Colorado gathering

  • Thread starter sky high
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... I will have a 2-burner stove top, so if anything needs kept warm, that's doable. ...

Well hell if that's the case, I might have to whip up some Thai curry then. I've been trying to figure out what dish to bring, but was worried it might not keep. If I could borrow the burner for about 1/2hr to heat everything back up, we should be golden.

Also there's a Jamaican place I know, run out the back of a guy's house. No permits, health dept checks, etc but the food is in-f*ckin-credible! He does catering too. He has these two awesome dishes. One's made with goat. The other with ox-tail. Or is that too far out there for this crowd. I tend to be more of an adventurous eater, but even my picky girlfriend likes these two dishes. I could pick one or both of these dishes to bring.

Do we have a rough estimate yet on the number of people? Want to be sure to bring enough.


I'll need to use one of them if I'm doing beans ... but the other one is definitely yours! I do have a generator, but just don't wanna have to run it long enuff to do baked beans in a crockpot. Is your curry more like a green curry, red curry, or panang? OMG coconut milk stuff is SOOO good!

sky high

sky high

hi all.

Yes, Melizzard, via a dirt road. Should be no problem. If there's any question in anyone's mind about the condition of the road they can easily park in the lower trailhead parking lot (blacktop) and take a short walk up the road to check it out.

A POTluck would be fun. The tricky part will be the items for the grill. We'll need to have a rough count and some commitment from folks if at all possible to ensure that everone is the last event...that someone like me doesn't buy a dozen NY Strips for folks who said they'd come but never showed up. No biggie...we sure ate em...but I sure woulda spent less at the onset had I truly known who was/wasn't coming.

Let's start firming things up soon. I'm game for damn near anything....

Hot springs: there are 2 "pay-to-soak" commercial springs about 20 miles south in buena vista. Search Cottonwood hot springs or Mt. princeton hot springs and you'll fid web pages on both with pricing and rules and the like. "Cottonwood" was once a laid back kinda place where clothing was "optional" many hot springs in CO....but I heard awhile back that some god-fearing folks bought the pplace and now ya gotta wear clothes....

Princeton has a hotel....cabins...etc. I think it to has changed hands a few times... but i'm pretty sure it's always been a swimsuit kinda place. to be honest I've oonly soaked at Princeton...maybe 20 years ago. I usually go for the more remote places you have to hike to/etc. where you can get naked and trip/smoke/etc. (LOL) without anyone givin a shit.

but yeah...swimsuit...shorts/t-shirt should be fine for those wantin' to make the trip south to the hot springs...

So far the weather forecast is looking better and better........


s h


What's the dirt road like? I understand I can check it out, but if there's a good chance I can't get up that road, I probably wouldn't even go to all the trouble to finish getting the camper ready. It's heavy, but my Dodge has plenty of power ... just can't be too skinny, big rocks sticking up out of it, or heavily rutted.

sky high

sky high

I have a small (3 cu ft.) refrig/freezer.... a 2 burner stove, and a small sink in my camper.
I don't fry anything/etc in there....but we can sure heat stuff up.


Is your curry more like a green curry, red curry, or panang? OMG coconut milk stuff is SOOO good!

Panang is my personal favorite, but usually for potlucks like this I make Massaman. It's tends to be easier for people who have never had Thai food to taste & enjoy. It's more sweet than hot, but delicious none the less. I also make a killer Larb Beef Salad (not salad in the sense we have here in the States). But it might be a little too spicy for the crowd. Even my mom thinks it's too spicy but her palate has soften over the years, living here in the States.


Oh my gosh, Ty ... are you Thai or do you just cook like a madman? Sounds amazing! I ADORE Thai food ... totally spoiled me for Chinese for the rest of my life! :) Panang is my personal fave too ... I vote go for it! ;)



Hot springs: there are 2 "pay-to-soak" commercial springs about 20 miles south in buena vista. Search Cottonwood hot springs or Mt. princeton hot springs and you'll fid web pages on both with pricing and rules and the like. "Cottonwood" was once a laid back kinda place where clothing was "optional" many hot springs in CO....but I heard awhile back that some god-fearing folks bought the pplace and now ya gotta wear clothes....

Princeton has a hotel....cabins...etc. I think it to has changed hands a few times... but i'm pretty sure it's always been a swimsuit kinda place. to be honest I've oonly soaked at Princeton...maybe 20 years ago. I usually go for the more remote places you have to hike to/etc. where you can get naked and trip/smoke/etc. (LOL) without anyone givin a shit.

but yeah...swimsuit...shorts/t-shirt should be fine for those wantin' to make the trip south to the hot springs...

Nekkid hot springs! Not for me ... for YOUR sakes! LOL There's just something really messed up about a female form with no breasts. Cancer sux! ;) But, if you haven't figured it out yet, I have a twisted, demented sense of humor, so all boob jokes are welcome! :) How far away are the hikeable springs?

true grit

true grit

Well it looks like I might have a "second shift" to come in and take care of the pup and so forth, so i should be able to make it up Friday. Just need to get a few things in line... got some close friends that I'm trying to talk into rollin along, one is a chef and if he make it said he be down to grill all the fish up if we get down up there.
true grit

true grit

Whoa Ty did I miss something... are you bringin some thai? If so I'll bring ya a fat doob for some thing with yellow curry and spicy...and I'll eat it when it arrives so no fridge necessary! Hehehe...
sky high

sky high

you can bring the pup, bro. We'll make em all behave! Shit, that's all i do all day everyday anyway. LOL. I may have all of mine Friday night...then only a couple sat night cus the wife is gonna have to head back up this way to a Memorial service on Saturday.

there aren't any hikeable hot springs in this area, Melizzard. Even if there were some nearby, anything above about 11,000 ft is still covered in >feet< of snow in this area.

The road should be fine for yer rig, M. It's pretty much a straight shot in....and I'm positive that big rigs have been in here previously. in fact, I'm pretty sure I see a huge trailer/truck combo in the Google Earth photo of the area right about where we are going to camp. LOL.

s h


Aw, TG, you gotta bring Duke...

TyKaycha, my kingdom for a fat Thai meal... the spicier the better; it cleanses the soul...:mad0233:

There's a chance I'll be bringing my dad and the boys; this is a new development. Jacob and Noah are well-behaved (they don't bark or bite), and we can put them on fish detail- between the two of them, we should have enough fish for everyone! :)
true grit

true grit

Sounds like a plan Alt!

Yeah i wish i could bring duke, but since my last dog was shot by LEO i am extremely protective of where I take him, not even as much for his safety or threat to others in any way, but as SH said earlier- Personal peace of mind. I'm super OCD as is, adding keeping an eye on my dog that I really don't need to watch but do overly just because I'm paranoid....will most def take away from chiefin, relaxing, etc... plus his first trip to the mountains will be this summer so we will see how he handles it and bring him to the next one!
sky high

sky high

I dunno, bro, Duke and Mr. Keef Trichome would probably hit it off nicely...
true grit

true grit

Damn now that is a cute pup. They will most def have to meet but it might have to be summer meet #2. lol.


Oh my gosh, Ty ... are you Thai or do you just cook like a madman? Sounds amazing! I ADORE Thai food ...

I am, mom is and that's how I learned to cook Thai growing up. Luckily my dad was from Alabama, and growing up I spent every summer there with my granny. She taught me to cook Southern. And then when I was old enough to work, I started working in an Italian restaurant. Worked my way up from busboy to waiter to bartender to manager. Along the way learned how to cook some great Italian.

So I'm really good at cooking and really picky about:
Southern (so happy to finally find a place here in Denver that makes a good Southern biscuit!),
and Italian.

Unfortunately living by myself and being used to cooking in quantity, I don't cook very often now, just special occasions such as our upcoming gathering.

Now back when I was in the military, my subordinates loved when I brought food in, usually for Friday lunch. They never knew which cultural cuisine it was going to be, but they knew it was going to be good. Then when I was stationed overseas, for my subordinates birthdays I would make them whatever their favorite dish of mine was. Let me tell you, those boys would of followed me to their deaths! :rofl


Altitude, there's a thai place next to sloans lake called US thai that has the hottest thai food I've ever had. I LOVE it hot, but I can only get it medium + at this place. You'll seriously get high from eating it. If you like it hot, you'll love the jerk. It gets 13 habaneros in the marinade. I'll bring extra, $.99 a pound chicken ain't no NY strip.

Ty, where is this jamaican place that serves goat out the back door? That is my kinda place for sure!

Melizzard, baked beans frekin' rule!

Here's my dog. His tongue doesn't fit, it just hangs out and collects dirt.
Plip 004


breasts dont make the woman remember that :sun

Nekkid hot springs! Not for me ... for YOUR sakes! LOL There's just something really messed up about a female form with no breasts. Cancer sux! ;) But, if you haven't figured it out yet, I have a twisted, demented sense of humor, so all boob jokes are welcome! :) How far away are the hikeable springs?



SH, OMG ... that pup is A-FREAKIN'-DORABLE!!!!!!!!! Rottie?


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