Colo.Colo governor signs changes to sweeping pot

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Premium Member
Colo.Colo governor signs changes to sweeping pot rules rules

Jun 2, 8:52 PM EDT

Colo. governor signs changes to sweeping pot rules By KRISTEN WYATT
Associated Pres

DENVER (AP) -- Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed into law several changes to the nation's most exhaustive medical marijuana regulations Thursday, even as governors in other medical marijuana states steer clear because of questions about whether federal authorities will permit states to violate federal drug law.

Hickenlooper, a Democrat, signed the measure late in the afternoon without public notice or explanation. The new law extends by one year - until summer 2012 - a moratorium on new pot shops.

The law also loosens residency requirements for people working in dispensaries and sets up a new caregiver registry in which small home-growers who raise pot for up to five patients will have to tell the state where their plants are kept.

Colorado's new pot law was signed hours after U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder promised to clarify the Justice Department's position on state medical marijuana laws. Federal attorneys in Colorado and other marijuana states have warned state authorities that they're putting state employees at risk of federal drug prosecutions when they regulate marijuana, which is illegal under federal law.

Late last week, Arizona authorities sued the Justice Department seeking clarification on state marijuana laws. And in April, Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire vetoed parts of a bill to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries after receiving the federal warning.

Hickenlooper has not reacted to the warning he received in April, and a spokesman for the governor had no immediate explanation for the reasons behind the bill signing. The law was included in a list of new laws sent without comment, and they were signed without public notification.

Hickenlooper also signed into law a bill setting labeling standards for edible cannabis products such as pot brownies. He also signed a ban on chemicals used to produce synthetic marijuana, often called Spice or K2.

A marijuana activist who favors legalization blasted Hickenlooper for signing the marijuana regulations Thursday. Robert Chase, founder of the Colorado Coalition of Caregivers & Patients, said state lawmakers and the governor are foolish to think they're allowed to regulate a federally banned substance.

"It has become clear in hindsight that the Obama administration has never OK'd states being in violation of federal controlled substance law," said Chase, who favors federal change in the classification of marijuana. "It's foolish to continue down this path. ... They're just exposing all of us to federal criminal liability."

The marijuana regulation bill also directs some $1 million in marijuana sales taxes to a drug and alcohol treatment program in Pueblo. The Circle Program at the Colorado Mental Health Institute was in danger of closure.

The marijuana regulations signed Thursday take effect in July


hmmmmmm. Going to be some interesting times ahead. Good luck everyone. It's best to be as responsible as possible and try and change the stigma associated with cannabis. On a federal level, especially. I see such a rift in the American people forming (not just over cannabis) that I believe our nation's days are limited. But it'll get pretty bad before, during, and after the US falls. Hope to be happy in the boondocks somewhere by then! Peace


I am neither a resident of Colorado, or the US, but feel I must comment ...

The marijuana regulation bill also directs some $1 million in marijuana sales taxes to a drug and alcohol treatment program in Pueblo. The Circle Program at the Colorado Mental Health Institute was in danger of closure.

Why would tax on MMJ be used to support alcohol addiction problems?
I can understand funding drug treatment programs, but shouldn't the alcohol tax be used in the same manner?

Just an outsider looking in ...

Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
The gov is probably partners in the "Circle Program" and the needed a little cash infusion real quick...

Any links to what he actually signed into law? the no public notification or comment ones are the ones i want to see

Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light

Section 15 is brutal!!! they can break all your shit and destroy your equipment in the process of destroying product deemed

Section 21 chops the 5 patient threshold to any patients and you have to register



Stand fast. Cannabis is a natural, wonderful plant given to us by this world. It's attributes far out way its detriments. The conversation is silly. Remember, the United States government relies on its ability to instill fear in the people. This is ironic, as it should be the other way around. I may be naive, but I'm not ignorant or afraid. I choose to move forward, and blow up the bomb herbs until I cannot any longer. And I'll be paying taxes, too. Oh, and if I go to jail, please rally for my release.:)

May the force be with you, always.


Garden of Dreams Seed Co
Does this mean a patient who is his own caregiver has to register his grow?


This has been my problem with legalization all a long..... eventually, you're forced to give them names and addresses. It's like an invite to the grow property: "Here I am, come and get me".


Garden of Dreams Seed Co
No plus one here but still a bit worried about it. Why dont home brewers of beer have to register...Aloe is medicine and i dont have to register to have that at home. whats next ..helmet cams and inplants so we can be monitored at all times with our Devils Lettuce... Seems like any of us would have a good chance in court when the laws change every 38 minutes...
They have to stop overthinking this whole thing and move on to bigger problems like creating some jobs and trying to right this nation.:harvest:
sky high

sky high

I refuse to register and disclose the location of my grow to the State.

We are simply going to drop the caregiver status and continue on as ALWAYS....SHARING the garden spot as friends.

After what I've gone through lately in my personal life none of this even REGISTERS anymore. If the fuckers wanna come....they will come. I refuse to let them make me paranoid over any of this.

My theory is this...."No worries".

let's play!


Is there anything about patients growing together in one place? You could make a sign in sheet at the grow stating that patient x checked in and changed the water. Patient y foliar sprayed etc.

Now that mmcs are upgrading their cameras, it might be time to ask them for their old ones for insurance if anyone comes to check your grow.


back to underground. maybe a good thing.

Hickenlooper is a prick with ears. Just another paid off piece of shit.


Premium Member
Dont understand. If your a caregiver, with your 5 patients, your already are on the books so why do they need any more info than that....Answer... Location of grow, seems to me they should only be able to fuck with caregivers if they are found to violate the rules then they have just cause to enforce, jail, fine whatever. Funny how at 1st we all felt great... we were finally getting somewhere. but its became so complex, ridiclous new rules and regulations, everybody just had to cash in, including the state. Its all about money as usual. They dont want underground, unreported income because ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY. They are crimminals and dont want regular folks making money without them geting a share, money is power and they have and need to keep being powerful and instill fear to get what they want...Fuck me dead, all this bullshit about a little seed that grows in dirt as it has for centuries and now its evolved in to this????? Sweet Sufferin Jesus!!!.... CM...


So whats the fine if you 'choose' to plead the 5th here?

Not sure about other towns/cities, but so far this year Denver has fired 9 officers(ranging from lying and other improprieties to beating people down). I will not give up my location to potentially dirty cops.


Got to be a law suit waiting to happen. AM20 is clear about confidentiality, that wasnt by mistake, maybe it needs to be further defined, spelled out for them, nobody but the dept of health gets patient/caregiver names, and nobody needs to know where the grow is. That doesnt jive with their tidy box of rules, too bad.

Hickenlooper likes rules, he was in full compliance getting the young trendy crowd shit face drunk every night, calling himself a restaurateur, sure.


back to underground. maybe a good thing.

It's funny, I was NEVER this worried about getting into trouble before doing it all on the up and up...

1284 was like a 5 hour energy for the black market and underground growers, this is going to be like TARP for the underground. Do they really think anyone with a patient or two is going to actually "register"? Their naivety is matched only by their ignorance, both of which are completely overshadowed by their arrogance.

And you've got to love the new definition of an "Immature Plant". No larger than 8" tall and 8" wide, in a container no larger than 2" wide and 2" tall, sealed on the sides and bottom... If this definition is followed by a patient, it is simple impossible for them to produce enough medicine for themselves.
How am I supposed to grow enough to last until the next harvest with three plants, if I can only veg for 6 minutes and 18 seconds?

Hell, I don't even know where I can buy a clone that wouldn't be considered "mature" under this new definition. This effectively drops the plant count to 3, ensuring that we'll need to either abstain or buy product from the state, err, I mean a "center".

Screw 'em. There's going to be lots of space sharing going on.


This is just like all other shit handed down by the state. It's impossible to really know exactly how the law reads. Do we or don't we have to give up the location of out grow?? Where does this shit come from. It's hard to stay in compliance it you don't know how to comply.


Welcome to 'legalization'...

For everyone that ever uttered the phrase 'They should just legalize it, tax it, and regulate it'. Here ya go.

Personally I have been a fan of decrim to keep the regulation and intrusion to a minimum.
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