Mosh wants to learn to grow !

  • Thread starter Moshmen
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Could it be possible to receive some shitty nutes? Supposed to organic but you know how that goes !

Or is this totally on me ?


The real tent is def getting crowded ! How to move a couple in the next few days!
Looks like some critical plants trying to flower. Leaves started twisting ? Almost alll of em ! To much nitro ? Or what what ? They have been doing awsome till flower started


A d the sickly lookin thing I been limpin along she’s flowering but 1/2 size dark green toxic lookin leaves I tried to clean it up overall ppm not to bad but must be some worm casting or something didn’t get mixed right? I also wonder what kinda quality I get with year cheap or free seeds ? I’m sure there’s a reason the song 10-15 bucks a piece! Lmao
37703D94 3C13 41E4 85CE 6E53E330063A
4E243040 FD2C 4EF4 B75F 34E38F40D525
3512C8DD 1E4B 49DD A462 D3C4673CBA7D


I don’t like it,

actually love what u got going on mate! Cheers on the efforts And knowledge share you have been doing. 👍👍

ok, i read into it, with recognition of myself in another and lmao, keeping my mouth shut, til this point... I'm about to have an oral diarrhea, blowout and the cardboard insert, on the tp dispenser, has been so bone dry, for so long... it has dust n spider mites, on it!

you have a phenomenal attitude, for season two, or 3 & that open door policy, on your billfold... you're going to be the best daddy! these biotches, are ALL gold diggers!!! and your stalkers, to this point, couldn't be better!
i hear ya on the calmag and i fought n retention, battling hard, with basically, the rookie trio, to work with. so i had a few initial thoughts, but you're reacting, cautiously and appropriately so... as every grower i know, who started, with a similar attitude, knew at this point- wait n see... less, can be more.
heat, with a lil claw, evidence... you're on it. u didn't buy a meter, YET (it collects dust, after u "get it" & would b better as a rental/subscription, unit". i will still break it out, just to kick myself, for not being able to use more than 900par, before bleaching... from time to time.
it sounds like you're concerned about not ENOUGH lighting so I'll just say this: i stall out the propagation areas, just by raising and lowering whatever ya know, maybe 15watt, t5, the kit came with (this- daddy's previous xmas upgrade) and it's all, fine.
i think you're good. if anything, maybe high n, but no burn so- no problem. not waxy...
those spots: u could've sprayed, inadvertently, in feeding. if u changed the ph- that can do it, with more swing, than they'd like... ur in soil... that can happen, there, too.
the mutant that makes u feel u maybe got bunked, with some cabbage... had em- they evolved and leaves didn't look so RODE HARD. i forget the strain.
they don't need much, to that point. i don't go above the 400s, that early.
i have an indica... it started, LIKE THIS!: seedlings... popped n then, hid, in the plugs, for over a week (anyway...) they took their being with (probably) other hemisphere, gens... i "guess" (yes, we all could stop being lost, if we googled the directions that take 1.00000998 seconds to do... i still have that Y chromosome! if god couldn't resolve it, who am i to ask a service station attendant?!) so i changed the rh. fine- they love me, long time. THEN! 2 of the 3 strains in seedling- swapped ATTITUDES! and godfather og... due to my stubbornness... may never get taller than... an oz bud on a stick; maybe 10" tall. like they said F it! if you're stretching hers!!! we're not doin it! i know .. i wanted to put a divorce stamp on a court document, after that, too. because- who doesn't love a challenge?! shes wants me... BAD!

sorry... still transitioning on oil.

i think u have it. i dunno soil as well as i should, but if it is a buildup... ur not watering to runoff... i did take steps to learn this, when my gal tried to bring fungus gnats back into our lives and sleeping, ears, noses and throats... it's a worthwhile, venture. the zealots say- water JUST Til runoff, begins- i stood there, like a palsy sufferer, Chinese water torturing, with every waterboarding, drop, til i say... how much do they say we "dew", during secks ed? yup- bout that much. I'm not refinishing anything, til we sell! then, i measured what had been subtracted from the water bottle n that what it takes, religiously, when i finger HER (uncomfortably long pause- judges?) ahem, soil and no mas gnats. god, if I'd known how much swappin to hydro and again, to aero- would be, I'd have invested in assisted suicide companies, which turned out to be moot, when i found out i could buy 2 of the 3 lethal injection nutes, for under $65. boy, if that had gone on sale, when i was familiar with the xwife... I'm just THAT cheap, towards seppuku vs the garden budget.

o god! I'm still transitioning. this kung foo, is strong. sorry i lost it, on ur page. I'll b good, n the future, daddy warbucks!


funny... now that i think about it, it WAS probably the northbound train and as u have nl- that's probably the one lookin like 3 card monty.


The real tent is def getting crowded ! How to move a couple in the next few days!
Looks like some critical plants trying to flower. Leaves started twisting ? Almost alll of em ! To much nitro ? Or what what ? They have been doing awsome till flower started
start with the closet, then, pee in a corner of the room and whella! her lady's parlor", has just closed escrow, by the time your rural scab, xmas carrier, delivers your notification that you were couchlocked, when she came and they'll happily hold it for you, 45 kilometers out, til the day before you have an errand in town, anyway. sux cause u only need refills, every 28 days...

it's how i suckered the lovely g, into stayin. it all starts, with a toothbrush and a few pheromones, in a corner, cause THAT! is how winners and divorcees, play! i even own the master retreat, now, too... and I'll never even need that bucket, again! it's the principle!


i hate the new guy, "hello, my name is spare", tag. how much for 10 likes, on this site? i was never good at DIY, except at creating job security for electricians and making plumbers feel so at home... it's no longer a "foreign toilet ", to them, or yesterday's, menudo.


start with the closet, then, pee in a corner of the room and whella! her lady's parlor", has just closed escrow, by the time your rural scab, xmas carrier, delivers your notification that you were couchlocked, when she came and they'll happily hold it for you, 45 kilometers out, til the day before you have an errand in town, anyway. sux cause u only need refills, every 28 days...

it's how i suckered the lovely g, into stayin. it all starts, with a toothbrush and a few pheromones, in a corner, cause THAT! is how winners and divorcees, play! i even own the master retreat, now, too... and I'll never even need that bucket, again! it's the principle!
Already talkin 8/10 room in new house! Next summer


I know I’ve been reading so much on ph verses ppm blah blah blah
Well here is the last part of a 50% run off with both meters in sorry should of taken one of the water only but it I didn’t sorry anyhow you ph is may be a little high but holy shit no wonder my plants aren’t growing in this dirt! lol well it is but pretty sick!
DEAD634E 4647 4E0A 90D0 D0151556040A


I’m gonna lollipop this batch it’s just tough to cut good branches don’t really know what I’m doin ? But we will take s little at a time . I even cloned a lower branch I was pitching! I know I know it won’t be good for anything but I gonna play with it just try in keep it alive! Lol she’s in the middle of 2 more cheese berry that are way behind
5A76F37F 0826 49D4 8D5A 5B6ADEF7C761
FB321A7D A3BB 4C0F 8673 1474865D8D6D


I’m gonna lollipop this batch it’s just tough to cut good branches don’t really know what I’m doin ? But we will take s little at a time . I even cloned a lower branch I was pitching! I know I know it won’t be good for anything but I gonna play with it just try in keep it alive! Lol she’s in the middle of 2 more cheese berry that are way behind
Just couldn’t cut off the big fan leaves I feel they still make energy for the rest of the plant?


ur a braver mosh, than i am.
i went ocd on a defoal. i can't handle the jumanji stress.
I've seen guys remove EVERY fan, stating- that WE feed em... that's all food storage. now, this particular grower, wasn't lookin for more than an oz-ish return, from what i could tell, but it's not the first time I've been accused of getting carried away. for not veging, I'll b cool with a half to an lb, per tank & even after what I'm definitely guilty of, yesterday... they'll give it up.
i can do a pic, when my smoke burns out. well, this is the BEFORE, at least.
20191120 092723
20191120 092711


no... i didn't miss a spot/pot. eventually, I'll need that space, as y'all well, know... and some will finish, later so i usually, end up having to rotate n surprise a few, with a diff nute mix. they, adjust.
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