MC`s Forest Adventure

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Well-Known Farmer
Diesel doesn`t go bad if stored that`s a plus. But Diesel costs more than gas does. Propane generators run longer than gas ones and burn cleaner but use more fuel. I guess it all boils down to what you are accustom to . I picked gas because I use it in my truck so I can used the same fuel for both the truck and generator. Also I like the durability of Honda generators, I don`t really know about diesel generators. They are all much more expencive than line power though.


Well-Known Farmer
Unless it`s very hot and I need the AC or now if it gets very cold I just use it to charge up the 12v system in the RV and all my electronics that are rechargeable . Most of the time I don`t run the generator that much, maybe an hour a day?


Well-Known Farmer
Well no snow to dig off the roof of the RV last night. Did get cold as hell. At about 3 am I looked out and there was a mist from being in the clouds. I was just about ready to go back to bed when I heard something strange so I opened up the door and my ears popped. The door flung open out of my hand and the mist froze in the air and dropped to the ground. The temp dropped to -2 degrees in seconds. only lasted for a moment and the mist rolled back in and it felt warmer again. The wind was going straight up but wasn`t strong or anything. WTF was that? Some times I think these woods are enchanted! Looking out this morning I see I missed picking some of last years onions and they seem to be doing just fine regardless of the hail we had so maybe the planted sprouts will make it after all?


Well-Known Farmer
Spent the rest of yesterday in town ...again spinning my wheels. Got back and there was 5-6 inches of snow on the ground here!


Well-Known Farmer
It was cold last night! Sun is out this morning but it will take a few days to melt the snow with out some warm rain or warm nights to help. I got tails on most of my second batch of seeds started so hope the weather gets warmer and no more dam snow! I`m itching to get started on the grow! Got to get this season off to an earlier start this year!


Well-Known Farmer
Yep I run the first three last season and they all performed well and are very good producers of frosty buds . I was thinking I`d run only three strains,all three greenhouses would have the same strain in each one. I still want to run some Bubba though as it`s one of my favorite Kush strains, love the coffee taste/smell. It doesn`t produce bad ether but doesn`t do as good as the other strains. I`ve never done any of them in a Screen of Green before and never tried A scrog at all in a greenhouse so it`s a bit of an experiment. I`m allowed 99 with 66 in flower. The greenhouses will hold 60 plants in the above ground planters. I could run 6 Bubba Kush outside ,maybe in 200 gal smart pots. I`ll see if anyone want`s any extra clones I make for donations towards the cost of the grow. There are still a couple of phenol types in the Chemdog 91 x ToK but the other strains are very stable. I wouldn`t expect any pheno types to pop up in the Cherry Kush, Caugh Drop Kush or Bubba. The Chem/ Tok had two phenol types, one a green flower and one was a chem/berry/flower smell and purple colour flowers. Both were dank heavy producers.


Sounds sweet. Ive only had a true bubba kush once. I was getting some KILLER master kush that is still in my top 5 all time. I went to grab some for my wedding day and he didnt have any he said here try this bubba. I wasnt real happy at first but after smoking it I was a big fan


Well-Known Farmer
Got the truck `s wipers and dimers working so next will be front shocks as the grommets are warn out at the top. To many bumpy roads up here! Then I`ll work on the gas tanks. It stopped pumping from the left side and the right side has a leek at the top in the gas lines. Last will be to tighten up the worn out steering. Before I work on the truck I`ll send the Blazer off for a new heater core. looks like a few days of sun and maybe warmer weather coming up so I`ll fetch water plant sprouted seeds and cut fire wood while the getting's good. Going to have my son up to help take off the broken tunnels and plastic soon. I`ll be looking into a load of worm castings soon as I can get the broken mess of twisted plastic and PVC pipe off the above ground planters.


Well-Known Farmer
The weather report says 66 degrees and feels warm. But there is still a few patches of snow on the ground in the shade and a slight breeze in the air. It`s also moist outside. It only feels warm in the direct sun out of the breeze to me! My feet are ice cold and I don`t feel warm at all! Maybe it will `feel warm` tomorrow?


The weather report says 66 degrees and feels warm. But there is still a few patches of snow on the ground in the shade and a slight breeze in the air. It`s also moist outside. It only feels warm in the direct sun out of the breeze to me! My feet are ice cold and I don`t feel warm at all! Maybe it will `feel warm` tomorrow?
The way you describe that weather, I almost thought you were talking about michigan. Slightly warmer where you're at, but almost the same feeling of winds and chill.


Well-Known Farmer
Give it a few days and it should be more comfortable. It will be dryer and at least feel warmer.

Didn`t get much done today except plant the sprouted seeds. None of the ones already out side have come up yet. I`ve had seedlings sprout on the seed mothers and dump a few already sprouted . They went through three snows and numeral frosts and grew to 3 inches . They stayed small until Spring and then took off and grew full sized plants. I had some 11 pound yielding plants and some 6 lbs. had a few small back up GDP that were small but very great smoking. The problem is growing from seed you will have a lot of time and money into a bunch of males that will end up being pulled. It`s really hard to get 66 females from 99 total plants. That`s the max allowed on my acreage under county land use laws and state laws for medical use. Hell if I could handle the work all year for that many it would be great, but that`s not real for me. I need helpers these days with my disabilities. Oh well they reap what they sow and it supplies jobs of a sort.


Well-Known Farmer
Ok going down to get a load or two of water at the creek today. I`ll have to re-dig the steps on the bank and dig the sand out of the whole first. I already went down and cut some limbs on the road that fell off trees and had the road partly blocked. should bring the chainsaw just incase. After that I`m going to fetch wood rounds to split for the fire pit. Monday I`ll call a tow truck and have the Blazer put in the shop for the heater core and a few smaller fixes that need done. Then I`ll do some house cleaning before getting back to trimming buds. My son is wanting to come up for an over nighter and help me with taking the coverings off the tunnels soon. I may weight until a weekend and see if I can get someone else in the family up to help him as I`m still not that much help when it comes to hard work. I can`t stay on my feet that long without having to sit down but recover fast when I do. I`ll only make the job harder for him.


Well-Known Farmer
I see you haven`t read the earlier posts. The covers got crushed by the rain and snow. I had planned on taking them down for the Winter last Fall right after harvest but got sick half way through harvest and everything went to hell. I still haven`t completed trimming from last season. I plan on rebuilding what I had and using lumber to support the PVC loops . I also plan on putting ends up and vents to make true greenhouses. I`ll also be looking into 6+ mil UV plastic that doesn`t need taken down for Winter. Thinking woven Plastic. Don`t want to redo this again next year.


Well-Known Farmer
Would cost more than putting up loops. The reason I put them up in the first place is because of rain in the Fall before harvest. It`s to keep them buds dry and mold free.


Well-Known Farmer
Going for more wood today. It`s just green pine but it`s for the fire pit this Fall.


Well-Known Farmer
If 66 full sized plants would fit into a smaller greenhouse that would be great, but they won`t. I can only get 60 of them in under the tunnels as it is. I`m thinking there 10+ x 40+ tunnels next year with lumber supports ,ends, vents, Fans, and wood fired forced air heaters. I`d think two swamp coolers turned 12v and screened on the outside to be pollen proof to 2 microns at the low end and two self closing flanged greenhouse exhaust vents with pollen screen on the high side end. At night I could run circulation while using sulfer burners to help prevent mold spores. Toward the beginning of flower in the Fall when it just starts to cool down I could run CO2. I was thinking if I wanted to used each greenhouse from start to dried bud , I could. I experimented last year with the tunnels and while the air is just right they nearly had the hanging stocks dried. If I put ends on the tunnels I could control the moist air much better. I`d still need to run fans a lot. Add a few T-5 lights and I could extend veg and if I wanted to add a blackout roll over cover I could start flowering earlier. Much more control like an indoor grow. The difference would be most of the light cycle would be provided free by the sun. Much of the heat for cooler nights could also be collected with circulated water system installed to collect heat from the sun in the day and stored like in a thermal collector until the cool of the night then recirculated back into heat expiration units in a closed system and timed 12 water pumps doing all the work by battery and solar collected energy. The point would be to use as much of the natural surroundings and available energy as possible. I`d need two more controllers so I`d have one for each greenhouse.

Once I get this kind of set up I want to put the permanent greenhouses in mostly under ground. This would help keep the temperatures even regardless of the time of year. I wouldn`t need ac or heaters besides maybe a passive solar heat collector. All fans could be 12v and all water pumps as well. Thinking I could run a Simi hydroponic /soil system with air and temp controlled reservoirs. The top would be triple pane glass sheeting on steel frame. I could grow my vegies and meds year round! With a larger set up I might even get very long season fruit ,nut and berries nearly year round. Think fresh pineapple and avocados ! Oh Lord just get me on my property and I`ll experiment and in time flourish !


Well-Known Farmer
That`s right think G63 AMG of greenhouses! Almost all of the technology is in use but I would integrate it into one unit. I was also looking into a having a separate unit where air is mixed ,collected/heated before being introduced into the greenhouse. There was a Swiss study that showed promise of increased yield and vigor when this was done.


Well-Known Farmer
All powered by solar and made 12 volt.
Underground Greenhouse 2
Underground Greenhouse 1
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