Eagle 20ew is pro-cancerous

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There are plenty of old hands been doing this forever got no problems using a simple neem

Exactly - you usually do not need chemicals to deal with pests if you catch them early and know what to do about them. Spraying should be your last line of defense not your first. In almost a decade of doing this I've gotten mildew three times and mites twice, soil pathogens twice, and I can count the numbers of times I've ended up needing to use an actual pesticide on one hand. Proper prevention and IPM goes a long way.


likes to smell trees.
Just sent an email to sc labs to find out if they can test final product for myclobutanil.

If they do, then we should be able to identify if there are any remnants of it after approx 65 -70 days of initial application.

Curious to see the thc and cannabanoid content in the cannadential pheno I have anyway. :banana1sv6:


Arsenic and lead are two naturally occurring products. That doesn't violate any 'rule' of organics. Bella donna? Naturally growing, naturally occurring plant that can kill you. Safety is not to be made the equivalent of organic, at least not in my opinion. Hell, how about radon? The issue this organic grower has with chemicals is that she knows that humankind doesn't know everything and we sure in hell don't fully understand the systems we're fucking around with, and history bears out that we often fuck it up in a really big way.

TG, I'm not suggesting you believe in faeries. I'm suggesting you read the very good, solid research that already exists. But it's clear to me that you feel you know everything you need to know, and yes, you put it out there in a manner that implies that you feel you're an expert where others don't know shit. The way you continually come at me, and then try to mitigate what you've written by saying that you don't sugar coat things only serves to show that you have a hair across your ass about me. That's fine, I know not everyone is going to like me, and I don't need everyone to like me. Hell, I don't need anyone to like me.

But what I write about, even if incomplete, is as well qualified as I can possibly make it. If I make an unequivocal statement it's because I can back my shit up, too. And so if you've actually got something that goes against my statements, show me something more than your flappin' gums, mkay? :makeup

why are you preaching all this stuff anyway? just because it builds a resistance you shouldnt use it? should we do away with antibiotics aswell??

or is it the health aspect? which btw no one has any proof. im not doubting that you may be a very intelligent person or whatever, but you are no expert so really it comes across as the regular internet rant by a grower. and theres hundreds of growers online who can use google.
try growing commercially wether it be grapes or wheat or weed, when you have a pm problem, you gonna let your family starve because of your beliefs? lose your business or lose hundreds or thousands in profit?? doubt it.

yes it probs will build a resistance. it ''might'' but it might not. perhaps it (PM)will be irradicated. anyway i dont mean to be a dick but i wouldnt go around giving people the low down unless i was qualified to speak on the subject as a scientist or ploughing money into research or whatever.
i feel sorry for tg, i have the same feelings toward eagle20 as him.


i agree with true grit and budseyeview a one time sparay in veg is all you need and and capulator when was the eagle applied in veg or flower? :banana1sv6:


Ive definitely been interested in this Eagle product to get rid of my pm. I have some chemCheese that's just a magnet for PM, and its my only plant that has this problem. My last run I tried foliar feeding with Compost Tea and never saw any PM throughout the entire grow. Maybe you guys should give compost tea a try, it might work with your situation.
Darth Fader

Darth Fader

Just sent an email to sc labs to find out if they can test final product for myclobutanil.

Yeah, let us know. (lab) results are the only thing that matter, everything else is religion.


Living dead girl
why are you preaching all this stuff anyway? just because it builds a resistance you shouldnt use it? should we do away with antibiotics aswell??
"Just" because it causes resistance? Yeah, that's but one very good reason to not deal with it. You must have missed all the rest of the stuff.

Do you really want to get me started on antibiotics? Because as far as I'm concerned that's a tool that's been so over- and misused that we humans may very well be completely undone (i.e. made extinct) by one of the superbugs WE have created by the misuse of antibiotics. So, to sum up, yes, I think we should do away with the mis- and overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics being prescribed, for instance, for a cold or flu.
or is it the health aspect? which btw no one has any proof. im not doubting that you may be a very intelligent person or whatever, but you are no expert so really it comes across as the regular internet rant by a grower. and theres hundreds of growers online who can use google.
Wait, dude... what? What's the lack of proof no one has regarding the health issues? I'm not appointing myself an expert, but I do appoint myself Ruler of My World and so do my very best to be the best Ruler of My World I can be. That means I spend a lot of time reading and trying to be as informed as possible.
try growing commercially wether it be grapes or wheat or weed, when you have a pm problem, you gonna let your family starve because of your beliefs? lose your business or lose hundreds or thousands in profit?? doubt it.
You don't actually know me, so... it's interesting this stance. What if I told you my family used to run a sugar plantation (over 1,000 acres)? Would that make any difference at all? You're telling me that the choice is to put profits over anything else, and you can't figure out where I land? What if I told you that I happen to be growing a market garden? Or is that not commercial enough for you? What the hell does it really matter, anyway? Are you trying to say that anyone who grows anything on a commercial level must use this shit? Do you have any idea what these commercial growers have done to themselves by over- and misuse of products such as fungicides?

What if I told you that just this last March I burned over 12lbs of product because it had gone moldy from the PM vectored by root aphids? Right behind my house. Just threw it in the brush pile. Made absolutely certain there was no material remaining for anyone to try to smoke.

It's called "integrity" and some of you might like to try it on for size.

yes it probs will build a resistance. it ''might'' but it might not. perhaps it (PM)will be irradicated. anyway i dont mean to be a dick but i wouldnt go around giving people the low down unless i was qualified to speak on the subject as a scientist or ploughing money into research or whatever.
i feel sorry for tg, i have the same feelings toward eagle20 as him.

All I'm saying is READ THE FUCKING LABEL. Jesus Lame-jumpin' Christ, they say it on their very own label! It creates resistance. Period. I've found paper after paper discussing the resistance it's known to cause, and you can do the same thing. Not just via Google, but via Google Scholar (putting research assistants out of a job, that one is, but hey) which even tells you how often the paper in question has been cited.

You do know what a citation on a scientific paper is, right?

You must have missed Blaze's post, too. So much for stoner reading comprehension.


as long as you dont spray yourself down with eagle or add it to your bath water im sure you will be fine also dont drink it peeps proper overreacting over 1 spray in veg LOL


"Just" because it causes resistance? Yeah, that's but one very good reason to not deal with it. You must have missed all the rest of the stuff.

Do you really want to get me started on antibiotics? Because as far as I'm concerned that's a tool that's been so over- and misused that we humans may very well be completely undone (i.e. made extinct) by one of the superbugs WE have created by the misuse of antibiotics. So, to sum up, yes, I think we should do away with the mis- and overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics being prescribed, for instance, for a cold or flu.

Wait, dude... what? What's the lack of proof no one has regarding the health issues? I'm not appointing myself an expert, but I do appoint myself Ruler of My World and so do my very best to be the best Ruler of My World I can be. That means I spend a lot of time reading and trying to be as informed as possible.

You don't actually know me, so... it's interesting this stance. What if I told you my family used to run a sugar plantation (over 1,000 acres)? Would that make any difference at all? You're telling me that the choice is to put profits over anything else, and you can't figure out where I land? What if I told you that I happen to be growing a market garden? Or is that not commercial enough for you? What the hell does it really matter, anyway? Are you trying to say that anyone who grows anything on a commercial level must use this shit? Do you have any idea what these commercial growers have done to themselves by over- and misuse of products such as fungicides?

What if I told you that just this last March I burned over 12lbs of product because it had gone moldy from the PM vectored by root aphids? Right behind my house. Just threw it in the brush pile. Made absolutely certain there was no material remaining for anyone to try to smoke.

It's called "integrity" and some of you might like to try it on for size.

All I'm saying is READ THE FUCKING LABEL. Jesus Lame-jumpin' Christ, they say it on their very own label! It creates resistance. Period. I've found paper after paper discussing the resistance it's known to cause, and you can do the same thing. Not just via Google, but via Google Scholar (putting research assistants out of a job, that one is, but hey) which even tells you how often the paper in question has been cited.

You do know what a citation on a scientific paper is, right?

You must have missed Blaze's post, too. So much for stoner reading comprehension.

Really, cuz i find that to be 100% BULLSHIT. Scare tactics again. I have yet to see one of these "resistant" pm strains. SM referred to the white one last thread...and seems it wasn't the case?

And Norcal PM way aggressive/impossible to get rid of? They must be shitty growers, cuz all the norcal homies are CRANKIN and PM free. Learn to set up and run a room right- plain and simple.

Fist TG there are thousands of strains of PM not PM as a singular. I have lived in Norcal and have come across many super strains of PM. It's called evolution. Cockroaches are one of the oldest species on the planet and they have even built dependencies to radiation. Seamaiden has found a scientific paper proving that dependencies are built. Are you now going to go southern Baptist on us and bitch out science? What's next are you going to try to tell us that Dinosaurs coexisted with humans because its in the bible?


Just sent an email to sc labs to find out if they can test final product for myclobutanil.

If they do, then we should be able to identify if there are any remnants of it after approx 65 -70 days of initial application.

Curious to see the thc and cannabanoid content in the cannadential pheno I have anyway. :banana1sv6:

finally someone with a brain, a simple test, everyone can save their breath because not a single one of us actually know
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I'd have to agree with Blaze 200%, I've never used anything stronger than Neem/now Azamax/Azatrol. Sure if you do have a bug prob you need to spray every3-5 days for almost a month but it's easy, cheap and safe. And preventative applications or methods and practices can be your best friend!
With pm, I use a sulfur burner in late veg/or transition week and if your air flow and intake filters are good, you shouldn't see it return unless your plants are way too close and don't have proper air flow/ humidity levels and temps...

I've never used these new age chemical warfare weapons and won't, I just keep a really clean room and don't get cuts from anyone!!!

baba G
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Seems like these crazy, dangerous, potent weapons for pm/bugs are for the lazy grower....just an observation.


Love that a real expert finally chimed in enough of this I've used it a few times so im a pro opinions lol cuz theyre just that an opinion ha what a joke thanks for the real info blaze


much respect ograskal for telling it like it is !! and baba G wud u call raskal a lazy grower for using eagle ??LOL :banana1sv6:
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Guess I would approach it more the Eastern method with thinking If I fix the environment maybe I wouldn't need Eagle 20....preventative is my fav. But ultimately if someone wants to use Eagle20 and it works for em, more power to em but the cancer thingy....

Hey Blaze, I agree with IPM too, I used to have Nature's Control on my speeddial, lol
They are super cool there and if you treat em right you can get extra Tootsie midgees thrown in!! LOL

I would research alternatives to Eagle 20 is what I would do, but never had to use other than what I've done in past luckily.

baba G
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
When I say lazy I mean, they are more demanding methods of staying pm free and if one doesn't do that, they might be faced with using a product like Eagle 20. Hence if you don't preventative or don't have proper conditions(which requires non-laziness) then I'd say going for the 50caliber Eagle 20 is kinda lazy, but we all have our conditions and problems and I won't knock anyone for using a product like this, I just wouldn't smoke their meds is all.

baba G


There are plenty of other alternatives to Eagle 20 - most people just never bother to look. Other options include Bacillus Pumilis (Sonata), Bacillus Subtilis (Serenade), Harpin Protein (Messanger), Gaba/L-Glutamic Acid (AuxiGro), Quinoxyfen (Quintec), Stylet Oil, Potassium Bicarbonate (KaliGreen and Milstop), and insecticidal soap (M-Pede). All of the above are approved for treating PM in agriculture in California.

I would recommend taking a look at the UC Davis IPM website when you have pest issues - it is a great resource and not filled with bad information on how to properly deal with pests like most cannabis web sites are.

A quote from the UCD IPM website on dealing with powdery mildew:

"Alternating fungicides with different modes of action is essential to prevent pathogen populations from developing resistance to fungicides. This resistance management strategy should not include alternating or tank mixing with products to which resistance has already developed. Do not apply more than two sequential sprays of a fungicide before alternating with a fungicide that has a different mode of action."
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
The company's web site says that you only need to wait 14 days after spraying you apples to harvest. I'm pretty sure that it's not legal to print that for big Ag. if you can't do it without harming the public. Apples are a thin skin produce, if it was that bad, I don't think they would allow the spraying of the crops that late.
Let's not go over board with propaganda. However, thanks for looking out.

They used to say DDT was legit....long live Agent Orange...lol
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
Good info Blaze! I use harpin on lil ones just to keep them thinking they are under attack and it seems to beef them up on defense, florashield can do it as well but it's diff.
I'll have to check out that Davis page you mentioned, sounds like a wealth of information.

baba G
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