Help needed ASAP!!!! What am I doing wrong???

  • Thread starter Gdawwwg
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Grow in soil as a new grower. I think you get a better understanding as a new grower by growing in soil because it’s more forgiving. You learn proper watering cycles, wet/dry cycles, excess/deficiencies. How to properly water until run off to prevent buildup and lockout. So much to learn. Can’t help here as I’ve never grown dwc. Good luck and happy grows.
Everything I bought is for dwc so really wanna try this first. But if all. Goes wrong again. I. Might have to. Consider it


Ok, remove some water so that it is under your net pot, than start hand feeding until roots come out of the net pot and hit the water level. This allows the roots to develop further. The gap between the water level which is under the net pot and to top of the pebbles should have enough moisture to keep roots healthy.

What is your ec/ppm at?
fix your temps to 26c/80f and that should lower your humidity. However, keep RH around 60%
I can lower humidity I have a controller. Everything I have read says higher humidity for transplanting clones. Because they are used to a higher humidity. So u have to gradually lower it.


he said their rooted hence why the water level is higher so he is certain that its getting water.
Yeh they have roots. Just not all the way out the bottom. Of net pot yet. Except for the 1 that is yellowing the most. It had 2 small. Shoots just poking out the bottom. The reason I have the water actually. Touching the pots is so I know they definitely have access to the water. I was going to lower it when all. Roots show out the bottom


OK so basically what I'm. Getting is....
Solution. Possibly too. Strong
Water needs to be lower
Humidity needs to be lower

Not deficiency then. I thought possibly mag as I'm. Not. Using cal mag. Advised I may. Not need it because I'm. Using tap.


That 3ml/l nutes sounds pretty high on cuttings but never used that brand so i dont know that. i use canna and its 2ml/l in veg and i start with 1ml/l when i put seedlings in nft.
Sorry I didn't mean per litre. It's 3 ml in total I think I'm way under. Just watched a video and he starts with 20 ml!!!

So it could be a lack. Of nutrients?


So iv tried one round of cuttings already. Slowly turned a yellowy green colour. Went droopy and growth was very slow. Hardly any root growth

In. Dwc btw

Bought a second batch of 4 clines to try again. Same issues seem to. Be. Happening. Leaves turning slightly yellow green and droopy. Not too bad yet but I. Know if I. Don't correct it. They will die. Any advice please help.. Much appreciated!!!
I'm no pro. But I've been in dwc and rdwc for a year now and from what I've learned is that the seedlings and cuttings can survive with little to no nutes around 100-200ppm for the first 2 weeks then I stay at around 300 for almost another 2 weeks. I've run a bucket completely dry where there plant went limp and it didn't burn. Took a little while to get back up but no burn. So to me it looks like overfeeding.
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I'm no pro. But I've been in dwc and rdwc for a year now and from what I've learned is that the seedlings and cuttings can survive with little to no nutes around 100-200ppm for the first 2 weeks then I stay at around 300 for almost another 2 weeks. I've run a bucket completely dry where there plant went limp and it didn't burn. Took a little while to get back up but no burn. So to me it looks like overfeeding. View attachment 1198586
It's just confusing. Because some people add nothing to start and then iv seen people who add 10-20ml of each bottle. Iv only added 3ml of each per 15l of water. Around 300 ppm. The guy I bought the clones from told me to start around 800


It's just confusing. Because some people add nothing to start and then iv seen people who add 10-20ml of each bottle. Iv only added 3ml of each per 15l of water. Around 300 ppm. The guy I bought the clones from told me to start around 800
I don't think 300 ppm is allot for them. They should be fine with 300ppm


You need to up the humidity or use a humidity dome.

If your plants are going yellow is because you lights are too bright / close.

Root them in cubes / pugs first, putting them strait in a DWC is a bad idea if they ain't rooted.


This is exactly why I immediately got away from synthetics when I started and went organic. water with clean water and walk away.

I would suggest you find one grower doing your style and follow their advice only. Forums are awesome for diagnosing problems, but you end up in a “too many chefs in the kitchen” situation. All of their advice is probably correct but may conflict with the others style. You need to find your head chef and apprentice under that one person until you have more hands on experience. That’s just what’s been working for me anyways, second grow is going 1000% better than the first. Good luck
Pushrod Monkey

Pushrod Monkey

This is exactly why I immediately got away from synthetics when I started and went organic. water with clean water and walk away.

I would suggest you find one grower doing your style and follow their advice only. Forums are awesome for diagnosing problems, but you end up in a “too many chefs in the kitchen” situation. All of their advice is probably correct but may conflict with the others style. You need to find your head chef and apprentice under that one person until you have more hands on experience. That’s just what’s been working for me anyways, second grow is going 1000% better than the first. Good luck
Agree. One would have already advised top feeding and proper net basket clearance. Find someone who lives hydro.


This is exactly why I immediately got away from synthetics when I started and went organic. water with clean water and walk away.

I would suggest you find one grower doing your style and follow their advice only. Forums are awesome for diagnosing problems, but you end up in a “too many chefs in the kitchen” situation. All of their advice is probably correct but may conflict with the others style. You need to find your head chef and apprentice under that one person until you have more hands on experience. That’s just what’s been working for me anyways, second grow is going 1000% better than the first. Good luck
Good advice, funnily enough, I’m getting away from soil the time it takes to grow in soil is just not worth the benefits of hydro/coco


This is exactly why I immediately got away from synthetics when I started and went organic. water with clean water and walk away.

I would suggest you find one grower doing your style and follow their advice only. Forums are awesome for diagnosing problems, but you end up in a “too many chefs in the kitchen” situation. All of their advice is probably correct but may conflict with the others style. You need to find your head chef and apprentice under that one person until you have more hands on experience. That’s just what’s been working for me anyways, second grow is going 1000% better than the first. Good luck
I went back to the guy who supplied the clones and he said they are starving need stronger feed. I. Have emptied all buckets and changed the strength. He also said to. Ditch the silicon until. They are more established.

So I will see how they go. Hopefully that's all it was and they recover


You need to up the humidity or use a humidity dome.

If your plants are going yellow is because you lights are too bright / close.

Root them in cubes / pugs first, putting them strait in a DWC is a bad idea if they ain't rooted.
Humidity is now at 80%


This is exactly why I immediately got away from synthetics when I started and went organic. water with clean water and walk away.

I would suggest you find one grower doing your style and follow their advice only. Forums are awesome for diagnosing problems, but you end up in a “too many chefs in the kitchen” situation. All of their advice is probably correct but may conflict with the others style. You need to find your head chef and apprentice under that one person until you have more hands on experience. That’s just what’s been working for me anyways, second grow is going 1000% better than the first. Good luck
Yeh I agree. Everybody has different advice. But like. U said in. There situation it. Probably works.

Always great full for every but of advice and info I. Can get.

I. Have the opportunity for a bigger setup with another friend so I might go organic with that 1

He has 2.4x2.4 tent

Thinking 12-16 plants

So. I. Will have to. Do a. Shitload more research again because its completely different


They are air line tubes connected to air stones.

I'm using general hydro nutes

3 ml micro
3ml grow
3ml bloom
2.5ml orca
5ml silica
3ml katana roots
Also use neutralise dechlorinator for water

Room temp and humidity
Temp. Between 72-78
Rh 70-80%

Light hanging 30inch above on about 30%

1 is showing 2 root strands out bottom. The rest are yet to show but they are rooted just not out bottom yet. Weirdly the 1 showing is the 1 that looks the worst.

Ph between 5.5-5.9

15l of water in each bucket
I currently have the water level like half inch into the net pots so I know they have access to water. First round I tried I had the water inch or 2 below and I was pouring small amounts from the top. I was getting a lot of white residue on pebbles so I decided to not do that this time but they are getting water from the actual bucket.

They all near eniff died last time so I started again trying to get it right this time but they are showing very similar signs. Yellowing leaves and drooping slightly so I don't. Know where I'm. Going wrong!

I purchased the clones 3 days ago
kind of young to be using all that - generally one starts adding nutrients at week 3 -- before week 3 just use a good root stimulator nice set-up and your plants will come out of it, marijuana is a very hard plant to kill - Mother Nature made it that way !!!!!!!!!!! Peace


kind of young to be using all that - generally one starts adding nutrients at week 3 -- before week 3 just use a good root stimulator nice set-up and your plants will come out of it, marijuana is a very hard plant to kill - Mother Nature made it that way !!!!!!!!!!! Peace
These plants are pretty Damn resilient


Some of these don't look like starting clones/cuttings. Are they cuttings or do they have roots? If they have roots, go full nutrients. If they don't have roots you can go very low ppm or even just water.

How about the lights? PAR/Temp/Humidity? Water temp? Air temp?

But some of those look like they probably have roots, so if ppm is too low and you're giving them full light you can get nitrogen deficiency pretty fast. If there are roots, make sure they're in the water, not above. You can give an aero gap above the water line once the root body extends well into the water.

So fill in some of that data for me. Silica definitely not necessary at this stage, if ever, if you're using a full spectrum base. Cal-Mag with Iron will be very necessary if you're using RO or distilled water (which you absolutely should be for hydro). Municipal or well water will have a lot of minerals and other crap which can product lockouts. Better to start from 0 going forward. Buy distilled gallons or RO filter, pretty cheap.
Pushrod Monkey

Pushrod Monkey

Some of these don't look like starting clones/cuttings. Are they cuttings or do they have roots? If they have roots, go full nutrients. If they don't have roots you can go very low ppm or even just water.

How about the lights? PAR/Temp/Humidity? Water temp? Air temp?

But some of those look like they probably have roots, so if ppm is too low and you're giving them full light you can get nitrogen deficiency pretty fast. If there are roots, make sure they're in the water, not above. You can give an aero gap above the water line once the root body extends well into the water.

So fill in some of that data for me. Silica definitely not necessary at this stage, if ever, if you're using a full spectrum base. Cal-Mag with Iron will be very necessary if you're using RO or distilled water (which you absolutely should be for hydro). Municipal or well water will have a lot of minerals and other crap which can product lockouts. Better to start from 0 going forward. Buy distilled gallons or RO filter, pretty cheap.
The vast majority of people with access to an approved municipal water supply can use their water with zero worry about lockout. Water quality tests and reports are required regularly. Posted online. Or you can call the water utility and request a printed copy. I'd do this before installing any RO system. Or before hauling "distilled" water that almost certainly has had "minerals" added back in. It will state clearly on the label if they're added back in.

The major elements causing hardness are calcium carbonate and magnesium. The calcium carbonate molecules are too large for immediate uptake and require degradation before they can. If your TDS in the report is 200 or less you just might want to try that before spending money. Then collect your rainwater. Check pH because it's usually low. But free and free of anything. Your's to play with.

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