Lemon Alien Dawg Hermie Prone

  • Thread starter rb420det
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I really do appreciate your candor during this thread rb420det. I think you've been a great contributor during the whole thing.

That said I really would like to see you give the strain another try ESPECIALLY if you have clones of the "hermied" phenos.

Get that humidity locked in (to where you are SURE that it stays stable, not just pretty sure).

Thanks Squig, appreciate your words and the time and info you have put into this thread, a lot!
i will do that with the clones i have she was such a beautiful fat girl and smelt like sweet sweet fire (and the clones rooted in 5-6 days shes fast as shit)... so anything i can do to pull a herm free harvest off this i am game to try.

If anyone wants to put up their hands to share some info on their LAD grows i would more than appreciative!

cheers :)
sky high

sky high

You aren't growing close to high voltage transmission lines, are ya rb?

What about the trash truck? Could the adjusted holiday schedule and the day's delay in the route over President's Day have sent them into the confusion?

And what about the cat box? You are using scoopable litter, aren't you?

so between yer sucky grow and crappy skills bro....and the silica...and the temps....and the dog crapping on the rug (sorry, forgot that one, could be key info for ya) and one of the above known causes...I think the mystery may have been solved!
Nevermind, huh? :rolleyes:


I've NEVER seen a tent that didn't leak light. EVER. All of the ones I've run I've needed to COPIOUSLY tape from the outside and inside. I literally would step into the tent and have it zipped up from the outside and spend about 20 or so minutes with a partner circling the tent with a flood light and just taping the shit out of it. Even then the zippers still leak.

This is with a secret jardin which is well regarded as one of the most light proof tents out there.
Yep been there, my only solution was a dark room... too hard keeping everything taped up!


You aren't growing close to high voltage transmission lines, are ya rb?

What about the trash truck? Could the adjusted holiday schedule and the day's delay in the route over President's Day have sent them into the confusion?

And what about the cat box? You are using scoopable litter, aren't you?

so between yer sucky grow and crappy skills bro....and the silica...and the temps....and the dog crapping on the rug (sorry, forgot that one, could be key info for ya) and one of the above known causes...I think the mystery may have been solved!
Nevermind, huh? :rolleyes:
LOL thanks for that sky first good laugh of the day!


Waayne don't front,I'm high and have high percents of out the box seeds wiggin out you see what you see
dirk d

dirk d

Sky high that's fing funny Man lol probably rb420 you got a bad pack bro. I've spent 3 years dialing in my rooms and i still get some nanners here and there. I don't like to see nanners behind buds and don't want to find any seeds. and unless those pheno's w/nanners are super exceptional they get culled. don't pass go..don't collect $200.


i wont list any of my other alias' due to some little shit stains who used them once to try and datamine personal info on me so i dont post under them or even mention them anymore.
i did clone the now seeded LAD which if what some, like yourself, seem to be implying is a result of 100% grower error and nothing to do with the strain (which i still believe has something to do with this).. then i should be able to run the clones with amended feeding schedule - given everything else in my environment remains constant - should be herm free?
if i was a breeder i would want to know if an entire pack of LAD were easily turned hermie when 8 fem seeds stayed true as with a crash helmet clone (some similar lineage to LAD) over what might be a very slight over feeding of silica and marginally high temps which is the only thing i have managed to glean so far from the picking over my setup.

Honestly mate i doubt we would be blazing much at all given the only thing you have brought to this convo is that i am a shit grower. please if you have some hidden insights do share. as a self proclaimed "hermie tester" i would have thought you would be a little more empathetic when a strain hermies this rampantly over what seems to be (to me) pretty minor issues
I apologize its not your growing skillz im just venting man hermie issues suck so did these hermies ruin a whole grow seeded everything if you dont mind my attempt to remove my foot from my mouth ......i ve grown from many things lol and now from a tent and do and have had hermie issues but with PRO genetics light leaks should not be to blame supposeably they get tested and checked for stuff like thats amatuer right or hmmm...ill just stick out of this one


I apologize its not your growing skillz im just venting man hermie issues suck so did these hermies ruin a whole grow seeded everything if you dont mind my attempt to remove my foot from my mouth ......i ve grown from many things lol and now from a tent and do and have had hermie issues but with PRO genetics light leaks should not be to blame supposeably they get tested and checked for stuff like thats amatuer right or hmmm...ill just stick out of this one

all good i appreciate the apology, thanks. no not the entire grow just the LAD and taking with it 1/4 of my expected harvest :( . some of the LAD pollen seems to have spread about a little as i found a few seeds here and there on my other fems but for the most part i think it just pollinated itself
Classic Remix

Classic Remix

I don't dare personally attack anyone, but you attacked sky for bringing some humor into it (which neither was directed at your not taking hostile by the person intended like you did)

But honestly speaking, squiggly change the thread name to "squiggly defending and diagnosing everyone's alien herm problems" seriously bro, I have a tom of love for you but you are drowning this thread with your ideals and backups.

I dare say there isn't a single person that actually runs a seed co that would go that in depth about someone else's work in such depth. I know you guys are bros and all but there needs to be some room for people's reasonings and opinions.

Where is aliens opinion in all this? You're going yours as if its the end all of opinions on the matter.

Scientist of not, we are farmers, and growers here too... Like that post to sky, that is kinda on the contrary IMVHO he didn't need to grow up at all, you do. Sometime shit happens, for all growers. Including the growers that grew to make the seeds. There are so many variables and assumptions to getting scientific about herm or grows, we are just throwing shit in the air hoping it sticks... Alllll speculation.

Point I guess is there is a lot of talk about a ton of dank, and a lot of talk about herms. If your afraid of a hermie to find a true keeper then you're in the wrong game, just as is it to be breeding and actually expecting there to be no herms with the work used.

My.02 , which hopefully will not be deleted, altered, or drowned by an essay style post explaining why I am wrong. This is a discussion forum not a political session. Let people speak and have opinions that differ.

I'm sure logic wont mind.


"This is a discussion forum not a political session"

I agree to that, but bashing and opinions are two different thing. Forum, where we come to share our experience and to get help, not to come here to get bash on. As I feel RB did, he didnt accused anyone or try to bring a negative attitude. Simply, he came to ask why it happen. Does that give a right for people to say he can't grow? You don't know how he grow or what he does, seem like people already asumming and pointing finger.

It's better or us to move forward together than to be stuck in one spot.
Earth move in one direction, unless superman comes and turn it backward.
sky high

sky high

It's cool, squig. >>>>> you WIN<<<<<<

sky has left the building>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Classic Remix

Classic Remix

Okay I understand what you guys are saying but there is more truth than you are letting out.

Funny how my buddy motiv has grown em all and actually posted pics of all this shit, yet you guys rolled over that like it wasnt there and kept attacking people without pics.

Says a lot. So do the grows. Talk is cheap. I've seen the puddin. Enough said.

People don't buy the hype. Judge it by people's skills an pictures and make your opinions from there, talk is way fuckin cheap.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity


Would you date a transsexual ?

not if it blows loads like motiv's plants! CR's right those things are straight up flowers. That would totally fuck alot of my program up. But really - who cares about a little nanner or even a pouch of nanners when the lady is that sticky stinky sort of sexy

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