Feds involved in "enforcement actions" at Denver-area marijuana facilities

  • Thread starter lino
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It makes ya wonder how the pigs will react when recreational pot comes into "law."

The pigs fuck with the weed folks because almost all of us are peaceful. They fear fucking with the crack and meth heads cuz their all fucking wacky and will kill them in an instant or beat the shit out the oinksters. Ever see 5-5 pigs try and wrestle down a guy on meth?

So they cherry-pick and go for the weed-folk.
Plus there is nothing to take from a crack head except state funds on the other hand peaceful pot growers have lots of assets .....


Living dead girl
If your the fattest rat in the game, your a target, an easy one at that. I think vip is one of the largest in tha game, I could be mistaken though.
Kinda like Harborside, eh..?

I knew this was gonna happen.
I dont think the feds beleive there is such a thing as a ''legit shop'',there are tons of examples of ''legit shops'' in cali that were raided,sometimes i think they raid the honest ones first to send a message to all the rest that they are coming for them too.
Thank you for saying it.
Those who have been on this site for a while even know how I am... Go to RobCorry.com to learn about me. I've been raided more than spider mites on your plants. I'm the Poster Child for legalization in Colo. I stood up to the courts and told em stick their misdemeanor in their ass and give 4 years in prison or give freedom. I posted my Strong beliefs on this website the nite before my sentencing . So I ignore attacks on this site easily. I should be your Hero! I fought for your freedoms. The Largest seed bank ever, well maybe almost as big as Tex's, but I had 65lb of MMJ and 35lbs of seed at my last arrest, largest return in Colo history. This was just one of my bust do you want to more PROOF of my bigger bust,,, Oh ya, the APHIP agents who took my lab and GMO'd G13 ,, Oh I can go on and on,,, yes I hang with attorney's frequently...

So beenRaided, are you check or checkmate ?
Are you associated, directly or indirectly with Cheryl Shuman? I'm sitting here looking at the press release on Corry & Assoc's page, but I've also found some other references.

Good work on Corry's, et alia's part. Curious about the condition of the meds upon return, though. Salvageable?


Premium Gardener
No offense Lino but you or your attorneys have no clue as to whats goin on or how it work when the feds jump in..the IRS is ALWAYS involved in these cases...but y'all should read this if ya want to know a little more of whats really on the radar


Please read this article. Definitely a broader criminal investigation going on. Enough with the mental diarrhea, lino.



Them good sativas get me wound up too! Sometimes I feel like the sky is falling as well, but then I remind myself it aint, and that Lino is my hero/master grower/master breeder/masterraider/kingoarkansasvalley/speakerofthehouse/whitevanspotter.......
aww fuqq you see my point, at least I hope you do. Take it easy man, seems like you bring more heat with your rants than anything going on.


Kinda like Harborside, eh..?

I knew this was gonna happen.

Thank you for saying it.

Are you associated, directly or indirectly with Cheryl Shuman? I'm sitting here looking at the press release on Corry & Assoc's page, but I've also found some other references.

Good work on Corry's, et alia's part. Curious about the condition of the meds upon return, though. Salvageable?
Indirectly assoc with Cheryl Shuman, some of my patients were going to do a reality series with me as the CP, but I opted out of it and I dont know what happen to that deal and I had other people on her site asking about my genetics and story, If I remember correctly that was Cheryl's gig... , I was never involved directly.

Much more happen here in Denver in the last MONTH AND in Colo Yesterday than I think many farmers are aware of. Not like were being invaded but there was some dirty shit and All I want to say is If A, B, and C are dispense owners and friends. Now A and B get busted, You've been walking into dispense C showing your bud and bragging about your grow. Out of no where the Owner of dispense C ask you to hold plants for him, dont do it... Some low level shit but snitching on home growers came from this also. This isnt in the head lines so people dont understand how many people are still feeling the ramification of this . I wouldnt know of this either hadnt I been at a mtg with several attorneys last nite who phones started ringing. As I read this blog it makes more sense to me what actually happened , especially when you tie the Ned thread together with all this, it makes more sense to me. I could only imagine what has happened that I dont know about. Look at what we learn as everyones story's comes together. Here in Denver Corry is leader in MMJ TRIAL wins, he has won more cases than other attorneys have tried. There were several firms at this mtg, Corry was not at this mtg. However Corry also picked up work also... He is busy.


I shouldnt say this on this site but what the hell,,,, most of you guys who are paying other attorneys, you dont realize this. but your lawyers have Corry on retainer. After you;re done crying to your attorney about your MMJ arrest. your attorny will pick up the phone and call Rob as soon as you leave your attorneys office. You'd be surprised at the Big Name attorney's that pay RC for training, motion templates, and advice. I've helped copy 100's of your attorney's MMJ motion templates. Most of the MMJ trails are run by RC for his advice if your lawyer is worth a shit.


Rob has my money from years ago yet wouldn't call back during the shit up here. Rob Corry? does he help or hurt these days?


Rob has my money from years ago yet wouldn't call back during the shit up here. Rob Corry? does he help or hurt these days?
Cant say much on that cause your rite but many times he wont call back cause he has deals already . poss a deal worked with DA in your area or local attorneys in your area and local attorneys might get pissed if he takes to many of their cases if they're paying him a retainer. He busy and get the luxury of the cream of the crop cases and you have to throw lots of money at him to get his attention, he a celebrety,.,. but more often its the the squeaky wheel . you have to blow up his phone... If that doesnt work than something else is up with your case... If you want to PM me and I'll try to get a hold of him today if you still want to talk to him .. but no promises he might be in trial today.


I can't beleive somebody put a fox news video on a cannabis site

There is blip on the video about the Colo state patrol that has nothing to do with FOX news. FOX News loves the state patrol. that blip has nothing to with FOX propaganda. It has info on Police raids and our very own State patrol gets the closing part of the message as the ELITE in police raid training. The video lets you experience Colo DEA welcome home parties.


Muir, I can honestly say I THINK i understand your feelings on this one.


interesting thread. :)

Still ain't sure how I feel about Corry but he seems he needs to start building a team of clones. The more cases he wins the better it is for the masses. IMO of course.


Kolah, is there such a thing as a good cop? how bout a good attorney.?
They're only good when they let ya go or get ya out of trouble.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
When you get in some real trouble Correy is the last one most would want to call..he should focus more on being an attorney than a tool trying to get in front of every camera he sees smokin weed and promoting it like Don King or something..trust me, my attorney does not have Correy on retainer..your listening way to much to him spoutin off like hes a stoner rockstar or something, he is more of a legend in his own mind than anything..I know plenty that have used him and no one speaks high at all, don't believe the hype..when your in real criminal trouble around this mmj thing, there are some goto cats and there is no pro-bono work goin on there..$20-30k up front and $300-500 an hour but they can keep ya out of the fed spotlight and get ya back in the state control where they all know the secret handshakes and attend card games in the judges chambers..


Who is the greatest attorney you speak of Tex? Sound like a real power house , maybe Ive done business with him? How many MMJ trial victories does he have notched in his belt.? After RC finished writing amend 64 most of Colo prominent MMJ attorneys and MMJ Court Experts go to RC training camp for attorneys regarding amend 64 laws and court personal and many legal professional still attend his legal seminars up in the mtns of Colo, I cant even think of one big named attorney in Colo that hasnt consulted RC at least one time or another but I'm sure there cpl of 'know it all' attorney's out there. Its hard for me to be fan of attorneys and the legal system when these guys have your life savings.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
There is no case law under Ammend 64 yet has there, these guys are talkin about laws that don't exist yet and are subject to change everyday and usually do..once you go to one of those $500 a day boot camps you never go back, those are pretty much for new saps that think they have something to offer or other attorneys trying to figure out how to take the cattle call retreat idea back to there firm in a newly formed med state, more of an instruction lesson for them on how to get the getttin while the gittins good..plus they all, Correy, Holly, Vincente, Bard, Edson, Matlin, etc. all regurgitate the same thing over and over.I mean the municipalities just voted up or down 20 days ago, no laws, ordinances or anything is in place and if they are they change them at least once a week...Holly I don't think is as caught up in all the fame whore activity and Edson stepped back into the descrete grind it out mode. I have retained them all at one time or another and a few more on top of that. Fife, Bloch, and even Holly, though know shes probably hangin with Correy and the rest of the jokers, there's another guy in the Springs I forget his name would be my first choices but for different things. For industry related stuff and petty charges or violation within MMED guidelines Vincente, Edson and Holley would be first choice, Bard kind of has Boulder on lock now. For criminal charges that are weed related felonies and you might go to prison, Fife and Bloch would be first choice and If I had some petty stuff or an interpretation of some red card limitations or on hand medicine, misdemeaner stuff, Correy might come to mind but your also wanting to get in the spotlight possibley yourself when you choose him, notoriety becomes a factor and maybe thats what some are lookin for...not me..I am sure Correy helps people and helped you, I can't take that away from him he does do that, but don't be so naive to what this movement is all about for those circus clowns and a big part of it is creating new criminal defense clients for their firm when you break some floating rule or ordinance that changes all the time which is the real cash cow for them..You could tell the judge that you didn't break the law because up one of Correys sweat lodge pow wows he said it was ok...Love seeing his mugshot on the news every couple years..lol..Keep it classy Denver

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