stonedsmilie:


Bare root them in a clone machine.....then plant them in rocks or dirt when they have legs.

Rockwool or rapids will keep the area near the stem TOO WET and you will more than likely see stem rot taking it's toll (turn grey and into mush) before you ever see roots.

"Duct" tape will last only till yer in flower (jus kidding). No..seriously...don't use regular duct tape. Go to home DePOT and head for the heating/ducting section and buy FOIL tape for ducts....that shit is balls on stuff for what we do.....doesn't come off when it is exposed to heat moisture/etc....

If he were still here/still in NM my son would be bangin away at it as I'm expecting you guys down there to take up the slack (like kaiser) and plant a few EXTRA in his name.

I know >>>I<<< am. ;-)

best of luck with the grow (and the wife)!

s h

Nice to see you posting here SH how you been ?
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Thanks for the replys guys.

SH - thanks Bro I will put an additional one in, in your sons honor. Maybe when I harvest that one we can hook up and smoke some and I can leave you some, again in his honor. Since this is my trial run with the clone machine, I did add rapid rooters to each. I don't want to disturb them now a second time, so if it goes bad I will not use them next time. I watched a couple videos on cloning and seems its a 50-50 split as to use or not. As far as air intake I have a 4" inline fan sucking air from outside thru a whole I cut in the eve of the house. There is a fine mesh over it so no bugs get sucked in.

Alfonso- Boxes are still on stand by, but close enough to get to if needed. The machine I made is a standard 14 gal plastic tub/lid. I will be changing it on the next run to a 5 gal bucket clone machine. It just seems more efficient and space saving not to mention less likely to leak. Then I can have multiple lids with different numbers of clones, I am thinking 4,8 and 12 although 12 would be pushing it in a 5 gallon bucket.

Blazer- Thanks bro i can't wait either. I may hit you up. I still want to add some duct and a splitter to the veg room as the main exhaust is in the flower room... Are you in Albq?

I am still thinking I will wait to see roots on the clones before I flip to flower. I guess I will know that by saturday or sunday. I would expect to see roots by 1 week after putting them into the machine.
Whole room 12 12 11
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

WooHoo I got a pic to work....

Ok that is the veg room. I shoulda taken the non used bucket out for the pic.


OK K.S. I see your cloner now. I did a run with the aro set up like that I had 6 sprayers in it and went ok. As for the leaks I used a sticky foam around the lip
and that took care of the leaks.The shit sure grows fast in the aro it was on one of my first grows so was not up to speed as I should have been but the aro did work good. Only hard shit was when I checked the sprayers and
changing the water. I'm sure I could have moded it to make it easier to work with. P.S. I see you have them on the floor not a good idea they will get cold feet get somthing under your pots so they are not on cold concrete.
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Hey Alfonso, the box my clones are in has 12 sprayers. The 5 gal bucket clone machine I will make next will have 18 sprayers for the same 8 spots. I have the box on another box lid to catch the drips. What you can't see is the heater thats going 24/7 to keep the room 75*. I have thought about them getting cold so I will add some wodden blocks under all buckets jsut in case.
As far as changing the water, I thought they would or should root within a week and therefore would not need a water change....? I would think that would be bad for the plants as they are not supposed to get light to the roots.

I think things are getting dialed in. The learning doesn't stop but the growing becomes easier.

Still have a few bugs so it's an ongoing spraying of the plants. Only one plant has the bugs. It is the one in the back right of the pic. When looking at them I am pretty sure they are spider mites. They are not lloking too healthy. The bugs have very dark body colors. To Id they We looked under magnafication. They have like 4 legs coming out the back side and 2 sets of 2 on each side I believe. The weird thing is the dark body colors and slow movements. I am thinking they are slowly dieing. I am spraying at 3 day intervols. I spray them with SNS217 and 3 days later I spray them with Take Down then repeat. A buddy of mine said the reason the back right plant looks a bit "droopy is I was spraying them with the lights on since they are on 24/7. What I will do when I spray next is unplug the light for a 4 hour period and spray them at that time.
I am going to go get a new timer this weekend so I can shut the lights off for a few hours a day. The timer will pay for itself in no time by saving electricity.
Anyway taking all into consideration. Learning, adapting and overcoming to grow a jungle.
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Looks like your on your way just keep plugging away .

Yes I will. I will also let you know how the clones do. I will have to show you the new clone machine when it is done. It seems as the most efficient clone machine I have seen.

18 sprayer heads in a 5 gal bucket may be a little overkill but it's got damn good coverage....


Did I hear OVERKILL? What kind of turbine do you have driving those sprayers? LOL


Hey Alfonso, the box my clones are in has 12 sprayers. The 5 gal bucket clone machine I will make next will have 18 sprayers for the same 8 spots. I have the box on another box lid to catch the drips. What you can't see is the heater thats going 24/7 to keep the room 75*. I have thought about them getting cold so I will add some wodden blocks under all buckets jsut in case.
As far as changing the water, I thought they would or should root within a week and therefore would not need a water change....? I would think that would be bad for the plants as they are not supposed to get light to the roots.

I think things are getting dialed in. The learning doesn't stop but the growing becomes easier.

Still have a few bugs so it's an ongoing spraying of the plants. Only one plant has the bugs. It is the one in the back right of the pic. When looking at them I am pretty sure they are spider mites. They are not lloking too healthy. The bugs have very dark body colors. To Id they We looked under magnafication. They have like 4 legs coming out the back side and 2 sets of 2 on each side I believe. The weird thing is the dark body colors and slow movements. I am thinking they are slowly dieing. I am spraying at 3 day intervols. I spray them with SNS217 and 3 days later I spray them with Take Down then repeat. A buddy of mine said the reason the back right plant looks a bit "droopy is I was spraying them with the lights on since they are on 24/7. What I will do when I spray next is unplug the light for a 4 hour period and spray them at that time.
I am going to go get a new timer this weekend so I can shut the lights off for a few hours a day. The timer will pay for itself in no time by saving electricity.
Anyway taking all into consideration. Learning, adapting and overcoming to grow a jungle.

Tim just snapped on the timers they are about $5 at harbor freight.
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Did I hear OVERKILL? What kind of turbine do you have driving those sprayers? LOL

Turbine? LOL They show a 170 GPH pump. The bigger unit I made, which I stopped the leaks this morning, is using a 170-300 gph adjustable pump. That pump is available at Home Depot for 29.95 I found them online at ebay for 21.99 free shipping. I may use the 170 gph pump for the 5 gal bucket.

You should see the spray it has with 18 sprayer tips....


thats about what mine runs too only about 220ppm not too bad as far as tap water goes but I still use a ro filter for the ph stability
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