My Cheap Ass Grow.

  • Thread starter jipp
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yeah man, we been ADD before they even had a name for it. hah.

man, i want to mcguiver something to try a hit of shatter, but im so lost. ill just go to bed and rest. this jack here is cat nip.. Im probably doing more harm to my body trying to smoke it than anything. hah.



night shows. day 10 and half or something. hha.

the small one is plant number five and is the runt. the others are taking off now.
so i will probably have 4 or 6 plants to hopefully get a girl.

im not doing so well tonight.. oh well.. withdrawals have to go away sooner or later.
i hate what the pills has done to me. i hate what the doctors allowed it to do to me.. and had no problems with it.. oh well, life marches on..

im human being on another mother fucking journey.

i may hold off on watering till morning. i dunno.. now im afraid to water. hha, im such a pussy.

after all i have 3 back ups. hah.
does #1 look ok? droopy leafs are not from over watering this time as iv not water im thinking just heavy?
Day 10 and half
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@jipp. You can never beat the opiates budski. Every battle is just a draw. Stay alert it's always patiently waiting in the bushes to pounce. That's from a junkie of 30 years. Pills?? Heroin?, shiat I've quit plenty of times.


You can put a small dab on a bud in your bowl/bong and just don't apply the flame to the shatter. Let the cherry heat the dab. My bootleg ass heated my bowl with a torch and dropped some rosin in there after it was hot. Not the right way, burned my finger but didn't care either, got lit:fire::fire::fire:


You can put a small dab on a bud in your bowl/bong and just don't apply the flame to the shatter. Let the cherry heat the dab. My bootleg ass heated my bowl with a torch and dropped some rosin in there after it was hot. Not the right way, burned my finger but didn't care either, got lit:fire::fire::fire:
gonna have to try this man.. im sick as a dog dismorning.


@jipp. You can never beat the opiates budski. Every battle is just a draw. Stay alert it's always patiently waiting in the bushes to pounce. That's from a junkie of 30 years. Pills?? Heroin?, shiat I've quit plenty of times.

thank you for the positive thoughts, and to let me know what is ahead of me..
much respect bro for getting clean. ill make it, one day at a time.. once i can get to feeling like my self ill be ok i think.. i just do not like being this depressed fuck..
im normally a happy fck. in public i put up a front im not sick or anything but when i get home.. hah, i just feel like shit some days.. like dismorning not even 3am.. and here i am.. half blind, sick as a dog. laughs.

i know, it gets better.


the leaf tips are pointing down on the bigger one,sometimes this could be an indication of excess N.It's probably getting accustomed to its nutrient rich soil.

iv seen other plants from experience grower that had the same leaf drop, so figure was weight. but yeah to much juice in the soil could be it.. it will have to just adapt, im nice, but nature is ab itch. hah.

i did not water last night, so hopefully they are not dead.. wont know till 4am when lights come on. well i made sure the seedlings were water.. but the 11 day old plant i let ride.. figure its getting old enough o let her ride.. since she bitch at me for watering her to much night before. hah yeah im a pussy got scared so let her ride.. depression fo r you. hah.



morning pictures. she did fine not getting water last night. seems she is not using to much water at night maybe a gram that seems to be gone on in the morning.

day 11, and day 5.

gave up on the Stargate OG. tossed in a critical seed right into the dirt of a blue cup. letting the other one ride with a stargate og seed which i think are bad.. so hard, even after three days soaking but we see what happens.

she is looking ok i think.
shot of the other seedling day 5 i think!
a shot of what i saw when i open the tent at lights on.

4 is the runt, the others are growing fine.

Day 11
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i was thinking. since these seeds came from a Dry hot environment like my own.. i figure this gives me a bit of advantage.. since the mother had to deal with these conditions.. so in theory would her children be even more suited? or am i trying to paint with to broad of a paint brush.


21 pages in not much progress. This sucks huh?
Until you read my thread. Started popping in Oct last year....just now in week 5 flower. First runs are just that. A learning experience. Don't be discouraged Chris, you'll get there bro. It looks like your soil may be just a tad warm for seedlings and you prob are over watering a bit too. If I can pull it off so can you dude. Here's a shot if the first bud I grew pink diesel x amnesia auto to get ya motivated


when the roots get a bit more established the top will take off and use the goodies in your soil. two weeks from now those leaves your looking at will be on the bottom of your plant and the new growth will be bigger and nicer. do you have the pots ready your moving them into ready?possibly 1 gallon for a month of veg up pot to 3 gallon and flip the light after a week or so and your on your way.Your next obstacle will be focusing your scope and checking the trikes,they always seem to move out of the picture for me.I wish i had a nice macro camera that i could take a picture and have a long look on my computer screen.


well she drank 5g of water and we are back at her normal 101 g weight. if she stays around 100g by lights out ill let her ride till morning.

i do have 3g smart post but iv read they suck.. so probably need to get some plastic containers.. no i do not have 1 gallon pots.

started some more seeds.. coffin seem appropriate with my luck.. yeah i built that coffin in 5th grade wood shop, hah why do i still have it i do not know.
do not mind me im just a bitch today, hell i just ot out of bed.

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Until you read my thread. Started popping in Oct last year....just now in week 5 flower. First runs are just that. A learning experience. Don't be discouraged Chris, you'll get there bro. It looks like your soil may be just a tad warm for seedlings and you prob are over watering a bit too. If I can pull it off so can you dude. Here's a shot if the first bud I grew pink diesel x amnesia auto to get ya motivated View attachment 679124
looks 100x better than any thing iv seen at the distrib. so yeah, ill get something better than i can buy i hope. yeah dude, im just being a bitch today.. sorry folks.




it really sucks that i can not get good herb here locally. it makes this withdrawal shit one emotional coaster ride.. maybe it would be the same with no weed. but i know if the weed is even average which is what they call top shelf.. it helps keep my mind in check.. and also kills the morning sickness which about killed me dis morning. hah

i was really not good.. i feel better now some.. but tomorrow morning i fear what is waiting for me.

21 pages shows progress? unfortunately, i do not think of things like such at the moment at the moment ( i guess im taking withdrawals harder than most.. the drug was hard as hell on me i know that, waking up throwing up needing that pill every morning for the last 3 years or some shit, i forget now exact.. i just went w with the flow like a jackass. 5 months from now im sure ill be glad iv did this.. was my choice which the doctor pointed out to me, when i bitched at them for not having a plan to get people off opiates etc. ).. hell i do not even want to think about tomorrow.. let alone yesterday. but yeah i get your meaning.

so i just apologize now for my behavior.

so hope everyone can bust out of whatever cage you maybe in..

rock on.


looks like i cant get into the doctor for my eeys for 2 weeks, fucking specialist.. yet my left eye is about 80 percent blind. probably genetic so they wont be able to do anything.. just hopefully its only one eye i will go blind in.
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