Colo.Colo governor signs changes to sweeping pot

  • Thread starter chickenman
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Welcome to 'legalization'...

For everyone that ever uttered the phrase 'They should just legalize it, tax it, and regulate it'. Here ya go.

Personally I have been a fan of decrim to keep the regulation and intrusion to a minimum.

Well, I see you are being facetious a little, but if you read and understand the 2012 initiative filled by SAFER you would see legalization, or this version of it, is indeed the way to go.

WTF you say? Only 1 zip and 6 plants per person!!! True, but you can keep whatever you grow, so if you grow 10 lbs trees you can have more than enough for a family - much less yourself. The oz limit is only for what u buy in the store.


Well, I see you are being facetious a little, but if you read and understand the 2012 initiative filled by SAFER you would see legalization, or this version of it, is indeed the way to go.

WTF you say? Only 1 zip and 6 plants per person!!! True, but you can keep whatever you grow, so if you grow 10 lbs trees you can have more than enough for a family - much less yourself. The oz limit is only for what u buy in the store.

Actually not being facetious at all.

Not a fan of taxes and regulations.

How many pounds of tomatoes can i grow? How many heads of lettuce?

They are now telling us what types of lightbulbs we have to use, banned top load washers, tell you the type of toilet to buy, etc.

Just sick of everyone wanting to be told who, how, and what they get only because its 'better than what we have'. Messed up mindset, apparrently the brainwashing experiment is complete.


Well, I see you are being facetious a little, but if you read and understand the 2012 initiative filled by SAFER you would see legalization, or this version of it, is indeed the way to go.

Not hardly. The stated intent of the initiative is in fact the way to go, however, the initiative itself shares little with the stated intent. SAFER preaches regulation akin to alcohol, which would be fantastic. Unfortunately, there's nothing in the proposed regulations that even resembles alcohol regulation, by any stretch of the imagination.

Even then, the 2012 initiative has only it's subject matter (Marijuana) in common with this act. The initiative does nothing for Medical patients and caregivers in the here and now. Even if, by some magical stroke of universal luck, the 2012 initiative passed, who really thinks it wouldn't just be drawn and quartered by the governor like the AZ MMJ bill was.

There are now two distinct groups, even cultures now, of Cannabis "enthusiasts". Producers and Consumers. Most of us here at the farm are definitely "producers", and as such, will be affected much more adversely than the Consumer group, who are simply happy to walk into a "licensed center", and cough up their cash for ditch-weed, a couple of gimmicky lolly-pops and a bottle of "infused" cola.

Jerome, can you help me out clarifying of the new definition of an "IMMATURE PLANT" applies to a single patient, growing under A20? Or would the 8" tall/wide in a 2" tall/wide container apply only to those who are growing as caregivers for other patients?


What a joke never gonna reg I'm just gonna do more now bc of this bs fuck these completely ignorant politicians ruining all the good that's left


Welcome to 'legalization'...

For everyone that ever uttered the phrase 'They should just legalize it, tax it, and regulate it'. Here ya go.

Personally I have been a fan of decrim to keep the regulation and intrusion to a minimum.

This is the stupidest pov ive ever heard. They should legalize it so people dont have to go to jail, or have a felony record, or have to pay a doctor $300 for a permission slip. The government regulates and taxes everything even your paycheck, that is their job. Ive been to jail, done probation, and pissed in a cup and that is Colorado's version of decriminalization, so ill take legalization any day.

Sounds like you are only looking at it from a money making perspective.


This is the stupidest pov ive ever heard. They should legalize it so people dont have to go to jail, or have a felony record, or have to pay a doctor $300 for a permission slip. The government regulates and taxes everything even your paycheck, that is their job. Ive been to jail, done probation, and pissed in a cup and that is Colorado's version of decriminalization, so ill take legalization any day.

Sounds like you are only looking at it from a money making perspective.

Not at all. Read my last post.


I think that they want the registrations to have the ability to differentiate between a med grow and a black market grow. If you have a compliant med grow, it think it would actually divert law enforcement rather than draw them to you.

People should consider what we have risen to vs some shit hole like Oklahoma.

We'll eventually get to where we should be, but it won't happen overnight and there will be some pain along the way... But then again WTF do I know :)


How many pounds of tomatoes can i grow? How many heads of lettuce?

They are now telling us what types of lightbulbs we have to use, banned top load washers, tell you the type of toilet to buy, etc.

All of those products are 100% legal and always have been.

You are asking/wanting society to do a 180%. That only happens in revolutions and such. That ain't happening right now...

Let's compromise. You accepts the limits right now on the currently illegal plant, and when the revolution rolls around, we will all make sure to have no restrictions on cannabis when the issue comes up post-revolution. OK?


All of those products are 100% legal and always have been.

You are asking/wanting society to do a 180%. That only happens in revolutions and such. That ain't happening right now...

Let's compromise. You accepts the limits right now on the currently illegal plant, and when the revolution rolls around, we will all make sure to have no restrictions on cannabis when the issue comes up post-revolution. OK?

The previous comment on homebrewing is relevant. Do you have inapectors checking zoning laws, age requirements, etc. Sure there is a 200g yearly household 'limit', but you don't register with ATF.


There are now two distinct groups, even cultures now, of Cannabis "enthusiasts". Producers and Consumers. Most of us here at the farm are definitely "producers", and as such, will be affected much more adversely than the Consumer group, who are simply happy to walk into a "licensed center", and cough up their cash for ditch-weed, a couple of gimmicky lolly-pops and a bottle of "infused" cola.

Jerome, can you help me out clarifying of the new definition of an "IMMATURE PLANT" applies to a single patient, growing under A20? Or would the 8" tall/wide in a 2" tall/wide container apply only to those who are growing as caregivers for other patients?

1043 creates a 3-3-3 plant count scheme.

With 1043 a person can have 3 clones, 3 vegging plants, and 3 budding plants. Perhaps this is were people are confused? Clones and vegging/immature plants are different.

Obviously, this is not going to change people set-ups very much because the clones can not live for 2 months (budding time cycle) and they won't be around all the time. (?)

TO ANSWER to question a little more directly... Does the new clone definition apply only to CG's or to patients and CG's?
The answer is if the bill does not explicitly limit it to one class then it would be for all classes.

In English - Everyone can have 3 clones 3 vegging, and 3 budding plants AFTER July 1st. lol
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Jimmy Carter made homebrewed beer legal in '78, I think, but there are a ton of actual regulations attached and wine and spirits, forget about it, way illegal. Just ask someone who owns a microbrew pub or small distillery, talk about a totally insane sales, distribution and tax schemes that you are required to participate of the triple tax and then some. Small spirits producers basically have to sell their product back to a state regulated distributor, pay tax on the revenue, then buy it back through the regulated as hell supply chain, pay state alcohol tax, and then resale to their customer, taxing the patron and then paying sales tax on the actual transaction. Keep in mind that they produce this legal stuff in the back building of the bar

I don't even like my oil still sittin around here, they might think Im makin

No legalization before reclassification and fortunately for those who favor legalization the huge pharmacuetical monster is workin hard to make that happen.



Correct, it was Carter, some 50 years after it was 'legalized'.

Wine can be produced at home, spririts cannot.

Well aware of the hoops micros jump through, just saying i don't think the average farmer here wants to jump through them either.

And IF its 'legalized', you will see people bitching when they still can't 'home grow' because pharma and monsanto have it on lock down for 50 years. Oil and concentrate production will be forbidden to protect you from yourself, etc.

Ignore history and you are doomed to repeat it. Do what you've always done, get what you've always gotten.


Jerome, I can't help but detect a little misinterpretation here. 3+3+3 = 9. Whether they've got roots or not, from an enforcement position, that's 9 plants for one patient, and nothing gives us the ability to have 9.

Not to mention, it seems to me that once your vegging plants reach 8" tall or wide, or you've got them in containers larger than a freakin' pill vial, they're now considered "mature", of which you cannot have more than 3. If I can only harvest 3 at a time, I need to grow huge ass trees. To do that, I've got to veg them to a lot larger than 8 inches tall/wide, and I've got to do it in a pot a lot larger than 2 inches wide and deep.

It seems to me, given this new definition, that if you snip a 6" cutting off of mom, as soon as you stick it in a rw cube, or rapid rooter, etc., that this is an "immature plant", and subtracts one from the total of 6 that we're allowed to have. Once this clone puts on two inches, or you start LST, topping etc. (making it say, 9" wide), that it's now a "mature" plant, and subtracts one from the total of 3 that you're allowed to have. Essentially, we have to harvest BEFORE anything in the veg room exceeds 8" tall/wide.

Any way you slice it, if you're going to comply with the cultivation regulations, you're going to have to be out of compliance with the possession regulations, since you're going to need a lot more than 2 zips to last until the next harvest. For instance, it seems to me that the only way to comply fully with the cultivation regs, you're stuck with 3 plants. A mom and two producers, and for enforcement purposes, the mom is a "mature" plant. So you take your mom, and make two clones. Once the clones reach 8", you're at your limit of 3 "mature" plants, and don't have a single flower. Then you'd have to grow your two clones into redwoods before harvesting, in order to have enough meds to last, since you can't have 24" vegging plants right behind them waiting to go into the flower room. Now that you've harvested a 2 pounds, the state expects you to uhh, destroy 30 ounces, and when you're out at the end of the week, run on down to the local "licensed center", and buy state weed. lmao, If you're doing a SCROG after july 1, your out of compliance.

So, I won't be registering my grow. I won't be renewing my red card. Things worked out well for me for 15 years hiding in the shadows, and I'm sensing that it's time to revert to what works. Hell, I slept at night back then. Ever since the state gave me "permission", it's been a nightmare.


Correct, it was Carter, some 50 years after it was 'legalized'.

Odd to think how a second term of Carter could've changed the prohibition of weed some 30 years ago... but we got Reagan & the hostages instead.
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

So I just read Jeff Gard's take on the new regs, and there will be ON hours where an employee is required to be at ALL times, and OFF hours where there will be a mandatory alarm system with motion sensors and no one there?!?!? Did I read that right?

So I can't check on my plants during OFF hours, because the cameras will be turned off? And I have to sit there and wait all day everyday for a possible inspection, even when I have nothing to do and the lights are off?
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
There is always someone there in a big grow...24/7



Well aware of the hoops micros jump through, just saying i don't think the average farmer here wants to jump through them either.

Nope, I dont. If they just legalize possession on an oz, thats a good thing, I think. Maybe thats why safer continues to ignore the supply question.

I dont see Safer reacting to whats happening, more like just sticking to the generic agenda. Why the medical scene did nothing for 10 years then blew up overnight is a weird thing, 1284 even weirder. Forget about the national agenda, react to 1284, and push to decriminalize sales and growing, to some extent. On the medical side, still not sure what to make out of the this latest law. If it means the cop can call the dept of health to validate your grow, isnt that how it works now. If it means that info is available to any law person that wants to take a look, then we really need to decriminalize. If they try to make growers compliant with all laws, its just a ticket to harass. Agriculture laws, electric codes, theres a pile of stupid things they could come after us for. You know some Barney types are going to find some obscure things to come harass pot growers for.


Jerome, I can't help but detect a little misinterpretation here. 3+3+3 = 9. Whether they've got roots or not, from an enforcement position, that's 9 plants for one patient, and nothing gives us the ability to have 9.

I think you are saying because Amend 20 says 3+3, you are saying that's "it". If you are, you are wrong. We can not have the 3+3 taken away, BUT it can be expanded on. Whence the new normal is 3+3+3.

Just like the 1oz can later be changed to MORE but never less.

Sorry if I am confusing...


I understand that things can and do change on a regular basis, what I'm saying is that I see nothing written down anywhere that gives me, as a patient, the ability to have 9 plants in the form of 3 clones, 3 immature (veg), and 3 mature (flower).

To further that, given the fact that this new act defines a mature plant as anything over 8" tall or wide, in any container exceeding 2" tall or wide. Under that definition, even my clones are "mature" plants.

The way I'm reading it, breaks down like this:

I can still have 6 plants, but I can only have 3 that are taller or wider than 8 inches or growing in anything but 2" plugs. Wonder if I can keep myself in meds on a 1 plant perpetual... not likely.

What they've effectively done, is legislate that anyone who wants a consistent supply or decent variety of meds, has to go shop at a center. And if we don't want to shop at a center, well, it looks to me like less of a legal risk to just go back underground... or move to Cali.
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