
  • Thread starter Kaiser Sose
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Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

I like that pump because you can dial it down if you want.

All look well today. Clones still a little droopy. Gave the #2 a gallon of water with 2.5ml nutes both part A & B. The root ball is filling the bucket now, I will get new pics of it soon....Amazing. The others have roots but not like this. Thats why I gave her extra nutes.

Still no leaks from clone machine. I will be checking for roots on saturday. If no roots saturday I will take the clones out of the rapid rooters and proceed with straight distilled water.... I think there will be at least some roots...

I have the fan going in there now. It is actually right behind the humidifier. SO it is sucking the stream of mist in and spraying it around the room. It is also blowing the heat around the room as the heater is right next to the fan. The temp went up 4 degrees by doing this and RH is holding at 27%.
The PH was 7 in all buckets last nite so I lowered it back to 6.5 then 6.0 thru the night.


Just went back to the pic and do see that tub. And looking at them I noticed that you did not trim the ends of the leafs of your clones no big deal have done it both ways both work.PH of 7 means that that plants are eating good But try not to let it swing too much you should check the PH at least 3 times daily. that is one of the reasons I don't like buckets You'll find the others as your plants get bigger.PH goes up as the plants feed. What temp are you running in there ? Did I hear fan that sounds good.As for RH I leave my water that I have sitting waiting on chlorine to evap in there that helps a little too. As long as you don't have the lights too close the plants will not perspire too much.In mho it would be better if you want to raise the amount of nutes then just change the water you don't know what they have used in your last mix.
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Well I might have stressed or killed my clones. I may just pull them and take new clippings for the clone machine.

I woke up yesterday to a flood in my room. The clone machine started leaking again. So I unplugged it and proceeded to make a new one. I make the new 5 gallon one with the spray heads from home depot and those sprayers suck! No where near as good of spray heads as the ones from AHL. So at one point I took the prayers off of the original machine and made a third unit with those sprayers. Now it works real good. But with those down times the clones don't look too good. I will give it 24 hours and if they don't look better I will pull and cut new ones.

EDIT: Attached is a pic of the 9 position clone machine and the one plant that is pale looking.
New Clone Machine 5 gal bucket
12 18 11 G13 Haze looking Pale
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

OK I pulled all the clones and cut new ones.

The machine is re-loaded now with 9.

Let's try this again.


Tim too bad about your first clones. but just keep plugging away you'll get there.Are you letting the bigger plants dry good before you water them again?
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Yes I am. The plants are dry when I can feel the weight difference. I also did as you suggested by watering them until water comes out the bottom.

The clones were because those sprayers from HD suck and didn't keep spraying. I put the bucket together and checked the spray . They worked ok. I left for about 5 hours and all the clones looked terrible. I then remade the inner workings and took the sprayheads from the original machine. They spray 4 ft out of the bucket. The ones at AHL are so much better sprayers. I am going there today to get more sprayer heads.

Checked them this morning and they look good. 1 sprayer needs replacing (HD) so I will pick up a dozen spares just to keep around.


dam that sucked on the HD sprayers I used them last year in my aro setup and had no problems.Did you tap the pvc before you threaded the sprayers or did you do it self tap?


Hey KS have have you been using calmag bro on that pale one stems look red/purple may help!
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Blazer No I haven't. I will pick some up tonight and see if that helps. I have the same thing (red/purp stems) on a different plant in hydro. Looks like I need cal mag for dirt and hydro...


I changed all buckets water last night. PH'd the water to 6.0 and added 3ml of nutes to each bucket. All have nice healthy roots, amazing root systems...

I also changed the water(Distilled) in the clone machine. I wiped out the bucket and sprayer system and pump and added an airstone to the bucket. Hope it works this time.

Overall the plants are growing great. I see more growth almost every day. The 4 sputnik plants are catching up to the #2 in size. They are starting to fill out and they are standing tall. I am going to get a second pump for the clone bucket just to be safe. I will also be looking for a light mover bar(straight line) for my flower room.
sky high

sky high

From experience, I would steer you into spending your $$ on an additIonal light vs. a light mover. It >sounds< great in theory....but IMO, all you are doing is spreading your light way thin and spending time re-hanging yer light and more cords. If you do decide to buy one, do not buy a chain driven (Hydrofarm) a Light rail unit that runs on a track with rubber wheels. The Hydrofarm units are well-known to be noisy/unreliable and they have been known to fall on gardens because the mounts/unit is so cheap/crappily built.

good luck with the clones

s h
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

From experience, I would steer you into spending your $$ on an additIonal light vs. a light mover. It >sounds< great in theory....but IMO, all you are doing is spreading your light way thin and spending time re-hanging yer light and more cords. If you do decide to buy one, do not buy a chain driven (Hydrofarm) a Light rail unit that runs on a track with rubber wheels. The Hydrofarm units are well-known to be noisy/unreliable and they have been known to fall on gardens because the mounts/unit is so cheap/crappily built.

good luck with the clones

s h

TY SH . I do have a second light to put in the flower room if I go that route. Everyone else has said use the light mover. 2 lights I would have to watch for hotspots, extra costs etc.
For my space( 10x5 flower room) I think the light mover is the best way to go. Yes I have heard of the same problems with the Track light mover. I was looking at Gualala Robotics Lineal Light Movers. It is a wheel type.

The clone machine is working well, no leaks. There needs to be one alteration being another slot for the airstone hose to fit better. No big deal.

I flushed the one G13 Haze again today in the sink. I picked up the Cal/Mag yesterday for the hydro store. I will add some on the next watering. Other than a few crispy leaves on 2 of the plants from hi nutes, all is good. The plants are doing well. Nutes were lowered back down when I changed the water on monday. The fan is on. Humifier is on. Heater is on. Room temp about 75* RH about 25%.
I can't wait to flip em. I will prolly order the mover in the next couple days. Hope the clones root soon.
sky high

sky high

It sounds like the light will get very thin if you only have one light and a light mover in a 10 x 5 room. In theory, if you were growing wall-to-wall in a bloom situation, you would need 2500 watts to acheive 50 watts per sq ft. (min recommended bloom wattage)

Hot spots are a myth, IMO. At least I've never experienced such a thing. (FWIW, my room is 11 x 9 and I run 4600-6000 watts/4-6 lights)

Not sure an airstone in the cloner will make a difference...prolly can't hurt...but your air/water mix comes from the misters, not what is in solution in the bucket. Temps are hopefully you'll have some luck/roots soon.

be well

s h
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

I may use the 2 lights on the mover. My thought is that it would eliminate the "hotspot" situation by doing that. I don't know. Maybe it would just cost me more electricity and do nothing for me or the plants.

I intend on placing the 4 LED panels I have on the floor under the ladies in bloom to give them extra light. 4 plants low watt 4 panels... don't think it could hurt...


What's up KS did that calmag help out any? Just put up a mover myself tried two lights first to much heat with the 10000 watters anyways I like growing trees so wanted to stay with 1000w. Have small room 7x5. Hopefully spreading the lumens not to thin! Got the cheap one sky!lol got it the day before you put the post. its the hydrofarm chain drive,its quiet bro, funny story got from my bro after it fell on him just like you said, I don't think he mounted to good just screwed to cieling I think! good thing he had a dummy cord on it, did no damage to his babies. he did not want to deal with it. So I spent yesterday installing it. For sure it is secured with unistrut! I like so far we will see at harvest getting light to alot more places on my ladies though! Hope the mover works for you to KS!:stonedsmilie:
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

Latest update,
PH was a little low. 5.3-5.5 in each bucket.

Roots look amazing. Almost fill the bucket...

Otherwise all is well.

Clones are starting to show roots on about half of them. A couple not looking so good. But saw roots on about 4-5 of them.
Kaiser Sose

Kaiser Sose

I am most excited that the clones are getting roots. Some just don't look real healthy with sagging and discolored leaves while others have roots coming out in all directions.... Just seeing roots this time pumps me up!!!

Now i gotta find out whats up with Cheese at Heavys Grow Shop, his number is disconnected and it hasn't been open and I need some more buckets to put the clones in when ready....

I intend to move plants4 into flower on the 1st. I will be hanging panda film and going to hang 2 lights instead of the mover for the first grow. If successful I may get a light mover next run.

But for now I Have Roots coming in!!!

Speaking of roots my buckets are getting FULL of ROOTS!!! They are at least 3 feet long and fill the bucket...Now I want plant growth!


sagging and discolored leaves tells me that the plant has not started eating yet.Do those plants have any roots yet? Wow I wonder what happened to him.Running 2 1000 watt get ready to pullout your wallet. But you almost can never have too much light. Lastly get those buckets under a 1000 and start raising the grow nutes and they should start growing you have the roots.For faster growth you can leave the lights on 24 hours a day. Get the light as close as you can but not too close that you burn the leaves. you have to keep an eye on the light because they will grow fast .
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