More Evidence Proving 'Dubbya' was 'Worst President Ever!'

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B.B. King

Good to see this thread getting back to reality. I, for one, happen to love this country. I have kids, and I love them more. I fear for their future. I'm willing to fight for that future, because that's the only way things change. It greatly encourages me to see that enlightenment is spreading across the land. That's the first step.

If "We, the people" don't stand up and take this nation back from the globalist goons, it will soon be too late. How cool would it be if the revolution that restores this nation grew out of a dope growing forum!

Grow well,


Premium Member
It's ok to look at what's going on but one must still live a decent life.
Were all going to die someday then nothing matters then.
So why not make the best of the time you got here while alive, worry about the bad, do,what you can to make life the best you can for self cause were only here for awhile.
You can only do what you can as one person, nobody's going to make you happy but yourself, seek out things that make you happy.
Each day should be lived to the fullest, some are better than others, take it as it comes.
Lots to worry about for sure but living life on life's terms, seeking out the good things, finding inner peace will make the journey a lot easier....

Don't let it get you down
It's only castles burning
Find someone's who's turning
And you will come around..

Fuck all the bullshit.....


You can still be a freedom fighter and enjoy life to the fullest.
You can still preach your message while still being incredibly happy and thankful for what you have.
You can still be aware and cautious without living in fear and negativity.
You can still be free-spirited while trying to educate others.
You can still offer help to others while expecting ridicule from them and still wear a smile.
sky high

sky high

and you can ignore all of it and not be anyone's "sheep".

In fact, to me, it's off-the-chart ironic that the people who are constantly in belief that everyone is out to get them (not paranoia, mind you :rolleyes:) truly define the term "sheeples" because they can be so easily steered from one "probable" disaster to the next and are actually...SEARCHING fOR such info to prove that >everyone else< is gullible/blindly following along in a mindless state.

Be the change you want to see in the World... ( up that crap around YOUR house BEFORE you start talking about all the trash elsewhere cluttering up the world) :D
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

And on it goes... You try to live your life the way you see fit and make the best of it as "chickenman" states, You talk to people along the way and you are criticized and lectured for that. You speak what you Know is the truth and have everything factually in your favor that supports that truth as "kolah" states (Agree 100% by the way) and people try to marginalize or label you A "Conspiracy" theorist or "Sheeple" for it (Hilarious!) You criticize A Pres. that you Know cares -0- about the American people as A whole and more about self and you are A "Racist"... A man named Dr. Benjamin Carson speaks his point of view on what is wrong with this country, and how it can be improved, has "Overwhelming" support from people across across the board and is labeled A "Token" by the Democratic "Cookie Cutter" machine, who attempt to marginalize his words with criticism and finger pointing but make themselves look like "Fucking" idiots because there is absolutely nothing there and people can see this... What if your "House" is just as "Clean" as someone else but you will never be "Clean Enough" because their own standard is all they see... That is where the problem lies in the view from "My" house...
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

I'll follow this up with A parable before the wagons circle... A horse with blinders? See's the world through A narrow point of view that is determined by his master, to prevent it from being startled or alarmed by that which is happening around it... A horse in the wild? (No blinders) see's the world from A broader point of view, all the beauty, all the danger, that which may startle or alarm, the horror of that which may pray upon it... Both see the "Same" world and both views are accurate via that which they perceive... so what is the difference between the two horses that live in the "Same" world? What determines what each will perceive the "World" consists of and makes one's "World" more valid than the others? (The Talking Mr. Ed :)) Just A small thing everyone should consider...


and you can ignore all of it and not be anyone's "sheep".

In fact, to me, it's off-the-chart ironic that the people who are constantly in belief that everyone is out to get them (not paranoia, mind you :rolleyes:) truly define the term "sheeples" because they can be so easily steered from one "probable" disaster to the next and are actually...SEARCHING fOR such info to prove that >everyone else< is gullible/blindly following along in a mindless state.

I love you for this, honestly. Truest statement I've ever seen in Smoker's Lounge--period.


I went and just ordered and got one of these about 2 weeks ago so I'm not worried anymore about big government or big brother bothering my life. I look really hip in this "Anti-Drone Hoodie" too when I wear it to the Hydro Store . Ladies really giving me the eye over when I'm donning it so I strut flagrantly for them and see if they check out my ass.
The Mad Crazy Mile High 'Ol Bluzboy
Anti drone hoodie worn by 008
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Dude... Obama was sporting one of those on the back nine @ Pebble Beach, He don't look happy :(
My guess, Secret Service made him wear it because they're still sweatin' that Libyan drone thing and payback...

Obama devil resemblance bible sets firestorm 81596
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Errr... How did George Bush know to Blame me before I even got there, Damn, that Cracker got Game... He's been gone for years... WTF?



Obama also inherited from Bush the Wall Street bail out of AIG, JP Morgan, Bank Of America, Country Wide Mortgage Company, Morgan Stanley, etc....., etc...., and the sacrificial Wall Street Company lamb was Lehman Brothers to look tough,and all of it constructed by Bush's Treasury Secretary and members of his inner Cabinet.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I went and just ordered and got one of these about 2 weeks ago so I'm not worried anymore about big government or big brother bothering my life. I look really hip in this "Anti-Drone Hoodie" too when I wear it to the Hydro Store . Ladies really giving me the eye over when I'm donning it so I strut flagrantly for them and see if they check out my ass.
The Mad Crazy Mile High 'Ol Bluzboy
That's awesome Bluzboy! I might have to get one after seeing that :cool: So it's an anti drone hoodie that doubles as a babe magnet right??


That's awesome Bluzboy! I might have to get one after seeing that :cool: So it's an anti drone hoodie that doubles as a babe magnet right??
Yes , I believe it does. I strut in it and shake my booty like James Brown performing his Sex Machine
tune and usually pretty quick the girls are staring and I am more of a moving hidden spasm and tic convoluted target for Spy Drones as well. Actually a lot of people are staring but I just tend to notice the women that are.
At my age, any women looking at you for any reason, it has potential. That Drone Hoodie's been a real boon for getting me some good staring women time. There has got to be a way to put solar cells on this to power your IPhone, IPad, or small Portable Blu-Ray player, Sirius or Direct TV dish while eluding the big brother Spy/Police Drones I think.
The Mad Crazy Mile High Bluzboy
The Bluz Dude w friends
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Obama also inherited from Bush the Wall Street bail out of AIG, JP Morgan, Bank Of America, Country Wide Mortgage Company, Morgan Stanley, etc....., etc...., and the sacrificial Wall Street Company lamb was Lehman Brothers to look tough,and all of it constructed by Bush's Treasury Secretary and members of his inner Cabinet.
One from the "Blame the other guy playbook" If it Works for Obama...

Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far

Add President Clinton to the long list of people who deserve a share of the blame for the housing bubble and bust. A recently re-exposed document shows that his administration went to ridiculous lengths to increase the national homeownership rate. It promoted paper-thin downpayments and pushed for ways to get lenders to give mortgage loans to first-time buyers with shaky financing and incomes. It’s clear now that the erosion of lending standards pushed prices up by increasing demand, and later led to waves of defaults by people who never should have bought a home in the first place.
President Bush continued the practices because they dovetailed with his Ownership Society goals, and of course Congress was strongly behind the push. But Clinton and his administration must shoulder some of the blame.

So I guess if Clinton started the ball rolling and "Everything" is George Bush's Fault it would take A real idiot to make that mistake again right? Who would be that naive? What is the definition of Insanity by the way...

The Obama Administration is angling to allow people with questionable credit to receive home loans, encouraging lenders to use more subjective judgment, and pushing banks to utilize programs through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)--an executive branch agency that sticks taxpayers with the bill if borrowers default on their FHA home loan.

But former Fannie Mae executive and American Enterprise Institute fellow Ed Pinto says such a move would be a mistake. “If that were to come to pass, that would open the floodgates to highly excessive risk and would send us right back on the same path we were just trying to recover from,” said Pinto.”

According to the Washington Post, it is a move “skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.”

P.S. Lets not forget the AIG Wall Street Scandal and Obama's boy... Timothy Franz Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury, under President Barack Obama, from 2009 to 2013. I will reference that by A Nice liberal friendly outlet, CBS News. If it comes from them and it is about Obama it has to be legit right?

Will Geithner Survive The AIG Scandal?
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Talk about the Fox in charge of the Hen House... I don't know what is more disturbing, that, or the fact that all the information is there, people are pissed about Wall Street but they're to naive / gullible to put 2 & 2 together... No wonder we are where we are today.

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