Mr Dizzle's dunkin his balls in some Hempie'z

  • Thread starter mrdizzle
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The gain from RDWC is not incremental. Were talking a 8 week veg here. VS a 2 week veg. You gotta have the room to do that and your still going to yield less. If you full on commercial and your a one man op, then 3 MPB rooms is waaay too much.

I think when this run is done, Dizle will agree that the yields are less for even a longr veg time. Its all about where your personal comfort level is.

Im still thinking a 32 gallon trash can with 3 inches of hydroton, then some sort of Coco mix topfed 24/7 will yield the same as the MPB's with maybe a week or 2 more veg time.

The issue with the MPB's is getting the media free of pathogens. And thats it. Next run I do is a uc6xxl with maybe 3 lights run with hydrofungicide. Im hoping thats the golden ticket for stress free runs, but the bottom line is if you want to get every little bit outta the plant, go MPB's IF you have the experience and tolerance. If not vert coco is very good and will pay the bills EVERYTIME. MPB will have a hiccup here and there and while you'll pay for the run, you might not make that much if it fails..

Anyway, sorry for clogging your thread diz..


He didn't say squat. Just left us, without a clue....nice play, eh?

Hey Lost, how's it goin'? What's the latest?

Not true, for several months he let us know he would be vanishing, it was a while ago tho and im sure that there are many new members that were not here.

Also DD's did not invent this system. If anything he got it off of Heath, revised and improved it. He is still the one to bring it to the masses..

He's probablly off vacationing with his 450k check.. ^^!


Room is coming along, bro. Nice being able to leave the grow for a while :)

Hell yeah Coxie, the mental anguish got old real quick. Whether you're doing it for profit or personal, it's no fun when your girls die. Major blow to the wallet and psyche.


I think your right lost, and you know where I believe a lot of drama hides out, in that 4in pvc, I honestly havent really cleaned mine is 1yr, , im thinking the UC is easier to clean because 100% of it is in contact with water at all times so when you clean it everything gets touched by teh sterilizer

also the drain tubes, if your water level leaving the tubes doesnt completely fill the entire drain line, mold grows on the top inside portion of the drain lines

my next run my vegging girls are much bigger and closer to my MPB girls were when I transplant them so I will be able to see how much faster the MPB are than the hempys

Im also going to switch to 14gal totes so each plant has its own tub

Please let us know how that goes. Id like to do a top drip only run. I cannot wait to have my rooms up and running again!

Jalisco Kid

That's not really true...a 4 pounder was done in chow mix and you've never gotten one that big soo...?

You should look at my Ms. Walker in the photo sec before you say that. I love chow it is easy but you will get a smaller yield then with a well run rcdwc, that is a Fact. Some one scare you off rcdwc? JK

Jalisco Kid

You guys just had a bad designed system. You should look at what the flaws are and fix them. If you use clean outs on each run it would make it easier to clean. If you put a ball valve at the end of your return and flood the tanks and drain with enzymes it would be real easy to clean. I run a snakelike tool thru my pipes every 2 cycles. Maybe move your intake to the bottom so your flow will be directed thru the roots,something other sys do not allow.
I do not really care for rcdwc as I prefer aero, but a good rcdwc system will work. Remember the first time you fell off your bike,it is the same.
If you are not spending around 1300/plant on the install,you will pay for that later.
Suerte JK


@ thedogsbollox: Wowwww F..... nice :inlove a perfect pro garden! Dutch? it's the bomb :wazzup:


gulagcasino aka dogsnutts, Im glad you queers grow bud and not just copy and paste crap from the internet, now go choke on a AIDS filled cock


gulagcasino aka dogsnutts, Im glad you queers grow bud and not just copy and paste crap from the internet, now go choke on a AIDS filled cock

why you gotta bring farm animals into this lol :character0111:


well well well boys, Mrdizzle is fucking elated

just bagged up the room, and it beat the MPB. got 8.33lbs off 15 plants and 4000w, no CO2 with Kush. some of the nicest buds I have ever grown.

I want to thank GTD for the moab and hammerhead combo, that shit is the realness. I lost probably a 1/4 to 1/2lb to bud rot but needless to say I am happy as fuck. I beat my best MPB run in that room by 1.3lbs. granted I had an extra 10 plants but...they were put in much smaller than my MPB and vegged the same, at final height these plants were only about 40in.

the plants were more compact and had more huge buds than I would get in the MPB Im guessing from the leaf plucking I did during veg. I will be doing that from now on

I just transplanted 12, 3ft hempys, that were vegged for 7 total weeks, 2wks in 4in rockwool cubes under a 4ft 4 bulb tek-5, then 5 wks under a 1000w. grown in 75%perlite 25% coco mix in 5 gal grow bags. I just put them into 10gal tuff totes from lowes, I plan on veggin them for another 2-3wks, should be a serious run

just so no one thinks I got busted or something, I wont be doing any more logs, or be on too much anymore, Im moven soon and am gonna be busy so peace out ya'll, the farm rocks, happy I found this place I learned a lot

Bobby Smith

Congrats bro, well done.

Sorry to hear you're gonna be gone for a while.......


Sorry to hear that from one of my favorite people on the farm. Good luck to you and stoked to see you put up those numbers. Thanks for all the great advice.


thanks fella. Im still a little shell shocked I must say, I really wasnt expecting this size harvest. Looks like my dog is getting a new knee for xmas


Chillin' in the Shade...
Congrats brah! Stay safe... :cool


first plans are for the dog, nice. probably the good karma that earned you the bountiful harvest. and not that it matters, but girl, not fella. :-)


first plans are for the dog, nice. probably the good karma that earned you the bountiful harvest. and not that it matters, but girl, not fella. :-)

ooh shit, hey I learned how to grow from a girl. So Big props Amstercal


bomb shit dizzle good to hear this run went well. Would like to hear more/see more about it as you progress with the system.

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