Organic Main Line Nl5xhaze Indoor

  • Thread starter ArcticOrange
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20160126 133918

20160126 133645

20160126 133618


Looking great arctic! Haven't been active the last week or so. Can't wait to see your buds getting all sorts of frosty
Not much goin on in my tent but I see plenty of Santas beard on the top layer of my soil so I know everything is ok lol

Thanks @OrganicBandt theyre just getting started stacking the pistils but it wont be long here before theres something to see.

Just started reading through your thread (looooove NL5/Haze, one of my all-time favorites) and got to this post, wanted to comment on it before I get to the end and forget, so I don't know if anybody's mentioned this yet. But if you're talking about aerated compost teas, you know you can dilute those and still get the same benefits, right? If you have a second five gallon bucket (or even a third), I'd fill it halfway with clean water and once your tea is finished brewing, just dump half of it into that bucket, then fill the bucket that the tea was brewing in with clean water and you've got ten gallons of tea, which should be enough for four plants in seven gallons. If you feel like you need more, just do three buckets and you'll have fifteen gallons (duh).

Not sure what what you're using to brew the teas with. I use Tim the Microbeman's and it's the shit. A little "splashy" so I just put a towel underneath the bucket and then cover the splashy side with some saranwrap so it doesn't get all over the place. A little bit still gets all over the place haha, but not too much.

If you haven't been to this site, I highly recommend it: I have a feeling you have (the aloe foliars were a tip-off haha), but that's Tim the Microbeman's site and he reeeeaaallllyyy gets into the process and benefits of AACTs. That's actually where I read about diluting the teas. Think he said he knew of someone diluting like a gallon or maybe five gallons with enough water to water an entire acre with. Or something like that. He also said that that might be stretching things a bit, but his point was that teas can be diluted a bit and still be incredibly affective.

Sorry if someone else chimed in on this subject. And sorry if you were talking about some other sort of tea haha! Nice thread so far, looking forward to getting to the last page haha.

I spent most of last night and this morning reading through Tim's site and i gotta say, it really brought together the whole picture for me! Thanks for the link it was a great read!


Thanks @OrganicBandt theyre just getting started stacking the pistils but it wont be long here before theres something to see.

I spent most of last night and this morning reading through Tim's site and i gotta say, it really brought together the whole picture for me! Thanks for the link it was a great read!

Awesome, glad you checked it out. It was a real eye opener for me, too. The main reason I suggested you check out his site is because I noticed you add guanos and stuff to your teas. Tim (who's obviously researched the fuck out of AACTs) says that the best compost teas only require good vermi/compost and some molasses. That's all you need. And a good air pump. I dont know what you're using to brew your teas, but those little aquarium air stones won't cut it.

I spent the hundred-something dollars and ordered his thing online, but once I got it, I was like,"Maaaaan, I coulda built this myself for half the price....." Either way, I don't regret spending the money. Dude knows his shit. And every tea I've applied using his Brewer (I dunno why Brewer keeps getting automatically capitalized haha) has made my plants SING after applying them. EWC and compost, brewed for around 30 hours (depending on ambient temps) should be all it takes.

No need for guanos and all that other stuff. Molasses, good compost and the proper Brewer (see? It capitalized "brewer" again haha) and you should be all good. Just trying to save you a little money haha. But you know, if you're getting good results with your methods, I don't see any reason to change what you're doing. Plants look great. That's all we can hope for, right?


Awesome, glad you checked it out. It was a real eye opener for me, too. The main reason I suggested you check out his site is because I noticed you add guanos and stuff to your teas. Tim (who's obviously researched the fuck out of AACTs) says that the best compost teas only require good vermi/compost and some molasses. That's all you need. And a good air pump. I dont know what you're using to brew your teas, but those little aquarium air stones won't cut it.

I spent the hundred-something dollars and ordered his thing online, but once I got it, I was like,"Maaaaan, I coulda built this myself for half the price....." Either way, I don't regret spending the money. Dude knows his shit. And every tea I've applied using his Brewer (I dunno why Brewer keeps getting automatically capitalized haha) has made my plants SING after applying them. EWC and compost, brewed for around 30 hours (depending on ambient temps) should be all it takes.

No need for guanos and all that other stuff. Molasses, good compost and the proper Brewer (see? It capitalized "brewer" again haha) and you should be all good. Just trying to save you a little money haha. But you know, if you're getting good results with your methods, I don't see any reason to change what you're doing. Plants look great. That's all we can hope for, right?

I recently bought this:

Hooked it up to this:

Very beastly. Super easy to clean as well.
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.


No need for guanos and all that other stuff. Molasses, good compost and the proper Brewer (see? It capitalized "brewer" again haha) and you should be all good. Just trying to save you a little money haha. But you know, if you're getting good results with your methods, I don't see any reason to change what you're doing. Plants look great. That's all we can hope for, right?

I've been wondering about this myself. The more I read from the microbeman and on buildasoil, the more it seems like all the guano teas are just a waste of money. But, I think that is assuming you have a well balanced and nutrient rich soil for the microbes to feed off of, correct? So, if you just started with a bag of promix and only fed AACT (just EWC and molasses), the soil wouldn't contain enough nutrients for the microbes to break down to feed the plant. In which case you would need to supplement with nutrient teas. That's at least my understanding of it, but I've wanted to talk to someone about this for a while now.


I've been wondering about this myself. The more I read from the microbeman and on buildasoil, the more it seems like all the guano teas are just a waste of money. But, I think that is assuming you have a well balanced and nutrient rich soil for the microbes to feed off of, correct? So, if you just started with a bag of promix and only fed AACT (just EWC and molasses), the soil wouldn't contain enough nutrients for the microbes to break down to feed the plant. In which case you would need to supplement with nutrient teas. That's at least my understanding of it, but I've wanted to talk to someone about this for a while now.

I mean, I reeeeeallllly don't know shit, but yeah, if your soil mix is lacking, then you'd definitely need to add whatever it was that was lacking via watering with some sort of nutrient teas, fermented plant extracts etc etc, I think. But I mean, for me personally, the whole reason I started growing organically (besides the obvious benefits, like clean and higher-quality meds) is that eventually, after a few grows (assuming you're recycling your soil) is that there isn't a need for much more than water. Seems to me that if one was to just grow in pro-mix or any other kind of medium that lacked what cannabis plants need, then you might as well just grow hydroponically and go the bottle route. Otherwise you'd be constantly brewing teas and whatever all else. Which, you know, if you're into that kind of thing, that's cool haha. But yeah, seems to me that it's just easier to mix up a good batch of soil and let it do its thing.

Again, I don't know anything, but that's what I think. I dunno why anybody would go through the effort of getting all your shit together, putting the work in and then having to play catch-up and trying to figure out what the plants need during the growing process and,"Should I brew this tea? Or that tea?" I mean, that sounds to me exactly like growing hydroponically. Why not just mix up a soil that has everything the plants need and call it a day (kinda sorta haha)?

Sorry, just got off work, having a drink at my "after work bar" and some chick is sitting next to me being suuuuuper-annoying haha. Not sure if what I typed makes sense or not.


Also, sorry @ArcticOrange to hijack your thread. @Onetwothree you can pm me if you want, I don't wanna take over this thread. I'm happy to offer you my opinions and advice, but there are a LOT of good people on this site who know way more than I do about all of this. Still, yeah, if you wanna pm me, I'll tell you what I think or know.


Now that they have slowed down i have moved the HPS a couple inches further away. Ive gotta get a little more light in there, turned up the ballast into overdrive today and weighing my options between vert cfls or horizontal t5s...


Unknown farmer
Now that they have slowed down i have moved the HPS a couple inches further away. Ive gotta get a little more light in there, turned up the ballast into overdrive today and weighing my options between vert cfls or horizontal t5s...
Is your build about wore out?. Think.overdrive is designed for bulbs that have a lot a hours on m. So you can get that casebook bit out of m.


Is your build about wore out?. Think.overdrive is designed for bulbs that have a lot a hours on m. So you can get that casebook bit out of m.

Nah the bulbs have only been used for the past 20 days plus 2 weeks of 12/12 on my last run. Im not sure but i run the solistek bulbs and ballast 600w i really dont know my lighting well enough but they claim they design the ballast and bulb combo to only overclock slightly like 5% with the "solisboost" setting so it doesnt overwork a fresh bulb. Probably manufacturer bs though i can turn it back down no big deal. Any suggestions on supplemental lighting in a tight space? Temps arent a problem for me i can move alot of air lol.


Unknown farmer
Nah the bulbs have only been used for the past 20 days plus 2 weeks of 12/12 on my last run. Im not sure but i run the solistek bulbs and ballast 600w i really dont know my lighting well enough but they claim they design the ballast and bulb combo to only overclock slightly like 5% with the "solisboost" setting so it doesnt overwork a fresh bulb. Probably manufacturer bs though i can turn it back down no big deal. Any suggestions on supplemental lighting in a tight space? Temps arent a problem for me i can move alot of air lol.
Cfl is all I know in a tighter space..
Look in to the bulb thing. But I'm.pretty sure it's for older bulbs.


Unknown farmer
Electric supply houses have 150hps floodlights cheap usually. Wire a plug on a nd go


Cfl is all I know in a tighter space..
Look in to the bulb thing. But I'm.pretty sure it's for older bulbs.

Yea just looked into it i shouldnt boost it. I was thinking vertical cfls and use something to keep the plants trained away. Maybe one in the center of each plant and the corners. I noticed them dropping lower leaves cause the canopy is so thick its not getting enough light down there. Never pushed this room this far before but i dont mind just means i need more light!


Lowe's also..not sure how deep in the Bush you are. Or if Lowe's is even in Alaska

Weve got a lowes here. I live literally at the last vestige of what most people would consider civilization lol. Well 30 minutes away from it anyway. Were the end of the supply chain basically. I considered some small HPS hung vertically. That woukd push me into the 1200 watt range though lmao.


Unknown farmer
Yea just looked into it i shouldnt boost it. I was thinking vertical cfls and use something to keep the plants trained away. Maybe one in the center of each plant and the corners. I noticed them dropping lower leaves cause the canopy is so thick its not getting enough light down there. Never pushed this room this far before but i dont mind just means i need more light!
4foot shop light vertical in corners?


Unknown farmer
Weve got a lowes here. I live literally at the last vestige of what most people would consider civilization lol. Well 30 minutes away from it anyway. Were the end of the supply chain basically. I considered some small HPS hung vertically. That woukd push me into the 1200 watt range though lmao.
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