Dealing With Robbers/attempted Robbery

  • Thread starter sedate
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If I were robbed I would...

  • Fight back! Fists, teeth, and hellfire rage!

  • Drop shit and run the fuck out the sitch

  • Pull out my 9 and get down to business..

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Not that you care...LOL...... but the law plainly says "any remuneration" is illegal.....deferred payments....barters...."donations" are all included in that definition in the dictionary/as written. I guarantee the law will not work for you if you are caught....especially now that they can also get you for tax evasion.

Liquor is legal but you still can't sell home brew or moonshine in the parking lot!

best of luck with the new crew.....

I'm aware. You are not wrong exactly - it's just that there isn't any enforcement or convictions - and right about a year ago JeffCo and Denver tried bringing a few folks (like real guilty, caught red-handed w mad weight and dozens of plants) up on distribution charges and two different juries walked the guys.

I need to find some links the cases were fascinating to follow..

Since then, there is zero stomach or political will for enforcement here, barring a violence outbreak or something you won't see any arrests for pot dealers anytime soon.

It's not really publicized but barring a few random busts of guys pissing off their neighbors with uncontrolled smells or dozens of visitors - maybe doing weight on craigslist or backpage (KUSA did a thing about a guy getting busted selling 6oz's of wax a few months back) or whatever you aren't going to see any sort of enforcement here.

DA's and pols and want the 'market' to wipe out small-scale operators.

And it will, eventually. The economics of home-growing are terrible..

Anyone can look at the Denver craigslist ads right now. I'd be suprised if there aren't recent (like the last 48 hours) ads for qps/pounds. I haven't looked today but there were some up over the weekend.

Funny thing is, if you tried selling moonshine - that would attract attention...

FWIW, I believe you need 7 licenses to sell liquor and 3 to sell marijuana (in Denver).

trippinballz said:
and yes...we've all sold weed.... however...for many of us....there was no "legality" to cloud the issue...we knew it was a risk and we took that risk and DIDN'T WHINE about it on the Net...cus..well..there wasn't any Net and more importantly...because we only dealt with folks we knew. (and in pounds or tens of pounds so we knew they weren't CLOWNS)

Well we have the net so I wanted to complain. Not sure how that makes me a whiner - it's a discussion forum. I was discussing.

And please for all the goofs that say "I only deal with people I know"

The only time you take a real big hit is by folks you know. Someone knows what you do or where you lives and then goes about systematically building your confidence.

Then you take the real hits.


You're ridiculous. 890 posts on here and you dont even have 200 likes..?

The "like" system was introduced when I was already at post 800.

But you don't know that since you haven't been around that long. :p


Yeah my dude I came up selling everything back on the east and getting robbed is just part of the game, legal or illegal. Back home u have to do buisness in a hidden in the cut type spit that is perect for robbery and shit cus ud rather get robbed then arrested but u live in Denver and I now live in cali. When I want to make a move in cali with somebody new I do it in a safe wide open busy area so they can't pull out the strap on me as easily or try to break into my car, if I were u I'd try to knock those small packs off in a police parking lot or something just cus u know in a legal state it's only robbery that u really gotta worry about. Just my 2 cents I'm not dissing u or dismissing u and the people that are acting like ur a nut are a lil outta pocket. Not saying that u haven't said some dumb assed shit in this thread but people should have some empathy for somebody that had to go thru a semi traumatic experience. I know everytimr I got robbed it ratteled me but it also made me smarter hopefully u can do the same


We all see it differently. Would be damn boring if we didn't....

So while we're redefining things....I gotta say that the whole "donation" thing gripes my ass everytime I see it associated with weed. Makes me picture the same cats heading to the salvation Army store with boxes of old clothes and household junk at Christmas and then holding their hand out and ASKING FOR MONEY for their "donation". Say the fuck WHAT?

Call it what it is and own it.

Gotta say I've known A LOT of drug dealers (and have been one) in my 40 years of involvement with substance abuse (LOL)....but never...until it was spoken here....have I heard of a "professional" dope dealer.

I see today's gig more like this: "Different players....still all the risk...... and less than 1/2 the cash" yikes. Not good.

Not harshin on ya.... just sayin it's far different now.... with RISK in different places than we ever dealt with. I never knew anyone who got had troubles with rippers/crime until cocaine came into the scene in the 80s....and then I knew folks who ended up wearing concrete blocks and a BB=Q grill for ankle bracelets and went swimming in a MO lake....

seems like that same violence is now present even in small time deals from your take on things. No thanks. Life is too precious.


So while we're redefining things....I gotta say that the whole "donation" thing gripes my ass everytime I see it associated with weed. Makes me picture the same cats heading to the salvation Army store with boxes of old clothes and household junk at Christmas and then holding their hand out and ASKING FOR MONEY for their "donation". Say the fuck WHAT?

Haha. I mean ya it's total bullshit.

Funny thing it works JeffCo and Denver juries.


people on boards do get self righteous as fuck and it is STUPID bro don't worry about them
they are having clearance sales on Jesus sandals in all the hydro stores esp in colo and all
the sudden because ya grow smoke or sell weed
you are supposed to be an angel or even a good guy soccer mom puss or something well not all of us
a lot a farmers are outlaws and straight up don't give a fuck about much about the game but survival
lmfao im not n angel fuck with me and ill laugh watchin ya choke on your shit seriously
but im not a bad guy either
and Ive grown n sold a fuckin lot a weed and will a lot more and will never pay taxes for it
I don't give a fuck either who thinks shit bad or good about it or the price I pay
if it were me id let the situation there and then ride and then straight up hire some assholes ten times
as cruel as them to get mine even if it cost me a lb and I only lost a qtr I guarantee lifes a bitch

and not everyone badgering ya means bad its just mob mentality and not too many are tough enough mentally to stand alone especially online sad
sniff sniff sniff here is a tissue brother

a lot them are just wanting ya to be safe you are obviously sorta young
I did a lot a reckless things in my twentys esp some on purpose some accident man
get ya a big fucking mean dog side kick if you are a loner
just try to do everything ya can t make a risky thing as safe as possible like growing
set up rules man and fuckin don't do business at night or with bangers
and I agree with ya them young punk ft carson soldiers are some punk ass mother fucks and
usually are armed and barely 21 and hell all them soldiers and cadets are getting high as fuck they
are just more the douche bag 64 weed addicts its sad

and bro every mother fucker talking shit on this boards a hypocrite and has sold plenty a bud
no worries man but I do agree with sky own your game n fuck these douche bags
give me my fucking money or you can fuck off attitude fuck them
no smellin no free samples take it or fuck off

good luck bro youll be fine I bet


Back on topic: In the old days, I never went alone...My friends and I open-carried as well. You'd be surprised how respectful people can be when you're sporting heat. ;)

otoh..if you best be ready to use it...if need be.


I do apologize if I stray off topic a bit but me feets is getting cold in these sandals in this snow
makes me irritable and I think I maybe rushed clean up on a number two cuz a phone call a while a go
about go figure weed war stuff


Back on topic: In the old days, I never went alone...My friends and I open-carried as well. You'd be surprised how respectful people can be when you're sporting heat. ;)

otoh..if you best be ready to use it...if need be.

See I mean I 100% agree with that in philosophy, it is just more the operational needs of such a setup make it difficult to do in practice.

I also think folks might be confused as to what I'm saying I do - I'm not hanging out on a corner yelling "dub dub" looking for anyone I can get. I'm not the CEO of LivWell, but I'm not whoring my weed anywhere I can find $20 worth of business.

Like lots of folks here, I might, at most, deal with a handful of people in a day. It isn't practical to pay some muscle to sit around - nvm I wouldn't really want to deal with other people all the time like that.

Secondly, I mean - in Denver I'd want to be friendly and no stress to deal with.

Showing up openly strapped is liable to offend and depress repeat business, ya know :D

Seriously guys - the vast majority of folks I deal with 100% reasonable smokers who want good smoke at a good price and don't want to drive into downtown Denver to get it.

no worries man but I do agree with sky own your game n fuck these douche bags
give me my fucking money or you can fuck off attitude fuck them
no smellin no free samples take it or fuck off

And same here colostoney - 100% in agreement philosophically - I mean I know I'm all good ya know!? - but I try to be easy to deal with. Looking at everyone suspiciously and refusing a smell and a lil finger sampling comes off as hostile when - as so many other posters have pointed out - plenty more marijuana is available in 30 minutes or less on Craigslist. :confused:

Customer service/getting beat is a tough line to walk and it's why I started the thread..

colostoney said:
good luck bro youll be fine I bet

I appreciate that bro, I appreciate that.


Best of luck. Peace
I choose option number 3. But I prefer to use a Walther ppk 380.


I sure did leave an impression on this guy :p

Your knack for rhetorical reduction and obnoxious distortion would do a modern politician proud.

Haven't really seen you around the board much, but here in this thread, you've been a total troll.

See your above post.

And we were back on topic, so quit stupping yourself and go away.


Ive had a guy runoff long ago but he didnt know iknew his other hook ups and when he needed some more meds he was met by someone. Then another time home invasion 2 thugs with guns came into a friends place didnt have much at that spot so they cut his finger off. They had got him for 5 units a week prior so were shitty. Rrsevoir dogs scene ending nearly happened. Shit changed me. Was over 10 years ago. Gladly


*singing* You gotta know when to hold em , know when to fold em , know when to walk away , know when to run away. You never count your money when you sitting at the table. Kenny Rogers my homie


likes to smell trees.
Thats it..? I haven't been around that long..? Thats what your superior intellect came up with..? Hahahaha. You're cute.
Maybe I havent been around long... but I bet your inbox isnt blowing up with people talking about what a douche I am. But mine is. Count's at 4, currently. All talking about ur simple ass. Which I bet you like, as it's the most play your tired ass has gotten on a post here. But the way you run your mouth...? That number will go up soon.
I'm done with you, sonny Jim. I have research to do. Cuz thats why I'm here. To learn. But look back at my first post and then ask yourself, "Why am I being such a titty bitch to someone telling me im too smart to push quarters..?"

Let's keep the discussion without the personal attacks everyone. Thanks, and this is in no way directed only at you bigjay.

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