>>>>>>Colorado Medical Marijuana Laws are changing<<<<<<

  • Thread starter sky high
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sky high

sky high

City wants voters to put 6 percent tax on medical marijuana

DENVER - A Denver City Councilman wants to ask voters this fall whether to increase the taxes on medical marijuana to fund youth programs.

Councilman Doug Linkhart says the proposed 6 percent sales tax on medical marijuana could raise roughly $4.2 million per year for after school, summer and recreation programs as well as crime prevention services.

Medical marijuana products already face a 3.62 percent sales tax in the City and County of Denver and a 4.1 percent sales tax from the state.

Linkhart says the goal of the tax increase is to reduce dropouts, increase graduation rates and with a special attention to middle-school students.

The measure gets its first public hearing in front of the City Council Safety Committee on July 21.

If passed, the money from the new tax would be split three ways. Half would go to after-school and summer programs (projected $2 million/year) and 25 percent (approximately $1 million each) would go to recreation and crime prevention programs. A community oversight board would be established to oversee the distribution of the funding.

Medical marijuana advocates, who have seen state lawmakers implement significant regulations on the industry this year, say they don't oppose the ballot measure.

"Colorado's medical marijuana industry has tirelessly demonstrated its commitment to local communities," said Jessica Corry, a Denver lawyer who advocates for the rights of both patients and medical marijuana dispensaries. "[The industry's] members will likely support this, as California's have, as a way to further prove their legitimacy. Denver's dispensaries already pump millions into the city's economy and while now is a tough time to ponder new taxes, this may be yet another opportunity for medical marijuana to save the economic day."
true grit

true grit

Fuck that. If thats what they want taxes to go to- then reallocate the taxes you are raping us on as is. Don't jump on the fucking MMJ bandwagon to get money because you don't wanna pull it from a "legit" program. Fuck that. I will be at this meeting.
sky high

sky high

My wife said the same thing...... take tax dollars from MMJ to then use the $$$ on youth programs where they brainwash them into thinking MMJ is bad? Fug dat!

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely" Orwell


s h
true grit

true grit

No how rich is it that 1 day after arresting two parents for having a licensed grow op in their house and "endangering" three children, they want to encourage sales of MMJ to provide more childhood education funding. Pick one or the other f'ers.


Funny how close-minded, elitist bigots don't have a problem accepting what they call "dirty drug money" if it's going to alleviate a budget issue... Knuckleheads- how about using the tax dollars to fund RESEARCH into further medical benefits? This program was voted in for people with serious illness. Have we forgotten about that entirely? THANK YOU CHRIS ROMER YOU TOTAL BAG O' DOUCHE.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

I am not a disp. I'm a patient first and then a cg. Always will be in that order.

Fair enough. I am a paitient and an entrepreneur. No order as I do not consider them to be mutally exclusive. I can do either or without the other with mmj. But since I am a stoner with a really fuct up back who knows he should not play with physically addictive opiates to control pain, the ability to legally use mj to deal with it is nice.

Though they are not mutually exclusive, if I had to choose which one was most important to me in context of what Amendment 20 allows me to do legally, it is the entrepreneur side. I do not need Amendment 20 for the ability to be a stoner or the ability to supply myself with meds. I was doing that before I was on the 'roles'.

Some people don't like that. I don't know how to reconcile that with those folks. I have limited options for feeding myself, my dog, buying shelter for the night, you know, the whole just trying to stay alive and not die from starvation or exposure, due to my back injury.

Nobody will hire me and the type of work I can do is very limited. Without a job, back surgery will never come to fruition and I will be permently disabled for the rest of my life. I can go on the public dole and live off of other people's labor, stuck in squallor on disability and trying to find a good surgeon who accepts Medicaid. Or I can try to find a way to be self sufficient without an employer. Use my talents, skills and resources (which include the ability to grow da digity dank) and make a living.

Plenty of people on this site who claim the whole "I'm a caregiver" thing, seperating themselves from the hot elf beeotches and guys like me. Guys like me being the 2010 version of a Cash Cropper, who have suffered the online ire of eltist 1000w growers for years, the same elitist growers who wouldn't know jack fucking shit about growing weed without the internet and cash Croppers with keyboards.

Yea, I am in it for money and I am in it to create a business and I am in it to create wealth for myself and for any employees I have paid or will pay in the future (fuck trimming). And being poor sucks. And being not poor but not having any money after you pay your bills sucks. So yea, I wanna make sum duckets. I am a human being, like everyone else. I simply don't feel guilty about acting like a normal, rational human.

This is America, right? The place where people are allowed to conduct business exchanging legal products, even conditionally legal ones, with other private citizens in voulantary arraingments, right?

Or in 2010 America, am I supposed to feel guilty about being an entrepreneur?

Not attacking you here, nor am I a mind reader, but the sentiment of the order of things is consistent with those that frown upon the likes of me and think I am the cause of shitty and intrusive legislation. If you don't, no worries. If you do, well, obviously thoughts I think you should consider before judgement of folks like me.

The only people to be blamed for that are the legislators.


There's nothing medical left in MMJ. It's just back door legalization once taxes on marijuana go to fund youth programs. Why doesn't denver tax 6% to every emergency room visit?

If it's medical, treat marijuana like it's medical. If it's not medical, then legalize marijuana and tax it. This grey shitmix of medical and legal has got to go away.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Linkhart says the goal of the tax increase is to reduce dropouts, increase graduation rates and with a special attention to middle-school students.

Well shitfire. If that is all it takes. why don't we just raise taxes to 75% on everything and we will have a nation of Einstein's. All these years I thought it was work, dedication, discipline and thinking that were major compnents to a child learning. Worked for me. Turns out we can redistribute welath to make our children have more knowledge in their brains. Fancy fuckin' that.

Yea, who didn't see local 'sin taxes' coming. America opened a can of worms for itself when it decided it was okay to do shit like sin taxes with tabacco years ago.

Our state is fuct financially. We are not Cali or NJ or a couple others, but the unfunded liabilities, PERA comes to mind, are bankrupting our coffers. Legislators won't stop spending, so they must always take more of what does not belopng to them to fund their pet projects.

Not a damn one of them risks losing their next election for raising taxes or voting to raise taxes on us. They know that too.

pikes peak 69

Doesn't feel like your attacking CJ,
The reason I have an order is for my sake.
First a patient, because of my health I must take care of myself before I can help someone else out. A good Rabbi friend taught me that.

Wealth, I sure many seek it. I did when I was working. Couldn't manage to then, don't feel like trying to now on the pocketbooks of patients.
(Not saying you or anyone else is)
Don't get me wrong though, I have charged for meds and accept donations or help as well.
My belief about loopholes is like this: There not bad in of themselves, until they are used to the point of being abusive to others. ie: Claiming to have a debilitating disease to get on the registry, yet your disease is a sprained wrist. Or Drs spending less then 1 min. average (witnessed myself at a disp.) for 17 patients in a 15 min. period. I know you can't judge by looks, but none of them appeared to be or have any chronic problems. I fact most were young, big smile and a thumbs up as they came out of Drs. office.
And since aloty of that has been happening, Fucking Politicians went and stuck there nose in there trying to fix everything, and now there are laws that can, will and are hurting the real patients.
I have no problem with anyone wanting to use Marijuana but like the old, "Don't play if you can pay", I think to be fair to the patients a rec smoker should take his changes with LEO and not screw up a program designed to help sick people.

Have a good weekend CJ,

Fair enough. I am a paitient and an entrepreneur. No order as I do not consider them to be mutally exclusive. I can do either or without the other with mmj. But since I am a stoner with a really fuct up back who knows he should not play with physically addictive opiates to control pain, the ability to legally use mj to deal with it is nice.

Though they are not mutually exclusive, if I had to choose which one was most important to me in context of what Amendment 20 allows me to do legally, it is the entrepreneur side. I do not need Amendment 20 for the ability to be a stoner or the ability to supply myself with meds. I was doing that before I was on the 'roles'.

Some people don't like that. I don't know how to reconcile that with those folks. I have limited options for feeding myself, my dog, buying shelter for the night, you know, the whole just trying to stay alive and not die from starvation or exposure, due to my back injury.

Nobody will hire me and the type of work I can do is very limited. Without a job, back surgery will never come to fruition and I will be permently disabled for the rest of my life. I can go on the public dole and live off of other people's labor, stuck in squallor on disability and trying to find a good surgeon who accepts Medicaid. Or I can try to find a way to be self sufficient without an employer. Use my talents, skills and resources (which include the ability to grow da digity dank) and make a living.

Plenty of people on this site who claim the whole "I'm a caregiver" thing, seperating themselves from the hot elf beeotches and guys like me. Guys like me being the 2010 version of a Cash Cropper, who have suffered the online ire of eltist 1000w growers for years, the same elitist growers who wouldn't know jack fucking shit about growing weed without the internet and cash Croppers with keyboards.

Yea, I am in it for money and I am in it to create a business and I am in it to create wealth for myself and for any employees I have paid or will pay in the future (fuck trimming). And being poor sucks. And being not poor but not having any money after you pay your bills sucks. So yea, I wanna make sum duckets. I am a human being, like everyone else. I simply don't feel guilty about acting like a normal, rational human.

This is America, right? The place where people are allowed to conduct business exchanging legal products, even conditionally legal ones, with other private citizens in voulantary arraingments, right?

Or in 2010 America, am I supposed to feel guilty about being an entrepreneur?

Not attacking you here, nor am I a mind reader, but the sentiment of the order of things is consistent with those that frown upon the likes of me and think I am the cause of shitty and intrusive legislation. If you don't, no worries. If you do, well, obviously thoughts I think you should consider before judgement of folks like me.

The only people to be blamed for that are the legislators.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

My wife said the same thing...... take tax dollars from MMJ to then use the $$$ on youth programs

Fight the urge. Do not fall prey to their semantic infiltration. They are not taking mmj money. They are taking my money and your money and the paitients money.

If a dispensary cannot make a profit, it goes out of business. A dispensary cannot let a tax increase cut into profits, no company. like every other compnay in every other industry, that tax gets added on to the price the consumer pays.

Doesn't matter if it is the coroporate taxes that companies like Wal-Mart pay or the mmj tax a dispensary pays. In the end that is passed onto and paid for by the consumer.

They are not threatening to raise taxes on dispensaries, they are threatrening to raise taxes on the the paitients who use dispensaries to access medicine.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

There's nothing medical left in MMJ. It's just back door legalization

Yes. A major componant of this in many, many people's minds is it being a back door to laegalization.

Good. If lobbying the US House and Senate yeilds no results, change tactics to be successful.

If it's medical, treat marijuana like it's medical. If it's not medical, then legalize marijuana and tax it. This grey shitmix of medical and legal has got to go away

It is recreational and medical. Recreational legalization will lead to greater advances and cheaper and better weed for paitients than a controlled, limited medical market where entrepreneurs are not interested in getting involved due to regs and risks and high taxation.

Best way to help the paitients, to get the most high quality weed in the hands of the patients who need it the most medically for the cheapest price is to legalize it and get the fuck out of the way of guys like me.

It is in the patients best interest for weed to be legal for recreational use, not purely and only mmj, with heavy bureaucratic oversight and meddling.

pikes peak 69

Agreed 100%.
I try to tell City Counsels when I speak to them that "crap runs downhill" and when you charge a disp. a fee, more taxes or make it more costly for them to operate, that cost is charged to the patients.


Fight the urge. Do not fall prey to their semantic infiltration. They are not taking mmj money. They are taking my money and your money and the paitients money.

If a dispensary cannot make a profit, it goes out of business. A dispensary cannot let a tax increase cut into profits, no company. like every other compnay in every other industry, that tax gets added on to the price the consumer pays.

Doesn't matter if it is the coroporate taxes that companies like Wal-Mart pay or the mmj tax a dispensary pays. In the end that is passed onto and paid for by the consumer.

They are not threatening to raise taxes on dispensaries, they are threatrening to raise taxes on the the paitients who use dispensaries to access medicine.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

My belief about loopholes is like this: There not bad in of themselves, until they are used to the point of being abusive to others. ie: Claiming to have a debilitating disease to get on the registry, yet your disease is a sprained wrist. Or Drs spending less then 1 min. average (witnessed myself at a disp.) for 17 patients in a 15 min. period. I know you can't judge by looks, but none of them appeared to be or have any chronic problems. I fact most were young, big smile and a thumbs up as they came out of Drs. office.
And since aloty of that has been happening, Fucking Politicians went and stuck there nose in there trying to fix everything, and now there are laws that can, will and are hurting the real patients.
I have no problem with anyone wanting to use Marijuana but like the old, "Don't play if you can pay", I think to be fair to the patients a rec smoker should take his changes with LEO and not screw up a program designed to help sick people.

Good points with merit. I guess I put the loophole definition more towards the dispensary thing. I cal what you describe the 'shady docs'. Hell, I got a real fuct up back, but I didn't go to my orthopaedic surgeon to get a rec, I went to a weed doc. I spent jack shit for time with a nurse, than the doc (in an office, not examining room). The only plus to them was you had to at least show them paperwork from another doc documenting a qualifying issue before they would make an appointment, but heir gig is strictly mmj recs, and they do it in multiple states.

It is tough. I totally understand where you are coming from, where others like sky high and sputnik have been coming from in this. But what would you do? You think mj laws are bullshit, you like to smoke weed and your buddy just went to x place and got a rec - with nothing wrong with him.

It would be tough to have the moral wherewithal to not go do the same thing. Suppose you are somebody who likes weed and cannot find a connection, or are afraid, due to sketch factor, to deal with a connection you know of? I am a farmer, so I don't have those problems, but if I did ...? If I couldn't get a sack anywhere, would I be motivated to go to a shady doc so I could then walk into a store a buy weed?

Probably. What would I have to lose?

I am a human being, as flawed as any other, so I probably would. And I would probably have a shit eating grin on face afterwards.

I don't think it matters the rate at which dispensaries have been opening. Legislation was coming. It would only take half a dozen dispensaries and a 9news story about them to motivate one of the shit tards at the capitol to start the ball rolling on taxation and regulation of the industry. It wouyld have just taken another year or so.

I guess I am on both sides of the issue. I use it medically, and I still don't mind the shady docs. People think I am a wee bit touched when I look them in the eye talking about my garden and I say, "Doing my part to help the people of Phoenix sleep better at night."

I think this issue to be bigger than me or any single person in the medical system, regardless of malady and its severity. More people die because of the drug war than lives could be saved through mmj.

I am a soldier in the War on Drugs, first and foremost. I firmly believe that if that war is won, the rest will follow. And if that war is fought and won, more paitients will have more access to more quality digity dank. So that war is my focus, and that is why I have no problems with shady docs and dispensary explosions.

And new loopholes to look for and find. Cannot submit and not fight legislators - they are out of fuckin control on both state and the federal level.

Again, not to be political, but the drug trafficing going on from Mexico is not just a problem for Az., it is a national security threat that has been ignored by both political parties.

And I know, that if I focus on the cash cropping aspect of mmj, I can make a dent, no matter how small, in this problem. I can keep that much more money out of the hands of drug cartels. Get enough digity dank out there on the streets of Colorado, so that I might, over the course of time, prevent enough black market transactions to filter up the system to prevent one less person from having their head cut off, one less chick raped by Coyotes, one less person kidnapped because of a drug transaction that never occurred because my digity dank got there first.

That, is my true motivation and the true reason I am in mmj. The money is sweet too, and I just don't feel guilty about it.

But, who knows. My options are open still and I could go the way of 5 paiutients out of a house.

pikes peak 69

Hello CJ,

First thing I got to say,


Sorry just had to say it.LOL

Your comments about the drug cartels and putting them out of business is how I feel 100%. Fuck them bastards too.

I guess if someone gets a rec when they don't qualify isn't a problem in my book, UNLESS it starts hurting someone else. I don't mean by smoking around them or anything like that, I mean when higher up fucktards start making BULLSHIT regs and laws making it harder for the less fortynate.

I understand you having a bad back. Sorry to hear. I too have serious issues. Stage IV Kidney failure. It causes pain, nausea, and muscle spasms. Three qualifying conditions. They ever question my need, I'll puke all over their shoes.

I love your sig. by the way.

Have a good one,



Sleep well, Phoenix!!!!!! We're on the case here in CO!!! lol
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Sure pp69, bad back sucks, but I have no room to bitch and moan. I wish the best for you and your condition and hope Sweet Lady Jane provides you relief.

I love your sig. by the way.

A little obnoxious, and people grow great weed with organics, but sometimes the organo crowd can get a little over the top in their claims (no offense intended organo growers). Chem ferts also have this underlying POISON warning tag for some reason, which I think to be complete and utter bullshit.

When people tell me that somehow my base line GH Flora 3 part is not healthy, I kindly explain that those bottles contain nothing more than refined mineral salt.

Then explain to them that they eat refined mineral salt, extracted and manufactured by humans - table salt. Good 'ol NaCl.

Speaking of sigs, don't know where to find that particular, but I have quite the harem and get down south occasionally. You are the type that should be taken care of. PM me.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Sleep well, Phoenix!!!!!! We're on the case here in CO!!! lol

Fuckin' A right. Sounds corny, but if enough of us do it, at some point it does have a measurable effect.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

I guess if someone gets a rec when they don't qualify isn't a problem in my book, UNLESS it starts hurting someone else. I don't mean by smoking around them or anything like that, I mean when higher up fucktards start making BULLSHIT regs and laws making it harder for the less fortynate.

We will have to agree to disagree a bit on this one. I totally understand where you are coming from, especially with the condition you have, but I just cannot bring myself to blame humans for acting like humans, meaning the unqualifying rec holders. Blame the shady docs instead. How 'bout blaming the lawyers who intentionally wrote the orignal Amendment in such a way as to leave the door open, a loophole for dispensaries and for a grower to be able to be assigned as a caregiver.

I can't blame those people. And of all in the mmj industry, if I had to blame anyone, it would be the shady docs. But the real blame, for me, resides with the legislators. I just can't live in a world where I am afraid to act within the bounds of the law, as I believe dispensaries and 5 patient caregivers to be, lest I incur the wrath of my elected officials and they change the laws and invade my private business and life.

It means they won. It means that they control us. Our lawmakers must fear our ire, not the other way around. I believe the intervention was inevitable. The shady docs merely affected the when of it all.

pikes peak 69

I would also agree with those comments CJ.
At 52 years old, I find myself defying governments involvement with private citizens more and more. I pretty much do whatever I want as long as I don't hurt others.
Look forward to a meet & greet CJ, I'm sure we have more in common then either of us realize.

Thanks Sky!

I've come a long way from what I believed 20 years ago. My eye damage could have been prevented had I known better and was smoking pot. I think of that every time I can't read something.
I have to have everything blown up to about a 20 font to be able to see it.
Thanks to my Government,

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