Grow diary

  • Thread starter feildofdreams
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FOD I also have to run ac to keep temp under control I will finish off these last plants that I have in there now about 2 more weeks and leave the room dry for the summer it is killing me to keep that place where the plant like it The lights the fans the ac are killing me so I'll just do the outdoor plants now in the summer and wait till fall to restart them inside again.Cool or even cold temps outside are your friend when you are growing indoors. All veterans if you can make it to albuquerque on monday stop by the swop office and pick up your free pack of seeds.


FOD I also have to run ac to keep temp under control I will finish off these last plants that I have in there now about 2 more weeks and leave the room dry for the summer it is killing me to keep that place where the plant like it The lights the fans the ac are killing me so I'll just do the outdoor plants now in the summer and wait till fall to restart them inside again.Cool or even cold temps outside are your friend when you are growing indoors. All veterans if you can make it to albuquerque on monday stop by the swop office and pick up your free pack of seeds.

We'll see how the bill is next month? The llittle blow hard is doing pretty good though. Cycling the compressor every 20 mins or so. Not bad. Thank God it it's a small room:)
Thats pretty cool of swop to do that man. Don't foresee going to the big "A" anytrime soon but I will spread the word to the local members bro. Have a safe weekend alfonso.


Headed to a BBQ. Just wanted to post these before I split. Everything is going great and the teas are literally kicking ass. BETTER then any pre mixed nutes I have personally used.


I broke down, pulled a few bucks from savings and got this little 5000 btu A/C.
Keeps it a nice 75f instead of high 80's mid 90's. Shit was getting out of control in there. Plenty of fresh air but was losing the heat battle big time.
Going to have the computer down for a spell. I will post asap.

May I ask where you bought it and how much?


May I ask where you bought it and how much?

At Lowes. 99 bucks and 10 bucks for a year replacement warr. Always get the warr. I have Murphy's law tattooed on my ass man. Shit always breaks,.. lol

Sorry about the instant mess thing. Always end up going to another page and forgetting I am speaking with someone.


Having a fungus rust prob or mite prob or def prob or ??? Fucking can't figure Have a thread going at the infirmary.


In reading it over,I can't think of anything to seem to be getting good advice.


Right on thanks cool. Like a roller coaster ride from week 2. Hope to get em thru flower bro.
sky high

sky high

Damn. Sorry to see the probs, bro. Gettin' a bit of yellowing here as these hit about week 4 of flower but I don't seen any similar signs of deficiency/fungus/etc. here that might have transferred over to the clones/etc.

my brain is so fried I have no ideas..... good luck

s h


Damn. Sorry to see the probs, bro. Gettin' a bit of yellowing here as these hit about week 4 of flower but I don't seen any similar signs of deficiency/fungus/etc. here that might have transferred over to the clones/etc.

my brain is so fried I have no ideas..... good luck

s h

My Brother sky!!:) Very honored you dropped in to check the situation. Yeah man I don't believe it was from the clones at all brother. I believe it is something I carried over from my last grow and or equipment. I kind of had this same prob last go round and must not have cleaned as well as I should have before storing the equipment.. I didn’t realize I was dealing with a fungi, I thought it was a def last go? I am staying on top of this as best I can. Lots of air circ, low humidity,. constant cleaning and teas seem to be helping.. Have tried the def treatment thing but am getting no results with nutrients,.. per say. Hunted but found no SM. The rest inside don't seem to be effected,..??
Keeping the grow areas like an operating room and the environment is cleaner the Gods seventh day of rest. rofl --
Hez say's---- "now!, if only I could get him to clean the house that way"-- haha
Peace bro and Hope all is as good as can be man.


"Although healthy root zones and leaves often contain beneficial fungi and bacteria, other forms of fungi and bacteria are damaging to cannabis plants.

The most pervasive fungal invader is botrytis, otherwise known as gray mold. This fungus is particularly dangerous because it is virtually undetectable in early stages, and because it attacks the ripest, phattest buds from the
inside out.

Botrytis waits until cannabis flowers are dense and well developed, then it infests the buds near the core of the flower at stem level, and quickly produces gray garbage that destroys the bud's vigor and appearance. Gray mold and other pathogens can also affect harvested cannabis, even when harvested material is placed in a freezer.

Gray mold causes problems indoors and outdoors, particularly where humidity levels are above 50%, with poor aeration of plant tops. Downy mildew is almost as prevalent as gray mold, although it causes less damage and is harder to detect. It originally appears as faint whitish or yellowish spots on leaf tops, with corresponding bumps on the undersides of leaves. Leaves curl up and mutate as the mildew takes hold.

Powdery mildew is not downy mildew; it first appears as small bumps on the top of leaves; soon, the leaves look like they are covered in dusty grit. In some cases, powdery mildew can superficially resemble resin glands.

"Damping off" molds attack seeds before and after they have been planted. The molds also attack emergent seedlings and seedlings that have attained as much as six inches in height. Damping off can keep seeds from sprouting at all. Or, they kill sprouts by rotting their stems at the base."


"High humidity (over 50%) and grow environment contamination should be eliminated. Grow mediums should be sterilized and then treated with beneficial fungi (such as Trichoderma and Gliocladium) and beneficial bacteria.

Light intensity should be adequate for penetration deep into plant canopy, both vertical and horizontal. Plants should be directly in line of fans and other aeration. In-line charcoal filters and other traps should be in place on all air intakes. Strict sanitation controls should be in place for anyone who enters a grow environment.

"Bourdeaux mixture" can be useful for controlling gray mold. A spray containing copper, Bourdeaux mixture, and a beneficial organism called Bacillus subtilis is effective against downy mildew. Spraying with bicarbonate of soda, organic horticultural oils, and sulfur can kill powdery mildew. Some growers use sulfur burners to create airborne sulfur treatment against powdery mildew. Bacteria can be controlled using Bourdeaux mixture.

Viruses are impossible to kill once they have infected a plant. A preventive measure to protect against viruses, other than the generic tactic of preventing them from entering grow environments, is to keep plants' immune systems healthy with proper watering, temperature, root zones, and nutrients.

If molds, fungi, viruses or bacteria take hold in a grow environment, it may be necessary to remove affected plants completely. Near-harvest buds affected by most insects, pathogens and diseases can be partially salvaged by using them to make water hash. Otherwise, all plants or plant parts affected must be immediately removed and destroyed, and any tools, clothing, or other materials that came in contact with the affected plants must be removed, sterilized or destroyed.

Please note that smoking or handling whole marijuana infected by molds, mildews, and fungi can cause serious human health problems."


Not a prob......copy and paste with added quotes is easy.


A few more pics. Girls are at 17 days flower. Took 8 clones and 8 rooted but 2 are just a day or so behind the others. 6 were put into peat pots today and all are doing good. The 4 in the buckets are 3 spider and 1 LL. They are about 3 weeks away from 12x12.
Buds are forming nice and don't seem effected by the cleaning and goings on around it. Ladies in flower are responding well to evasive treatments.
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