Haggards 4x4 tent grow

  • Thread starter Haggardass
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I grew Nirvana white widow almost exclusively for three years matter of fact it was in every one of my harvests except one I found an excellent mother and hung on to her, I didn't get any keepers this time and may give them a rest for a few grows, I've grown Nirvanas northern lights, it was slow but good smoke, I grew there kaya gold, maui waui and there short rider which sucked, the maui was excellent but way to big for indoors, I have always dabbled in nirvanas strains and never been truly disappointed, honestly I'm having more problems out of these c99s then any strain ever, not weak genes or anything she's just picky about everything. I'm going to flower all them and not keep a mom I'm going to keep my afghan Kush special and take some clones from her. I've smoked a few variations of ww and Nirvana wasn't the worst but it is the cheapest lol that WWxOG would be something to see man make sure to send me a link.


That is great could you tell me if you also had to wait 12 plus weeks for your WW to finish? I checked them this morning to find tons of new nodes with clear hairs going every where just no flowers developing yet. I think its good they are still in building mode ,but starting to get worried they are not going to start building flowers. I will keep you posted I have a hole bottle of seeds from this WW X OG nice and dark with color lines I don't know the rules here about sharing seed ,but if they finish as monsters I would love to share the WW X strain if you would like some.


You're saying your 12 weeks into flower and still no flowers? Or are they foxtailing? No I did 60 days from the day they showed there first set of fresh hairs in the top of a bud site, I vegged them for about 4 weeks then flowered them, all in one gallon pots, I was using a 600 hps and was getting 2.5 ozs each plant, I had that plant dialed in, thats one reason im growing them this run (its my first grow in 2 years) and i cant grow this ww for crap lol, ill get my shit squared away though and its ok if I dont score a ton off this run I just grow for me anyway. quality not quantity, and ya idk what the rules are with all that either but ill take some lol Ive always been a fan of ww since before i ever had any, the name just intrigues me lol you have any pictures of your ladies?


Flipped the switch tonight they all started coming around and look a lot better, the color has almost all come back except for the bottom leaves but I'm going to give them a nice couple of shots of nitrogen when my nutes show up I ordered ph perfect by advanced nutes. I don't hate any brand of nutes I think they all have there purpose and if they truly didn't work they would keep selling lol I'm loyal to no brand in this growing adventure whatever gets me some stinky nugs to smoke lol pictures tomorrow


Here's the ladies, I over fertilized them the other day the leaves are still kind of coming back to color but now that they have grown strong enough to eat all the food in there soil and I've watered heavy twice now with distilled water they shot up 3 inches last night, which was also there first night of 12/12 so I'm excited to see them take off the next couple of weeks, here they are, also like to add that the bag is a graft that I'm hoping takes soon so I can save my c99 but we'll see.
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Wow, I need to switch my veg lights back over to my 400mh I used two T-5 lights for veg and not getting results I would like. I am going to reset next run I have not seen enough growth like yours and I have 3 gallon pots for large plants. I am in week seven nodes and hairs everywhere not stringy foxtails, my SSH foxtailed I had to throw away so I know what you mean. I believe I seen small flowers in node today.


I use hps for veg and flower I'm gong to try a mh bulb next run and see if it makes a difference if not no big deal i just grow so I don't have to deal with rude dealers that want to rip me off and don't know shit about true herb. I'll check out your pics when you post em man


Took some clones tonight took 5 c99 cuts, 3 super thin leaves, extremely sativa 2 have a little more indica in them, 2 afghan Kush special and one of my ww girls, actually the only one I'm keeping, I'm putting the knife to the two other ones they're garbage and I'm not wasting space on them since I'm going to need the space for these big ass plants lol pictures tomorrow, things should start getting a little more interesting in the next couple weeks, I also figured out the next line up after these ones come down, I'm going to run my sativa c99, chocolope, and querkle, I've never grown a colored strain before so I'm excited about that one, I was lucky enough for someone to send me some grape ape clones back in January but none of them took, I was extremely upset for losing them and the green crack and gsc he sent, I wish i could get my hands on some more. Thanks for stopping by


Just throwing up some pictures as promised, I snapped some of my clones, can you tell me why the leaves curl in like that it's only that one leaf on that one cutting, I got some pictures right before and right after lights out you can really see the canopy with the flash on, have some pre flowers showing up but there were a few before I started 12/12, these plants are over two months from sprout but i ran into some terrible soil issues and learned a valuable lesson, I also just got my nutrients in today, I have always been interested in the ph perfect line so this is exciting I've done a lot of research on these nutes, thanks for stopping by.
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Sorry about the rotation of that picture but it's too late I had a good sour D up today and I'm super dooper sky bound right now lol


I fed the girls 10 mils of GMB from the ph perfect i got yesterday, it calls for 16 but i wanted to beak them in since it is a new nutrient line to me but next time they are going full strength.


I'm gonna go ahead and call today flower day for the c99s the afghan still isn't putting out new hair but that's ok i would rather stagger my harvests, a little less work all at once.


I'm gonna call yesterday the first day for the Afghan and the ww, I'll put up pictures later today.


I also fed the girls full strength nutes yesterday and discover that the pump on my cloner was off due to a bad receptacle, I'm sure the clones are going to doe they look veer pitiful, sucks i was looking forward to keeping my c99


Picture update, I'm going to take a couple more clones of one of my cindys, it is stacking flowers already so i definitely want to keep it, if my clones don't take I'm going to reveg it and keep it around i think my cloner is ineffective at this point, it's getting really crowded in there just like i like but if it gets much worse I'm going to have to defoliate a little and tire some leaves back. I would also like to add that I used the ph perfect again the other day with tap water and my plants drank it right up no signs of lock out or ph swings so far so good. Here's the ladies
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Definitely been a while since an update, not a lot of people showed interest so i figured i would just hold off until things got interesting, I am now about two solid weeks onto flowering and they are already staying to bulk up a little and get some sugar on the leaves. These are macros of my afghan and a group shot, starring to get bud sites blowing up all over the place, i think all the c99s are going to yield pretty low except one which I will be keeping, I also forgot that i had a graft trying to take hold and i realized it when i was in there pulling dead leaves the other day, it took perfectly and grew right up.
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Looking great and those colas are filling quite nicely. Cant wait for the next couple of weeks!


Me either man im excited to see what happens, im hoping I get a pound off these, that would be adequate for me until next harvest, im thinking if my ww doesnt start doing more im going to chop her two or three weeks early and hash it to leave room for my other ladies to fatten up, im also going to try revegging one of them, if you know any details about revegging plants let me know ive been looking around for info on it and theres not much, im thinking it is just a matter of leaving a few stems towards the bottom and turning the timer back up but im not sure.


I personally dont know much about re-vegging other than it takes a while to get back into veg mode and I have heard that it may cause some stress along the way, but it its manageable. If by all means you can re-take cuts, I would do it that way over re-vegging anytime. The Cindy 99 is a nice producer and I sure loved that strain a few years back


ya man i have that one c99 that had buds forming when all the others only had bud sites showing im impressed, my rh is getting up pretty high around 90% most nights and some nights it will hit 99% I want to get some sort of fungicide to prevent mold from coming in since those conditions it will be inevitable, you have any suggestions on something i can use? ive used neem oil in the past but it makes the buds tast weird and ive heard of the organocide 3in1 but ive read that stuff makes your buds stink for good, any suggestions there?
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