Congrats Colorado, the new Amsterdam

  • Thread starter azmmjadvocates
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Great job Colorado this is not about tomorrow this is about progress....this election was the last one that will even be geared towards obtaining the votes of rich white men and this step isjust another we made in that direction....(I'm proud to say I could be seen as just that (white male part definitely) and I support making this a better country for our kids)...this is about the will of the people progressing as the groundwork of our countries plan, not the wishes of a few powerful people.....

Stokedto see you guys start the process of freeing our beloved plant from this tyranny!!

Thanks ppl


Amputating Fakeness
Congratulations Colorado, you spoke and won, thats HUGE. I for one actually voted No on 64. I am 100% for the legalization of Cannabis, but i dont support it being regulated like alcohol, or the attention from the feds we are about to see. I am VERY confident that the feds will be standing at the door of the first "Pot Shop" to make sure it does not open. Also, soooooo many commercial grow ops here are already absolutely disgusting, bug infested, chemical filled, rushed, completely bullshit operations, that we havent found a way to get cleaned up yet, now we want to toss a whole bunch more in the mix? I truly feel we need to get MMJ lined out properly before going full bore into full leagalization/regulation for recreational use. Also, i think that the MDUI bill (which has gotten booted several times) will now gain the support it needs to get passed, so be on the lookout for that as well. I dont know, this just didnt sit right with me, so i couldnt support it. This is just my opinion and it may work out beautifully, but its going to be a WHILE before we see it. At least, hopefully, commercial hemp production will now be able to begin, which is absolutely awesome. Anyway, just my $0.02, Congratulations Colorado! Peace and good luck to us all. Motiv


I'm a middle aged white male. I was 'supposed' to vote for Romney- but I've seen his economic plan and it's only good for another trainwreck in 5-6 years. I don't like ANYONE telling me how to live my life, and I see Republicans doing that a lot more than the Dems. Strike two. Then there was the 47% crack, along with all the promises about jobs with not one whit of supporting detail to tell us how he would actually DO it... strikes three and four. Legalizing weed? Us middle aged white men were supposed to vote that down, too- but I value my rights and freedoms, and I prefer the police officers I'm paying for to stick to finding thugs like those who hurt our lady SeaMaiden, rather than screwing around with stupid pointless pot busts.


PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!! Show an ID, get a bong hit!!!

I have an old felony conviction for the horrible crime of growing edible plants in my basement. I wonder if this means I'll finally be able to get that expunged from my record?


The Feds will slap Colorado and other states back into line....nothing has changed just a little voice was made.


CO WON!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU WHO VOTED AND TO ALL OF US AMERICANS THAT LOVE SMOKING THIS SACRED HERB!!!!!!! Now lets take this momentum and keep this fire burning! This is a new day folks, no one can argue that. I would never have believed 12 years ago when I was going to B.C. for my chronic vacations that we would have essentially legalized marijuana in so many states and now we have full legalization in WA and CO. I am so proud to be alive right now, how fucking exciting! Peace and love my fellow herb smokers, and yeah I am super optimistic about the Presidents second term, we will see a much more mj friendly administration. YES YES YES!!!!!!


The Feds will slap Colorado and other states back into line....nothing has changed just a little voice was made.

..and the harder they try to cram this genie back into the bottle, the worse it will backfire on them. The newly RE-elected administration knows this very well, and likely will not attempt to charge into the breach and cram questionable Federal Law down the throats of a citizen's electorate in a sovreign state who just voted to legalize. A republican administration would show no such good sense, or restraint- and they would suffer the consequences... sort of like they already have, in part because of their recidivist views on women's rights and health.


Premium Member
Well I'm starting 30 new moms, couple hundred seeds and a whole new veg room today in honor of FREEDOM anyway...we'll see what happens...This is a day that JAH has made......I'll rejoice and be blessed in it............I'm ready and worthy!
This is what Iam talkin about. No need to ovedo things, keep it simple or they will fuck us over. nowhere in the law does it say grow the shit out of it. no where in the law does it make it legal to sell without regulation, be careful or this could backfire...


well first off ya gotta max out production like only I do and that'll be part of stepping in to compete at this level.....12 dollars a zip is based on 2-3 gpw average....I do that....those that know me have seen it many times....I dont always got enough to fill my shit for it but usually about 2 gpw.....I run a 4k rooms 10 week cycles. Its costing me less than 12 a zip....with electricity, % OF mortgage, supplies grandfathered in everything its 8-12 dollars an OZ.....indoors.... outdoor I can grow the best of the best finest organic panic aaa top shelf for way less than 5 a OZ and thats just cuz I use fancy guanos in kelp n shit bros....days of blowing up two plants under a 1k and payin all your bills are done.....of course I'm gonna pay myself a good wage....say 30 an hour AND I still can grow it at way under 25 a zip and pay myself and all labor 25-50 an hour easy.
LMAO,you are a bullshitter...


some people are gonna get burned, man.

Yep, they sure are- give an inch... The most dangerous time is when they've loosened up the laws, because there are always some people who don't like the way things are and will go out of their way to bust as many as they can on 'technicalities'- which will then be used as statistics for 'an overwhelming increase in crime' as has been noted by the open letter from all the former DEA heads. Of course it's a bold faced lie, in Colorado drug arrests are DOWN since MMJ passed.

The beer to weed analogy? Where I live, the top selling beer is the shit selling for 3.99 a six pack.

You're right- and shit weed is likely to be a commodity product in a few years. The good stuff will always be in demand, however. Top quality producers tend to run small batches, whether it's chocolate, beer or cannabis- this keeps them from going out of business because they flooded their market niche.

Most people are too lazy to grow great dope........i dont think too much will come of it

VERY TRUE- as soon as most people realize there is actually work involved (horrors!), they'll drop trowel and run off to their corner liquor store for a pack o' joints... If anything, this should help cement the value of top grade goods in the mind of the consumer. Or, maybe not- but I can hope, right?!


its just gonna take some time for all of us to let go of prohibtions price standards.......herbs is a valuable healing commodity but take away the threats of it being illegal and its not any harder to grow the best quality herbs than coffee or tea really.....yep if this holds up mark my word within five to ten years top shelf bud anywhere will be around 50 an oz and commercial probably of decent quality for half that or less......I'm guilty of 5k a lb all day back then too but ya gotta realize that was only because of reganomic nazism really.....I'll trade ALL my money for freedom n two joints anyday! This is the happiest day I've had in a long long time. I LOVE LIFE!

This from a guy who has obviously never grown tea or coffee in his whole fuckin' life.

They invented an entire class of ships- the Clipper Ships, ever heard of them?- specifically to import tea from China to Britain. These ships were stunningly expensive for their day, and just about worthless for hauling anything else because they were built for speed, not capacity.

The British also perfected the art of building conservatories- aka greenhouses to us Americans. Do you seriously think that they could just grow it locally and save the money on the fleet of ships?

Coffee and tea are 'cheap commodities' only because A. you haven't looked for premium quality and B. because they're both very long established industries with well constructed GLOBAL supply and distribution chains. It will be a long time before cannabis reaches that level, so let's stick to comparing apples and apples for a minute.

Last and certainly not least, both tea and coffee are grown with loads and loads of exptremely cheap labor. All those who want to work for 50 cents an hour, raise your hand- I'll hire you!


Has anyone?You just signed up yesterday.In my ebook huh?were you recently banned for trying to push your ebook?Ill say it again,BULLSHITTER!
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