mittenmedgrow's 4600wt medgrow

  • Thread starter mittenmedgrow
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Chillin' in the Shade...
Looking good bro! It's always nice to reach the halfway point... :cool


Thanks Shady. Just took cuts for next round gonna run 16 of the ak x blueberry next run. Flowering multiple strains at the same time is too much for me. Right now there are three different strains in there staggerd 3 weeks, feeding and watering them all differently is a pain in the ass. Not to mention the loss of overall yeild. Back to monocropping for now.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Man mittengrow you have a real nice operation going on. I like how you do things. Especially helping med patients out. But you got a nice touch with the plants.

I am having a hard time with Michigan being one of the primo med states now. Hell you are smack dab straight north, away from Cali but you all got the dank going on plus the laws to make it fun and not worrisome.

I figured the whole country would have been legal by 1985 when I was a youngster. I don't think it will happen in my lifetime in Pa or NY. For being major college states we are behind the times for sure.

I will be checking in from here on out.


Thanks leadsled I appreciate the comments. With so many killer grow logs at the farm I feel kinda silly even doing this. I guess its more to show I'm not just talk. Anyways thanks for stopping by. I am pretty sure I will be automating my system next run. Would like to get some advice and tips from you.

I know the feeling. reminds me of wayne's world when they meet alice cooper.

I am glad your sharing, never thought you were all talk. To me your posts show your trying to help. You rule.

Man multiple strains multiple finishing times and different feeding requirements. Not easy, Your kicking ass. So is your friend. Some huge buds!

RE: automating.
Please ask away, I am happy to share what I know from my limited experience. I have used automation, but have no problems with hand watering as well. Current grow everything is hand watered. Do wish I had the top feed going though, but not all that bad if you can be near the garden all the time.

for me, automating makes it easier to not have to plan your schedule around your plants feeding time. For me, I get stressed. Coming home from work sometimes can get caught in traffic. Then not be able to tend to the girls on time. That's when I regret not using 100% coco in the pots or using the automation. MY girls my girls... hope they did not get too dry. not something I want to worry about 5 days a week.

Hope you do not have traffic on the roads like we do.

Keep up the good work. Your friend is kickin ass as well. Thanks for sharing.



Living dead girl
Thanks Shady. Just took cuts for next round gonna run 16 of the ak x blueberry next run. Flowering multiple strains at the same time is too much for me. Right now there are three different strains in there staggerd 3 weeks, feeding and watering them all differently is a pain in the ass. Not to mention the loss of overall yeild. Back to monocropping for now.
While I also appreciate monocropping, I just don't like not only having all my eggs in one basket, but having only one thing to smoke. I have become very spoiled in always having a variety of smokes on hand. What I've finally hit upon, and this does take some time (I use that time as a "dialing in" period) is to crop *similar* strains. So, I will never run Orange Krush in the same table as I run The White. They have similar finishing times, grow at similar rates, but The White is a fucking Ca/Mg WHOOR, whereas Orange Krush is too easy to overfeed.

Right now I'm running two kushes that are extremely similar in requirements in one table, and another table is "heady stash", everything that's for special occasions or what I like to cut through other smokes, or what's going to put me to sleep instead of the up high I prefer. So far, so good.


nice work mittenmedgrow!

thanks for the contribution.



As far as helping patients. I will help the ones that need it. I come from a pretty wealthy family, born in Aneheim and raised in Yorba Linda. For some reason I always made friends with people that didnt have alot but are good people. My mother owns the house I live in my rent is almost nothing, my truck and boat are paid for. I dont need alot of money to live comfortably. I like the laws in MI at the moment. I want to find 1-2 patients that actually need help with free meds. Im not talking unlimited supply obviously. But I can spare an oz a week out of somebodys 12 plants Im growing for them. Dont get me wrong I love making money but I can do it elsewhere. Leadsled my main reason for wanting automation is that I am retarted and somehow miss plants when watering. If I go back to monocropping its not an issue so much. Shady I have been talking to a couple of my grow buddies and I think we are going to monocrop different strains and trade. I need variety. Seamaiden your doing what my dad is attempting to setup. I like the idea for sure. When he figures it out Ill probably do another run like that. Thanks Papa Going to my dads this afternoon I will snap some pics of his garden and post em up.


Thats what its all about bro, I bet you sleep easy operating as you do, pics in post #53 are insanely trich'd out my man, thx for the call, sorry couldn't rap longer, the lil ones was at my head, but 1 down sleep and 1 to go, look'n forward to the sesh, Peace SSP


Looking forward to the smoke ses. Shiva. Went to the old mans house, pops is 63 and just started growing about six months ago. He is killing me in bud size. Hes running an ebb gro bucket setup, using lucas forumla. His buds are way bigger than the ones Im getting out of coco with canna. But very little smell, sure do look nice though. Sorry forgot to take pics Ill get em next time.


Everything's looking tight work in there my dude! Happy to see more and more fellow growers out here putting it down like this. Means there wont be a lack of quality medz anytime soon and I can keep rollin em FAT! :rollj: :smiley_joint: :stonedsmilie:
Been kickin myself for not grabbin that bluegun when i had a chance. Especially since you say it tastes so damn good lol. -Keepz


Thanks Keepz. Dont get me wrong that wifi is super tasty. What I have is completly different flavor and smell. I like having the variety for sure . Just took another smell from my now empty jar of wifi, gonna have to do something about getting that filled. Thank you.


Come on hindu you know you cant smell anything over your dank. Just checked a new disp. over in my area. I think this place will do well. Nice neighborhood clean respectable staff. Honestly I was a little impressed.


Thanks a lot for the hospitality bro, it was hella cool kick'n it wit you and the fella's and all the fantastic flavors, and besides the ice storm that had folks in ditch's (still don't know how I made it home as blew out as I was), the damage I did to Mc'ds $1 menu, the 1/2 dozen doughnuts I bought, oh and the fact i'm still blowed @ 8am, i'd say mission accomplish'd, can't wait for the next sesh, Peace SSP


No problem it was a pleasure havin you out. Lookin forward to doin it again. I was a little paranoid meeting up but got nothing but good vibes from you. Thanks for the care pack be poppin those real soon. Ill throw up some pics and an update soon. Busy day today goin out to share some love with a couple patients.

bong bandit

Come on hindu you know you cant smell anything over your dank. Just checked a new disp. over in my area. I think this place will do well. Nice neighborhood clean respectable staff. Honestly I was a little impressed.

AA area? if so i have never gone in to one, and have never needed to try to approach and sell to them because i can never grow enough for my own patients.

wherever it is though glad they aren't being bothered


sorry bong bandit, Im not sure watchu talkin bout.

bong bandit

oh my bad, i thought mittenmed meant you were from the mitten state. AA is ann arbor in the great state of Mishhagan... guess your not a Mishhaganderr! or you're on the westttt sideee!


Mitten - If you take a white card, and put it in the frame of the picture (allow lens to color correct and take the pic, you will get rid of most of the yellowing. Or a photo editor will get the yellow out :)


Yeah b.b. Im on the wesside. I kept thinking alcoholics anon. Thanks for the tip lost gonna take some more pics. today Ill give it a try. Then you guys can see the light bleached leaves better. These plants is ugly.


End of week 9 on the widow. Heres an overall and a lower nug. These girls will go twelve Im sure.

heres ak blu cross bout 3 weeks.

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