First Grow.

  • Thread starter GoldNBoy
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Hang in there buddy. Be careful about the bugs in other peoples garden. When these guys come over to help they may contaminate yours!


I take care of garden #7, while he's out of town. Also, take precautions as much as possible. Showers, coconut oil (on skin), peppermint oil & Lysol (my clothes) and Off between visits.


I went in for my kidney checkup yesterday. STILL have blood in my urine! Over a year & 9 months ago, I was up against a wall, when a horse kicked me. It Shattered my kidney, and I had to be flight-for-life'd. Now days, I deal with cysts and stones. I dread the vibration of a car ride that's more than a few minutes, (and I live an hour from anywhere).
I dont have the answers for everything but Veterinarians give b-12 shots to animals with kidney and liver damage. B-12 is easy to obtain and cant be overdosed on. I been giving myself and my animals b-12 shots weekly for me every two weeks for them. shot in the butt. I grew up around doctors and Nurses and they give each other shots of this stuff also. gives a calm feeling, better digestion, shot in the AM. it will keep you awake and motivated for long night shifts. Fish


Can't you drink B12? A little B complex in your coffee will curl your tongue hairs, but it'll get you going!


Came home early yesterday, to harvest my little GSC clone. The sky was looking like rain, so we hustled to get it cut before it got wet. Less than 1\2 way through, HAIL! I ran out of money, and never finished my roof. It stripped leaves and knocked off buds. When it was over, I wandered around with a big basket picking buds out of the mud & ice. It was so heartbreaking! I spent 1\2 the night trimming anything big enough to work with, but there is a24" x 32" dry rack full of mixed broken buds.


man that sucks. the hail killed millions of dollars in cars up here a month or so ago. I got some comp on my ins now so Im Kind of protected if my car gets pummeled. I been trimming some small tester plants myself. hope your buds dry out good. Fish


Living dead girl
Another tip about the gardens and prevention--put your shoes and hats in the freezer overnight. That goes a long way towards helping prevent cross contamination.
I went in for my kidney checkup yesterday. STILL have blood in my urine! Over a year & 9 months ago, I was up against a wall, when a horse kicked me. It Shattered my kidney, and I had to be flight-for-life'd. Now days, I deal with cysts and stones. I dread the vibration of a car ride that's more than a few minutes, (and I live an hour from anywhere).
Holy FUCK! The only "horse" that has ever savaged me was a miniature "horse" (don't ever let those people tell you those things are really horses, they're PONIES, and badly bred ones at that). An uncut stallion with an underbite and a horrible attitude, backed me up in the corner of the corral and started BLASTING. Totally fucked me up! From the knees down.

I have kidney problems but they're due to another set of reasons. I form calcium oxylate stones and last November developed one that would *not* pass. I spent two full months going in and out of the ER and the hospital, and I'm still chockful o' stones (but the kidney doc said he doesn't think they're gonna go anywhere, they're... oh man, I can't remember what they're called, but they ain't comin' out without surgery). I'm sure you know to keep yourself very well hydrated, but there are other steps you can take to help prevent formation of this type of stone IF you're forming calcium oxalate. Other types I don't know so much about.

I've got a few marks left on me from the horses. Like the dent in my right thigh from my good gelding, when I did the stupid-stupid and got myself kicked. Didn't break the leg though! Or the scars above my left eye from that rank colt who tried to take me down striking at me, got me right in the face. Or my hands. Or all the times I've been stepped on. Nipped, since we bred the Arabs we always had a foal on the property.

So, what happened, how'd you get kicked like that?
Came home early yesterday, to harvest my little GSC clone. The sky was looking like rain, so we hustled to get it cut before it got wet. Less than 1\2 way through, HAIL! I ran out of money, and never finished my roof. It stripped leaves and knocked off buds. When it was over, I wandered around with a big basket picking buds out of the mud & ice. It was so heartbreaking! I spent 1\2 the night trimming anything big enough to work with, but there is a24" x 32" dry rack full of mixed broken buds.
They'll still smoke!


I was the manager of a livestock auction. Someone brought in a 4yr old stud, that was spoiled & mean. I had him waiting to get on the scale & still had ten minutes of birds to sell. I turned to speak to a customer & he came at me. He spun around & I knew he was gonna kick me. I backed myself into a corner & covered my face. He kicked me in the left lower ribs, breaking the bottom two. I was up against the fence, so I took the whole force. It smashed my kidney to the point of shattering.


The stones I've had were called"phlebolith", a stone attached to the renal pelvis. Eventually it grows shut.


I received a heads up today. It seems our undersheriff has planned a "compliance check". They plan to go from grow to grow checking for ANY excuse to charge us.
Adults (21+) here can grow 6 plants, but only 3 can be in bud at one time. Grows & gardens, as well as trimming, drying & storage areas have to be completely enclosed and locked.
OK... So, a garden without a roof is a.... Misdemeanor? Cultivation of 6-30 plants is a felony, punishable by 6 months to 2 years in prison & $1,000-$100,000 fine. Marijuana must be stored in child proof containers, in a cabinet that is locked & out of sight/reach of children.
Tomorrow my plan is to locate enough mesh wire to finish my roof. This would finish my enclosure... if I can find enough. Technically, my parents still live here. They have this address on their driver's licenses, and that ought to be legal enough. So, that's 4 adults, making a 12 plant count legal. I put a lock on my garage, for trimming and storage. (After ten years, I have to put a lock on my garage... to keep the cops out!)


in Colorado Springs the city. The limit is now 12 6 in flower and they dont care if 40 people live there you can only have 12 and 6. I was visited by the cops a few weeks back.


Pueblo and Otero counties have been cracking down. Here we have no extra limits, justjust regular state laws. I plan to be in compliance by the time they make their rounds. But, there are many gardens here with 12 or more plants and not enough adult residents. Many more that aren't covered.


My broken buds are mostly dry :speechless: . The mix should be interesting, because I don't plan to sort it. I am going to cure it in a jar, for a while. The little volunteer didn't get to cure and is a little too much for daytime smoking. I lost my scissors & phone cord for 2 days, setting them down in the yard. 4 days after my Dr appointment, and still hurting... Must not be much CBD in the little volunteer.


Living dead girl
I was the manager of a livestock auction. Someone brought in a 4yr old stud, that was spoiled & mean. I had him waiting to get on the scale & still had ten minutes of birds to sell. I turned to speak to a customer & he came at me. He spun around & I knew he was gonna kick me. I backed myself into a corner & covered my face. He kicked me in the left lower ribs, breaking the bottom two. I was up against the fence, so I took the whole force. It smashed my kidney to the point of shattering.
Holy SHIT. I'm not sure I should show you this clip then, but the minute I saw this stud my skin began to crawl. I KNEW he was gonna try to nail the handler the second he thought he had a chance, and oh boy did he.

It's a bit graphic, but.. I know you know what I mean, I think your skin is gonna start crawling the way mine does every time I see it. Someone who doesn't know horses wouldn't understand, but... holy shit.

Handler gets into the ring with the horse @2:45 even after the animal being assessed as dangerous.

Many years ago I knew a woman trainer. She took in a QH racehorse, stallion that had been banned from the tracks in SoCal for savaging grooms and handlers. She'd had him for months, working with him, trying to gentle him down. One day, she went into his corral without the crop. He wasted no time, he grabbed her by the neck and shook her like a rag doll, snapping it. She was killed instantly, thank God, but left behind a husband and toddler daughter. Her husband took the 12g and killed the horse right there. It's probably what should have been done from the beginning, but his owners wanted him for a breeding stallion.
The stones I've had were called"phlebolith", a stone attached to the renal pelvis. Eventually it grows shut.
This is being called a calcification, so I'm thinking you may be able to use acidulated water the way I am. 1tsp citrus juice (fresh lemon is best, but if you can't get it, use what you can) in an 8oz glass of water. Drink as many as you can during the day. This is clinically proven to break up calcium oxalate calculi (mom's a dietitian, found some good research for me). It's not a cure, but it can help prolong the time between episodes.


Living dead girl
In my experience, it's really only a few that ever get like that, and what takes you the longest is learning to read them.

What you should be scared to death of are stallions. When I was showing I showed Arabians and I cannot tell you how many people became enchanted with this idea of owning an Arabian stallion, so, they got one! Talk about a disaster.


I raise cutting horses, but mine don't act like that. They tend to be more laid back. Plus, all the free fertilizer is a huge bonus. Our "clan" used loads of it, and the established gardens did better than the years before. Horses aren't generally mean, though. They are a large prey animal, but they are capable of overcoming their fears. This made them useful to humans, but can become bad if the horse isn't taught respect. Normally, the mother teaches them, and we reinforce it. But, in the case of an orphan, or young spoiled colt, they learn how to use their prey animal defenses on us.


The little volunteer put off 3 ounces. The mid July GSC clone put off 9 ounces. I picked up another 9 ounces of broken buds out the mud & hail. From nothing to smoke, to 21 ounces, in a matter of days, and I still have 12 plants & what's left of a GG4 mother plant. :D


Living dead girl
Excellent! And all this learning under your belt now. :)
I raise cutting horses, but mine don't act like that. They tend to be more laid back. Plus, all the free fertilizer is a huge bonus. Our "clan" used loads of it, and the established gardens did better than the years before. Horses aren't generally mean, though. They are a large prey animal, but they are capable of overcoming their fears. This made them useful to humans, but can become bad if the horse isn't taught respect. Normally, the mother teaches them, and we reinforce it. But, in the case of an orphan, or young spoiled colt, they learn how to use their prey animal defenses on us.
You have no idea how I used to fantasize about being able to ride a good working horse. Our old farrier was a cutting horse guy, MAN was it fun to watch him work his horses. I never got the chance.

In any event, I agree with you wholeheartedly, the vast majority of horses are nothing resembling mean or out to get you. (Ponies are a different story!)

I've had one really rank colt, but his sire was known for throwing really rank babies. He's the one who struck me in the face, and then we sent him to be "cowboyed." Horse came back able to turn on a dime! Then Ma sold him.

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