Pest Identification

  • Thread starter MushinNoShin
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Bill Murry

Bill Murry

I wish I knew all this info before I ordered anything. Hopefully someone out there can read this and learn from it.

If I could do it all over again I would use the Conserve SC, Cap's Foliar Pack and then go with predatory mites/insects.

I believe Neoseiulus Californicus is native to my area, so I sure hope that isn't what I was seeing and trying to exterminate.

If this doesn't get rid of them, I'll loose my mind, lol.
Remember that most insect larva to adult can be as long as 21 days. So if you see an adult three or four days after a treatment you will need to continue treatment ever couple days to ensure coverage has eliminated the true issue. Lady bugs will eat any soft body mite and their cheep with large appetites. Bless


Remember that most insect larva to adult can be as long as 21 days. So if you see an adult three or four days after a treatment you will need to continue treatment ever couple days to ensure coverage has eliminated the true issue. Lady bugs will eat any soft body mite and their cheep with large appetites. Bless
That's extremely helpful info, thank you! Damn, I really, really hope I don't find any adults crawling around. It would be heartbreaking.

I've heard equally good and bad things about ladybugs, but you've convinced me to give them a shot! The only thing is that I usually run my veg rooms 24/7 and I heard that they don't really like light. I usually take it down to 20/4 during summer, so hopefully that's long enough for them to work their magic.
Bill Murry

Bill Murry

The ladies used before flower or early flower ive never had issue with. Now if you wait and used them in flower your going to be picking them off your sticky nug's and no one wants to pluck 5k bugs out of their crop. the lady bugs last 45 to say 60 days and will die off mostly. You'll have to vacuum them up as they hit the floor but far as dark they'll crawl on the underside of the leaves where most of the bad guys hide also they hang on the stems near the base of the plant when you drench little bad bugs will run up the stalk right into the ladies. Depending on air temp in your area they may cluster on the tops of your plants close to the lights for warmth. You will need to spray foliage straight water for them to drink every couple days and have some bad bugs to eat in your area and they'll go to town. Don't get me wrong they'll be having orgies and laying around if they don't have work to do.


Don't get me wrong they'll be having orgies and laying around if they don't have work to do.
Lol! I welcome Lady Bug orgies with open arms!

So the 24 hour REI is up and had a chance to have a look in my mum/veg room. Got a few crispy-ass leaves and weird black spots on a lot of them. I'm wondering if it is okay to give them a fresh-water rinse? I'm gonna give them a spray of Cap's Foliar pack and get to work on making new mums as I'm worried about loosing my genetics at this point.


Living dead girl
That sounds like a good plan. I personally cannot advocate for ladybugs, even outside, I've found them not very helpful at all given their mobility and propensity to fly.
Remember that most insect larva to adult can be as long as 21 days. So if you see an adult three or four days after a treatment you will need to continue treatment ever couple days to ensure coverage has eliminated the true issue. Lady bugs will eat any soft body mite and their cheep with large appetites. Bless
I would agree with that IF he hadn't said he used Forbid. You cannot use that product more than 3 times per growing season, or you're damn near guaranteeing resistance. He's gotta switch it up to another mode of action 'cide' here.


So far I have done AzaMax, Captain Jacks Dead Bug, Safer 3-in-1, Hot Shot NoPest Strips and Forbid 4f.

Man... Just realized what a pain in the ass this has been, lol. The good news is I think they are gone. I could only find 1 fan with dots underneath it, but they looked dead and immobile. If they come back I'm gonna cry, lol.
Bill Murry

Bill Murry

@MushinNoShin i did cry, i was unable to save my POG i had for several years and almost lost my OG mom ive been working since 09. I double stuffed the clone box and prayed. Only got 10 or so to pop after all the stress. Picked the best six and recloned and recloned again to get far away from the girls who underwent 3 months of hell. Keep vigilant and use your OGBio war with religion. You got this just keep strong and your girls will feed off your vibes.


I really don't know if they can handle anymore treatments right now, my leaves are looking really bad. These jacked-up leaves are really causing me distress and screwing with my zen/sense of well-being... Just causing me mad stress, lol.

I think the NPS was working, I'm gonna give it a bit more time. I heard it takes about a week.


@MushinNoShin i did cry, i was unable to save my POG i had for several years and almost lost my OG mom ive been working since 09. I double stuffed the clone box and prayed. Only got 10 or so to pop after all the stress. Picked the best six and recloned and recloned again to get far away from the girls who underwent 3 months of hell. Keep vigilant and use your OGBio war with religion. You got this just keep strong and your girls will feed off your vibes.
Thank you for the much needed words of encouragement, Bill!


On a lighter note, here is a cross I've been playing around with:

"Head Candy OG" @~7 weeks

Sin City's NightFire OG x OGS1

The sweetest smelling thing I've come across. Uber loud and pronounced Strawberry Starburst/Gummy Worms with that classic OG dank stank. First test run, but the very first female I found is looking like a sure-fire keeper. I expected a fuely, SoCal OGK dank stank with hints of rubber (the NightFire OG has this like fuely rubberish smell) from her, but this one is straight candy!

The only clones I have of her are doing horribly it seems, black spots everywhere. It looks like ink got on the leaves and bled thru to the underside.

I found a pheno out of my SoCal Master x Sug's PK cross that I call "#Kush" (Hashtag Kush) and it is my absolute favorite cut, my pride and joy. I am at risk of loosing her too :(

A warning to those considering Forbid 4F; shit will FK your leaves up sick stats. People were not joking when they say it is strong, nasty shit.

But enough moping around, what is done is done and I don't have a time machine, lol. Time to run damage control, lay plans and get this ship back on course.
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I have heard so many good things about Cap's Bennies and always meant to try it, but never really got around to it.

I only have the foliar pack, can anyone tell me what it does? Is it just for pesticidal purposes or does it act as a benificial as well? Do you think it will help revive my girls? I was planning on using a drop-per-gallon of Superthrive as well.


I have heard so many good things about Cap's Bennies and always meant to try it, but never really got around to it.

I only have the foliar pack, can anyone tell me what it does? Is it just for pesticidal purposes or does it act as a benificial as well? Do you think it will help revive my girls? I was planning on using a drop-per-gallon of Superthrive as well.

Now while their levels are low is the time to go full tilt on all possible beneficials and pretadors and never stop. Good luck.


Okay, so I didn't realize Cap's Bennies needed to be brewed first, lol, but first thing in 24-72 hours.
Bill Murry

Bill Murry

Okay, so I didn't realize Cap's Bennies needed to be brewed first, lol, but first thing in 24-72 hours.
The FOLIAR PACK is composed of beneficial microbes and a pharmaceutical grade talc carrier. It
may be used 2 ways, mixed with water, or applied directly by incorporating it in to your
soil/peat/coco mix. It is important to follow the mixing instructions below.
Mixing instructions for watering in:
1) Scoop 1 tsp of the FOLIAR PACK per 1 liter of non chlorinated water.
2) Mix well, breaking up all the clumps so that the solution looks nice and cloudy.
3) Let the solution settle for 3-5 minutes. The talc carrier will slowly settle to the bottom, but
the microbes will stay suspended in the water.
4) Pour or scoop the liquid off the top, avoiding the majority of the talc carrier sitting on the
bottom. The talc carrier is safe, so don't worry about getting a little on the plants or in the soil.
It is best to avoid the majority though because sometimes the talc carrier can clog sprayers and
cause soil to drain slowly. When you are done rinse the talc carrier from the mixing vessel.
As a seedling treatment: 3 tsp/ Liter of non chlorinated water prior to planting.
For Cuttings: Add 1 tsp/Liter of solution prior to placing cutting.
As a drench for rooted plants: 1 teaspoon per liter and water until runoff is present.
As a foliar spray: The solution can be used to spray down all plant and pot surfaces. Make sure you
soak every nook and cranny!
Instructions for mixing direct (dry):
Add 1 teaspoon/ gallon of mix. Example: 5 gallon pot would get 5 teaspoons mixed in. That's it!
Mixing it in dry is best done when transplanting to new containers.
Bill Murry

Bill Murry

Okay, so I didn't realize Cap's Bennies needed to be brewed first, lol, but first thing in 24-72 hours.
never brewed them once and my colonies are live and kicking. I mix in my soil pre transplant and add to ph'ed water for spray and drench. I can see them on the tops of the pots when i water heavy swiming around and the run in my drain off dishes Will be crazy alive.


Okay, so I didn't realize Cap's Bennies needed to be brewed first, lol, but first thing in 24-72 hours.
Spraying the foliar as foliar pest prevention/eradication is best used straight, not brewed, at a teaspoon per liter... just be sure to add a wetting agent, like yucca extract.

As for reviving your girls used as a beneficial, it's best used as a brew with the foliar and root pack.

4 gallon bucket of dechlorinated water, pH'd to 6.5ish.
100ml molasses (food source for microbes)
4 TBSP "root pack"
4 TBSP "foliar pack"
Cup or two of worm castings (straight on the bucket, or in a teabag of sorts)

Brew with an airstone >70 liters/min.

4 hours for max microbe diversity, 24 hours for less diversity, more microbes. Longer the brew, less diversity.

You can use it straight, or diluted up to 1 part brew to 10 parts water/nutrient solution. PH prior to adding bennies.

Apply weekly.

Increases rootzone protection against pests/pathogens, stress etc. Increases growth rates and all around plant vitality.

Good luck!


The FOLIAR PACK is composed of beneficial microbes and a pharmaceutical grade talc carrier. It
may be used 2 ways, mixed with water, or applied directly by incorporating it in to your
soil/peat/coco mix. It is important to follow the mixing instructions below.
Mixing instructions for watering in:
1) Scoop 1 tsp of the FOLIAR PACK per 1 liter of non chlorinated water.
2) Mix well, breaking up all the clumps so that the solution looks nice and cloudy.
3) Let the solution settle for 3-5 minutes. The talc carrier will slowly settle to the bottom, but
the microbes will stay suspended in the water.
4) Pour or scoop the liquid off the top, avoiding the majority of the talc carrier sitting on the
bottom. The talc carrier is safe, so don't worry about getting a little on the plants or in the soil.
It is best to avoid the majority though because sometimes the talc carrier can clog sprayers and
cause soil to drain slowly. When you are done rinse the talc carrier from the mixing vessel.
As a seedling treatment: 3 tsp/ Liter of non chlorinated water prior to planting.
For Cuttings: Add 1 tsp/Liter of solution prior to placing cutting.
As a drench for rooted plants: 1 teaspoon per liter and water until runoff is present.
As a foliar spray: The solution can be used to spray down all plant and pot surfaces. Make sure you
soak every nook and cranny!
Instructions for mixing direct (dry):
Add 1 teaspoon/ gallon of mix. Example: 5 gallon pot would get 5 teaspoons mixed in. That's it!
Mixing it in dry is best done when transplanting to new containers.
Damn, bro. Straight saved my ass with this post right here! HIGHLY appreciated. I must have been reading the wrong instructional, almost clogged-up my sprayers! Good thing I thought it had to be brewed and waited, lol.


Spraying the foliar as foliar pest prevention/eradication is best used straight, not brewed, at a teaspoon per liter... just be sure to add a wetting agent, like yucca extract.

As for reviving your girls used as a beneficial, it's best used as a brew with the foliar and root pack.

4 gallon bucket of dechlorinated water, pH'd to 6.5ish.
100ml molasses (food source for microbes)
4 TBSP "root pack"
4 TBSP "foliar pack"
Cup or two of worm castings (straight on the bucket, or in a teabag of sorts)

Brew with an airstone >70 liters/min.

4 hours for max microbe diversity, 24 hours for less diversity, more microbes. Longer the brew, less diversity.

You can use it straight, or diluted up to 1 part brew to 10 parts water/nutrient solution. PH prior to adding bennies.

Apply weekly.

Increases rootzone protection against pests/pathogens, stress etc. Increases growth rates and all around plant vitality.

Good luck!

Here is an instant remover of chlorine and chloramine if you don't have a filter

Hell yea! Thanks, guys!
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Hell yea! Thanks, guys!
No problem! One thing I forgot to mention that @Bill Murry mentioned that I will elaborate on...

If you're using the foliar straight, add it to your dechlorinated water, mix it up well, let it sit 3-5 minutes, but no longer than 5 minutes! I think I remember Cap saying if you wait too long, the microbes can also tend to sink to the bottom... While the 3-5 minute window is prime.

And spraying when humidity is over 60% is the magic number. I can usually achieve ~70% humidity by shutting everything down(a/c, dehuey, fans etc), then giving the room a quick spray, come back an hour or so later and humidity will have sky-rocketed. If your ambient humidity is low because you live in the desert, spraying a sealed-off room down quickly will allow some evaporation (on top of the plants' transpiration) to take place and really jack it up.

I don't quite recall the science exactly behind applying the foliar below said humidity, but take our word for it, lol.

There are few products that I push, but OGBW has my faith for sure. Might sound like too much trouble at first but trust me, shit works :cool:

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