Curmudgeonland...home Of The Old Farts Club

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G gnome

G gnome

35 years here....but I met her in 8th grade in '71 at the drinking fountain when we split a 4-way hit of White Lightning LSD. We went through Jr High/HS and college together as great friends ( I used to borrow her Apt. on weekends in college and fuck her friends....LOL). It wasn't til I moved in as a roomie with her BF of 9 years that I found out he was cheating on her. Not too long after that he made a few more stupid decisions and I said "Idiot" and banged the fuck out of her. Then I moved out and took her with me. He didn't know what hit him. Been together ever since....

These days she makes a killer breakfast. I did all the cooking our entire married life 'cus her cooking..well..sucked. I think it was all an act...cus now she's turning out things i am amazed by....and I'm struggling to stay the same waist size I've been since we were married....
That sounds very much like me n the mrs haha expect like 50 yrs younger haha
Yard dog

Yard dog

Did I log on RIU or something by mistake????
Jarred up three quarts of smoke tonight. Much needed, getting to the bottom of the barrel. Trying not to buy any more brick. Wicked stuff.
My heads all jacked up. Got a bad tooth. A wisdom broke,. I'm loading up on jack, and a few caps. Come on sandman.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Alright you old farts I've been in a pissy mood all fucking day. Read about half of this banter and the wife called me to dinner. I noticed while we were eating that my mood had finally changed for the better.
Thank you.

10/25/2010 The worst day of my life! I had to hold my wife in my arms and tell her we lost our youngest. I would not let her see her son like that! Very gruesome to say the least.

I told you all this so I could say this. I could not look at a picture of our son without seeing him the way I found him. I had a lot of anger and self doubt about it being my fault. I talked to the army and they help find a shrink close to me that specializes in grief therapy. I did a lot of hard work with that man. And it has done a world of good for me/us.
I could not and will not let our loss dictate the rest of my life. The anger alone was enough to consume me.
I'm better today but will never be the same. is life all roses and unicorns FUCK no. But I can find peace and some happiness.

I have a good friend at work and fellow grower. His step son did the same thing a year later than my son. His wife found her son. I have talked to them both and recommended my therapist. Just not ready for that i guse. To me they are both on self destruct mode. Very hard to watch.

My eyes are too blurry to continue enough of my shit.

Can't we all just get along?
I'm pretty sure nobody meant any harm today.:)

I'm going to go burn a phatty with the wife. Be well.:smoking:
You've really got a great attitude stacks. We've dealt with a hell of a lot of death, a lot of people, people that were real close, and having to watch parents deal with the loss of children over and over, and lots of suicides. It all been very difficult and the one constant throughout all of it is that everyone has a different way of dealing with it.
I've gotta say, you had me starting to get a little blurry there bro.
G gnome

G gnome

You've really got a great attitude stacks. We've dealt with a hell of a lot of death, a lot of people, people that were real close, and having to watch parents deal with the loss of children over and over, and lots of suicides. It all been very difficult and the one constant throughout all of it is that everyone has a different way of dealing with it.
I've gotta say, you had me starting to get a little blurry there bro.

Me too......yet i still cant imagine how hard it must been


I wish I was a Grandpa, my friend. Maybe someday...

No regrets here for the age I am. In fact, with all of this election shit and the associated clown show/Brexit/Euro thing goin on...I'm glad you guys are the ones still working away at all of that job shit/debt/etc. rather than me.

And the drugs back then... wow... was that fun 'er what guys?

Anybody wanna buy a can of Spam or some nugs? (damn old people)
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