>>>>>>Colorado Medical Marijuana Laws are changing<<<<<<

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sky high

sky high

Glad to see some standardizing in the edibles market, TK. Some of the folks makin em have no clue. I was given a sucker from a local disp that broke the inside of my cheek out in bumps after about 5 mins....then 20 mins later my cheek was actually swelled up. It was made with "hash oil" and may guess was that there was still 'tane in it....lotsa 'tane.

Scary. That ain't medicine. good show.

s h


nice to see you posting again TK, thought you went underground. Can you give us the name of the edibles and were we might find them?


Edibles made with oil kick ass

Tinc made with oil really kicks ass

Most peoples edibles experience has been poor because it has all been untested, we have all heard this is 5 times, 2 times, 3x, 4x, whatever but that means absolutely nothing when it comes down to effectiveness. When tested, none of the products other than mine and a few others are even, test with any kind of thc content at all. Sometimes the 1x test higher than the 5x, sometimes there isn't anything at all. There was a few months down in Denver where a group was just buying Little debbie brownies and repackaging them for sale, no thc at all just repackeaged store bought brownies. People will put on the lable made with 1.4 grams of Flo, what the hell, that means nothing at all. i see "made with bubble hash" or "made with hash", made with hash, "made with canna butter", all are a joke and have no value in the medicnal market place unless tested.

I can tell you this, according to the three testing facilities in the state. I am the only one in the state testing every batch of oil and every batch of finish product..the only one with the cosistancy of process to claim 100% tested products....cost a fortune but thats how we do things now for this market.

Holler CJ, we can talk about edibles and other infused products at your locale


that is awesome that you test you stuff. this is how it should be. Crazy that people would rob others by selling fake edibles. redic.

I always thought that the "x"s they rate the meds with are a joke. Most of these clubs dont test them and just put them on the shelf. They expect people to equate price with strength and they go crazy on the price. Last let edible i got was $50!!! I was good but i dont see how a patient could afford that everyday. Patients need to be on a specific dose, not just take it when they can afford it. $50 a day is 1400$ a month just on edibles!

Remember that you must heat treat your oil when using it in food. I posted a link before, i can find it again if you need. or just go to tokecity.com and search heat treating. It makes a world of differance. Like if you use reclaim from you oil rig it is perfect.

glad to see people putting in the effort to refine the tek. Its always a shame to see so many dank growers that are producing a lot of meds not know how to properly concentrate it into oil/hash. Its way easier to throw a ton of oil into a stick of butter then it is to strain like 4 oz of trim/popcorn thru it. Also using the raw material leaves a lot of room for waste. When i make butter outta herb i get so much butter stuck to my hands and to bowls and spoons and stuff. throwing a fatty chunk of shatter in there is so much easier.

I also said before, look into vegtable glycerine. It is perfect to infuse oil into but takes about 60 days for it to happen. once it is in the glycerine you can put it in ANYTHING. That is how you can make good lolly pops, ice cream, you name it. Stuff you cannot put butter in.


Way to set the standard TK! I hope ALL dispensaries follow suit with THC, CBD, CBN content labels on all of their infused products.

I usually put 2.5-3oz of sugar leaf trim into a batch of 40 treats (pressure cooker infused cannabutter, 1lb butter). That's the 1x for me, it's strong but not devastating.

The oil..oh man..oh man.. that stuff consumed really does the trick. you can eat like a gram of it and be high for days on end, so high it's not even enjoyable because it's so intense. It's nice to infuse products with PTO that are typically difficult to infuse otherwise (such as products with low to no oil in the recipe, like creme brule and bourbon balls (mix it in the vanilla or the booze)). Ginger helps to cut the weedy taste oil and butter can sometimes leave in your mouth.

Edux10, I usually loose about 1/2 stick of butter out of a pound (4 sticks) when I infuse it. I'm personally still a little sketched out about eating anything that has been processed with butane, but I've been doing some research on it and can't find much wrong with it as long as you're using vector or another high quality butane. I've heard the hydrocarbon argument against BHO, but it can't have any MORE hydrocarbons that a piece of smoked sausage or a joint.

CO2 vs BHO is still a hot topic, what's your thoughts on this one TK?
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Medi-Snax muffins

Alternative medicine of Capitol Hill - Denver
Very Best Medicine - Denver
Boulder Kush - Boulder
The Kind Room - Ft Collins
Medical marijuana Connection - The Springs

There a few more in Garden City, Loveland, Pueblo but I have to find my list and i m not sure who all shook out over the weekend with the state.

I will get yall a list or have your despensary hit me up and I will get them on the route.

I am about to do a direct mailer to all the remaining despensaries thins next week or so.

[email protected]

true grit

true grit

Kick ass Tex, nice job on the testing and eventually that will be the standard in the business.

Its got to be in the prep and material used for most of these places and producers. I don't use hash oil, sometimes I use hash, but mostly material thats decarboxylated and haven't found but a few edibles from anywhere that can touch em (though i quit trying others edibles cuz it was just a waste). Sadly i don't have a kitchen and cant blow up like you guys under the new law....maybe next year.....

I'll keep an eye out for the medisnaks Tex, sounds solid as shit to me.

SH- shoot butane? they were probably cheap and just iso'd it for the suckers. lol.


Beware that product line...

Senate and Pot Brownies: Bill Could Double Trouble for Medical Marijuana Treats
Posted by Aina Hunter

(CBS) Medical marijuana users may not have the option of taking a spoonful of sugar with their medicine if a new Senate bill makes it through the House.

Last Thursday, the Senate passed a bill that would double the penalties for people who sell drug-infused sweets.

The bill has garnered support from unexpected quarters. Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), says that "those who say marijuana is medicine had better be prepared to market it as such - and not as candy."

Further, says St. Pierre, those who sell pot-infused brownies, cookies and other "medical edibles," or "medibles," have reason to be worried, because, in his opinion, the bill is written broadly enough to include them.

As written, the "Saving Kids From Dangerous Drug Act," introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, would increase penalties two-fold for those who make or sell marijuana that is:

combined with a candy product;
marketed or packaged to appear similar to a candy product; and
modified by flavoring or coloring the controlled substance with the intent to distribute, dispense, or sell the controlled substance to a person under 18 years of age."

Medical ediblesare a very significant part of the multi-billion dollar medical marijuana industry, says St.Pierre.

And some people cross the line, especially in advertising, he says.

Some alternative papers run ads for pot in four different ice-cream flavors. "It has a child-like appeal," he says of one such ad. "I don't think that was the notion of people who put out this ad, but that's what it looks like."
sky high

sky high

I guess time will tell if they are writing these new additions/double penalties because they don't have anything else to do now that Holder said they "aren't coming".

when life looks like easy street....
sky high

sky high

Nothing will change here in 3/3 land, MediMary. I can't say what will happen in other situations.

However, I personally don't think the fed will let this model of excess exist. When they made the statement that they wouldn't come in and fuck with medical folks who were in compliance with State law they were talking about those folks with small 3/3 gardens who are in compliance with the original State law. The statement, IMO, wasn't an invitation to set up (shop) new laws that exceed Fed plant counts and fly 3000 plant grows (or inlimited amounts under an edible "license") all of which flies directly in the Feds face.

I just switched on the TV and "Bait Car" is on and it just seemed to fit this scenario.

Nah. This is Colorado. They wouldn't set anyone here up. We're gonna be the model for the nation!

Ooops.... there's that double entendre' at play again.....

s h
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Testing is the trick, gotta test everything...



Yup, keep it as medical and professional as you can and you'll be fine. that's how this whole mess got started in the first place.

Thanks for keeping it real Tex.
sky high

sky high

Don't look now "license holders", but here comes reality.

Federal court in Colorado bars marijuana defense
(AP) – 1 hour ago

DENVER — A Colorado pot grower facing federal drug charges after he bragged about his marijuana business to a TV station won't be allowed to use the state's medical marijuana law in his defense.

U.S. District Judge Philip Brimmer has sided with federal prosecutors in their case against Chris Bartkowicz (BART-ko-wits).

Federal drug authorities raided Bartkowicz's suburban Denver home and he was indicted in May with a federal charge of cultivating marijuana. Bartkowicz says he was following state medical marijuana rules.

Federal prosecutors said Bartkowicz had more plants than the state permits, but also said state laws on marijuana wouldn't matter in a federal court.

Marijuana activists say growers are being targeted by federal authorities despite state laws.


Maybe ~some~ day our politicians will ~actually~ READ the Constitution/Bill of Rights and FOLLOW what the 10th Amendment outlines...

Nullification works folks.
sky high

sky high

Nothing is ever cast in stone in politics...

It is and has been my opinion all along that the folks who came here to go CO to go BIG and who are now holding state licenses that were created under 1284 are skipping over ONE important word in the original Holder memo/intent stated below. I have highlighted that single word in red. IMO, anything licensed/created under 1284 is outside of this original intent by definition.


The Shifting Limits of Obama's Marijuana Tolerance

Jacob Sullum | August 18, 2010

At The Daily Caller, Mike Riggs reports that President Obama is standing by his nominee to head the Drug Enforcement Administration, Michele Leonhart (now the acting administrator), despite objections from drug policy reformers dismayed by her continued enthusiasm for medical marijuana raids. That much is not surprising. But I confess that I was startled by the reply of an unnamed Justice Department official to criticism that the raids violate both an Obama campaign pledge and an October 2009 DOJ memo telling federal prosecutors to lay off medical marijuana patients and providers:

"I wouldn't say the memo 'discourages' certain raids," a DOJ offical told TheDC. Rather, "it talks about prioritizing resources most efficiently." And both the White House and the DOJ argued that the gist of the Holder memo was that the DEA would "not focus its limited resources on individual patients with cancer or other serious diseases."

That gloss blatantly misrepresents what the memo said (PDF):

As a general matter, pursuit of these [drug law enforcement] priorities should not focus federal resources in your States on individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguously in compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana. For example, prosecution of individuals with cancer or other serious illnesses who use marijuana as part of a recommended treatment regimen consistent with applicable state law, or those caregivers in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state law who provide such individuals with marijuana, is unlikely to be an efficient use of limited federal resources.

The only reasonable reading of this paragraph is that it "discourages" (without completely prohibiting) "certain raids." Furthermore, the instructions are not limited to "individuals with cancer or other serious illnesses"; they apply to all "individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana," including "caregivers"—i.e., people authorized by state law to supply patients with marijuana. As I've noted before, the memo leaves wiggle room: "As a general matter" implies exceptions, and so does "unlikely to be an efficient use of limited federal resources." Most important, disputes about exactly what constitutes "clear and unambiguous compliance" with state law (especially in California) can be used as a pretext for raids. But the new "cancer patients only" line implies that even licensed and regulated medical marijuana providers in jurisdictions that explicitly permit production and distribution—such as Maine, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Colorado, and New Mexico—are vulnerable to federal seizure, arrest, and prosecution. If the Justice Department's forbearance is limited to patients, the DEA might even decide to raid dispensaries in Washington, D.C., which will be operating under a law that Congress implicitly approved by declining to override it.

That position is at odds not only with the 2009 memo but with Obama's promises on the campaign trail, which were not limited to patients. In a March 2008 interview with Oregon’s Mail Tribune, for example, he said, "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue." Two months later, when another Oregon paper, Willamette Week, asked Obama whether he would "stop the DEA's raids on Oregon medical marijuana growers [emphasis added]," he replied, "I would, because I think our federal agents have better things to do."

The view expressed in the Daily Caller piece also contradicts what Attorney General Eric Holder said in June 2009 about New Mexico's dispensaries:

Holder, speaking in Albuquerque during a meeting focused on border issues, including drug trafficking, said his department is focused "on large traffickers," not on growers who have a state's imprimatur to dispense marijuana for medical reasons.

"For those organizations that are doing so sanctioned by state law, and doing it in a way that is consistent with state law, and given the limited resources that we have, that will not be an emphasis for this administration," Holder said.

If the administration's official position is now that dispensaries are fair game regardless of what state law says, Obama and Holder are even more full of shit than I thought.

>end of article<

CO patients looked for all the loopholes and misused words they could in A 20 and they were good enough at it to base an entire industry on those shortfalls/omissions/reverse meanings.

Ironically they seemd to have missed the >existing< laws tag in the memo above? OOoops.

s h


While Chris got popped pre 1284, it will be interesting to see what happens WHEN a 'state sanctioned/licensed' provider/mmc/caregiver IS popped post 1284.

I think the Romers of the world had better stand UP and defend their states right instead of rolling over to the will of the FED.

Also, I think the 'existing state laws' theory is flawed.

So what happens when the 15th state goes medical? DEA just going to focus on that state because they became medical after the memo?
sky high

sky high

120 plants?

Ouch. It looks like this could be another case of "Don't drop the soap".

"Hey Barney, why is this electric meter spinni' so fast?"

And the magic number is??? _ _

High energy use tips off police to pot farm

August 19, 2010 6:00 AM

Three people in Pueblo have been arrested after high energy consumption led to suspicions they were growing marijuana illegally.

The Pueblo County Sheriff’s Narcotics Unit used a warrant Friday, entered the house in the 1700 block of Cougar Drive and found about 120 marijuana plants growing in the basement. A complex system of vents and hydroponic equipment and were also found, according to area news sources.

Joseph Leyba, Coryanne Drummond and Nicholas Shaffer have been charged with possession with intent to sell marijuana and cultivation of marijuana.

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