POTorNOT, NEEDS? crazy concierge

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10. find a child on a tricycle, trying to make it... in a crosswalk to discombobulate, or at least, cuss out


but still blurple overthrows from teepee
685ppm post flush
trio 10/20/30 ml ea... usually can tally the values of the ml, multiply by 3 and get real close to added ppm. last wk house tap was 300 shyt and another 10ml-ish, of boost. will add 10ml cmag... i forgot... 7.0 so @ 12ml ph down. will probably have to add another 5-10ml... we will c. getting to know my poop, all over again. in fact, i won't add the cmag, now that i think about it. they didn't require it, for some time, comin in the tap...
yanked a few roots... i know... i know... should've cut em, but i had washed up and was neck deep, in flushing.



i came up short!
i haven't been down to my last pack, in years! sigh. mochas mamma had a rough month. the bread line had little protein for their people and she came up cartons short, az well. i took for granted, i buy in bulk n just worked various cartons, here n there n went to 3packs a day, in February. my bad... still have enough hams n shyt n fridge so besides my salads n smokes n fuel... urgh. hate charging shyt! i just needed 3 days! the 1200 went back to the local sm biz lackies, whom needed it...
i thought... because it was the lovely g's intel... and leslie the lesbian's, intel- we'd b gettin 12, yesterday. looked it up, myself. another infusion has yet to b approved by THE MAN/THEY.


i am so upset about a new members medical issues

i have lost my shit and need to stay off for a bit.
gotta eventually get outta this now cold, tub and run sum errands, anyway.

man i am so upset FOR the doc. couldn't happen to a nicer grower.




cannot see darkness

without light


have hot

without cold

could not define goodness

without a dance partner

as well

he is not alone


is their any such thing

as objectivity

without subjectivity

a balance to all things


requires a dance partner of a kind


they don't test cmag... not even 100ppm of shit they do test for


is in my tap water! b nice if they showed plant food values. fkerz!

120ish ppm, unaccounted for, based on top end of avgs. easier, just listening to the leaves, but with the low rh, at the same time, it makes it more difficult for me. that's right... i need to get out the second humidifier. i didn't check the power ddraw. too lazy 😁. will find out, soon enough...
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well, at least 35wt each, is nothing.

I've tried expensive and top rated, self monitoring humidifiers. they sucked and flooded shit. these r fantastic. the timer will deal with the fucked up lights, when they go night night.
I'll change em to a timer that ain't on the ceiling and put em on the floor, when i fill those reservoirs with plant, hopefully, tomorrow.
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spoke to the poolman. helped his bruised ribs to sleep through the night. yup... wedding cake he bought from Laughlin's high end dispensary don't have shit on our boutique gardenz on the farm, do they... course, we're comparing apples to oranges in concentrate vs flower, but it's nice because as u can tell... i don't supply his family so there's no real carrot in it for him to shine me on and his capsule was heavily dosed around 100mg because no fucking way, was i going to lose to wedding cake, flower so yeah... i fucking cheated. 😁 but he doesn't need to know this.
wedding cake can suck it, til n if i put my spin on it. not really interested in trends. no doubt, it'll have stronger descendants, the next time i rub one out, to a seed order.
alright, I'm gettin my beer n pool on... hopefully, the splittail are bightin, today...


tailgunner bill

the only 3 war veteran at the vfw

had a stroke

is still in krmc hospital

won't b on much


one soberz

possibly still n blackout

remember the sun

beating one home


safe home

do not recall club closing to sunrise


now one recalls

jeanz being soaked with urine

upon arrival

doing onez best

to deal with stress



drank only h2o

until one wuz informed

of the present conditions

of tailgunner bill

and beautiful

suspended in time




surrounded onezElf

with sick n dying



just how one feels

one was not designed

to witness

such suffering

one is just a dumb trucker


spoke to the poolman. helped his bruised ribs to sleep through the night. yup... wedding cake he bought from Laughlin's high end dispensary don't have shit on our boutique gardenz on the farm, do they... course, we're comparing apples to oranges in concentrate vs flower, but it's nice because as u can tell... i don't supply his family so there's no real carrot in it for him to shine me on and his capsule was heavily dosed around 100mg because no fucking way, was i going to lose to wedding cake, flower so yeah... i fucking cheated. 😁 but he doesn't need to know this.
wedding cake can suck it, til n if i put my spin on it. not really interested in trends. no doubt, it'll have stronger descendants, the next time i rub one out, to a seed order.
alright, I'm gettin my beer n pool on... hopefully, the splittail are bightin, today...
Got this mommy a couple weeks ago..........I love her!!
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i know it was a biggun, last year. haven't really followed the seed trends, besides seeing what folks r growin, these days. like to c what you do with it, diesel and whatcha think of it vs dispensary garbage.

i have a huge chip on my shoulder, about em, but it's earned... save one of maybe 5 within an hour of me.
mosh makes me want to grow white widow xtrm, again. dod and dire wolf, make me pine for amnesia, like the one that got away. when i tried wedding cake and its rosin, or wax (i forget which concentrate), i was still on opioids, lookin for an alternative and the buzz, wasn't strong enough to beat through the opioids. it was from a clinic i tested out with a scoping and burn. stopped going to that joint because, "California's biggest pot distributor", wasn't finishing anything properly, with the grows, as far as the flowers i got so... I'm sure your experience will be 180° the other direction; just kinda ruined my appetite for eating cake...

finally sobered up. rough night. sheeeeeit... I'm dreading cleanin the car seat... oops. pissass drunk. some folks can't hold their gin... but my jeanz, did a fine job. 😁

I'm over throwin a drunk, til xmas.
man, my stress coping skills, these days, are about the equivalent of a teenager's.

I'm workin on it. left with the intention of tyin one on, yesterday. thought better of it, when i got there and then had that unexpected bomb, drop.

makes me want to shut the door on everyone. feels like peeps keep droppin, like flies around me. we're gettin old, big D. well... mostly, you.


just takin the day off, from the sites so I'll catch ya, tomorrow, if ur around. by the time i felt half human, lights had already gone out. knew i should've picked up diox, yesterday. entirely out and the gas shop is closed til Monday. was pleasantly surprised, it ain't all that hot in the teepee. b nice, takin all 3 tanks at once so i don't have to go again, as soon. i thought about daisy chaining em, from the outside of the tent, but i don't need a 3 tank leak, in my sleep.

rantin tangent... catch ya later, gator.


Got this mommy a couple weeks ago..........I love her!!View attachment 979646
how r u gettin oakey clones!! pretty sure they had THE WHITE, when i was looking for seeds, or clones of it. long way to go for plant.
i seen they made shipping clones, doable, a while back. ever tried it? havin clones, shipped to u, i mean.


my garden hates me

27%rh s o a b!!!!

kinda need to b more attentive

or I'll lose my seedlings, when i move em in

i think- i might cull and b more selective about what i allow to finish so i can fire up some 30%ers, a cbd strain and see about this cbg business in the coming rotations. if it's the first I'm hearing about it... admittedly, i haven't been in a dispensary in significant time, least not to buy and haven't paid much attention to genetics from breeders/trends... but i figure I'd have remembered if I'd seen, or heard of cbg being touted, in the genetics... which would say to me: breeders are going to b pressured and rushed so there's unlikely to b strength in the genetics so soon and the last time i hunted down a hyped, latest n greatest, cup winner/s... even half the order, i could tell the seeds were immature... mentioned it in here, or 420.... before even popping them and sure enough, it grew f'd up and never left the plug, nor grew leaf #1... i have zero problem admitting i kill seed... like an anti-seedling nazi, but that time, it was not my fault; it was hyped to market, too quickly. when i do go for seeds, hopefully, they'll have a 10thc/10cbd/10%cbg strain, to choose from, or.... i will sex it with the atf cbd combo i built. i only grew out the most immature ones and have 5 left...

starting 3 tanks at once... sux... but as each will b dedicated to one strain... the differing flowering times, hopefully... should help me offset harvest n new start times. $80 in diox, for one tank... to borrow a phrase from dod: fma!
many seedlings fell over and think they're going to be vines, when they grow up... not on my watch! and the chemdog... descendants... as i noted, appeared to b out thriving the rest.... they gonna b beasts! they're all still outpacing and even with the weak, but cheated lower, cloner light- they're standin tall and lovin life. i could probably single tank all the chems, on their own... just lookin at the vigor, in the seedlings. i was thinking to scrog the other half because it's easier and last sog grow, i ran outta groyos... well, after 6wks-ish, amzn's groyo order, finally came; a reminder of better days.
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