MC`s Forest Adventure

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Well-Known Farmer
Got up early but fell back to sleep this morning! Got the chores done and working on pressing hash again today. My son hasn`t showed so not sure what`s up, maybe he slept in also?


Hash... Ah i'd like to smoke a Nice Salad have not had hash in about 5 yrs or so.. don't see it much around these parts
I love topping a nice bowl of some tasty bud with a nice piece of hash and it's the only way to smoke hash... for me!
Press on MC.. (-: you old hash Maker you ..
Grow Strong


Well-Known Farmer
I`ve got 6 lbs. done and working on 7th one. Son slept in also and decided to wait until tonight to come up . He`ll get an early start in the morning? Oh re blacked the BBQ. It`s 30+ years old. Next I`ll replace the coal grid inside and them new wood handles and slats. It`s an old Brinkman smoke-n- pit charcoal smoker. I`ve cooked a bunch of real good food on it and not going to et it fall into dis-repair. OK will take some more photo`s of the hash soon!


Well-Known Farmer
Got the help working in the garden while I press. Problem is I got the press jammed or froze up with and oz. in it. Got the top off and was going to press the cake to the top but the piston is stuck. I put the press in the oven to re heat it up thinking maybe some got in-between the piston and cylinder. If that doesn`t work I`ll have to dig the cake out by hand and see if I can unfreeze the piston from the cylinder. I`m not sure what to do if that doesn`t work. Any ideas would be welcome !!!!!


Well-Known Farmer
OK got it un-stuck. had to dig out the hash but after cleaning and lubing it it`s fine again. I was even able to re-press the stuff I dug out. I have only one more lbs. of pressed hash left to do now. I should be done by Sunday night easy! I`ll take some pictures of all the hash when I get it all done and post it. My son has the sides done on the greenhouses and is working in the manure I got. using 60 bags , half cow and half chicken manure. I`ll add what ever the girls seem to need besides that with teas later. Tomorrow is the first day of summer! I`m running late on planting this year again but should do ok . I always seem to get big enough plants anyway. Hope to get a nice yield but I`m planning on doing a winter grow anyway. If it works out I`ll just grow in the winters from there on out? be nice to have the summer off and have my stuff done when everyone else is running low around here. Less chance of rippers and little chance of code enforcement in the winter. I don`t see nearly the traffic on the road in winter ether! Oh and I can collect rain water which comes out with just the right ph.


Well-Known Farmer
Looking at a 125k Cummings generator. It`s diesel powered 215 HP engine. This would easily run a 1000 watt light per plant with fans, pumps to water with , heaters /AC . It would still run my whole camp and could run a couple more houses if I had them! Good thing is it is very low hours. I`d need a large fuel tank ...or two. I`m sure it would drink the fuel but I can buy red diesel for off road use with a discount of $.40- .50 per gal. I could also fetch my washer and dryer out of storage and that would be so nice to have set up to use.

I should be done pressing hash by tomorrow? I only have 8 more 1 oz. cakes to go!! I can`t wait to have this done and over with!!! It takes so dam long to do that much hash into cakes. I`ve had to put so many projects on hold and the RV is a mess!


I've been following this thread on and off since I first found it...I would love to live in a remote area where nobody would mess with me growing a few plants...Love your grow, you are the hash master! Have you heard anything on the survey yet? It would suck if you were building on the wrong plot...


Well-Known Farmer
Oh the old man does all of the computations and his son measures and marks. The old man is in the hospital , but he has his computer and phone so the son is coming up Maybe Monday and will send his readings to the father in the hospital. Or something like that. Kind of sketchy , not sure I can trust the survey to be accurate . The old man has a Masters in Engineering , licensed in several states. Seems to know what he`s talking about. The son however seems to be the week link. I think he`s been trained by the father and has limited abilities and some disabilities. I really can`t see why the job is taking over 4 months. they are working off of two corner markers I showed them of a nearby surveyed property.


I'm surprised that they don't use GPS technology to help the weak link son...did you get a plat map when you bought the property?


Well-Known Farmer
No didn`t get a map when I bought the property. He just took me to where he said it was . I got a map of the section with my property on it from the county records and tried to compare it to a map that had property already surveyed on it but the two maps were out of scale so it didn`t help much. The survey pins must to be within 1 /10,000 of an inch by law. GPS can be as much as 4 ft. off. I thought about getting someone to just GPS it but without a serve you can`t register it and get an address. Without an address you can`t get a building permit. no permit , no septic/well or approved buildings and no logging permits ether.


Well-Known Farmer
One of the problems is that this is a known grow area and has been for many years. You can hardly get anyone to come up here to do any kind of work because of that. The ones who will carry weapons and spend half there time looking over there shoulders. There are a lot of bodies in these woods. Always someone disappearing around here. Mostly snitches and rippers I think. Cuts down on the choices of who you can hire to get any kind of work done. The property taxes are even higher because they say it is an area known for growing. I guess that ads value to the properties ?
mack 10

mack 10

Nice bash stash. How did you get the hash, tumble, dry sift? How many plants to urn 7 pounds of hash?
One of my wishes is to make a kilo of 99% heads. I hoping this might be my year...


Well-Known Farmer
The hash was made from smaller buds and cutting from my grow this year. I don`t remember how much material I had to start with but lots and lots of hours were involved. I made the kief with a tumbler using dried material then pressed it later.


Well-Known Farmer


Nice cakes.. (-: Looks Yummmmy MC.. I've been waiting for the Pics... lol
well done ..I know much hard work but yet you got'er done..


Well-Known Farmer
Yea I still like to make hippie heal hash out of it. You can still do that when it`s pressed first. Pressing keeps it preserved though. To make hippie heal hash you grind it back down and put a few grams in cellophane ,like the wrapper on a pack of cigs., then fold it up and stick it under your heal in a shoe for a while and walk on it. Put in the fridge to make it turn hard again. It turns black and pliable like chewing gum. When you smoke it be prepared to have to put the flame out in your pipe before hitting on it. It also boils a little and will poor out of the pipe if turned side ways so be careful with it when hot! It hits like oil but has the flavor of pressed hash still. This is how all of my friends used to smoke the Moroccan back in the 70`s. We used to get kilos of that stuff in some times. I remember getting 30 kilos for setting up a warehouse, trucks and movers to unload a boat full at a small fishing cove in Northern Cali back then. We started at 11:30 pm and ended at 7 am. I thought we were done after the first boat full was unloaded just to find out there were 9 boats doing 2-3 loads from a ship off shore! We worked our asses off unloading tons of hash that night! After that I went back to helping fly it in using a twin engine Beechcraft. lot easier to push bails out the door than pack bails from the boats to a moving truck!


Well-Known Farmer
Oh the bad about the plane was we flew from Columbia or other places in South America. Lots of hours of just sitting around in a plane. The stops for fuel at jungle landing strips were also dangerous sometimes. I carried a sub machinegun and a couple 45`s. I did have some interesting times and met a lot of dubious people. Didn`t like how they tried packing coke into the load sometimes. We weren`t getting paid for that and I wanted nothing to do with running hard stuff. I also found we sometimes had to carry ammo and guns on the way down. That worried me also because we were then dealing with Contras on the other end. The Columbian`s were bad enough! The Contras were just plain blood thirsty crazy mothers !

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