Our World

  • Thread starter dirk d
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Didn't say we're not getting fucked--I said who's doing the fucking.

I think rape victims prove pretty definitively that you don't always know who's doing that.
deep buddy

deep buddy

ohh we all know its just so much easier to pretend. the fools curtain my friend, its the same ones as ever, ahhh mystery! this country is an occult breeding program. a psych experiment, trust me they have been trying to heard me since i was pup. and if you are one and thats why you dont like what im saying, i am the hand of kharma... if you are then you know, n ill be seein all of you soon.

srry i really hate getting fucked, and i hate religion exoteric or esoteric, no offense was meant to you squiqqs as long as your not one of em, that is. you must think i am insane, i wish i was brother.. i wish i was.


None of us here are smart enough to debate with you,THE ALMIGHTY SQUIGGLY,who would push a button and kill all of us if he could as if he was a god or someone like hitler who thought he was superior to everyone else and it was ok for him to pick and choose who got to live,We bow before you almighty squiggly!
Is there anything you are not an expert at?lets see,you are a chemist,a firearms expert and a marksman,a political science expert,a conspiracy theory expert,9/11 expert,An expert bullshitter,wow dude you do it all like superman,no one can beat you,your the best of the best,We bow before you almighty expert at everything and smarter and wiser than all of the rest of us rolled up into one squiggly!We are not worthy of having you on our site almighty one but i know of a place where you will fit right in,its called ROLLITUP and you can be with your own kind there,other gods and know it alls and tons of gullible 17 year olds who will worship you and read your essays when you respond to a post,youll be right at home.
Honestly your shits not even entertaining any more,like someone else said blah blah blah,fucking mindless drivel.Please leave the rest of us small brained peons alone,please, I beg of you.Your the only person i know that you can push the ignore button on and you still fucking know your there and what your saying because every person is responding/fighting with you on threads!Your bullshit is fucking up the good karma i get when i come to this place.I would never dream of pushing a button and killing anyone but if there was a ban button in front of me it would be getting pushed ALOT and i am 1000% sure im not the only one.You are just like your political heroes,closed minded little dictators who think they know better than everyone else,I for one will spark a big fatty when someone drops the ban hammer on your know it all ass,Take your shit somewhere else,See ya sqidmark.

Dirk D,Please forgive me for the threadjack.


[quote="squiggly, post: 849515, member: 32073Now Bluenote, much of that might be true, but I'd say the same thing to you as I have to dirk (although perhaps less abrasively). I'm not certain that what you've presented here really represents an effective proof against the plausibility of Oswald. I get it that you have this expertise in this area, but at the same time I think the burden of proof rests on you here--and that you've just not done an airtight job of convincing me that it had to have happened the way you said it did.

That's the real crux. I don't want to hear about a conspiracy theory. I want conspiracy proof. No one ever seems to have that--though I'll give you some credit here for getting probably the closest of everyone I've ever seen to presenting something like this.[/quote]

What you fail to understand Squig , is that I am NOT attempting to " convince" you of anything whatsoever.

And look , I'm really attempting the be nice about this , that said *please* do not hold up Junior membership in the NRA or indeed long term membership as being meaningful of anything whatsoever.

I'm a Life Member SO WHAT, the NRA has become nothing more than a worthless Lobby group. What I *am* however , and there's another thread you should read to catch up a bit...........IS an active competitor in F Class and other disciplines. Now think about that for a bit when you start attempting to convince *me* of ' what's WHAt ' with a given rifle or it's capabilities...Mmmmmkay?

Now find me a *single* marksman in the world that could/can make that series of shots using the same 6.5 carcano and junk 4 x 30 scope............and that's just the dynamics of making the shots................not even taking into account the wound channel and the **obvious** reaction to being shot from the front by Kennedy upon impact and flythru.

Hell if *you* wish to try a simulation I'll lend you your choice of trick modern Bolt Rifles with superlative glass.....................and you'll STILL fail at it.

So in the end *your* stance hinges upon Oswald being quite literally an unknown but World Class Marksman.........................lotsa holes in that one , right back to the choice of rifle and glass..........

I hunt and have forever Squig , and I know *exactly* how slugs that I utilise will perform on game at various distances and weights. The 'official' story is bullshit all the way through and always has been.
dirk d

dirk d

i will draw attention to my earlier comment about the game of three children. some killed , some died , WE ALL WATCHED!

some things dont need to be proven , you just know when your getting fucked.
What's the 3 children story?


So squiggly what is your take on all the foreign "scientists" who believe through there studies, experience, knowledge that none of it adds up. The Only people that agree with it are a few scientists who most likely are employed by united states gov reseach or some university that is owned by the government. Why do you not want to believe what the outside has to say. I may be wrong but it seems like you only believe shit from a handful of sources. Also, what must one do to be able to call themself a scientist? That's a real question, no smartass involved in it.

I am no chemist so could someone explain to me how more of a substance would allow that compound to burn hotter, like what squiggly said about the jet full of jet fuel. I am prob wrong but I would think jet fuel itself is only capable of burning at a max temp, no matter the amount of it. Also, what does the plane have to do with heating the fuel itself? I just feel like when they say jet fuel can't burn hot enough to melt whatever it was, then jet fuel can't burn that hot under any circumstance. To me, that is the evidence that is solid that squiggly talks about, but wait, then the gov comes up with some bs complex explanation of how this could possibly be some phenoma lol when does that end?? Just come out with the proof on paper, I mean after all they are scientists.

About that thermite, you say most basements in these buildings would have the right components to make up thermite, but would all those components be located conveniently close enough to the point they would mix and for molten pools? If what you say about thermite and components being in basement is right, wouldn't they have to be stored practically stacked on top of one another in order for it to form thermite and then pool up in the floor? Or are u trying to say thermite can be made by its components being randomly placed throughout a storage floor (example) that is in the basement of a building g that gets hit with a plane however many floors up it was? Just askin ur opinion on that


I didn't say I'd get to pick and choose. I said people who actually were dumb--hell maybe I'd be one of em. The world would be better off in any case. I wasn't saying I'm for genocide but rather that I know the hard truth is that dumb people make a negative impact on the world.

Either way, I'm not going to reply further to your angry tone--I'm trying to turn over a new leaf in political arguments :)


What you fail to understand Squig , is that I am NOT attempting to " convince" you of anything whatsoever.

Wasn't really trying to get you to--I guess I was just offering perspective on what my thought process is and why it is that I have the position that I do. I'm not going to convince you and I know that, so I'm not trying to either--rather I state my opinion strongly so that anyone who does agree with me might be strengthened in their position.

As for the rest of it dude, my expertise doesn't really fall in an area that allows me to speak with any authority as to what shots can and can't be made. I wasn't trying to imply that it was, merely that I plan to look into it through my avenues and they aren't exactly narrow--if anything I was leaning more to your side while not coming the full way over. Much like you, I need to convince myself--not be convinced.

I'm trying to say yes, I do defer to your expertise which seems to be greater than mine, now I'll try to confirm that. Frankly I don't think the idea that someone wanted JFK dead to be so crazy. I never have. This doesn't really fall into the category of fringe theories I'm talking about. JFK shook things up, and people don't like that.

Saying that one theory is true, or even proving it--does not offer proof relevant to any other theory.

I don't think you should want to prove it to me, but I don't see why you wouldn't present your case as though you were trying to. I've made some of my biggest leaps in thinking while speaking out my position and realizing it was garbage. Sometimes what's in your head can either fall apart or become stronger when you share it with another person.

Either way, worthwhile points according to what little expertise I do have--and I'll look into it more. Still isn't proof that everyone is out to get us imo.


So squiggly what is your take on all the foreign "scientists" who believe through there studies, experience, knowledge that none of it adds up.

I'd like to know the names of those scientists, how many of them there are--and what their previous public opinions of America and George Bush were.

If it was the overwhelming majority, then I'd maybe listen--but not if that comprised 3 people.

As for the thermite, I'm kinda on break from talking chemical structures and what not for the moment--so I'm just gonna go ahead and say things aren't as clear cut as they might seem when it comes to chemistry. Wiki is not giving you the whole picture (unless you read all of it).
deep buddy

deep buddy

What's the 3 children story?
"The Game of Three Children" is an esoteric mystery traditionalist ritual. search Walpurgis. alot of very interesting things happened during ,and after wwII , we brought some real nasty occultist's over to help our efforts. alll of which was planned i mean they have been using the fortress europa model in tactical training since they figured out the world wasnt flat, and the gold, von bruan and parsons , hanging with aliester crowley, and l.ron hubbard. ???????????????????????????
not trying to say i have any answers, i dont i just am sharing the path im on.
and all please beware of "mass events" of any kind be prepared now, please. one week with out electricity and this country will descend into "INSANE CANNIBALISM" as predicted and planned , look around you people this is it , duppy land.
sincerely my best wishes to all


Either way, worthwhile points according to what little expertise I do have--and I'll look into it more. Still isn't proof that everyone is out to get us imo.

Where did I state ' everyone is out to get us'? Your statement was a generalisation that "coverups" really don't happen.

They do. And folks inevitably bypass the HARD questions of quite simple nature.

AGAIN , ask youself those questions. WHY would an " assassin" pick a piece of crap in a less than optimum caliber with crap glass when there were at the time superlative choices available. WHY would he pick a quite obvious and much , much less than optimal position with little in the way of escape avenues when MUCH better positions were available?

And furthermore since Oswald allegedly trained on issue Marine weaponry , and subsequently ComBloc weaponry during his tenure in the USSR then WHY would he pick an unfamilar Italian rifle over the infinitely better Springfields , Mausers and Mosin/Nagants he'd be intimate with , all of which are better longrange weapons with better longrange cartridges?

You're a physics guy , the diagrams are available , run the math on that downward traversing angle with the target moving diagonally away and see where the *theoretical* hits would have ended up from Oswald's position.

As an aside the last Carcano I looked at ( a buddy bought one for kicks) only went 6 minutes of angle at 100 yards for a ten round group , and that's chucked up in a Ransom Rest , that's abysmal. And quite typical.


holy shit some of you guys really got into the technical side of this stuff...which is awesome dont get me wrong but i remember when my history teacher (soph. year HS) took a week and covered different theories and what not on JFK...I was 15 and it literally took ZERO physics and all that uber tech shit to make me realize how big of a shit show it was. I realize we need all this evidence to further prove our point but look where it got us, people still stick there head in the sand and say "nope, no way would they lie about it, its all in the report they wrote decades ago" even though there is a million coincidences and flaws in everything our government and its so called experts reported. I cant even think of what more to say when all it took was the simple run down of what the warren commission states.

Its not like i want to believe my government can and will do whatever it takes to keep its image clean and business rolling. To me it would be even more of a conspiracy theory if the government did tell us everything they do, how they do it, and that they love us and want to help its citizens in every way possible lol.

Squiggly- if you really have an open mind, take 1-2 hours out of your day and watch "Zeitgeist 2007" and do not turn it off when you get huffy and puffy about what they are saying. Believe it or not, the people who put these videos together are anything but close minded. For me, I look at all the events i feel the gov had a huge roll in and ask myself why there are soooo many details that go unanswered over time. Not crazy unexplainable questions, just normal questions about why these people were here and shit like that. One similar event, Oklahoma city bombing, has alot of details left unanswered as well. I tried watching a documentary on it but only made it about half way before i was totally convinced we had a hand in it. Either way, we cant stop them so maybe thats why the cover ups are getting easier and easier to spot.


omg lol I totally forgot about flight 93 lmao....they confiscate any and all video evidence that taped the crash, the plane "vaporized" yet pieces were found 5 miles away HAHAHA im so sorry but come the fuck on...im embarrassed when i even type that lame ass excuse


Yeah , I guess I did get a bit technical. The point is however , that the Govt can/has/does/ and will continue to conceal things from the general populace.

All sorts of things , I've already mentioned events around Mena Ark and subsequent to that other related events in Baton rouge and New Orleans. In the same vein would be Freeway Ricky Ross , and of course Gary Webb.

Hows about Rocky Flats? Interesting questions there don't you think? Other examples abound.


Where did I state ' everyone is out to get us'? Your statement was a generalisation that "coverups" really don't happen.

They do. And folks inevitably bypass the HARD questions of quite simple nature.

AGAIN , ask youself those questions. WHY would an " assassin" pick a piece of crap in a less than optimum caliber with crap glass when there were at the time superlative choices available. WHY would he pick a quite obvious and much , much less than optimal position with little in the way of escape avenues when MUCH better positions were available?

And furthermore since Oswald allegedly trained on issue Marine weaponry , and subsequently ComBloc weaponry during his tenure in the USSR then WHY would he pick an unfamilar Italian rifle over the infinitely better Springfields , Mausers and Mosin/Nagants he'd be intimate with , all of which are better longrange weapons with better longrange cartridges?

You're a physics guy , the diagrams are available , run the math on that downward traversing angle with the target moving diagonally away and see where the *theoretical* hits would have ended up from Oswald's position.

As an aside the last Carcano I looked at ( a buddy bought one for kicks) only went 6 minutes of angle at 100 yards for a ten round group , and that's chucked up in a Ransom Rest , that's abysmal. And quite typical.

I don't know why we keep refocusing onto Oswald. I've already conceded that it warrants more investigation--that is going to be on my own, your expertise has taken this argument as far as it can go for me (and you should be proud of this--you've presented a well-rounded argument which has definitely swayed me to further consideration). I never said that coverups do not happen. All I've said is that everything is not a coverup.

Perhaps even to deepen that my suggestion is that perhaps if we are all so susceptible to coverups that so are many government officials--leading to a further suggestion that maybe this isn't an endemic problem with government so much as it is one with individual people. You keep circling back to this idea of me not believing that there is a problem.

Well I do--I just don't believe that the nature of it it is so dire as you would have us believe.

I'm sort of suggesting that one of the hard easy questions which is often ignored is that it doesn't always have to be a giant conspiracy--sometimes 3 or 4 people can turn the tide in a situation like this. I'm not saying it's not worth discussing how to put a stop to shadiness--I just don't believe the correct way to be about it is paranoid.

Just as you say I shouldn't speak in generalizations--neither should you or anyone else. I'm not saying generally that coverups do not happen--rather it seems more that you and others are saying that they generally do. This is a two way street in terms of ignoring reality. If we're going to say the whole government is a conspiracy--then let's hear some proof on that. Rather than two or three instances which might warrant some further inspection automatically implying that everything does. This is untrue in the same way that saying "most things aren't covered up" doesn't mean that JFK's assassination was not.

Individual proof is needed to prove individual things--and I think that you'll find this is lacking as it goes to most of these theories. Else they'd not be theories anymore. This is really the nature of this argument. Neither of us has proof to the negative--really it's a moment where we should agree to disagree. I'll never believe everything is a coverup, and you'll never believe that most everything isn't.

Even if with both come closer to the middle--we'll just end up in a place of agreement over our inability to really place what's been going on without all of the information.
dirk d

dirk d

There is a reason there is a war every 20 years. Need the young to forget the horrors they been through before the next generation is sent to war. 18 soldiers each day commit suicide mostly attributed to pyschiatric drugs. We should never put our young in a situation that makes them want to kill themselves when they get home. The forgotten casualties of war.



We are talking about J.F.K, or at least you guys are to a degree and I want to offer a little something, now this is not a conspiracy idea that I made up, you can easily google what I am about to say: J.F.K. died primarily because of his dad and brother. The 1960 election was the closest election ever at the time, Nixon was on the repub ticket then. J.F.K. won because of Illinois and Texas and because of the dead people that came out in masses to vote for him.(from wiki:
ennedy won Illinois by less than 9,000 votes out of 4.75 million cast, or a margin of 0.2%.[20] However, Nixon carried 92 of the state's 101 counties, and Kennedy's victory in Illinois came from the city of Chicago, where Mayor Richard J. Daley held back much of Chicago's vote until the late morning hours of November 9. The efforts of Daley and the powerful Chicago Democratic organization gave Kennedy an extraordinary Cook County victory margin of 450,000 votes—more than 10% of Chicago's 1960 population of 3.55 million,[26] although Cook County also included many suburbs outside of Chicago's borders—thus barely overcoming the heavy Republican vote in the rest of Illinois. Earl Mazo, a reporter for the pro-Nixon New York Herald Tribune, investigated the voting in Chicago and claimed to have discovered sufficient evidence of vote fraud to prove that the state was stolen for Kennedy.[20)"

At the time Chicago was ran by a guy named Sam Giancana, but really Tony Accardo and Carlo Marcello ran the whole show......Italian mafia heyday stuff. . After taking office J.F.K. appointed his brother as attorney general. For some unknown reason, Robert decided to start a task force focused on taking down the Italian Mob, Marcello in particular. The C.I.A. went so far as to have Marcello deported and they literally dropped him off in the jungle of South America assuming he would die, well he didn't. Marcello returned to the U.S. months before Kennedy was shot. Also from Wiki:
After becoming President, John Kennedy appointed his brother Robert as U.S. Attorney General. The two men worked closely together on a wide variety of issues including the attempt to tackle organized crime. In March 1961 Attorney General Robert Kennedy, acting on requests which had been first made to the Eisenhower administration by former Louisiana state police superintendent Francis Grevemberg, the C.I.A. Abducted Marcello and forced him to jump from a C-130 (at night) over Central America. Their plan backfired when Marcello reappeared in New Orleans! On April 4, of that year, Marcello was arrested by the authorities and taken forcibly to Guatemala. He reappeared in Baton Rouge, LA 2 weeks later.

Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby, Ruby worked in Texas (if memory serves me right) for a bar that Marcello owned. Were there other members involved? I am sure. But, my logic tells me that these are the people with the motive and capabilities to pull this type of thing off. Giancana, who also fucked around with Marilyn Monroe was killed in the late 70's I believe, the day he was supposed to give grand jury testimony about J.F.K..


We are talking about J.F.K, or at least you guys are to a degree and I want to offer a little something, now this is not a conspiracy idea that I made up, you can easily google what I am about to say: J.F.K. died primarily because of his dad and brother. ..

Pretty much what's likely correct. But go back further and take a gander at where the Kennedy family money came from prior to the era you speak of. Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger and a criminal , the connections you speak of were developed in that era.

Squig thinks I'm " focusing" on JFK , I'm not , I'm merely utilising it as an example of how things can be covered up and how long-term it can be. And there are enough oddities surrounding the Robert Kennedy assassination to be more than a bit discussion worthy.

And folks , since we'll get the the N.O. branch if it , keep in mind where La Cosa Nostra *started* , and it was *not* NYC or Chicago. It was in Giancana's primary city and area , which was of course literally handed to him by none other than Huey Long to do with as he pleased.

The convenient marriage of the two most politically corrupt regimes in the country of that era..........ChiTown and Southern Louisiana.


IPerhaps even to deepen that my suggestion is that perhaps if we are all so susceptible to coverups that so are many government officials--leading to a further suggestion that maybe this isn't an endemic problem with government so much as it is one with individual people. You keep circling back to this idea of me not believing that there is a problem.

Well I do--I just don't believe that the nature of it it is so dire as you would have us believe.


The problem being that it IS an endemic , indeed a systemic problem. What makes you think that the well known examples I cite are the only ones.

It has become CUSTOMARY for our politicos and our govt to conceal things from the populace , and to attempt to continue to do so after they've been caught out Red Handed at it.

Do I need to say " Fast and Furious" or " Gunwalker Scandal"?

You mean to tell me that you actually think that piece of shit Holder is truthful on all this ? Really? Spent any time south of the line have ya? Sorry but I *know* where the majority of the weapons in South and Central America come from. And it sure as HELL ain't from this side of the line................YAH all those ComBloc Aks and SKSs came from the States....sure they did...............there haven't been various and sundry Revolutions , Coups and insurgencies fostered by ComBloc countries over the years...uh UH couldn't happen , there just couldn't be Soviet flagged freighters sitting in the Barranquilla or Cartagena harbors with freaking shipping containers FULL of surplus hardware.........

And this ties back to the 2nd Amendment issues and your opinion that I'm batshit crazy for being of the opinion that they'll eventually make a concerted attempt to disarm the populace. Look around you , it's already happening on a gradual basis and from a variety of angles. Example: take a close look at NJ's ridiculous ammunition laws. And yes I can provide myriad other examples.

Hows about the .50 bmg rifle controversy , find me a SINGLE crime commited in this country with a .50 bmg rifle.........YAHHHH a guy is going to walk into a 7/11 and rob it with a 24 lb and up rifle with a 28-34 inch barrel.................that costs 5 grand and UP mostly UP. Care to discuss magazine capacity laws,,,,,,,,,,GOLLY but they really " cut down on crime" didn't they?

Maybe you'd care to discuss the events surrounding the Lake Falcon shooting , why it occured and what has gone on afterwards , including what HAS NOT made the National Press.

Like the 42 foot Donzi that turned up on the boatslip with 5 dead Smugglers , a couple million in cash and 400 keys of blow? Found after an anonymous call to DPS and the Rangers , shot from distance with a 7.62 x 51.................think someone was sending a MESSAGE? If they had been thieves they'd have taken the blow and the money. Now ask yourselves where the media was on that one.

Straight up , and for perspective I'm *originally* from Texas , I have friends and relatives all up and down the border , it's a freaking WAR zone , the days of running across the line to Ojinaga for a great bowl of Posole are OVER , now Ojinaga is a place that the Federales and the M.A. won't go into except in force , and where they find such wonderful things in a local butcher shop as 14 guys hanging head down with their heads lined neatly up on a table.

Lets tie this all into the basic reason we're here. Do you have ANY idea what would happen to YOU if ya got caught growing within say Los Aztecas , Sinaloa Cartel , Pinche'Boyz etc territory? You would DIE , adn it wouldn't be an easy death.

Or hey we could talk specifically about Columbia and the WHY of Pablo Escobar , who was nothing more than a ***sacrificial goat*** handed out to satisfy OUR Feds. BANK that one. FOLLOW the freaking money.

I'm letting out a great deal more here than I should , suffice to say that I have a great deal of experience down there , and what we're fed here is pureD and complete B U L L S H I T.

The Coca trade is *now* mostly controlled/owned by FARC , they OWN the backcountry , they now OWN the backcountry FlyIn towns where the Combian Army won't GO , and it's pf very little difference in Ecuador , Bolivia and Peru...........the latter having the spectre of the Sendero Luminoso re-appearing.

Again ****follow the money****........


I'll just answer the rather nasty private query here , and to the individual who posed the question , next time have the BALLS to ask it publicly or just stay the FUCK out of my mailbox with your pissant diatribes. Got me? Ya ain't got the cojones to finish what ya started in such a chickenshit manner.

Yeah I just called ya a C O W A R D.

For the record YEAH I *am* a " prepper" , just not in the way your single cellular mind has been indoctrinated to think of " preppers".................... YEAH sure I store weapons and ammunition , but not for the freaking Zombie Mutant Hordes of your fevered Fantasies , you and your " I'm gonna confront platoon strength and above with better comm , better weaponry , better transport and lotsa back up and I'm AgoNna Be OK 'cause I gotZ de Sheeeit M4orgery BlaK RIfLe".................

You're frigging pathetic , and in the end you're meat or fertiliser 'cause bluntly YOU ARE GOING TO DIE..........

A freaking decent .22lr , a string of traps and decent fishing gear would feed ya , longterm , the commonsense to avoid conflict would have you living long enough to utilise those provisions.

But hey tote around all that weight in extra mags , I'm sure you'll be able to chew them and derive sustenance. You're just another pathetic socalled " survivalist" puke who has seen one too many television shows. And the REALITIES of living bush would send you home with your yuppoid sissy tail tucked up your buttcrack.

There's good reason why the simplistic maxim " Beans , Bullets and Bandaids" came about , too bad you've forgotten two of those B's.................betcha store Gold too , that should make some right tasty eating. Or hey maybe you can drop some REAL expensive shot for a muzzleloader or scattergun.

Now did I manage to convey my opinion that you're a freaking I D I O T sufficiently , or do I need to construct it in plainer fashion.

Lemme know ya frigging Bunker Bunny. And don't email me again , got that....

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