Shady’s Natural Selection… Round 4: More Strains & Growing Pains

  • Thread starter Shady
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Premium Member
even ur cured mystery kush looks killer....all yo shit is niiiiice! lol...very sick, id smoke the shit outta those lol :)


Chillin' in the Shade...
Shady Section A Harvest and Veg Update…

nice setup and great selection. I can't wait to see the rest!
:hi:Welcome to the Farm metalf919, there's a ton of phenomenal cultivators here! Thx for checking out my journal... Stay tuned cuz there's gonna be some new setups for Round 5! :icon_spin:

This buds for you. Shit I hope I don't owe Budweiser any residual LOL :beer

Very Nice OG Socachi! But check out how your cola in the back is more in focus. :confused0059: That means your camera's focal length is set behind your target subject... Have you tried my tips on pressing the shutter halfway and moving the camera back a couple inches? Did you check the manual I linked for the options on focus areas... I didn't, but I would like to think that camera has that option. If not, the only other thing I can suggest is zoom out, set the camera to macro mode, and step back even farther.... then crop the final photo in Photoshop.
Here's a sneak peek at one macro, of my Master x Bubba, from last nights harvest...:harvest:

This is the plant I was talking about when discussing the pot size.

This OG lady is under the 600 and ~4 months old now. She is in 5 gal smart pot with pure coco....

That's dope LST and SCROG work HT!!! :speechless

Shady your harvest and the plants that are about to be harvested look wonderful. They are just oozing with resin. How is the Mystery Kush smelling?
Thx again for the continued support justiceman!!! Everything is on schedule so far for a killer harvest. I really think the proper flush has helped the Mystery Kush's aroma come quicker than my previous harvests. She already smells dank when I open the jar... Def a Kush, but which one is yet to be determined... :bong2:

Oh and by the way Shady my friend, you are on point with this grow..fuckin great buddy.
Thx for the very kind words brah!!! Someday I'll rock a 2000W setup like you've done... :rock You've got a natural talent for producing kind buds. Are you gonna challenge yourself with some diff strains next round?

Dang I forgot I was in Shady's thread, sorry for jacking mate.
No need to apologize at all HT... I don't consider that a hijack... it's a productive discussion. :cool My sincerest thanks to you, Justiceman, Raiderfan420, and Socachi for all the coco info... I've decided to run my Master Kush x Bubba Kush in 2 gal smart pots with Coco and 30 to 40% chunky perlite on an ebb 'n flow. The Master Bubba is an absolutely amazing plant!!! Just like JACKMAYOFFER said... she can take anything I throw at her and should be forgiving of any mistake I make in coco. On the other hand I will run my seedlings in hydroton since I've got that dialed-in and don't want to screw them up on the sexing...

even ur cured mystery kush looks killer....all yo shit is niiiiice! lol...very sick, id smoke the shit outta those lol :)
What's good SMF!!! Thx for the love... That Mystery Kush is looking and smelling great! I'll save you a nug for our future sesh... ;)

Shady Section A Harvest and Veg Update…

Yesterday I finally harvested Section A on Day 78, with the exception of the Purple Kush which will be harvested tomorrow and prob won’t be photographed cuz it looks like shit…

I also heavily watered Section B with R/O. I want to clarify that Section B has not really been flushed since I have not overfed it, and never did get much run-off during the entire round. BTW, that’s my Hydrologic filling up the Rubbermaid with R/O…

Here’s a quick shot of Double Underdawg 1 in the foreground of Section B…

And a nice shot of Chem’s Sis 2, also under the HPS…

Now for the money shot of Chem’s Sis 2

One more photo comparison of the 707 Headband under the HPS…

And a closer view with the HPS off, and camera flash on…

The Chem’s Sis 1 looks and smells amazing after the watering…

So does Double Underdawg 2…

Now let’s take a look at the Shady Veg Station which I fed all the soil plants the same mix as on Monday to correct some deficiencies…

Shady Veg Feedings…
Summary of Wednesday’s Soil Section Feedings... 3/24/10
The resulting teas are as follows in ml/gal:
Veg Station - CM:5/FB:0/Sweet:0/PBP Grow:12/SM-90:2 = 707 PPM, 6.25 pH

I also changed the tea in the clone dome with a new mix…

Shady Veg Feedings…
Summary of Wednesday’s Clone Dome Feedings... 3/24/10
The following amounts are as follows in ml/gal:
Ebb ‘n Flow - CM:1/Grow:0/Micro:5/Bloom:0/Zone:5 = 453 PPM, 5.90 pH

This same mix was also used to top off the 2nd shelf’s ebb ‘n flow res with 3 gal. This will be the last top-off as the original res was changed over 2 wks ago and will need to be changed in the next few days. Before the top-off, the res was at 690 PPM and 5.71 pH… Afterwards, the res ended at 635 PPM and 5.76 pH.

I’ll end this update with a shot of a Purple Kush from the 2nd shelf’s ebb ‘n flow tray…

She looks much better than the mother in soil and both look completely better than the one I plan on harvesting tomorrow…


Beautiful as usual Shady. As for my camera,. I have the manual and have read that section many times over. I did the focal trick (it even states it in the book) and that's what I got. I don't know how the focal length got set back considering all the squares were lined up on that bud? And all this time I thought I got a pretty got shot. :character0110: Oh well...


As raider would say, everything is dead on.

That master bubba looks like a very wonderful strain. All your veg is looking great. How is the yield on the Master Bubbs


Nice bro. That VEG station is looking pretty packed. Next round is going to be rather large eh? Nice buds, gonna have lots of dank to smoke on.



Damn Shady way to bring the fire bro. You have a very nice lineup ... your DUD looks amazing!


Lovin the killer photography, and the tips. Sweet micro shot of the Master. Your shit's still looking clean man. I am always impressed. I picked up some 707 from HHC, have not seen any samples of it yet, but they have been getting from the same vendor every time. We shall see, how legit is she? Picked up three, one to flower and two to keep in veg. Took a bunch of pics and will be updating my posts soon. Keep that thumb green(I mean you must soak yours in a bucket of paint every night. Right? LOL).


that macro looked soo frosty shady great job bro! HARVEST TIME!!!!:boogie: one more month to go(unless u doin a longer cure;))!


Chillin' in the Shade...
Shady Surprises and Macros…

Beautiful as usual Shady. As for my camera,. I have the manual and have read that section many times over. I did the focal trick (it even states it in the book) and that's what I got. I don't know how the focal length got set back considering all the squares were lined up on that bud? And all this time I thought I got a pretty got shot. :character0110: Oh well...
Thx brah! Hmmm, I really don't know, but one thing is for sure... you should be able to afford a new camera after you harvest that killer OG... :harvest:

As raider would say, everything is dead on.

That master bubba looks like a very wonderful strain. All your veg is looking great. How is the yield on the Master Bubbs
Nice bro... :smiley_joint: extremely good yield on the Master x Bubba, and she wasn't getting that great of lumens... :whew actually all of Section A was furthest from my 600W. So next round she will be directly under the light and should explode with some coco...

Nice bro. That VEG station is looking pretty packed. Next round is going to be rather large eh? Nice buds, gonna have lots of dank to smoke on.

Hahaa... Ahh nice observation Supa! Yeah the Shady Veg Station is about to burst, but I think I've got the perpetual timing down... :icon_dizzy: Just in time for a harvest and some movement between the shelves...

Damn Shady way to bring the fire bro. You have a very nice lineup ... your DUD looks amazing!
Glad you like the selection Malachi! That was the last time those DUD pheno's will ever be run as I killed their clones and only kept Double Underdawg #3. :character0110:I've got more of them beans to search for better phenos as those in Section B were tricky to dial in...

Lovin the killer photography, and the tips. Sweet micro shot of the Master. Your shit's still looking clean man. I am always impressed. I picked up some 707 from HHC, have not seen any samples of it yet, but they have been getting from the same vendor every time. We shall see, how legit is she? Picked up three, one to flower and two to keep in veg. Took a bunch of pics and will be updating my posts soon. Keep that thumb green(I mean you must soak yours in a bucket of paint every night. Right? LOL).
Ahh man you are way too kind M.S.T.!!! I'm still a rookie with much to improve upon... :thinking But I think you're gonna like the surprise I'm about to unveil, and I'm looking forward to your journal of 707 HB cuts...

that macro looked soo frosty shady great job bro! HARVEST TIME!!!!:boogie: one more month to go(unless u doin a longer cure;))!
What's good my dude!!! Thx sooo much on the nomination brah! That really means a lot to me... :cool Hahaa, that was actually not the best macro and I had saved some for this response... Hope you like them...

DAMN!! love me that chemsister!!!
Hey there MichaelFranti!!! Thx for stopping by bud! Hell Yeah, I love the Chem's Sister, and she really put on a great show this round... :character0113:

Shady Surprises and Macros…

So I took extra macros the day I harvested the rest of Section A. Here’s a few of the Master Kush x Bubba Kush…

Then I was bored last night so I thought I’d Photoshop a couple more…

Okay, now it’s time to reveal my shady surprise to everyone… I’ve been saying how I’ve got mixed emotions on the 707 Headband for several weeks now. Besides being a very low yielder, I do not like her branching pattern which takes up much space in return for a few frosty bud sites. I also noticed that the 707 HB in Section A had popped a couple hermie nubbins as well on one branch only (I never photographed and posted shots of that branch)… :party0045: Since I’m very well aware of the potential low pollen dispersal from a late hermie, I figured I’d pull any nubbins that I found several weeks ago and discovered a few beans that got by me on the lower bud sites. Then I decided to push Section A one more week and harvest at 11 weeks, which would give the beans a chance to mature. Now, I proudly present a couple 707 Headband beans from the bottom bud sites…

P.S. I’ve got another surprise as well, but the good news is that the rest of the Section A and B are not pollinated… Hahaa except for one confirmed plant in Section B… One that wasn’t photographed the entire Round.


First let me say those buds shots are fuckin incredible man. Secondly congrats on the new hybrid strain you may have found. Now what plant did the beans come off of? You may have something special there bro.
Hey I am putting together my veg room and thought of you. I am using a 4'x2'x8' industrial steel shelving system with stacked trays and a res on the bottom. Here is a pic of what I have so far( haven't hung the top light because I am using it elsewhere for the moment).
3 28 002


Lovin that last macro of the MK x BK

Nice looking beans mang. That is definitely tight that you found some. I found on immature seed on my GC so far.

Raiderfan right on with that veg station. My veg station idea also stems from the "Shady Veg Station"


Chillin' in the Shade...
Shady Veg Feedings and Bud Shots…

F'in sweet, maybe you will find a better phenotype! Best of Luck!
And what is this Mystery plant?
Thx M.S.T.! It will be fun popping these beans in a couple rounds from now... As for the other "mystery plant" in Section B, that will be revealed at Harvest, but should be easy to figure out which one it is... :itwasntme

Nice bro! A good sign of a well flushed plant.

Mos def brah... :cool Flushed, dried, and ready for the cure.

First let me say those buds shots are fuckin incredible man. Secondly congrats on the new hybrid strain you may have found. Now what plant did the beans come off of? You may have something special there bro.
Hey I am putting together my veg room and thought of you. I am using a 4'x2'x8' industrial steel shelving system with stacked trays and a res on the bottom. Here is a pic of what I have so far( haven't hung the top light because I am using it elsewhere for the moment).
Excellent job on the veg station buddy! I really wanted those same dimensions, but I couldn't wait to order it for delivery... As for those beans, they are 707 Headband which pollinated itself. There were a couple nubbins on the DUD's, but I got most of them, and I'm positive these beans are not a hybrid. :thinking

Lovin that last macro of the MK x BK

Nice looking beans mang. That is definitely tight that you found some. I found on immature seed on my GC so far.

Raiderfan right on with that veg station. My veg station idea also stems from the "Shady Veg Station"
Thx man! Patience def paid off... I'm glad I took that extra week to harvest. :harvest: I'm also glad you guys are diggin' the Shady Veg Station... it's due for some major improvements. :tongueout

Shady Veg Feedings and Bud Shots…

Today I finally changed the res for the 2nd shelf’s ebb ‘n flow tray. Here’s a shot before the change…

Shady Veg Feedings…
Summary of Sunday’s Hydro Res Change... 3/28/10
The following amounts are as follows in ml/gal and based upon a 10 gal res (filled w/15 gal of R/O):
Ebb ‘n Flow - CM:5/Grow:6/Micro:5/Bloom:3/Zone:2 Tbsp total = 710 PPM, 5.70 pH

I also fed the soil plants on the bottom shelf a strong tea to correct a few deficiencies:

Shady Veg Feedings…
Summary of Sunday’s Soil Section Feedings... 3/28/10
The resulting teas are as follows in ml/gal:
Veg Station - CM:4/FB:5/Sweet:3/PBP Grow:8/SM-90:2 = 857 PPM, 6.29 pH

Yesterday, I watered all of Section B with R/O once again. Here are a couple SCROG shots from the side closest to the tub…

Now let’s take a closer look at the cola’s. This is Double Underdawg #2…

Here’s Chemdog’s Sister #2 on the other side of the SCROG…

A couple different angles of the 707 Headband in the middle…

And a nice spread of Chemdog’s Sister #1…

A close-up of her cola…

Got some nice fall colors on her lower bud sites and fan leaves…

And one more, lower bud site flanked by a couple dark leaves of the 707 HB…

P.S. I’ve picked up several 2 gal Smart Pots, one large bag of chunky perlite, and one bag of B’Cuzz Coco for Round 5…



Premium Member
those look killer bro.....when were you coming by with my meds again?!? :) haaaa


ahhhh yeeeea! cant wait for round 5...and ill meet u at skunks place ;)


Chillin' in the Shade...
Shady Cure on Section A…

those look killer bro.....when were you coming by with my meds again?!? :) haaaa
Thx brah! LMAO, I thought you were coming out to Cali? I've got things curing now for our sesh...

ahhhh yeeeea! cant wait for round 5...and ill meet u at skunks place ;)
No doubt winta! I've been waiting to start Round 5 for a while now... Yeah, we might need to party in Mitten if I can't get any work in Cali. :friday:

Shady Cure on Section A…

Last night, I also finally jarred the SFV OG, Master Kush x Bubba Kush, and the 707 Headband for the cure. Here’s a quick group shot with the Mystery Kush…

I’m also very impressed by the Master x Bubba… Unbelievable how much yield she produced with little stretch and she was the farthest from the light. Here she is fresh from drying in the closet and ready to be cured…

And a solo nug shot for good measure…

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