My Cheap Ass Grow.

  • Thread starter jipp
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Your cups soil and perlite look much better. The perlite when over watered gets dull and tan and with a proper dry cycle it is glowing white like yours. This is also the key to not getting fungus gnats. I have never seen more than 1 or 2 ever. I always focus on drying out pots and standing water more when I see them. It's a reminder. Mold and pm too has no environment to grow between the dry surfaces and good air circulation and extraction.

And no need to mist the dome for seed sprouting. That is for clone rooting. You just need moist soil. The bag is really just protective and helps keep them warm. They sprout fine without my soda bottle tops. I take them off when I see the sprout anyway.

It adds to the overwatered cup is all.

And I read your comments about withdrawal and know well how difficult it is. Try to remember that the growing and medicating quality marijuana can literally heal you and save your life.

It was almost 20 years ago for the chemicals for me and I only used pot not grow back then but new health and life problems got me again and since I got my card 3 years ago...

The donations from the dispensary while allowed here helped me get the house I live in and the grow basically has upgraded itself and is self supportive so as long as I can work there will be medicine. And the medicine is helping me continue to work so it's all very spiritual even though I never thought of myself as that sort of person. It's a symbiotic relationship. My garden and me.

And I have a new life just like that brother. I wish you so much good thought in this. I always log in to see your updates.

And I dig the old sedan too:)

thank you for the kind thoughts. yeah this shit is harder than most people will ever know.. when iw as in the hospital and told them they looked at me like i was nuts..
they just do not care. the fuckuing doctor would not even shake my hand. get this., because he had not finish the paper work yet.. then he walked out.. so did i.hah

fuck the medical system. i do know when i have good herb like that Hash for example.. life was not bad even with withdrawls.. so I agree it helps, its much needed for my fucked up body brain.
im trying best i can do.. this shit is hard.. much respect bro to you and everyone else who has got off big pharma.. i know im not having as easy of a time as others iv read about..

hell i saw one guy promoting the use of the shit because he said it was not that addictive and in a week you would be through the withdrawals.. shows you how ignorant society is at what the poisons can do..

but pills are excpetd in our culture,....

also thank you for the tip on what perlite looks like when not over water.. that will help for sure.



If you look at the soil on the bigger droopy seedling you can see she has not dried out enough yet. Plants don't need any help just water and soil when they are young. For weeks usually.

In ocean forest it takes a month in the same pot before I need to add nutes. I'm sorry I cant remember what's in your mix.

I hope this is helpful.[/QUOTE}]

yeah it was helpful.. really was.. something to help me judge watering. i need all the clues i can.

and yeah i water the plant last night before thinking i was under watering, that is why the perlite looks dull. so when its all sparkling again, water!


its a dime.. just to show how small the runt was, i removed it.
so if the domes are more for heat.. i really do not need them.. i have plenty of heat. hah dry heat but whatever.

I keep using those little pop bottle tops but leave the cap off. It's probably more for me but it keeps them safe from the windier environment while they are pushing up through the soil.

And in winter I have a colder room. You will find what works through practice. It's hard to leave them alone I know. But that is what helps them most.

When I realized I am just watering and feeding the soil and maintaining a good balanced environment and the plants grow by themselves I was much better off.

And about big pharma. The pain pills were the least of my problem with chemicals back then. You don't have it easier than others. Just different. It's hard and it hurts. And then things get better.



No not quite. It should always look white. Water to a little runoff. NOT AGAIN NOW!

And when the cup is dry and very light and the soil is light colored. Then water gently and evenly to runoff again.

Just like grow weed easy dot com said.

When you think it's time. Wait at least a day and check again. And maybe again. I water cups once the first week. And sometimes only once the second week too. They are not drinking much while they make roots. And you won't see new leaves until they have new roots.


ok, so next water i will water trough till 20 percent run off. I thought that be bad for such small c ups. so i just water what i thought the plant would use.. which was hit and miss i see.

so that perlite should always look white even after water? if i did not over water?

im sure that perlite got that color from me just misting the soil i bet.
instead of thorough water for run off.



Chris remember act like a cat with those plants.....act like you don't give a fuck. They will be fine! They look good dude your on your way to becoming self sufficient. Don't give up and keep at it! :)

Regarding your recovery... There are most likely many folks here on this board that have experienced the Hell that is opiate addiction. It's not easy and sure as shit is not fun. The withdraws are that first hurdle you must overcome. The second and I believe the much harder hurdle is the mental anguish. The Mind Fuck. It comes and goes Chris but with each day it gets better. Like others have said it's like waking up from a bad dream, or coming out of a REALLY thick fog. It's so much better on this side of life. The Bright side. Try to put positive thoughts into what your doing with your plants. Ask those little fuckers to HEAL you. I know it's just a plant..... but for me and I would imagine a lot of others it is so much more.....


Chris remember act like a cat with those plants.....act like you don't give a fuck. They will be fine! They look good dude your on your way to becoming self sufficient. Don't give up and keep at it! :)

Regarding your recovery... There are most likely many folks here on this board that have experienced the Hell that is opiate addiction. It's not easy and sure as shit is not fun. The withdraws are that first hurdle you must overcome. The second and I believe the much harder hurdle is the mental anguish. The Mind Fuck. It comes and goes Chris but with each day it gets better. Like others have said it's like waking up from a bad dream, or coming out of a REALLY thick fog. It's so much better on this side of life. The Bright side. Try to put positive thoughts into what your doing with your plants. Ask those little fuckers to HEAL you. I know it's just a plant..... but for me and I would imagine a lot of others it is so much more.....

yeah, unfortunately the depression is really bad this week.. i thought i had it bad last week. oh well. i guess i deserv this shit. i am the oen who went to the doc for pills 15 years ago.

i think i would rather crawl for two days with a compound fracture to my left femur, tib.. than deal with this shit. and that was a living hell i tell eah.. but at least i had a goal i could see.. this withdrawal im at its mersey when it goes away.

i dunno, get high for me bro.
yeah im not fucking with the plants today. if they die from neglect well i will learn not to do that. hgah

they will be fine.. its a weed.. its design to survive.. now if its any good herb to smoke is another thing. *where the grower comes in, he makes the fire..* hell i bet some of you guys grow killer herb that would put the weed at teh disp to shame using mirrical grow and glass mason jars. hah.


i dunno,


ok, so next water i will water trough till 20 percent run off. I thought that be bad for such small c ups. so i just water what i thought the plant would use.. which was hit and miss i see.

so that perlite should always look white even after water? if i did not over water?

im sure that perlite got that color from me just misting the soil i bet.
instead of thorough water for run off.


You don't need too much runoff. Just enough so you know the whole cup got saturated. Then just wait.

And yeah. That's why I said not to mist the soil and bags. Moist to mostly dry is good wet and soggy is not.

we all over think this. I still stress on waiting an extra day. If the plant is happy I tend to leave it.


I never really understood until my breeder of the seeds I was growing saw. He said simply.

"The plants love their dry days"

Kind of like his advice. "Too much fertilizer"


You got anyone offline locally that you can talk to and hang out with? If you have had enough and have proper POSITIVE distractions for yourself......before you know it youll feel better. My brother kicked 80's by eating generic lopramides. Lop is same as dilaudid but does not pass the blood brain barrier so you dont get "high", mind you he shat rock hard poops daily but he kicked a 500 dollar a day habit using those. I think he'd take 5-10 when he felt withdrawls then went about his day, drinking water etc and it worked! I have faith youll pull through it!


nope, no one lives near me even remotely to my age. in the 15 years iv been here i isolated my self.. so no friends. just my family who i do not bother with my problems.

life marches on.


You got anyone offline locally that you can talk to and hang out with? If you have had enough and have proper POSITIVE distractions for yourself......before you know it youll feel better. My brother kicked 80's by eating generic lopramides. Lop is same as dilaudid but does not pass the blood brain barrier so you dont get "high", mind you he shat rock hard poops daily but he kicked a 500 dollar a day habit using those. I think he'd take 5-10 when he felt withdrawls then went about his day, drinking water etc and it worked! I have faith youll pull through it!

There is a guy on You-Tube. He is some Jewish guy I think... got those curly cue things....anyway he is doing a video explaining about the Loperamide and how it could help with opiate withdraws. He goes on to suggest taking Zantac or Ranitidine with the Loperamide as it will then cross the blood brain barrier. The guy talks about taking 50-100-150 Loperamide pills at a time. Now..... this does work somewhat as when I was still using opiates and would run out this would work until my script came in....

But.... you will PAY one way or the other. Rock Hard shits is not pleasant. Better to just go through the withdraws and be done with it. No sense in dragging that shit out...

Feel better Chris! :)


ever tried meditation?
youtube should have something.
I have this DVD. Its great.
He walks you through the positions which are mostly sitting and lying on your back.
Focus is on breath work.. inhalations and exhalations. My favorite is the 3 part breath work.
A lot of anxiety is caused by incomplete exhalations and shallow breathing. You should try it.
Hope you feel better soon!


That youtube video is not only a joke, i was telling chris what one guy did and was successful. If it dont apply let it fly. Let me find out Dr.phil comes to thc farmer lmao


ever tried meditation?
youtube should have something.
I have this DVD. Its great.
He walks you through the positions which are mostly sitting and lying on your back.
Focus is on breath work.. inhalations and exhalations. My favorite is the 3 part breath work.
A lot of anxiety is caused by incomplete exhalations and shallow breathing. You should try it.
Hope you feel better soon!
hi hun.. no way could i do that im afraid when im on the floor, its because my leg gave out.

sigh i need to get high, fuck this withdrawals.. im thinking maybe i can use a magnifying glass.. i dunno, worth a shot i guess.

worse case it fails.

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