Junk's Growing Log

  • Thread starter SmithsJunk
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After doing some more reading I think those thin leaf tip that are curling are from a light potassium deficiency. Going to spray Azamax one more time tomorrow evening and the next day do a feeding with that high potassium kelp tea and Cha Ching. If that doesn't help with the curl I'll buy some Sledge Hammer, flush, and repeat the feeding. Just in case it's being caused by a salt lock. I hope that does the trick. Probably due for a Sledge Hammer flush anyway.

Anyone know if I'm on the right track here? Is this curling a potassium deficiency?
20180815 023103
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20180815 022917


The curl started happening after you started adding extra fertilizer right? I’m thinking just a bit of salt build up. I’d go plain water to help em mellow out. Just my 2 cents on it.


The curl started happening after you started adding extra fertilizer right? I’m thinking just a bit of salt build up. I’d go plain water to help em mellow out. Just my 2 cents on it.

No need to be diplomatically humble, hehe. I know you know your sh*t. I was asking for y'alls input. Advice from you and FarmerP is always welcome.

Potassium is kind of a b*tch considering many symptoms of excess & deficiency are exactly the same. I did screw up with that last feeding so burn from excess is entirely possible. Did a light flush with water which helped a great deal.

So this is my plan... Do a light flush with Sledge Hammer and a feeding at the same time. Unlike a lot of other flushes, Sledge Hammer can be used in conjunction with feeding. The Yucca will help break any salt lock and the aloe provides first aid.

Going to switch out the Cha Ching (salt = 9-50-10) for Beastie Bloomz (salt = 0-50-30) and buy a new container (almost out). The salt I use will be in conjunction with Krazy Kelp tea 0-1-17. My grow is right in that funky zone where I'm not sure whether I should keep up the nitrogen or leave it alone. Maybe I should pick up some Fox Farms Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 for that slight nitrogen maintenance.

Any suggestions for adjustment to this plan?
61RsLDoT67L AC SL1500
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The curl started happening after you started adding extra fertilizer right? I’m thinking just a bit of salt build up. I’d go plain water to help em mellow out. Just my 2 cents on it.

The curl started happening when I didn't use enough water in conjunction with the fertiliser. I always water it in after I pour in a bucket with nutes. I barely watered it in last time because of the watering I'd already done the day before.


Yup, just reading the Cannabis Encyclopedia and can see now it was probably just a little too much phosphorous. If that's true then it's why the leaching had little effect. I'd need to raise the pH and maybe add some cal/mag.

I'm going to reevaluate the symptoms right now and look for zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium deficiencies. Thanks guys.


Here's some pics I just took of the worst of the three Banana Ice Cream. The leaves look great to me, aside from being a bit narrow and clawing. Here and there, there's a barely noticeable burnt tip. I'm not seeing chlorosis, do you?
20180815 101359
20180815 101331

Also noticed they've finally gone into full bloom.


Going to take these pics to the horticulture professor I know who works at the nursery near me. I've got waaay too much info swirling around in my head right now to think about this clearly.

She'll probably just end up agreeing with your diagnosis @justiceman , hehe. I'm too close to the problem (if any) to see it clearly.


Breaking out the test kit I've never used before to help get those pesky answers.
20180815 112538

20180815 134552

They're all right around 7. Banana Ice Cream #1, #2 (left), Banana Crack (right). BIC#1 = 7.1, BIC#2 = 7, BC = 6.8 (My guess according to how they matched the chart, but I'm green&red color blind pretty bad. Red more than green, so they're probably slightly lower than my read.)
20180815 124631

20180815 134552

Had to clean out the tubes to do NPK tests. Need to let them dry. Will do the tests on BIC#1 first.
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Breaking out the test kit I've never used before to help get those pesky answers.
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They're all right around 7. Banana Ice Cream #1, #2 (left), Banana Crack (right). BIC#1 = 7.1, BIC#2 = 7, BC = 6.8 (My guess according to how they matched the chart, but I'm green&red color blind pretty bad. Red more than green, so they're probably slightly lower than my read.)
View attachment 823157
View attachment 823174

Had to clean out the tubes to do NPK tests. Need to let them dry. Will do the tests on BIC#1 first.

Stupid f^ckin time limit bullsh*t f^cked this post up as I was trying to fix some bullsh*t forum bug that had a picture in the wrong place and wouldn't delete it.

Here are the test tubes and color chart as it was supposed to be...
20180815 124631
20180815 125105


The curl started happening after you started adding extra fertilizer right? I’m thinking just a bit of salt build up. I’d go plain water to help em mellow out. Just my 2 cents on it.

Decided to run the Sledge Hammer and Krazy Kelp without the salts this round and see what happens. The professor won't be working at the nursery till Friday. I'm in no super hurry. Worst case scenario, I run the Beastie Bloom on Fri or Sat. Strong lean towards buying a gallon of Fox Farms Tiger Bloom.


My cheapie Hudson sprayer gave up the ghost today. Wasted 3 litres of diluted Azamax trying to make it work. Just won't hold a seal. Will pick one up from Kmart tomorrow morning after I flush and feed the girls.

Sorry, No Grow Log today. Too tired. Just walked in the garden earlier and was overwhelmed by the whole forest feel. Can no longer pass between the two plants to get into the middle without pushing branches out of the way. They took off again overnight.


The curl started happening when I didn't use enough water in conjunction with the fertiliser. I always water it in after I pour in a bucket with nutes. I barely watered it in last time because of the watering I'd already done the day before.

I think this might be a key point. That may have contributed to a concentrated zone. pH is looking fine. Overall everything is looking good for the most part. It's hard to determine just how much food a big girl needs in a big bed of soil. Not hard to go a bit overboard. If anything smaller ratios of nutrient to water would be best because the bed is so huge compared to our smaller potted indoor grows. I think with the guano and everything you packed in the soil should be doing pretty good without very much addition. Look how far they have gone on mostly water! They are killing it. :cool: I'd just keep giving them nice big drenches with plain water as normal and see how they ride out. They are beauties.

My cheapie Hudson sprayer gave up the ghost today. Wasted 3 litres of diluted Azamax trying to make it work. Just won't hold a seal. Will pick one up from Kmart tomorrow morning after I flush and feed the girls.

Sorry, No Grow Log today. Too tired. Just walked in the garden earlier and was overwhelmed by the whole forest feel. Can no longer pass between the two plants to get into the middle without pushing branches out of the way. They took off again overnight.
Damn sprayer. Hopefully the next one is a bit more reliable. The weather lately is really allowing for intense growth. It's crazy.


I think this might be a key point. That may have contributed to a concentrated zone. pH is looking fine. Overall everything is looking good for the most part. It's hard to determine just how much food a big girl needs in a big bed of soil. Not hard to go a bit overboard. If anything smaller ratios of nutrient to water would be best because the bed is so huge compared to our smaller potted indoor grows. I think with the guano and everything you packed in the soil should be doing pretty good without very much addition. Look how far they have gone on mostly water! They are killing it. :cool: I'd just keep giving them nice big drenches with plain water as normal and see how they ride out. They are beauties.

Damn sprayer. Hopefully the next one is a bit more reliable. The weather lately is really allowing for intense growth. It's crazy.

I did a light watering after spraying Azamax. The next day I added the normal amount of nutes and did another light watering. I think it was the lack of dilution that caused the imbalance. Taking soil samples for NPK before I flush them in the morning. After the flush I'll take more samples for comparison.

It is possible that the clawing had nothing to do with how much or little nutes/water I gave them. They are in a full bloom that began at the same time they started to claw. It's not uncommon for plants to exhibit signs of nutrient excess/deficiency during the flower cycle and it can be counterproductive to try to restore the vigor they had during the veg cycle. My dilemma is how much deficiency is the right amount of deficiency to give them the best flowers. For instance, I don't know how much nitrogen Sativa need during their long flower cycle. My Kush I let run with very little last year. They had slight burnt tips and clawing but still produced potent 2ft+ colas. Their leaves were beautiful to the end. I wonder if they would have been better if I had backed off of the nitrogen even further and let the leaves burn.

I'll know for sure after harvest, lol.


Grow Log 8/16/18

Ran Sledge Hammer and Krazy Kelp this morning. Forgot a bag so didn't take a soil sample. Will probably buy a gallon of Fox Farm Big Bloom. It worked so well last year and I can use it in conjunction with Krazy Kelp, which is just a more powerful version of Big Bloom.
20180816 085641
20180816 085659
20180816 085721
20180816 085733

Not enough room to get good pics from inside the garden anymore. Some of the girls are over 9' tall and 6'-8' wide.
20180816 085808
20180816 085833
20180816 085850
20180816 085922
20180816 085931
20180816 085947
20180816 090005


I did a light watering after spraying Azamax. The next day I added the normal amount of nutes and did another light watering. I think it was the lack of dilution that caused the imbalance. Taking soil samples for NPK before I flush them in the morning. After the flush I'll take more samples for comparison.

It is possible that the clawing had nothing to do with how much or little nutes/water I gave them. They are in a full bloom that began at the same time they started to claw. It's not uncommon for plants to exhibit signs of nutrient excess/deficiency during the flower cycle and it can be counterproductive to try to restore the vigor they had during the veg cycle. My dilemma is how much deficiency is the right amount of deficiency to give them the best flowers. For instance, I don't know how much nitrogen Sativa need during their long flower cycle. My Kush I let run with very little last year. They had slight burnt tips and clawing but still produced potent 2ft+ colas. Their leaves were beautiful to the end. I wonder if they would have been better if I had backed off of the nitrogen even further and let the leaves burn.

I'll know for sure after harvest, lol.
Very true that transition period is probably the most demanding in terms of nutrition from my experience. If I recall correctly I believe sativa's are a bit more sensitive to N in general. They don't need a lot but just a consistent low supply for a while. Can't wait to see the flowers on these monsters. I'm a fan of FF Big Bloom. Strong enough to get the job done but gentle enough to not harm the ladies. :cool:


Very true that transition period is probably the most demanding in terms of nutrition from my experience. If I recall correctly I believe sativa's are a bit more sensitive to N in general. They don't need a lot but just a consistent low supply for a while. Can't wait to see the flowers on these monsters. I'm a fan of FF Big Bloom. Strong enough to get the job done but gentle enough to not harm the ladies. :cool:

(Disclaimer; This is one of my Sausa Plata escape holidays, so be warned, I may answer you as as complete imbecil. Please do not take offense at any, shall we say, unadulterated responses. That does not mean I'm wrong. It just means I may answer you in a socially unacceptable, yet "you might want to take notes", kinda way. Hehe [this is a general statement, not directed at you justiceman] )

I used Big Bloom last year and it was fantastic. But, I am a poor a$$ motherf^cker this year and still have 2gal of Krazy Kelp 0-1-17 that I got for free from the hydro store. Actually, my inclination is to the stronger KK because I could cut it in half and still have a stronger nute than Big Bloom and that makes a miser like me very happy.

P.S. I've only drank an eighth of the bottle so far, so I have yet to become a persnickety pompatious pesky pernicious prick just yet, but gimme time. Teehee. (I'm on one cause I had to deal with the new and unimproved, cheaper version, of MediCal that Blue Shield contracted out to the lowest bidder health insurance provider, River "f^ck you in the a$$ if you use opioid pain meds" City Health Insurance company.) Note: I am likely going to have to pay $125 for my morphine that should be covered without a prior-auth but they want to be dicks about it and make me pay out of pocket twice a year. Soooo, TEQUILA!!!
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I think the Banana Crack has reached maximum capacity. It dropped a big branch off the bottom last week and did another today. The first one I left alone and it lived. I'll do the same for today's branch.

When it begins to cool this evening I'll set up my tent then go pull four clones. Two from the Banana Crack and two from the healthiest Banana Ice Cream. We'll just say the tent took a few month break this year and now is picking up where it left off. I've been wanting to try my hand at this monster cropping thing for some time anyway. Also, I dont have to share what I grow in my tent with my cousin. The 50/50 split only pertains to the garden. The tent is MY soil.

I'll post pics of the monster cuttings tonight or tomorrow.


Grow Log 8/16/18

Ran Sledge Hammer and Krazy Kelp this morning. Forgot a bag so didn't take a soil sample. Will probably buy a gallon of Fox Farm Big Bloom. It worked so well last year and I can use it in conjunction with Krazy Kelp, which is just a more powerful version of Big Bloom.
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Not enough room to get good pics from inside the garden anymore. Some of the girls are over 9' tall and 6'-8' wide.
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SJunk- loving the outdoor set up and they are monsters. Will be watching thanks for sharing.

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