First time making THC Vape juice

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I use a sub-ohm coil and have found that when mixing my own nicotine juice it works better to have the nicotine in the VG then add PG. I do 75/25. If they both have nicotine my tank will leak. I've tried different brands of tanks with the same results. The vape shop by my house did the same thing with their 'house juice', and would have higher PG for lower nicotine levels. I think this is also because PG is also known for the 'throat hit', and as you lower nicotine levels there is less of a 'feel' in the lungs and throat.
I have made small batches of my own by soaking tobacco leaves and then lightly simmer.
But mainly I buy different bottles and depending on the brand they all come with different mixtures but always give me the same 20mg of nic.
Pg absorbs better but there is a reason most vape juices are 70 30 vg because high pg has a he'll of a throat kick.
Ultimately find the blend you like and mix that shit it's going to work the same as nicotine.


I have made small batches of my own by soaking tobacco leaves and then lightly simmer.
But mainly I buy different bottles and depending on the brand they all come with different mixtures but always give me the same 20mg of nic.
Pg absorbs better but there is a reason most vape juices are 70 30 vg because high pg has a he'll of a throat kick.
Ultimately find the blend you like and mix that shit it's going to work the same as nicotine.
20mg would make me pass out using a sub-ohm, lol. I've been vaping for 12 years, and before I switched to sub I did 24mg, but now I do 1-2mg.


20mg would make me pass out using a sub-ohm, lol. I've been vaping for 12 years, and before I switched to sub I did 24mg, but now I do 1-2mg.

20mg would make me pass out using a sub-ohm, lol. I've been vaping for 12 years, and before I switched to sub I did 24mg, but now I do 1-2mg.
Lol lately I've been vaping nic salts at 20 my freebase is 6mg..


You absolutely can get 180 Proof (95%) Everclear in Canada. I can only get 70% in BC but I get 95% from Alberta. I am sure you could order it online. Most liquor stores in Alberta carry 95% Everclear. Not sure about other provinces.

Is there a tutorial for what method?
Its looking like Fast-track Infusion, I have a bump off Magic Butter like machine, not really sure how to intergrate.


Thoughts on this? Sorry pretty beat today, its been a pretty fucked week + spider mites so I'm a little short on specific questions at the moment, later...


Thoughts on this? Sorry pretty beat today, its been a pretty fucked week + spider mites so I'm a little short on specific questions at the moment, later...
That's what I do except at 130 instead of 160.


We can't get everclear in Canada but I think bacardi100 is our equivalent.
Obviously alcohol is food safe but I have read that alcohol could have small traces of non vapable residue that could get stuck on the lining of your throat.
Good example is those kids that died from vaping vitamin e which doesn't vaporize in cheap knock off juices.
I'm sure if done right alcohol is better and equally as safe but to many variables for me.
The pgvg mix I buy is FDA approved and made to vape.
Simply add weed simmer and vape.
I got this for tincture, I'm pretty happy with it, I don't smoke (weed [anymore] or cigs), think nicotine is about the worst drug on earth so I want none of that in my life so pgvg mixes seem to be out for me.


THC Oil will separate from VG, even if you try to homogenize, you are better off using clean rosin or distillate and dillute it with terpenes Like Viscocity by True Terpenes or try Flavor West they would be a cheaper option, Then you can use Ccell devices or liberty V9 Cartridges designed for thick Cannabis oils. You can make a cold alcohol extraction from your flower and use that oil but it has a bit of a funky taste to it because of some of the chloryphyll in the oil, and the cartridges would burn out faster.


THC Oil will separate from VG, even if you try to homogenize, you are better off using clean rosin or distillate and dillute it with terpenes Like Viscocity by True Terpenes or try Flavor West they would be a cheaper option, Then you can use Ccell devices or liberty V9 Cartridges designed for thick Cannabis oils. You can make a cold alcohol extraction from your flower and use that oil but it has a bit of a funky taste to it because of some of the chloryphyll in the oil, and the cartridges would burn out faster.
Yeah I have made this recommendation a million times to people on here but no one seems interested. People still grasping at the PG/VG bs.


That's why you don't bond the THC to oil 1st, but directly to the VG/PG. You're saying don't do something that no one here is recommending.
THC Oil will separate from VG, even if you try to homogenize, you are better off using clean rosin or distillate and dillute it with terpenes Like Viscocity by True Terpenes or try Flavor West they would be a cheaper option, Then you can use Ccell devices or liberty V9 Cartridges designed for thick Cannabis oils. You can make a cold alcohol extraction from your flower and use that oil but it has a bit of a funky taste to it because of some of the chloryphyll in the oil, and the cartridges would burn out faster.


That's why you don't bond the THC to oil 1st, but directly to the VG/PG. You're saying don't do something that no one here is recommending.
You do know that people are doing this all the time. The recommendation was made bc ppl still do it wrong. There really needs to be a comprehensive thread on bets vape making practices.


I've never done anything close to what OP is talking about. I just looked it up tho, and I would say use 100% PG:

When it comes to propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), there’s no competition. VG did not infuse well at all, but with PG, we were able to get over 90% of the THC from the decarbed flower into the PG, infusing just 1 gram of decarbed flower to 1 ounce of PG.

Compare that to VG, which pulled less than 6% of the THC from the decarbed flower, infusing 1 gram of the same strain of decarbed flower into 1 ounce of VG.

Out of a total 197.8mg of available THC in the 1 gram of bud after a decarb cycle in the decarboxylator, the VG infusion only resulted in 11.34mg of THC in the one ounce of VG used. Compare that to 179.7 mg THC in the once ounce of PG.
Where did you find that Moe? I like carts and if we can make our own... So much the better.
And where does one get empty carts?


It's the same as nicotine vapes.
Some vapes advertise 70/30 vg/pg
Some vapes advertise 30/70 pg/vg
Both blends advertise the same nicotine strength.
I would not add vg at the end as that would just dilute the vg needs to infuse at the same time.
I've been vaping cigarettes for years and pg is mainly known to absorb flavors better and vg is for clouds.
I think strength comes down to time.
Decarb, Soak for 3 months then double boil at 180 for as long as you can wait.
You need time and heat to infuse.
All my info comes from friends that work at vape shops that have helped me make my own cigarette soaked juices.
I'm just curious why you are decarbing weed when making carts.
maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't thc get converted when you vape the pg/vg/thc mix,so you don't really need to decarb when making the mix??


I'm making up some myself here at the moment to see how it works. I'll be patient and let the mix soak for a couple weeks minimum and then experiment with it (have 2 jars to play with)

I have a pretty high tolerance so if I can feel anything at all off this vape juice,I know it must have a decent amount of thc in it.


I just read that carts do not normally get hot enough to decarb when you use them. They only get hot enough to vaporize the juice.

Where did you find that Moe? I like carts and if we can make our own... So much the better.
And where does one get empty carts?
I have A bunch Of Ccell original carts and batteries if you want 1ml, 0.5ml, Palm batteries and m3 ccell. Liberty V9 1ml and 0.5ml with max push button batteries.


I have A bunch Of Ccell original carts and batteries if you want 1ml, 0.5ml, Palm batteries and m3 ccell. Liberty V9 1ml and 0.5ml with max push button batteries.
We have some battery packs already but they are the screw on kind. I've never used a 'regular' vape with a refillable container. Do you have Pix?
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