Grow #2 - First ever tent attempt (say that after a few)!

  • Thread starter lenhug
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Reading more that was a older plant not what you have going now

The fan leaves feed the plant and create a buffer.

Defoliation ( taking the leaves of ) mainly came about when you had bushy plants to allow more air flow.
Nowadays a lot of folks do it willy nilly with no rhyme nor reason.
Taking a few of isn’t a biggie but striping the entire plant of every fan leaf isn’t really a good idea.

It’s definitely not lst that’s for sure it’s more high stress training than low stress.

99% of the time there’s not much real need for it. Just tuck them under

It’s used to be rule number one if your going to defoliate ( take fan leaves of ) only do 10% at a time as it’s very stressful to the plant.

Now some will take them all off in one go stress the hell out the plant then and cliam it helps get more bud back without any real proof
It’s like a bad habit.

It’s a practice that’s spun out of control imo
I’m telling you man, this is my theory anyways, these folks who claim to do mass defoliation to drive bud development, are just hiding their mistakes and toxicities or deficiencies so they can claim a practice and still justify posting their plants….light handed defol if any is the way to go. I agree @Gmix


I think the few leaves I took off makes sense just because they would overshadow the new growth I've exposed with the LST. Anyway, sure it'll be fine and work itself it.

Do agree that wild defoliation seems a bit much to me. I usually just snip here and there occasionally as I go through the grow.


Right, I'm away till 28th now so means I can't fiddle with the plants anymore (definitely a good thing) and have a friend coming to water. Wish I had a bloody camera setup in there to see them but leave that for the future maybe. Hoping to come back to some wild growth. 🤗

Wishing everyone a very Happy (and green) Holidays. 🎄


Right, we are back from beyond, well Blighty anyway.

The plants are growing to say the least, monstrously it seems in some cases. So without further ado...

20231230 094258
20231230 094304

From left to right; Newberry Auto, Froot Fuel and SMC.

20231230 094910
20231230 094917

The SMC was only a day behind germinating but a huge difference to the others. The Newberry is a monster tbh! 😲


Thanks man, Happy New Year to you as well! 🙂

And yes, definitely pistils on both Froot Fuel and the Newberry. They're not hanging around.

One thing I've already decided is back to 3 gal long pots for next run as this is gonna be nuts. Also means more strains to grow at once.

But really I'm thinking...BIGGER TENT! 😬😄


Day 63
Quick update from me. Coming along nicely apart from the SMC which although looks healthy enough is just not growing that much compared to others. I've taken the LST off her (maybe was stressing and did too slightly early - grasping at straws really) so see what happens I suppose. Can't win 'em all!

Coupe of qu's as flowering is beginning. I've got the light at 60%, 1.5ft-2ft away, thinking of turning up to 70% and then gradually more and more, good plan?

The reason they look a bit droopy was needed a big drink, I'd left them half a day or so too long.

20240106 185246
20240106 185253
20240106 185300
20240106 185310


Day 69

Back again after todays watering.

The SMC is still not happy as you can see and the others seem to have stalled slightly. After much thought and fiddling around I honestly think this is due to the temperature. Been a cold snap here recently and well below 60' (the min temp we need of course) for them or hovering just around there in the late 50's for a few weeks at least. I've tried all I can with the other variables to increase the temp but I've bitten the bullet and ordered a small heater to hopefully spur things along.

That's what comes with growing in a garage though so can't complain too much really. Weather is on the up now as well so that should help as well. All a good learning curve of course but roll on Spring!

Latest pics from today, as ever all thoughts and advice welcome... 🙃

20240113 173925

20240113 173929

Newberry Auto
20240113 173932

Froot Fuel
20240113 173936


Day 74

This is from yesterday and look at the difference!

After much fiddling around with an inkbird temp controller and firstly a 500w, then 200w, then back to the 500w inside and out of the tent I've settled on the 500w just outside by the air intake. Keeps it at a perfect 74'-76' and 45-50% humidity.

Plants are much, much happier it seems and understandably so. I wonder if the SMC will catch up a bit now, I fear not but we'll see where it get to? Some defoliation of the old/yellow leaves to be done over the weekend I think as well.

20240118 183454

20240118 183458

20240118 183501

20240118 183505

20240118 183512


I'm glad you seem to be dialing it in man.....good for you and great for the plants.....

They look great......

It's kinda hard getting the environment dialed in.....that's my issue.....

I'm content on it never being optimal, but I am AOK with that.....

My only concern is getting the white shit and I think, at least hopefully, I'm beyond that.....

Keep it up man!


Super fun. You got some trees going there. Some minor discoloration, I wouldn’t sweat it too much.
One bit of advice, have your red tray right under the fabric pots not under the floating floor. I find its better for hydro uptake. I end up watering less.
keep it up dude.
if your day 74 total how many days of bloom?


I'd say around 14 days since they started blooming, give or take. The cold spell stopped them all in their tracks for a while but now the environment is sorted they are going for it. I'll do a little removal of older/dead leaves just to tidy them up.

I've got the lights on 60% intensity and 2ft above the highest canopy atm. That seems ok? Read so many different opinions on intensity and height!
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