Papa's Pothead Playhouse

  • Thread starter Papa Indica
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How many hours a day do you play fuck fuck on the Farm?

  • 1 hour

  • 2 hours

  • 3 hours

  • More than 3 hours

  • Less than an hour

  • as much time as I can get away with

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Papa Indica

Papa Indica

I'm thinking you are done the future, no matter what state of mind you are in NEVER pick up another cancer stick....good for you bro..... Smoke pot, its better for you.
Thanks pute and yes, I am done. Still dealing with cravings and the urges that come from a lifetime of automatically reaching for one but, any time I've given any kind of serious thought to it I think, not only for the health reasons do I have to do it but, I can't imagine how we ever could afford the damn things. I think about the money we'd have to start spending on them again and I cringe.
I can still feel the physical withdrawals from them and that gets me thinking too, I don't like anyone or anything controlling me and those things have way too much of a hold. Fooled myself long enough thinking I was doing it because I wanted to, had enough of that lie.


Good job Pops!!!!!!!
Like Put said don't fall into that trap of I will just have one. I did that after being off them for 10 fucking years and I was right back to smoking. Took me 10 more years of trying to quit. Now it's been 2 1/2 years. It was a lot easier the first time. :cool:


Congrats to my non smoking bro. Life is much better without `em, not to mention your wallet. Never think "I can have just one", it does not work. Believe me cause I been there, done that. Did not want to say it before, but I will now. Quitting is the easy part, staying quit is the hard part. Be strong.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Good job Pops!!!!!!!
Like Put said don't fall into that trap of I will just have one. I did that after being off them for 10 fucking years and I was right back to smoking. Took me 10 more years of trying to quit. Now it's been 2 1/2 years. It was a lot easier the first time. :cool:

Congrats to my non smoking bro. Life is much better without `em, not to mention your wallet. Never think "I can have just one", it does not work. Believe me cause I been there, done that. Did not want to say it before, but I will now. Quitting is the easy part, staying quit is the hard part. Be strong.
Thanks guys and don't worry, I won't try the "only one" thing, I already know how that works.
I can't believe all the bullshit you go through getting off these damn things, the cigarette companies have done their job well, they've gotten these things so that they really hang on tight and don't wanna let go.
I'm very determined to be done and even now in my 4th week I get cravings and urges as bad as if I had been doing it all along.
If nothing else, I refuse to go back to spending all that money on that garbage, those fuckers have gotten more than enough of it over all these years.


I always found the month mark to be the hardest by far, it does get better eventually though. Its mostly the mental took a really long time to change my behavior or whatever. Car rides and such, I had no idea what to do with my hands.

Just smoke lots of weed sir, LOTS! until the urges for cigs go away.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

I always found the month mark to be the hardest by far, it does get better eventually though. Its mostly the mental took a really long time to change my behavior or whatever. Car rides and such, I had no idea what to do with my hands.

Just smoke lots of weed sir, LOTS! until the urges for cigs go away.

Smokin` weed definitely helps. I know it did me........several times actually.

Well, we're a week out from the one month mark, it was the 9th of last month that was our first day. The weed has definitely been a big help at times for me, I don't know why the wife doesn't hit it more often, she almost never hits it anymore, hasn't for years now.
At first I was going for the hard candy a lot, then I started using toothpicks. The toothpicks are great, they give you something to have in your mouth similar to a cigarette and every once in a while I pull it out, twirl it my fingers for a second and put it back, it really helps to satisfy the urge for that function. If I find myself wanting to reach for a smoke I reach for a toothpick. The wife picked up some long ones for me and I snip an end off so I don't have a sharp tip accidentally poking me.
(That's what she said.)
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Just over a month and a half with no cigarettes and I can't believe the power of the addiction to nicotine. I'm still determined to stay off of them but, it's crazy to me that the cravings have gotten stronger in the last week or so than they were early on. The damn cigarette companies really have those nicotine levels dialed in to keep us hooked nice and deep.
Makes me want to succeed even more, I hate that they've had so much control over me for so long and gotten so much of my money, I can't imagine going back to giving those fuckers all that money every week.
I am finally starting to breath a little better, I hope I start feeling better soon too. I can't believe how much I feel the need to clear my throat, like stuff is constantly trying to clear out of my lungs, my father in-law said it lasted about a year with him.


Premium Member
This soon shall pass and you will feel even better...
As well as the nicotine there are many many other chemicals in cigs making withdraw difficult..
I could consult with my homeopathy doctor friend and nutritionist if interested in any possible detox supplements or essential oils that may help....
If interested let me know and will research....
Wondering if you notice any difference in taste??
Man when I quit, I was near death I n hospital, was so sick could not and did not want to smoke.
When I got out only after a week without food tasted amazing..
And I have never smoked since no cravings gone and done...
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

This soon shall pass and you will feel even better...
As well as the nicotine there are many many other chemicals in cigs making withdraw difficult..
I could consult with my homeopathy doctor friend and nutritionist if interested in any possible detox supplements or essential oils that may help....
If interested let me know and will research....
Wondering if you notice any difference in taste??
Man when I quit, I was near death I n hospital, was so sick could not and did not want to smoke.
When I got out only after a week without food tasted amazing..
And I have never smoked since no cravings gone and done...
That's pretty crazy, I've heard from multiple people that cravings still came up for them after 20 and 30 years after quitting, like they never stop popping up. I guess they're far less frequent and not as strong but, still coming.
Food is definitely better for me, I was actually having trouble eating well for quite a while, I was blaming it on the disease but, I was having a hard time even seeing a lot of food as being food and really only eating junk for a long time. After probably a couple weeks my taste buds starting coming back and food has been becoming much more enjoyable for me, hopefully I don't get myself any fatter than I've already gotten from sitting around so long, I won't be able to pick myself up anymore. lol
I ate like a bird for a long time, now I finally have a real appetite for the first time in years, it's nice to enjoy food. I'm trying to do what I can to be as healthy as I can, I don't hold out a lot of hope that I can make myself better but, I've finally decided that that's not gonna keep me from trying. I'd like to be around to see my granddaughters grow up but, I want to feel better while I'm doing it so, I'm working on it. I've put a lot of fruit into my diet and have cut out some other stuff, like milk chocolate, which I was eating a hell of a lot of not too long ago.
It's crazy, feels like such a drastic change in a lifestyle that I've lived most of my life, I wish I had made the change about 25-30 years ago instead. Who knows? Maybe I could've avoided this disease.


Papa I, them cravings will pop up for the rest of your life bro. I still get `em and it`s been about 10 years since I quit, this time. Was off `em for 15 years and had just that "one", do not have just that "one". Smoke pot, smoke pot instead.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Papa I, them cravings will pop up for the rest of your life bro. I still get `em and it`s been about 10 years since I quit, this time. Was off `em for 15 years and had just that "one", do not have just that "one". Smoke pot, smoke pot instead.
No, I don't plan to fall into that. I know if I pick up a cigarette it's to start smoking again, not to just have "one".
Addiction is a whore, a whore that I've been fucking around with my whole life, our fathers pass her off to us and we fall right into her hole.


Premium Member
With my alcohol addiction I rarely get the crave funny never crave a cig., i if think about it just think how nasty they taste.....
When I do think about beer I ask my higher power to deal with it..
I am weak it's is stronger, more cunning, baffling powerful and patient than I will ever be..
It's all in your mind...If you sweetly surrender and believe in self soon you will not have the crave, you have to trick your mind into forgetting all about the crave.
It takes time. all the years of using will just not go away over night..
Try to get your mind off it. think grand your mind breathe in healing energy breathe out sickness and craving....
You can do it if I did it
It seemed impossible for so many years but you are well on your way../...
bet you feel a whole lot better more incentive...
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Damn, I was just looking back and when I started this thread it exploded! 12 pages in one day when it first started!
Too bad it died so quickly too. When @gravekat303 asked me about keeping personal stuff and drama out of here I should've clarified a little better, drama = fuck no but, beyond that anything was fair game in my book, anyone could talk about anything they wanted to. (Which I had kinda already said.)
Well, everything was sailing along great and then my wife's mother died and I mentioned on here that I had to wake my wife up to tell her and it was like pulling the drain plug, the whole thing swirled down.

Too bad, we had a good thing started here, maybe we can pick it back up.
Put some tags on this bitch and try to bring some people back. :ninja:
@G gnome @tattoojim @mittenmedgrow @Limonene @ghettogrower @stonestacker @Og Gong @Mr Bee @ArcticOrange @juiceyjay @str8smokn @RG420 @Toaster79 @rmoltis @pimpin @420lyfePPP @Ned Kelly @blazer and @colostoney @Homesteader @yooper420 @Hippie

I know damn well there's more I want to tag but, whatever. Most of those I just copied and pasted from the first page. lmao
I don't really expect it to take back off again like it was anyway, some of the people aren't even around anymore. wtf
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