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🐼 🚀 living soil
I'll let Dr. Bugbee respond.....

Like I said we know jack shit about plants scientifically, so a scientist does not sway me 🤷‍♂️ plus plants aren't meant for a sterile lab environment they grow in the dirt with microbes


🐼 🚀 living soil
did you watch the whole video?
organics is better as he explains in his way without talking bad about synthetics,.
I have seen it before, I follow Dr Bruce Bugby, nothing wrong with synthetics they work. I was defending that the source of nutrients matters, as far as synthetics we don't know enough about plamts to know what is really going on. We know a very elementary level of how they work. There are continuous breakthroughs for plants in general. My point was mostly you can't be definitive either way, regardless of a scientific opinion. However in this instance of lack of data I lean towards how nature works vs how people think plants work. I don't care if anyone agrees with me, I might be wrong, it's my reasoning and arguments.


I have seen it before, I follow Dr Bruce Bugby, nothing wrong with synthetics they work. I was defending that the source of nutrients matters, as far as synthetics we don't know enough about plamts to know what is really going on. We know a very elementary level of how they work. There are continuous breakthroughs for plants in general. My point was mostly you can't be definitive either way, regardless of a scientific opinion. However in this instance of lack of data I lean towards how nature works vs how people think plants work. I don't care if anyone agrees with me, I might be wrong, it's my reasoning and arguments.
yep, too me the most important part is the light/sun,
than genetics/pheno,..


I can't stand bugbee...glad hes entered my thread 🙄. People like him are the worst for us. He's like many of the old guys that should have retired but that's boring so he switches to something he never supported and cashing paychecks from sales. Where was he through all the years? Where was he for the legal plants like tomatos? Ain't no money in homegrown tomatos, no one's going to grow those like a scientist because they don't have to be. Weeds the same way but it's a cash cow. Guys like him make me wish I didnt have integrity.


I can't stand bugbee...glad hes entered my thread 🙄. People like him are the worst for us. He's like many of the old guys that should have retired but that's boring so he switches to something he never supported and cashing paychecks from sales. Where was he through all the years? Where was he for the legal plants like tomatos? Ain't no money in homegrown tomatos, no one's going to grow those like a scientist because they don't have to be. Weeds the same way but it's a cash cow. Guys like him make me wish I didnt have integrity.
haha ya i find myself disagreeing with some of his led light bullshit,.
but he is helping to find ways to feed the world and grow plants on mars.


🐼 🚀 living soil
haha ya i find myself disagreeing with some of his led light bullshit,.
but he is helping to find ways to feed the world and grow plants on mars.
Oh hell yea he's a smart guy, he is all about precise measurements and is very scientific, that's perfect for mars. Soil is wayyyy too heavy to haul there when you could just do a sterile hydro. dr b has been growing a long time too he is impressive in his area.


He needs to stay in his lane. He's just bad bad bad for everything cannabis. What he's doing now is building his cred amongst us, since he's well respected at the collegiate level he's also well respected at the government level. All it takes is for a company that has an adgenda to hire him to testify or lobby a state government and next thing ya know wacky regulations are set into law.

I've seen Science Dr's testify in court against weed saying that weed is addictive. I've seen I think he was a pharmaceutical dr testify that you can overdose on cannabis like opiods or meth. I know well respected suppliment Dr's are used to lobby the government to push MSO (multi state operators) adgendas so they can be the only source to buy legal cannabis...shutting down small businesses that don't have investors to invest in GMP requirements. Beware of the word FOCUS...if you haven't heard about it you will.

With that said, watch his videos and see if you can extract something out of it, just know he's bad news. Not saying he's a bad guy, just not our kinda guy. I'd like to have a grow off with him but I'm sure he'd fail. His millions of dollars in equipment vs my 600. Speaking of which, why don't he have a cultivation facility? 🤔


🐼 🚀 living soil

He needs to stay in his lane. He's just bad bad bad for everything cannabis. What he's doing now is building his cred amongst us, since he's well respected at the collegiate level he's also well respected at the government level. All it takes is for a company that has an adgenda to hire him to testify or lobby a state government and next thing ya know wacky regulations are set into law.

I've seen Science Dr's testify in court against weed saying that weed is addictive. I've seen I think he was a pharmaceutical dr testify that you can overdose on cannabis like opiods or meth. I know well respected suppliment Dr's are used to lobby the government to push MSO (multi state operators) adgendas so they can be the only source to buy legal cannabis...shutting down small businesses that don't have investors to invest in GMP requirements. Beware of the word FOCUS...if you haven't heard about it you will.

With that said, watch his videos and see if you can extract something out of it, just know he's bad news. Not saying he's a bad guy, just not our kinda guy. I'd like to have a grow off with him but I'm sure he'd fail. His millions of dollars in equipment vs my 600. Speaking of which, why don't he have a cultivation facility? 🤔
I respect your view, I personally like bugby for what he is good at. I am not a fan of science in general though, academia is a very corrupt institution where those who fund the studies FAR too often sway the results. Hence the whole sugar Industry demonizing fat, rice cakes are healthy???😂 carbs are good....
Anyways I am always will to look at things objectively, just because I like bugby doesn't mean he hasn't fooled me and he could be awful. People who try to save the world aren't always good. I am a captain planet save the enviornment person but I recognize the green movement as the cash grab it is. The real answers like organic healthy soil and mass composting are ignored. Look at our dr. Fasci for a prime example as a pseudo scientist. Anyways take care, always love some push back! I love people who will debate ✌


he’s right vpd is not as critical as one might think,.
My point, and why I kept on it, it that I believe new growers SHOULD be given ALL the information on ALL the different styles and methods of growing so that THEY can CHOOSE for themselves on what works best for their locale, budget, and setup/space.

My key point of contention it that understanding VPD and the plants response to it. Not telling them to dial in thier grow first run, but understanding it will help them dial-in in the future. Create growers with understanding, you know teach a man to fish.


i will repeat what i have said in another thread:

if i show you some plants that had 20%rh and some other plants that had 70%rh you won't really notice any difference in growth rate.

like gnick said vpd is about optimization , it's nothing critical when it to come to have a vigorous and healthy growth when some other factor like proper watering pratice and proper wet dry cycle for roots are dialed in.


I think everyone can agree that growing comes down to 4 basic elements: lighting, watering, nutrients, and environment. There are a million different ways to attack each one, and that's the beauty of it. So many ways to grow, why hinder growers by saying "do this" since you're new? I've been the type when I trained employees and coaches to break down all the information with the understanding of the final goal.

When people understand what they are doing and not just repeating steps that's when the magic happens. Im not a fan of the way school systems in the US have dumbed society down by playing to the lowest denominator. Why dumb it down when we can make everyone smarter so to speak
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