Hello folks. New here. Need help

  • Thread starter chad43764
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Maybe I over stated this.. no one wants to help until you have read all the advertisements and read 300 forums because we wouldn't want anyone asking something we've already talked about.. I did find after a week or 2 your can learn to navigate the forums a little better when you work out what you need to know. People are WOWING my post but it's pretty true.. sorry.. Hopefully now I mentioned it it might get you more help ;) worked last time haha
Or maybe some folks are busy.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Or maybe the spam killed online forums... Thanks for the heads up tho Einstein !
Well since you figured that out, why are you here? Do you love spam or something?

You shouldn’t call people out of their name.
screen name or not.

Why be so rude?
Like homie, if you have all these issues with online forums, why go out of your way to pull people down who enjoy this place?

im sure there will be a negative comment in response, alls I can say is CONTEXT. 🧐


Well since you figured that out, why are you here? Do you love spam or something?

You shouldn’t call people out of their name.
screen name or not.

Why be so rude?
Like homie, if you have all these issues with online forums, why go out of your way to pull people down who enjoy this place?

im sure there will be a negative comment in response, alls I can say is CONTEXT. 🧐
You chime in so late.. you must be bored ? I'm actually a positive person.. just straight to the point. Don't be afraid to scroll on G... Q1.. I'm here because I like the pictures and grow journals .. quote 1.. I'm Australian we have fun sayings .. right down to it being a good thing if I called you the C word.. So have a snickers mate..(Snickers .. A soothing chocolate bar) Q2.. When a guy is triggered and stirs the pot days afterwards.. un needed unless you love the drama IMO. Quote 2 .. I never mentioned anyone to pull them down.. Statement 1. You are the negative one. .. How did I go mate ? Have a good one ! Let's relax.. read my posts in a jovial manner maybe.. I'm not to fussed if I'm here just clicking on emails.. I'll remove the email notices.. chow


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
You chime in so late.. you must be bored ? I'm actually a positive person.. just straight to the point. Don't be afraid to scroll on G... Q1.. I'm here because I like the pictures and grow journals .. quote 1.. I'm Australian we have fun sayings .. right down to it being a good thing if I called you the C word.. So have a snickers mate..(Snickers .. A soothing chocolate bar) Q2.. When a guy is triggered and stirs the pot days afterwards.. un needed unless you love the drama IMO. Quote 2 .. I never mentioned anyone to pull them down.. Statement 1. You are the negative one. .. How did I go mate ? Have a good one ! Let's relax.. read my posts in a jovial manner maybe.. I'm not to fussed if I'm here just clicking on emails.. I'll remove the email notices.. chow
you’re really weird.


You click ignore sir
U both shouldn't waste time on trash talking each other. It's a waste of time and only breads pride and causes separation.

Tell me this. U ask everyone here a question and need n answer, but ur enemy the only one with the answer. Don't be kind just because u need the answer. Squash the shit and work on being a real man or woman like everyone else.


Update, see some folks lost hope...lol. I got all my supplies and started on my grow area last night. Soon as I'm off work Lord willing I'll continue. Hopefully I can get one planted tonight. If so I'll provide pics.


Good luck to you
I’m in kinda the same boat new here new to indoor grow and a buckeye! As well.
I got some started first week of December
And after hours of lurking on here and following some grows I’ve l learned a lot made some changes and it starting to show.
Tons of good info and members on here
You’ve had some of them chime in already


Good luck to you
I’m in kinda the same boat new here new to indoor grow and a buckeye! As well.
I got some started first week of December
And after hours of lurking on here and following some grows I’ve l learned a lot made some changes and it starting to show.
Tons of good info and members on here
You’ve had some of them chime in already
Thanks for the support brother. Just got mine pretty much done. Rushed a bit but will tweak as I go.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
U both shouldn't waste time on trash talking each other. It's a waste of time and only breads pride and causes separation.

Tell me this. U ask everyone here a question and need n answer, but ur enemy the only one with the answer. Don't be kind just because u need the answer. Squash the shit and work on being a real man or woman like everyone else.
Yeah sorry man, I’ve been around here a while, ima good dude, no need to tell me to act like a real man though, you don’t know me and that’s fine. So again sorry. Seriously bro. You can ask 99% of the folks here, I perpetuate a nice environment. This one got away from me. Anyhow. Take care.


Yeah sorry man, I’ve been around here a while, ima good dude, no need to tell me to act like a real man though, you don’t know me and that’s fine. So again sorry. Seriously bro. You can ask 99% of the folks here, I perpetuate a nice environment. This one got away from me. Anyhow. Take care.
Hey, I believe you. Ur good. No worries not at all. It's life n we making better decisions now...lol. Everyone gotta struggle. It's better to struggle with our argument.


Thanks for the support brother. Just got mine pretty much done. Rushed a bit but will tweak as I go.
My tent is a hand me down so I haven't gotten around to cleaning it and the racks but I couldn't resist setting up the lamp.
It's just like yours. Daughter gave me 2 so I think it might be overkill.
How far away is the light from your pot?

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When I go down I'll check. I'm tired. About to feed our son n have a smoke.
Nevertheless even though u gotta hand down, it works. All that matters. I had to fabricate mine. It was originally 80" but my clearance is 75". So I cut the tube down 5" n drilled holes for popins. Works great. I built a platform outta plywood and insulation board. Insulation board sets on concrete floor and I did it that way to avoid mold. Temp is about 67 and humidity is 36 but I just landed a decent humidifier that'll help until I get a few filters for our whole house one. I just planted my seed last night and my light is high. But I'll adjust when it breaks top. I'll definitely have to use lst to keep the plant low because I have lost 5" and it does kinda matter. But this my first like this so I'm going to have to learn. U know a good light schedule? Autoflowers. I heard 20/4 is good. What u think brother?


My tent is a hand me down so I haven't gotten around to cleaning it and the racks but I couldn't resist setting up the lamp.
It's just like yours. Daughter gave me 2 so I think it might be overkill.
How far away is the light from your pot?

View attachment 2089514
I think it's 30" is what it should be. 30" from top of canopy. Nice babies by the way.

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